

单词 顾及

顾及 verb ()

accommodate v

See also:

take into consideration
look after
attend to
surname Gu

External sources (not reviewed)

(e) 为联合国日内瓦办事处和高级专员办事处参与人权理事会工作的工作 人员举办残疾人问题讲座,并确 顾及 工 作人员更替的问题。
(e) Organizing disability awareness seminars for staff members of the United Nations Office at Geneva and of the Office
of the High Commissioner involved in the work of the Human Rights
[...] Council, and ensuring that staff turnover [...]
is covered.
Thus, planning is a means by which it is possible to shape the living environment in a balanced way and taking into account different interests.
关于下放到每一个总部外办事处或机构的计划资金数额,总干事将确保每一 个重大计划所提供的资金均符合辅助原则,并且考虑到了诸如:每个总部外机构人员具备的 实力、每个多国办事处(经多国协商)确立的计划优先项目、以及除了着眼于全球发展之 外,还顾及地区、分地区以及各国家行动计划的平衡等一系列因素。
As regards the amount of programme resources to be decentralized to each field unit, the Director-General will see to it that the resources provided by each major programme will be in line with the principle of subsidiarity, taking into account the staff strength of each field unit, the programmatic priorities defined by each cluster of countries (in the context of cluster consultations) and the need to ensure, in addition to the global perspective, a balanced mix of regional, subregional and national actions.
咨询委员会获悉,行政首长理事会秘书处之所 以有两个地点,是因为顾及现行 做法,即:向日内瓦的附属管理机构提供支持, 并且向纽约的高级管理协调机制和作为预备方案机构的方案问题高级别委员会 提供支持。
The Committee was informed that the rationale behind the two locations of the CEB secretariat was that it mirrored the ongoing practice, with support being provided to the subsidiary management bodies in Geneva as well as support to the senior management coordination mechanism and the High-level Committee on Programmes as its preparatory programmatic body in New York.
另一种有效的工具则是在柬埔 寨实施的“在家中培养儿童识字前技 能”的项目,它是对达喀尔目标1(幼 儿保育)的具体而又有影响的贡献, 其对象是正规的幼儿服务机顾及不 到的儿童。
Another effective tool was the Development of Children’s Pre-literacy Skills at Home project in Cambodia, a concrete and visible contribution to Dakar Goal 1 on Early Childhood Care and Education, which targets the children not reached by the formal early childhood services.
大会第六十五届会议请秘书长向大会第六十七届会议提出报告,汇总解决贩 运人口问题所涉性别层面的成功干预措施和战略以及存在的差距,并就如何在全 面、平衡地努力处理贩运人口问题的工作中加强基于人权 顾及 性 别 和年龄的方 法提出建议(第 65/190 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-seventh session a report compiling successful interventions and strategies, as well as the gaps, in addressing the gender dimensions of the problem of trafficking in persons and providing recommendations on the strengthening of human rights-based, gender- and age-sensitive approaches within comprehensive and balanced efforts to address trafficking in persons (resolution 65/190).
为了履行这些义务,缔约国必须考虑以下因素,包括在必要时,对移徙者等 特定人口群体采取特别措施:(a) 提供正常运作的公共卫生设施、物品和服务以
及相关计划,(b) 设施、物品和服务的便利程度,包括实物和财务两个方面;(c)
[...] 设施、物品和服务为人接受的程度,例如它们必 顾及 两 性 平等问题,符合文化 习惯,并尊重隐私;(d) [...]
所有保健设施、商品和服务从科学和医学角度来看都质 量良好(经济、社会和文化权利委员会第
14 条一般性意见第 12 段)。
In order to comply with these obligations, States parties must consider the following elements, with the inclusion of special measures for particular population groups, such as migrants, when needed: (a) the availability of functioning public health facilities, goods and services, as well as programmes; (b) their accessibility, including both its physical and financial aspects; (c) their
acceptability, e.g., health facilities, goods
[...] and services must be gender-sensitive, [...]
culturally appropriate and respectful of
confidentiality; and (d) all health facilities, goods and services must be of good quality in scientific and medical terms (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 14, para. 12).
(f) 促进有关机构和服务部门之间的合作与协调,包括为此而在可能情况下 设立专门单位,这些单位应受过如何处理暴力侵害妇女案件所涉复杂情况和受害 人敏感问题方面的专门训练,而且受害人可从这些机构获得全面的援助、保护和 干预服务,包括保健和社会服务、法律咨询和警察援助; (g) 确保提顾及受害 人需要的适当医疗、法律和社会服务,以加强对暴力 侵害妇女案件的刑事司法管理,并鼓励发展专门的保健服务,包括由训练有素的 保健提供者进行的全面、免费和保密的法医检查和适当治疗,包括专门的艾滋病 毒治疗。
(f) To promote collaboration and coordination among relevant agencies and services, including through the establishment, where possible, of specialized units specifically trained to deal with the complexities and sensitivities of victims involved in cases of violence against women where victims can receive comprehensive assistance, protection and intervention services, including health and social services, legal advice and police assistance
教育应该 体顾及儿童的文化、语言和传统。
Education should be sensitive to the culture, language and traditions of the child.
另一位代表 称,第 XIX/6 号决定下关于提供稳定、充足资金的规定——包括为对气候等环 境影响最小的项目和方案供资的规定应足以确保 顾及 气 候 惠益的项目提供资 金,因此无需采取进一步措施,以免使多边基金的工作更为复杂。
Another representative said that the provisions under decision XIX/6 for stable and sufficient funding, including for projects and programmes that minimized impacts on the environment, including climate, should be adequate to ensure that finances were available for projects that took account of climate benefits, arguing that there was therefore no need for further measures that might make the work of the Multilateral Fund more complicated.
一些成员认 为,根据蒙特利尔议定书缔约方会议第十九次会议的第 XIX/6 号决定,特别是第 9 和第
[...] 11 段,在审查项目和方案时,将采取反对使用对于气候具有重大影响的氟氯烃作为替代品的 假设,各执行机构在筹备此种活动时 顾及 这 一 点。
Some members expressed the view that, in line with decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, in particular paragraphs 9 and 11, a presumption against the application of alternatives to HCFCs with a high impact on climate should be applied when
reviewing projects and
[...] programmes, and that the implementing agencies should take this view [...]
into account when preparing such activities.
行动纲领》还使人们注意到由 环境所导致、影响最弱势人口的移民现象,并对这一 现象制定了具体的应对方式,其中最突出的是发展伙 伴和相关国家承顾及那些 因气候变化和极端的气 候事件而难以维生的人们所面临的需要,并减少流离 失所事件的发生。
It also drew attention to the phenomenon of environmentally induced migration, which affected the most vulnerable populations, and set out concrete responses to that phenomenon, notably the commitment by development partners and the countries concerned to take into account the needs of those whose livelihoods were endangered by climate change and extreme weather events and reduce the incidence of displacement.
会议指出,执行支助股的所有工作人员将通过联合国的相关征聘程序聘 用,其中应考虑到必须符合最高的效率、能力和诚信标准,并充 顾及 在 尽 可能 广泛的地域范围内征聘工作人员的重要性。
The Conference notes that all staff of the ISU will be engaged through the relevant recruitment procedures of the United Nations, considering the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, and paying due regard to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
尽管在以色列政府决定放松对加沙的封锁之后 取得了一些进展,但欧盟重申它呼吁按照安全理事会 第1860(2009)号决议的要求,立即、持续并且无条件 地开放过境点,让人道主义援助物品、商业物资和人 员能够进出加沙,同顾及以色列的合理安全关切。
Despite some progress following the decisions of the Israeli Government to ease the Gaza closure, the EU reiterates its call, in line with Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), for an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza, while addressing Israel’s legitimate security concerns.
y 本组织赞同人权理事会关于以下内容的多份声明:作为和平条件消除极 端贫穷;土著人与人类和平权利的关系;人的和平权利与种族主义、仇 外心理和其他形式歧视;对人的和平权利采 顾及 两 性平等的方式;以 及人的和平权利与移徙。
The organization endorsed several statements to the Human Rights Council on the eradication of extreme poverty as a condition to peace; the relation between indigenous people and the human right to peace; the human right to peace vs. racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination; the gender approach to the human right to peace; and the human right to peace and migration.
贸 易 法 委 员 会 最 近 完 成 的 示 范 法 都 附 有“ 颁 布 指 南 ”, 列 出 背 景 信 息 和 其 他 解 释 性 信 息, 帮 助 国 家 政 府 和 立 法 者 使 用 该 案 文。35 例如,指南包括帮助各国考虑必须对示范法哪些条款(若有的话)进 行修改顾及特定 国情的信息,与工作组就政策选择和考虑进行的讨 论有关的信息,示范法案文没有涉及但可能与示范法的主题事项有关 的事项。
Recent model laws completed by UNCITRAL have been accompanied by a “guide to enactment” setting forth background and other explanatory information to assist Governments and legislators in using the text.38 The guides include, for example, information that would assist States in considering what, if any, provisions of the model law might have to be varied to take into account particular national circumstances, information relating to discussions in the working group on policy options and considerations, and matters not addressed in the text of the model law that may nevertheless be relevant to the subject matter of the model law.
这项立法还规定特别关注移徙妇女, 另外,对外国人权利法作了修正,目的 顾及 停 止 遭受基于性别的暴力行为的妇 女的驱逐程序,并使其能够申请居住证和就业许可证的可能性。
The legislation also provided for special attention to migrant women, and the law on the rights of foreigners had been amended to include the possibility of ending expulsion procedures for women victims of gender-based violence and enabling them to apply for residence and work permits.
缔约国 认识到,有必要确保受害者援助工 顾及 残 疾 妇女、男子、女童和男童的社会权 利和人权,包括消除物质、社会、文化、经济、政治、地理和其他障碍。
The States Parties recognise the need to ensure that victim assistance efforts take into account the social and human rights of women, girls, boys and men with disabilities including the removal of physical, social, cultural, economic, political, geographic and other barriers.
在巴塞尔公约缔约方大会第五届会议上通过的 1999 年《实行无害环境管 理的巴塞尔宣言》吁请各缔约国加大努力与合作,以实行无害环境管理,具体 方法是:防止、尽量减少、再循环、回收和处置属于《公约》制约范围内的危 险废物和其他废物,同顾及社会、技术和经济方面的关切;以及进一步减少 属于《公约》制约范围之内的危险废物和其他废物的越境转移。
The 1999 Basel Declaration on Environmentally Sound Management, adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention at its fifth meeting, calls upon the parties to enhance and strengthen their efforts and cooperation to achieve ESM through prevention, minimization, recycling, recovery and disposal of hazardous and other wastes subject to the Convention, taking into account social, technological and economic concerns; and through further reduction of transboundary movements of hazardous and other wastes subject to the Convention.
这些活动还继续将重点放在:支持体制改革以维持复苏、建立 抵御冲击的能力、克服粮食危机、应对气候变化和其他环境挑战,以及实现千年 发展目标,并特顾及最不 发达国家的需要。
They also continued focusing on supporting institutional reforms to sustain recovery, build resilience to shocks, overcome food crises, meet climate change and other environmental challenges, and achieve the Millennium Development Goals, catering in particular to the needs of LDCs.
在该决议中,联大注意到秘书长关于第十二届联合国预防犯 罪和刑事司法大会的后续行动和第十三届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会的筹 备工作的报告(E/CN.15/2011/15),并再次请各国政府在拟订法规和政策指示时 考虑到《关于应对全球挑战的综合战略:预防犯罪和刑事司法系统及其在变化 世界中的发展的萨尔瓦多宣言》1 以及第十二届大会通过的建议,并且视情尽一 切努力顾及各国 经济、社会、法律和文化具体情况的前提下执行宣言和建议 所载各项原则。
In the resolution, the General Assembly took note of the report of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and preparations for the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (E/CN.15/2011/15) and reiterated its invitation to Governments to take into consideration the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World,1 and the recommendations adopted by the Twelfth Congress when formulating legislation and policy directives, and to make all efforts, where appropriate, to implement the principles contained therein, taking into account the economic, social, legal and cultural specificities of their respective States.
此种受害者与其他残 疾人在待遇上的差别应仅以医疗、康复、心理或社会经济的需要为依据, 顾及 年龄和性别的敏感性。
Differences in treatment between such victims with disabilities and other persons with disabilities should be based only on medical, rehabilitative, psychological or socio-economic needs, taking into account age and gender sensitivities.
重点一直是实现直接受地雷影响者的权利和满足其需要,但缔约国已逐渐认识 到,在某些情况下,可能有必要设法从更大程度上满足家庭的需要,例如,在心
[...] 理支持、重新融入经济生活及支持儿童接受教育等领域,因为缔约国也应 顾及 伤亡人员家庭受到的影响。
While logically the emphasis of the States Parties’ efforts have been on addressing the rights and needs of those directly impacted by mines, the States Parties have come to recognise that it may be necessary to seek to address to a greater extent the needs of families, for example, in the area of psychological support, economic reintegration / inclusion, and support
for the education of children, as the impact on the family
[...] of those killed or injured should [...]
also be taken into account.
重申每个国家必须对自身的发展承担首要责任,国家政策和发展战略对实现 可持续发展的作用怎么强调都不为过,确认各国的努力应当得到旨在扩大发展中 国家发展机会的扶持性全球方案、措施和政策的支持,同时 顾及 各 国 的国情, 确保尊重国家自主权、战略和主权
Reaffirming that each country must take primary responsibility for its own development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized in the achievement of sustainable development, and recognizing that national efforts should be complemented by supportive global programmes, measures and policies aimed at expanding the development opportunities of developing countries, while taking into account national conditions and ensuring respect for national ownership, strategies and sovereignty
巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会和国际 社会其他成员已经提请人们注意,以色列发动这场战 争严重违反了国际人道主义和人权法及多项联合国 决议,对已经遭受 40 多年占领后果的巴勒斯坦平民 的生命毫顾及。
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and other members of the international community have called attention to the fact that Israel is waging this war in gross contravention of international humanitarian and human rights law and many United Nations resolutions, and without the slightest concern for the lives of Palestinian civilians, who are already suffering from the consequences of more than 40 years of occupation.
[...] 一系列措施,包括与其各合作伙伴加强协商,起顾及到技 术要求和业务要求的时间表;与政府及所 [...]
有伙伴一起为给业务需要导致的新支出划拨资金而 开展宣传;确定构想并与诸如媒体、政治党派及进 程中的其他伙伴等利益攸关方加强协商;稳定选民
登记册并通过计入被省略的人而使之更加可靠;就 选民登记册问题与政治阶层重启对话;以及强化选 举工作人员的招聘及培训标准,其中尤其包括在投 票站和地方中心负责汇总选举结果的那些人。
To give greater credibility to the next elections, the Commission has adopted a series of measures, including
intensifying consultations with its various
[...] partners; drafting timetables that take into [...]
account the technical and operational demands;
conducting advocacy with the State and all partners for the reallocation of revenues to new expenditures dictated by operational needs; defining a vision and intensifying its consultations with stakeholders, such as media, political parties and other partners in the process; stabilizing the electoral register and making it more reliable by including those who have been omitted; reopening dialogue with the political class on the subject of the electoral register; and strengthening the criteria for recruiting and training electoral agents, and more specifically those working in polling stations and in local centres for the compilation of results.
有成员还请环境规划署尽全力避免环境规划署今后履 约协助方案的活动预算项目的增加,并在现行的预算中提出关于进一步节省的建议,同时顾及其他成员提出的意见。
It was also requested to make every effort to avoid an increase in the budget lines for activities in its future CAP budget and to propose further savings in the current budget, taking into account the advice given by members.
政府 推广了一顾及土著 特征的发展政策:不是将一种 单一模式强加给社区,而是允许社区开发自己的项 目,政府只提供资源和必要的指导,以便将这些项 目付诸实施。
The Government promoted a development policy that took into account indigenous identity: rather than imposing a single model on communities, it allowed them to develop their own projects and merely provided the resources and guidance necessary to make them a reality.
有两名发言者对年度报告中列出的不准确信息表示关注, 并吁请麻管局确保其年度报顾及主 要 由各国政府提供的信息并与各国政府保 持对话。
Two speakers expressed concern regarding the presentation of inaccurate information in the report and called on the Board to ensure that its annual report took into consideration information primarily provided by Governments and to maintain a dialogue with Governments.




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