

单词 无伤大雅

External sources (not reviewed)

我们酒店可提供各种多功能厅无论 是 典 雅 的 董事会议室还是宴 大 厅 , 均一应俱全。
Our hotels offer
[...] a broad range of function rooms - from elegant boardrooms to banquet halls.
检查所有滚珠和底座无划伤或 划痕;必要时更换。
Inspect each
[...] ball and seat for nicks or scratches; replace [...]
as required.
使无法量化伤害,但是侵权行为的必 然的和不可避免的后果就是伤害。
A disadvantage was a necessary and unavoidable consequence of a violation, even if harm cannot always be quantified.
加拿大注意到,2010 年不扩散核武器条约(不扩 散条约)缔约国审议大会呼吁在 2012 年举行一次有中 东地区所有国家参加的关于设立中 无大 规 模 杀伤 性武器及其运载工具区的会议。
Canada notes the call by the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) for a conference of all States of the Middle East region, to be held in 2012, on the establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.
此外,由於3號曾健成名單和5號黃錦輝的得票率都不及2%,本文不會分析其票源的特質,應該無 大雅。
Besides, since the support ratings of both no. 3 Tsang Kin-Shing and no. 5 Wong Kam-Fai were less than 2%, this article will not analyze the characteristics of their source of votes.
其次,大家把 資源投入中央資源這個大水塘 ” 以供競 逐,會否出現一些院校提出增加工商管理或精算、工程等專業訓練學 位的建議,便可以把這些資源全取去,以致社會中最基本的 雅教 育、文史哲學科到最後越來越萎縮呢?
Second, when all the
[...] universities have injected resources into this "big reservoir" of the central pool of resources, will some institutions submit proposals to increase professional places in business administration or actuarial science or engineering and then take away all the resources, causing the most fundamental liberal arts education [...]
and the disciplines of
literature, history and philosophy to shrink further and further?
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一 无 杀 伤 人 员 地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
(f) 在巩固 CNEM 的机构能力方面,赋予该委员会法定地位,法律认可 17 个玛雅组织,成 立一个建立雅大学的小组,资助玛雅教育第二和第三届大会,以及提供财政援助等 都是这一行动的重要步骤。
(f) In regard to consolidating the institutional capacity of CNEM, the granting of legal status to CNEM,
the legalized
[...] affiliation of 17 Mayan organizations, the establishment of a team for the creation of the Mayan University and the backing [...]
of the Second
and Third Congresses on Mayan Education, as well as the financial support provided, constituted key steps in this endeavour.
检查导套 (25) 和活塞 (26)的表面无划伤、磨 损或其他损坏。
Inspect surfaces of guide (25) and piston (26) for scoring, wear, or other damage.
达农先生(法国)(以法语发言):今天我非常荣幸 地发言,首先我愿像先前发言者一样,欢迎提名关于 建立中无大规模杀伤性武器区的 2012 年会议的主 持人并指定该会议的东道国。
Mr. Danon (France) ( spoke in French ): Since it is my good fortune to take the floor today, I should like at the outset to welcome, as previous speakers have done, the nomination of a facilitator and the designation of the host country for the 2012 conference on the establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.
目前,生物免疫治疗因无创伤、无 副 作 用、效果好等优点,受到 广 大 肿 瘤 患者的欢迎,被认为是乳腺肿瘤所有治疗模式中最活跃,最有前途的治疗手段,也是唯一可以延长乳腺癌患者生命的好方法。
At present, biological
[...] immunotherapy, with non-trauma, non-side effect and good effect, has been extremely welcomed [...]
by tumor patients,
which is thought to be not only the most active and promising treatment method among all of the therapy patterns for breast cancer, but effective way to extend living period.
所有这些活动旨在解决学生的社会心理需求,为他们提供倾诉的渠道,同时 遵循无伤害的原则”。
All activities were designed to meet the
psychosocial needs of the students, providing them with outlets to express themselves
[...] adhering to the “do-no-harm principle”.
重申伊朗核问题的解决有助于促进不扩散努力,有助于实现中 无大规 模杀伤性武器,包括运载工具的目标。
Reaffirmation that a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery.
8象征无穷与圆满,雅克德 罗的幸运数字,它一直呈现 大 秒 针(Grande Seconde)系列表盘之上。
The symbol of infinity and completeness, the figure 8, Jaquet Droz’s lucky number has always been [...]
present on the dial of the Grande Seconde.
如果您计划在新加坡逗留三晚或更长时间,体 无 比 典 雅 奢 华 及屡 大 奖的 Fairmont Singapore,即可享受常规房价 [...]
15% 优惠。
If you are planning to visit Singapore for three nights or
[...] more, indulge in the unrivalled elegance and luxury of the award-winning [...]
Fairmont Singapore
and save 15% off regular room rates.
今屆參選名單中,大部份的派別劃分其實十分清楚,但不同研究對下列名單的分類可能不所不同,因此須要註明,本文的「親中派」包括范徐麗泰、曹宏威,「民主派」包括黃宏發,而黃錦輝、柳玉成、鄒秉恬、查錫我、伍得良、和呂孝端名單則不作分類,亦不作分析,應該無 大雅。
However, different researches may have different classifications towards the following lists and thus we need to specify as follows: The "pro-China camp" mentioned in this article includes Rita Fan and Tso Wung-Wai, while "democratic camp" includes Andrew Wong.
关于高等教育,必须着重指出,有效支持设立 雅大 学 及 其运作的努力没有 成功,这个大学原可成为一个研究土著人民语言和文化的特殊学术实体,不仅让 [...]
土著有机会认识上述各方面,也可让所有其他愿意研究的人认识土著人民的文 化。
Where higher education is concerned, greater efforts are needed to effectively support the creation and
[...] operation of the Mayan university, which [...]
would be a specific
academic body for the study of the language and culture of indigenous peoples, where not only they, but all those who wish to learn about their culture, would have the opportunity to study.
该品牌在各手表系列中广泛采用与众不同的设计元素,即在手表盘面上采用各种纹理和层次,以突显奢 无 比 的 典 雅 外 观
A distinctive design element in their
extensive line of watches is their use of various textures and layers on the watch
[...] face giving it a very luxurious look.
总干事会见了教科文组织亲善大使 Rigoberta Menchu 女士,后者向他 介绍了马雅语言研究院的活动情况及其创建一所 雅大 学 的 计划;巴哈马--总干事与总督、 总理和几位部长举行了双边会议,签署了反映已加强合作的领域的公报。
He met Ms Rigoberta Menchú, a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, who
explained to him the
[...] activities of the Mayan languages academy and her project for the establishment of a Mayan university; [...]
Bahamas – the Director-General
held bilateral meetings with the Governor-General, the Prime Minister, as well as several ministers and signed a communiqué reflecting the areas of strengthened cooperation.
主席(以法语发言):我现在请俄罗斯联邦副外长 亚历大·雅科夫列夫先生阁下发言。
The President( spoke in French ): I now invite the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, His Excellency Mr. Alexander Yakovenko.
模特新星Yumi Lambert,这个出现在Chanel春季广告的新面孔,穿着Nina Ricci和Lanvin等充满未来感和东方韵味的设计,为杂志带来 无 限 优 雅。
Up and coming model Yumi Lambert, who is the new face of Chanel’s spring campaign, graces the magazine’s pages wearing futuristic Eastern pieces by Nina Ricci and Lanvin among others.
超过最高持续产量的过度捕捞以及非法 无 管 制 和未报告的捕捞,使 得原来丰富的鱼群消耗殆尽,许多鱼种迅速频临灭绝,像底拖网捕捞这样的破坏 性捕捞方法对海洋生态系统造成 大伤 害。
Overfishing beyond maximum sustainable yields and
illegal, unreported and
[...] unregulated fishing are depleting once-abundant fish stocks and driving many species rapidly towards extinction, while destructive fishing practices such as bottom trawling cause enormous damage to marine ecosystems.
它规定了某些措施,例如在据认为儿童正在遭受或有可能遭受 大伤害 时 的紧急保护令,或儿童遭受虐待、忽视、遗弃、贫穷或其他伤害时,对安全场 所的委托令。
It provides for measures such as emergency protection orders where it is believed that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, or committal orders to a place of safety where children are ill-treated, neglected, abandoned, destitute, or otherwise exposed to harm.
使用迫击炮除了威胁过渡联邦政府和非洲联盟的阵地以外,还能有效 地激起非苏特派团部队报复性的反击,而且往往 伤无 辜 — —这正是青年党希望 得到的结果。
In addition to threatening Transitional Federal Government and African Union positions, the use of mortars has proved effective in provoking retaliatory and often indiscriminate responses from AMISOM forces — precisely the effect Al-Shabaab hopes to achieve.
武装恐怖分子袭击了 Kam Ghawaneh
[...] 的多处油井,袭击遭到边界卫兵部队 的抵抗,边界卫无伤亡。
Armed terrorists mounted an attack on oil wells in Kam Ghawaneh, meeting resistance from border guard forces,
[...] who sustained no casualties.
我並不是說㆒次過的罪行無大雅;當然,它亦會對受害者造成傷害。但這類罪行不會像㆔合會罪行般,對市民 [...]
的安全不斷構成威脅,而且它為警方所帶來的問題,也不像打擊有組織罪行般如此棘 手。
I am not saying that one-off crimes are [...]
not harmful; of course they are harmful, but they do not present the same kind of
continual danger to the community that triad-connected crimes do, nor present police with those special problems that makes combating organized crime so difficult.
着重指出高等教育在山区和对于山区很重要,可以增加山区机会和鼓励 包括青年在内的有技能者留在山区,在这方面认识到最近在区域一级采取的重要
[...] 举措,例如在哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦创建三个大学校园以及创 建喜马雅大学联 盟,并鼓励在世界各地其他山区作出类似努力
Underlines the importance of higher education in and for mountain areas in order to expand opportunities and encourage the retention of skilled people, including youth, in mountain areas, recognizes, in this context, recent and important initiatives at the regional level, such as the creation of three university campuses, in
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and the
[...] creation of the Himalayan University Consortium, [...]
and encourages similar efforts in
other mountain regions around the world
[...] 悉,联合国缺乏提供医疗支助的能力,特别是应付 大伤 亡 事 件的这种 能力,这方面所需的医疗技能在于紧急医疗、心理创伤管理和灾害管 理。
Furthermore, the Committee was informed that there was a gap in the capacity of the United
Nations to deliver medical support,
[...] particularly after mass casualty events, and [...]
that the medical skill set required was in
the area of emergency medicine, trauma management and disaster management.
[...] 前/部署后走访,安全和安保部培训和发展科的流动医务培训队目前则在设计紧 急心理创伤袋/基本急救包培训方案及 大伤 亡 事 件应对规划。
While the medical section of the Department of Field Support conducts pre- and post-deployment visits, the mobile medical training team of the Training and Development Section
is currently designing training programmes for emergency trauma bag/basic
[...] first-aid and mass casualty incident planning.
马哈茂德·阿巴斯总统和巴勒斯坦领导层强烈谴责以色列的野蛮行径及伤 无辜平 民的行为,并于今天宣布为所有死于最近的抗议活动中的人哀悼三日。
President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership
strongly condemn Israel’s brutality and
[...] killing and injury of innocent civilians, [...]
and today declared three days of mourning
for all of those killed in recent protests.




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