

单词 聯名

External sources (not reviewed)

The apportionment of the amount received is a private matter between the joint accountholders.
(e) 本公司可任意將股東名冊中名列首位之人士視為任何股份 聯名 持 有 人之 一,彼可單獨享有就該等股份寄發股票,或從本公司接收通知,或出席本公 司股東大會或在會上投票,向該人士發出之任何通知應被視為向所 聯名持 有人發出之通知;但任何名聯名持 有 人均可委任有權代表該 聯名 持 有 人 投票之人士作為代理,代表出席本公司股東大會並在會上投票,但倘超過名該等聯名持有 人親自或通過代理出席任何大會,則就該等股份在股東名冊 中名列首位之如此出席大會之該名人士將單獨有權就此投票。
(e) the Company shall be at liberty to treat the
[...] person whose name stands first in the register as one of the joint holders of any shares as solely entitled to delivery of the certificate relating to such share, or to receive notices from the Company, or to attend or vote at general meeting of the Company, and any notice given to such person shall be deemed notice to all the joint holders; but any one of such joint holders may be appointed the proxy of the persons entitled to vote on behalf of such joint holders, and as such proxy to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company, but if more than one of such joint holders be [...]
present at any meeting
personally or by proxy that one so present whose name stands first in the register in respect of such shares shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
儘管任何股東其時已身故或破產或發生任何其他事項,且不論本公司是否知悉其 已身故、破產或有關其他事項,任何依據細則傳送或以郵遞方式寄往或送交有關 股東註冊地址或其就收取通告或文件而提供之地址的通知或文件,概被視為已就 該名股東單獨或與其他人聯名持有 的任何登記股份妥為送達,直至其他人士取 代其登記為有關股份的持有人聯名 持 有 人為止,且就細則而言,有關送達被視 為已充分向所有於股份擁有權益(不論 聯名 或 聲 稱透過其或由其持有)的人士 送達該通知或文件。
Any notice or document delivered or sent by post or left at the registered address or the address supplied by him for the sending of notices or documents to him of any member in pursuance of the Bye-Laws shall, notwithstanding that such member be then deceased or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred and whether or not the Company has notice of his death, bankruptcy or such other event, be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such
member until some other person
[...] be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof and such service shall for all purposes of the Bye-Laws be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in [...]
the share.
根據本章程細則向任何股東交付或發送的任何通告或文件,即使有關股東當 時已身故而不論本公司是否知悉其身故,亦被視為已就該股東單獨或與其他 人士共同持有的任何登記股份正式送達,直至其他人士取代該股東登記成為 股份持有人聯名持有人為止,而就本章程細則的所有情況而言,上述通告 的送達將被視為已向該股東的遺產代理人及聯同該股東持有任何有關股份 的所有人士(如有)充份送達有關通告或文件。
Any notice or document delivered or sent to any member in pursuance of these Articles, shall notwithstanding that such member be then deceased and whether or not the Company has notice of his death be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof, and such service shall for all purposes of these Articles be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on his personal representatives and all persons (if any) jointly interested with him in any such shares.
董事會可全權酌情決定而毋須申述任何理由,拒絕就轉讓予其不予批准人士 的任何股份(未繳足股款股份)或根據任何僱員的股份獎勵計劃已發行(而就有
[...] 關股份施加的轉讓限制仍然存在)的任何股份辦理股份轉讓登記,亦可拒絕登記 轉讓任何股份予超過名聯名持有 人或轉讓本公司擁有留置權的任何股份(未繳 [...]
The Board may, in its absolute discretion, and without assigning any reason, refuse to register a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) to a person of whom it does not approve, or any share issued under any share incentive scheme for employees upon which a restriction on transfer imposed thereby still subsists, and it may also
refuse to register any transfer of any share to
[...] more than four joint holders or any [...]
transfer of any share (not being a fully paid
up share) on which the Company has a lien.
假如申請人、其父親或母親﹝若申請人已婚,即申請人或其配偶﹞與其他家庭成員或人士 擁聯名帳戶 ,申請人須在表格 G 的第三表 E 項家庭成員編號的一欄中清楚註明有關的帳 [...]
戶是與何人共同持有,並輸入該帳戶在截至 31.3.2013 的結存。
If the applicant or his / her parents have a joint account with other members of the family or with other persons, he / she
should fill in the code numbers of the
[...] family members or the names of those other persons [...]
in Section E of Table 3 of Form G
and state clearly that the account concerned is a joint account and give the total balance of the account as at 31.3.2013.
受第161條(a)段規限,本公司或會於作出適當安排確定股東、債券持有人及所有有 權收取本公司股東大會通告之其他人士之選擇後,根據適用法律法規於股東大會日 期前至少21日前,向上述每位人士派發或寄發(i)相關財務文件或(ii)財務報告概要副 本,惟本細則並無規定本公司須向任何地址不詳的股東、債券持有人或有權獲發本 公司股東大會通告的其他人士或任何一位以上之任何股份或債 聯名 持 有人寄交 有關文件,在適用法例及規例容許的其他情況下,本公司亦毋須向上述人士寄交有 關文件。
Subject to paragraph (a) of article 161, the Company may, after it has made adequate arrangements to ascertain the preference of its members, holders of its debentures and all other persons entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, deliver or send to each of the aforesaid persons a copy of either (i) the relevant financial documents or (ii) the summary financial report at least 21 days before the date of the general meeting, provided that this article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any member or bolder of debentures of the Company or other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company of whose address the Company is not aware nor to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures nor in other circumstances permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
當局可要求申請者以香港特別行政區政府及申請公 聯名名 義, 自費購買公眾責任保險,保險的條款及條件須經由部門批 准。
The applying company may be required to effect a
public liability insurance at its own
[...] expense in the joint names of the Government [...]
of the HKSAR and the company, with terms
and conditions to be approved by the Department.
(c) 倘連續三次按其登記地址向任何股東(或倘 聯名 持 有 人,則為名列股東 名冊首位之股東)傳送通告或其他文件,但未獲送達而遭退還,則該名股 東(及倘聯名持有人,所有其 聯名 持 有人)自此無權接收或獲傳送文 件(董事根據本條章程細則(b)段可能選擇之其他方式除外),並將視為其 已放棄接收本公司發出之通告及其他文件之權利,直至其聯絡本公司並以 書面方式提交接收向其發出之通告之新登記地址為止。
(c) If on 3 consecutive occasions notices or other documents have been sent through the post to
any Shareholder (or, in
[...] the case of joint holders of a share, the first holder named on the register) at his registered address but have been returned undelivered, such Shareholder (and, in the case of joint holders of a Share, all other joint holders [...]
of the share) shall
not thereafter be entitled to receive or be served (save as the Board may elect otherwise pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Article) and shall be deemed to have waived the service of notices and other documents from the Company until he shall have communicated with the Company and supplied in writing a new registered address for the service of notices on him.
聯名持有 人應共同及個別負責支付有關股份涉及的所有催繳股款及到期應付 之分期股款或其他到期款項。
The joint holders of a share shall be jointly and severally liable to pay all calls and instalments due in respect of such share or other moneys due in respect thereof.
[...] 中,根據本細則,只須證明被控成員為成員登記冊內涉及有關債務的股份的持有 人聯名持有 人、作出催繳的決議已正式記錄於會議紀錄內以及有關催繳股款通 [...]
On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the
member sued is or was entered in the
[...] register as the holder, or one of the holders, [...]
of the shares in respect of which such
debt accrued; that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book; and that notice of such call was duly given to the member sued, in pursuance of these Bye-laws; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Board who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
倘成員身故,則唯一獲本公司認可擁有其股份的任何所有權的人士須為 一名或多名在世者(倘身故者聯名 持 有人)及身故者的法定遺產代理人(倘身 故者為單一持有人或唯一在世持有人);但本條所載的任何規定並不解除已故持有 人(無論為單一聯名持有 人)的遺產就其單獨或共同持有的任何股份所涉的任 何責任。
In the case of the death of a member, the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint holder, and the legal personal representatives of the deceased where he was a
sole or only surviving
[...] holder, shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his interest in the shares; but nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a deceased holder (whether sole or joint) from any liability in [...]
respect of any share
solely or jointly held by him.
(iii) 任何本行送達聯名賬戶 其中一名持有人的通知或通訊均會被視作已送達予全聯 名賬戶持有人。
(iii) any notice or communication given to one of the joint account holders or service users shall be deemed to be given to all.
股東(不論個人或與其他聯名)不 得在未繳付所有催繳或分期股款連同利 息及開支(如有)前收取股息或花紅,或以個人或(另一股東之受委代表除外) 受委代表身份出席任何股東大會並於會上投票(另一股東之受委代表除外),或 被計入法定人數,或行使作為股東之任何其他特權。
No member shall be entitled to receive any dividend or bonus or to be present and vote (save as proxy for another member) at any general meeting, either personally, or (save as proxy for another member) by proxy, or be reckoned in a quorum, or to exercise any other privilege as a member until all calls or instalments due from him to the Company, whether alone or jointly with any other person, together with interest and expenses (if any) shall have been paid.
在本章程細則第 156 條規限下,一份董事報告的印本連同截至適用財政年度末的 資產負債表及損益賬(包括法律規定須隨附的每份文件),當中須載有以簡明標題編
製的本公司資產負債概要及收支表,加上核數師報告,須於股東大會日期前最少 21 日,與股東周年大會通告同時以郵遞方式寄往或送往有權收取的每名人士的註冊地
[...] 址,並於每年股東大會上向本公司呈報,惟本章程細則不得要求把該等文件送交本公 司不知悉其地址的人士或股份或債權 聯名 持 有 人中多於一名持有人。
Subject to Article 156, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year and containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the Company under convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, together with a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall be delivered or sent by post to the registered address of each person entitled thereto at least 21 days before the date of the general meeting and at the same time as the notice of annual general meeting and laid before the Company at the annual general meeting in each year, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to
any person whose address the Company is not aware or to more
[...] than one of the joint holders of any [...]
shares or debentures.
24.22 兩名或以聯名持有 人的其中任何一人可就應付有關該 聯名 持 有 人所持股 份之股息、中期股息或特別股息或花紅及其他應付款項或可分派權利或財産 發出有效收據。
24.22 If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any shares, any one of such persons may give effectual receipts for any dividends, interim and special dividends or bonuses and other moneys payable or rights or property distributable in respect of such shares.
(B) 如有兩名或以上的人聯名持有 任何股份,就有關送達通知,且在本 細則條文的規限下,就有關公司所有或任何其他事項送達通知而言 (股份轉讓除外),有關股份在登記冊上排名最先的持有人須被視為唯 [...]
(B) If any share shall
[...] stand in the names of two or more persons, the person first named in the register [...]
shall be deemed the
sole holder thereof as regards service of notice and, subject to the provisions of these Bye-Laws, all or any other matter connected with the Company, except the transfer of the shares.
聯名持有 人將負有共同及個別責任支付所有催繳股款。
The joint holders of a share shall be jointly and severally liable to pay all calls in respect of it.
董事會可全權酌情決定拒絕為任何股份(繳足股份除外)轉讓予其不批 准的人士的轉讓辦理登記,而毋須申述任何理由,亦可拒絕為轉讓予超過 名聯 名持有 人的任何股份的轉讓或任何本公司擁有留置權的任何股份(繳足股份除外) 的轉讓辦理登記。
The Board may, in its absolute discretion and without assigning any reason, refuse to register a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) to a person of whom it does not approve, and it may also refuse to register any transfer of any share to more than four joint holders or any transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) on which the Company has a lien.
在任何情況下,切勿將流動密碼告知任何人,包 聯名 賬 戶 持有人及切勿將流動密碼 以電子郵件傳送或以相同之流動密碼使用其他服務。
In addition, do not send your mobile password via email and never use the same mobile password to access other services.
(ii) 倘若本行收到其中名聯名賬戶 持有人或服務使用者的指令與其他指示有衝突及不 一致,本行有權通知一個或多聯名 賬 戶持有人或服務使用者此等衝突及不一致及 /或不執行有關指示直至本行收到認為恰當的進一步指示為止。
(ii) if we receive instructions from any one of the joint account holders or the service users which are not consistent with other instructions, to advise one or more joint account holders or service users of such conflict or inconsistency and/or take no action on any such instructions until we receive further instructions in the form and substance satisfactory to us.
在該條例、上市規則及任何適用法律、規則及規例規限下,聯名股份 持有人而言,所有通知、文件及資料均應發給在名冊 上排名首位聯名股份 持有人,按上述規定發出之通知即為充分 通知全聯名股份 持有人,而按上述規定提供之文件及資料應視 為已向全聯名股份持有人提供。
Subject to the Ordinance, the Listing Rules and any applicable laws, rules and regulations, in the
case of joint holders of a
[...] share, all notices, documents and information shall be given to that one of the joint holders whose name stands first in the register, notice so given shall be sufficient notice to all the joint holders and documents and information so given shall be regarded as having been given to all the joint holders.
[...] 抬頭人須為有關股份之持有人或(倘 聯名 持 有人)就有關股份名列股東名冊首位 [...]
之持有人,郵誤風險概由彼或彼等承擔,而付款銀行兌現該等支票或股息單,即表 示本公司已有效清償該等支票或股息單所代表之股息及/或紅利,即使該支票或股
Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the holder or,
in the case of joint holders, to the order
[...] of the holder whose name stands first [...]
on the register in respect of such shares
and shall be sent at his or their risk, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant by the bank on which it is drawn shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged.
倘若按配發股份的條款須於獲配發時或於任何指定日期支付任何款項,而不 論金額是否按股份面值及╱或以溢價方式或其他方式計算,則就本章程細則
[...] 日期支付,而在尚未付款的情況下,本章程細則有關支付利息及開支 聯名 持有 人的責任、沒收及同類事項的所有相關條文將會適用,猶如該款項已因 [...]
Any sum which by the terms of allotment of a share is made payable upon allotment or at any fixed date, whether on account of the nominal value of the share and/or by way of premium or otherwise, shall for all purposes of these Articles be deemed to be a call duly made and payable on the date fixed for payment, and in case of non-payment, all the relevant provisions of these
Articles as to payment of interest
[...] and expenses, liabilities of joint holders, forfeiture [...]
and the like, shall apply as if
such sum had become payable by virtue of a call duly made and notified.
董事報告書及核數師報告書連同資產負債表、損益表及其它法律規定附錄於 資產負債表後的每份文件檔的文本,須於舉行週年股東大會前不少於21個整天,
以送付或郵遞送交公司的每名股東及債權證持有人、核數師以及其他按規程或細 則條文有權接收公司大會通告的人士,而這些文件所需的份數須同時送往任何有
[...] 接受公司股票上市的證券交易所,但本細則並不規定該等文件須送交公司不獲悉 地址的任何人,或多於一名股份或債權證 聯名 持 有 人。
A printed copy of the Directors’ and Auditors’ reports accompanied by copies of the balance sheet, profit and loss account and other documents required by law to be annexed to the balance sheet, shall, not less than twenty-one clear days before the Annual General Meeting, be delivered or sent by post to the registered address of every member and holder of debentures of the Company, to the Auditors, and to every other person who is entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Company under the provisions of the Statutes or these Articles and the required number of copies of each of these documents shall at the same time be forwarded to every stock exchange on which all or any of the shares of the Company have been admitted for listing Provided that this Article shall not require a copy of such documents to be sent to
any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more
[...] than one of the joint holders of any shares [...]
or debentures.
發出支票或 股息單的銀行當支付該支票或股息單後,公司即被視為已完成其責任。除非在公 司同意下,任何股息、利息或任何可以現金支付股票持有人的款項,在持有人願 承擔風險下,可以銀行直接匯款或任何由持有人或所 聯名 持 有人以書面要求的 方法支付,而遵守該要求後,公司即被視為已完成其責任。
Subject to the consent of the Company, any dividend, interest or other sum payable in cash to the holder of shares may be paid, at the risk of the holder, by direct bank transfer or in such other manner as the holder or, in the case of joint holders, all of the joint holders may in writing request and compliance with such a request shall constitute a good discharge to the Company.
4.20 與任何名或多名人士或從事或擁有或即將從事或擁有任何業務或企 業之公司訂立夥伴關係或透過締結利 聯 盟 、 合作、合營、互惠讓 步、合併或以其他方式訂立任何安排以分享溢利,而據此,本公司將 會或可能從中獲得任何好處,無論直接或間接,並放貸、擔保合同或 以其他方式協助任何有關人士或公司,並且認購或以其他方式獲取任 何有關公司之股份及證券,並將之出售、持有、重新有或無擔保發行 [...]
4.20 To enter into partnership or into any arrangements for sharing profits, union of interests, co-operation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, amalgamation [...]
or otherwise with any
person or persons or company engaged or interested or about to become engaged or interested in the carrying on or conduct of any business or enterprise from which this Company would or might derive any benefit whether direct or indirect and to lend money, guarantee the contracts of or otherwise assist any such person or company and to take subscribe for or otherwise acquire shares and securities of any such company and to sell, hold, re-issue with or without guarantee or otherwise deal with the same.
(E) 倘在任何會議上就名董事或其聯繫 人32 是否擁有重大權益,或就任何 董事是否有權投票,而有關問題未能由該名董事自願同意放棄投票,則有關問題 將轉交會議主席處理,而會議主席就該名董事所作的決定將為最終及最後定論, 除非該名董事並未向董事會公允地披露據其所知其本人及/或其聯繫人33所擁 有的權益的性質或程度。
(E) If any question shall arise at any meeting as to the materiality of a Director’s interest (or interest of any of his associates)32 or as to the entitlement of any Director to vote and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting, such question shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to any other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interests of the Director (or interest of any of his associates)33 concerned as known to such Director have not been fairly disclosed.




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