

单词 无偿

无偿 ()

at no cost
no charge

See also:

compensate for
fulfill (hopes etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

有必要唤起家庭和社区认识到妇女教育、能力培养、职业培训和非传统职 业选择所带来的益处,以及分无偿 的 护理重任的必要性。
It was seen as necessary to raise awareness of the benefits, for the family and the community, of women’s education, empowerment,
professional training and non-traditional career choices, and of the necessity of
[...] sharing the burden of unpaid care work.
具体的财政收益包括,到期收益,即使该收 益还没有收到,减去预先支出,以 无偿和 部分无偿获得的收益。
The definition of revenues includes,
amongst others, due revenues, even if they are not received,
[...] excluding payments in advance, free and partially free benefits.
尽管存在这种挑战,该办公室仍然 取得了许多重要成绩,包括:(a) 对向该办公室提出的多数索赔案件作出了答复, 包括向 80 多个国家客户提供简要咨询意见(206 例);(b) 在这一年里向工作人员 法律援助办公室提出了 938 个案件,该办公室了结或解决了其中的 54%;(c) 在 争议法庭的办案成功率很高;(d) 针对外地工作人员开展了外联工作;(e) 与联 合国工作人员工会和协会、广大工作人员、联合国监察员和调解事务办公室、秘 书处和联合国各机构、基金和方案的法律部门、提 无偿 法 律顾问服务的法律事 务所以及学校和大学等内部和外部伙伴发展了关系。
Despite such challenges, there were many important accomplishments, including: (a) responding to the majority of the claims brought to the Office, including the provision of summary advice (206 instances), to clients in more than 80 countries; (b) closure or resolution of 54 per cent of the 938 cases filed with the Office of Staff Legal Assistance during the year; (c) a high success rate before the Dispute Tribunal; (d) undertaking outreach to staff in the field; and (e) the development of relationships with internal and external partners, including United Nations staff unions and associations, staff-at-large, the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services, the legal offices of the Secretariat and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, law offices providing pro bono legal counsel, schools and universities.
为治安法官供资的最可行的备选办法是: (a) 在国家范围征聘,或从候选人会认为在肯尼亚的薪资有吸引力的英联邦或英 美法系国家征聘,在此情况下,禁毒办将向该国政府偿付每名治安法官每月 1 400 美元;或(b) 从候选人不认为肯尼亚薪资有吸引力的英联邦或英美法系国家征 聘,在此情况下,最可行的解决方案将是法官原籍 无偿 提 供 法官。
The most workable options for the funding of magistrates would be: (a) recruitment nationally or from Commonwealth or common law countries where candidates would find the Kenyan salary attractive, in which event, UNODC would reimburse the $1,400 per month for each magistrate to the Government; or (b) recruitment from Commonwealth or common law countries where candidates may not find the Kenyan salary attractive, in which case, the most workable solution would be for the judges to be provided gratis by their home country.
法律规定向人口贩运受害者提供以下几 无偿 国家 援助:提供包含床位和食物的临时住所;包 无偿 法 律 协助在内的法律援 助;医疗和心理援助;为未成年的人口贩运受害者寻找家庭或安排他们在其他家 庭或儿童寄宿机构接受教育;协助受害者获得固定工作。
Legislation makes provision for the following
[...] aspects of free government assistance for the victims of trafficking in persons: supply of temporary accommodation, including board and lodging; legal assistance [...]
including legal
aid; medical and psychological assistance, tracing the family of underage victims of trafficking or their placement in a foster family or children’s home and helping victims to find a permanent job.
经询问,咨询委员会 获悉,截至 2011 年 7
[...] 月,建设和平支助办公室有通过联合国系统其他组织和非 联合国伙伴无偿借调提供的 5 个员额(开发署 2 个 P-5、粮食署 [...]
1 个 P-5、世界 银行 1 个 P-5 和难民署 1 个 P-4 )。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that, as of July 2011, the
Peacebuilding Support Office had five posts
[...] provided through non-reimbursable secondment by other [...]
United Nations system organizations
and non-United Nations partners (2 P-5 from UNDP, 1 P-5 from WFP, 1 P-5 from the World Bank and 1 P-4 from UNHCR).
事实是,出版商已准备支持为发展中 国家的机构提供低花费无偿网上 出版物的多种计划,这表明他们认识到在适当安全防范 [...]
The fact that publishers are prepared to support various
[...] schemes for low or no cost access for [...]
institutions in developing countries for on-line
publications indicates that they recognise there is scope for differential pricing, with suitable safeguards.
在 1977 年向英国国会提交的一份报 告中以及英国著作权法庭最近的一项决议中都提到:从未有人建议笔记本、圆规和直尺的 制造商应无偿向教育机构提供这些用品,14 那么为什么以著作权为基础的行业应当容忍 这种对其书籍、杂志、计算机软件和科学数据库的大规模非法复制呢?
As noted in a report presented to the UK Parliament in 1977 and by a recent decision of the UK Copyright Tribunal no one has yet suggested that the makers of notebooks, compasses or rulers should supply them to educational establishments free of charge.14So why should the copyright-based industries tolerate widespread unauthorised copying of their books, journals, computer software or scientific databases?
政策领域的其他成果包括出版一本《教科文 组织名称、简称、徽标和标识使用管理规范》并分发给会员国,(与公众宣传局合作)开始 绘制教科文组织的图标工作,以及(由一家国际律师事务 无偿 起 草 )一个报告,概要说明 教科文组织与私营部门的各种联系的战略潜力和原则方法。
Other results in the policy field include the publication of a “Regulatory framework on the use of UNESCO’s name, abbreviation, emblem and logo”, which has been distributed to Member States, commencement of work on UNESCO’s graphic identity (in collaboration with BPI) and a report (prepared on a pro bono basis by an international law firm) which outlines the strategic potential and principal modalities for UNESCO’s private sector linkages.
这项飞行任务的主要成果是:(a)改进了全月地貌图,其中详细的高 度和地质数无偿提供 给了谷歌,用于制作谷歌三维月球图;(b)制作了月球背 [...]
面详细的重力图;(c)对月球南极沙克尔顿环形山始终背光的内部进行了首次光 学观察。
The main achievements of the mission were: (a) improved lunar global
topography maps, detailed altitude and
[...] geological data which is provided to Google for free to make [...]
Google Moon 3-D; (b) a detailed
gravity map of the far side of the Moon; and (c) the first optical observation of the permanently shadowed interior of the Shackleton crater at the lunar south pole.
(c) 妇女继续承担无偿劳动 的主要责任,尤其是护理工作,而这则 会进一步削弱妇女对劳动市场的依存程度、减少其获取社会保障福利的机 会和获得教育/培训、休闲与自我护理以及各项政治活动的时间
(c) Women continue to bear the major responsibility for unpaid work, particularly care giving work, and this contributes to weaker labour market attachment for women, weaker access to social security benefits and less time for education/training, leisure and self-care and political activities
以现金(信托基金的资金) 或实物援助方式提供这 些捐助,包无偿借调 专家以及提供东道国设施和设备。
Such contributions were provided as cash (funds-in-trust)
or assistance in kind, including the secondment of
[...] experts on a non-reimbursable loan basis and [...]
the provision of host facilities and equipment.
(dd) 通过政策和机制,承认妇女先前获得的学习和管理技能,特别是因种
[...] 种原因被迫中止学业或就业的妇女,包括她们从非正式和 (或 ) 无偿 的 工作中获得 的技能,并便利她们获得教育、培训和就业机会
(dd) Adopt policies and mechanisms to recognize women’s prior learning and
management skills, including those gained from
[...] informal and/or unpaid work, especially [...]
for women who discontinued their education
or employment for various reasons, so as to facilitate their access to education, training and employment opportunities
小组委员会委员的专长和愿无偿工 作 、以及自筹经费,是目前委员会拥有的最 宝贵的资源之一。
The expertise and willingness of members of the subcommittees to work pro bono and to arrange their own funding are one of the most valuable resources currently available to the Committee.
尽管主要利益中心在欧洲是 一个众所周知的重要专题,但联合王国及国际重组无偿付能 力和破产专业人员协会建议的专题甚至更 加重要,因为这些专题与可能会对全世界人民产生 主要影响的情况有关。
While the centre of main interest was an important topic that was well known in the European context, the subjects proposed by the United Kingdom and INSOL were of even greater importance, as they related to situations that could have major consequences for people all around the world.
(g) 联合国争议法庭的全职法官不得开业当律师,但可以为家庭成员、朋友、 慈善组织和类似机无偿提供 非正式咨询意见
(g) Full-time judges of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal must not practise law, but may give informal advice to family members, friends, charitable organizations and the like without remuneration
暴 力受害者可在公共或私营机构匿名得 无偿 救 助;已 经设立大量接待中心,在非政府组织的密切合作下开 展工作,提供医疗、心理支持并帮助重新适应社会。
Victims of violence were eligible for free and anonymous assistance from public or private establishments and many crisis centres had been established to work in close contact with the authorities, providing medical care, psychological support and social rehabilitation.
竞争关系的业务,可无偿取得 已经向该新股预约权者配发的所有新股预约权。       c 新股预约权者如果违反和公司之间签订的“新股预约权分配协议书”规定,可 无偿 取 得 已经 向该新股预约权者授予的所有新股预约权。
(c) In the event a holder of the subscription rights to shares is in breach of the “Agreement on the Allotment of the Subscription Rights to Shares” concluded between the holder and the Company, the Company shall be entitled to acquire, at no cost, all the subscription rights to shares granted to such holder.
国际公法与政策小组是全无偿服务 律师事务所,为各国和政府谈判和执行和平 [...]
协定、起草和执行冲突后法规以及在非洲、亚洲、欧洲和欧亚及中东建立战争罪 行法庭提供法律援助。
The Public International Law and Policy
[...] Group is a global pro bono law firm that [...]
provides legal assistance to States and
Governments in negotiating and implementing peace agreements, drafting and implementing post-conflict constitutions, and establishing war crimes tribunals in Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, and the Middle East.
拍卖提供了一个 收入来源,有可能解决碳政策带来的不公平、为新 的竞争者创造平等的机会、避免“暴利”,因为如 果实无偿分配 ,“暴利”可能就会带来排放源的 增加。
Auctions provide a source of revenue that could potentially address inequities brought about by a carbon policy, creating equal opportunity for new entrants, and avoiding the potential for “windfall profits” that might accrue to emissions sources if allowances are allocated at no charge.
ARCADIS 公司最近与人居署签署了一份 谅解备忘录,成为世界城市运动的公司主办单位,它的工作人员在今后几年中无偿从事 大量工作,支持人居署的发展倡议。
ARCADIS recently signed a memorandum of understanding with UN-Habitat as a corporate sponsor of the World Urban Campaign, by which their staff will provide a significant level of work without charge in the coming years in support of UN-Habitat development initiatives.
[...] 授予主办方永久性权利(包括向第三方再许可的权利)在全球范围 无偿 非 排 他性地使用用户内容,包括复制、公开、传播、分销、出租、翻译及改编的权利;(b)同意不向主办方行使任何作者的人身权;以及(c) [...]
However, when User Content is posted, the user is considered to (a) grant the Agency the perpetual right (including the right to sublicense to a
third party) to use the User
[...] Content worldwide without any charge and on a non-exclusive [...]
basis (including the right to reproduce,
disclose, transmit, distribute, transfer, lease, translate, and adapt), (b) agree not to exercise the moral rights of the author against the Agency; and (c) permit other users to download and browse the User Content within the range of the Terms and to use User Content for private and non-commercial purposes.
该处通过雇无偿工作 或仅收取费用的顾问、实习人员和 学术研究者扩大其常备能力。
The Service augments its regular capacity through the engagement of consultants, interns and academic researchers working on a pro bono or expenses-only basis.
就业法》第 12 条保障俄联邦公民(包括妇女)自由选择工种、职业(专业)、 劳动种类和性质的权利无偿协助 公民利用就业中介服务选择合适的工作和获得 劳动安置,实施积极的居民就业政策,包括按就业指导方向免费接受就业指导、 心理援助、职业培训、进修和提高专业技能。
Article 12 of the Employment Act guarantees Russian citizens, including women, freedom of choice of type of activity, profession (speciality), form and nature of work; free assistance in the selection of appropriate work and in job placement with the help of the employment services; and the implementation of measures for an active employment policy, including free services for vocational guidance and psychological assistance, training, retraining and further training organized by the employment services.
(a) 个人——包括工作人员;秘书处官员以外的其他官员;联合国志愿人员; 专家(包括联合国机关指定的人员、特别报告员、人权条约机构的成员、调查委
[...] 员会成员、制裁专家小组成员、联合国警察、军事联络官、军事观察员、顾问无偿借用 人员和免费提供的人员);个体承包人;及技术合作人员。
— including staff members; officials other than Secretariat officials; United Nations Volunteers; experts (including those designated by United Nations organs, special rapporteurs, members of human rights treaty bodies, members of commissions of inquiry, members of sanctions expert panels, United Nations police, military liaison
officers, military observers,
[...] consultants, persons on non-reimbursable loans and gratis [...]
personnel); individual contractors;
and technical cooperation personnel.
然而,WIPO 数据 参考信息的价值,取决于收集的这些信息的准确性、现代化和是否符合利益攸关者的需要,以及能无偿和普遍获取。
The value of WIPO’s data reference collections, however, depends upon the collections being accurate, up-to-date and responsive to the needs of stakeholders, as well as freely and universally accessible.
除了大力发展电信业务外,中兴通讯还热衷于埃塞的基础教育和公益事业,同时,中兴通讯提出在3年无 偿为埃 塞俄比亚培训1000名工程师的计划,目前已为埃塞俄比亚电信公司培训了各种产品的专职讲师和GSM、 CDMA、数据、固网等各类工程496名,在2010、2011年期间已完成11353人次的免费社会培训。
ZTE Corporation has put forward a plan for training 1,000 engineers in Ethiopia for free. At present, ZTE Corporation has trained full-time lecturers for all kinds of products, including 496 GSM, CDMA, data and fixed networks.
1543 条规定,夫妻各自有权管理其个人财产,以及工作收 入、婚前财产,或在结婚后无偿方 式 取得之财产。
In this respect, article 1543 of the CC stipulates that each spouse is the administrator of his/her own property, as well as income from work, property and assets acquired before entering into the marriage or acquired freely after getting married.
[...] 品化;环境服务付费;或允许发达国家逃避对发展中国家的承诺和义务的手段, 如逃避提供技术和/或财政合作,无论是提供 偿 或 无偿 资 源 ,包括国际金融实 体为发展中国家可持续发展提供的这种合作机会。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia therefore reserves its position on all references to “green economy” and any interpretation derived therefrom that could be construed as the commodification of the functions and cycles of nature, payment for environmental services, or means that allow developed countries to evade their commitments and obligations to developing countries, such as provisions for technical, technological
and/or financial cooperation,
[...] whether with reimbursable or non-reimbursable resources, including [...]
such cooperation as may
originate with international financial entities for the sustainable development of developing countries.




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