

单词 货载

载货 verb ()

load v

载货 ()





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更高韧性消除多重缠绕,使运输过程中的装载更安全,且具有缠绕有更高要求 货载 的 机
Higher toughness to eliminate multiple wraps, resulting in more
[...] secure loads during transit and the opportunity to wrap more-demanding loads
Interroll带式交叉分拣机、滚筒输送机、带式转弯输送机、皮带式输送机--在辛斯海姆开发和制造的所有这些输送机模块和子系统闻名全球,在世界各地广泛用于室内单 货载 输 送 ,广泛用于货物及产品输送、存储和分发:遍布全球各地,涉及每个行业部门,渗透整个价值创造链。
Interroll Crossbelt Sorters, Intelliveyors, Roller Conveyors, Belt Curves, Belt Conveyors - the conveyor modules and subsystems, developed and manufactured in Sinsheim, are well-known and successfully
used worldwide in the in-house
[...] transport of unit loads and wherever goods and products [...]
need to be conveyed, stored and distributed:
around the world, in every sector of industry and along the entire value creation chain.
机组人员或乘客已登机的飞 机、或已开始载货物的 飞机、或机组人员或乘客尚未下飞机、或货物尚未 卸载完毕的飞机,应等同于飞行中的飞机。
An aircraft which has already been
boarded by members of the crew or
[...] passengers or the loading of the cargo of which has [...]
already begun or which has not yet
been deboarded by members of the crew or passengers or the unloading of the cargo of which has not been completed shall be equivalent to an aircraft in flight.
使货舱、船舶所有其载货处所 和由承运人提供 载货 集 装 箱适于且能 安全接收、运输和保管货物,且保持此种状态。
( c ) Make and keep the holds and
all other parts of the
[...] ship in which the goods are carried, and any containers supplied by the carrier [...]
in or upon which the
goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.
显示器提供了简单、易读的货物指示,帮助 载货 物 策 划或估计容器容量(当精准度所需要时)。
The display provides a simple, easy-to-read
[...] indication of the load on the forks, a help when organising loads for shipment [...]
or estimating contents
of containers (where only approximate accuracy is required).
卡塔尔(QATAR)海关最近颁布推行报关单一窗口系统 (Single Window System), 藉此,規定把实际收货人的名称列 载货 清 单 上。
Qatar Customs have recently introduced Customs Clearance Single Window System, whereby they have made it mandatory to show the actual Consignees name in the manifest in the Consignees column.
这项概念设计取消了载货舱, 实现了重 载 ,货 舱配备了压缩空气、电源和冲洗水供应系统,还设置了 冲洗水舱。
Unconventional oil and gas, mainly dominated by shale gas, will be a considerable part of the energy mix, and the challenges related to water treatment will have to be solved,” Ms Harstad adds
具体实行了两项措施:建设 新的轨道和隧道系统(最长的为 57 公里),新铁路连通阿尔卑斯山区,大大缩短
[...] 了从北向南纵贯瑞士全境所需时间,从而便利了坐火车穿越阿尔卑斯山的行程; 对瑞士境内或穿过瑞士的几乎每辆超 3.5 吨载货卡车实行与载重挂钩的重型车 辆收费。
Two measures stand out: the construction of a system of new tracks and tunnels (the longest is 57 km), the new railway link through the Alps, which greatly shortens the time needed to travel through Switzerland in the north-south direction and hence facilitates crossing the Alps
by rail; and the introduction of a performance-related heavy vehicle fee, which is imposed on virtually every truck heavier
[...] than 3.5 tons carrying goods in and through Switzerland.
世界海关组织确定,提供先进的电 载货 信 息 和建立海关对海关的网络 安排,是全球供应链安全的基石。
The availability of
[...] advance electronic cargo information and [...]
the establishment of customs-to-customs network arrangements
have been identified as cornerstones of the global supply chain security by the World Customs Organization.
在执行武器禁运框架内,委员会迄今共收到22 项对驶往利比亚船只载货物的 检查报告。
In the context of the enforcement of the
embargo, the Committee has thus far received a total of 22 reports of
[...] inspections of cargo on board vessels [...]
heading to Libya.
专家组认为,这就必须遵守国际运输条例,拦截不遵守这些条例 载货车 辆,并对进入科特迪瓦北部的所有货物进行全面核实。
The Group believes that this will require compliance with international transport regulations,
the blocking of
[...] vehicles carrying cargoes that do not conform to those regulations, and comprehensive verification of all cargoes entering [...]
northern Côte d’Ivoire.
在过去的5年时间裡,物流行业和一些货运公司都已经採用部署RFID标签,来加强每日的工作监管和供应链的精确管理,除了追踪货物,还能够对 载货 物 的卡车进行追踪。
In the past 5 years, the logistics industry and the number of shipping companies have used to deploy RFID label, to
strengthen the daily
[...] supervision and supply chain of the precise management, in addition to track the goods, also can [...]
carry cargo truck tracking.
如果您希望以最低的成本运输载货 物 , 斯堪尼亚重型自卸车就是您的最佳选择。
If your focus is on
[...] transporting heavy loads at the lowest [...]
possible cost, a Scania heavy tipper is the right choice.
第十五条 可能形成危险的货物 虽有第十一条和第十三条规定,如果在承运人责任期内货物可能或有理由认
[...] 为似乎可能对人身、财产或环境形成实际危险,承运人或履约方可以拒绝接收或载货物, 且可以采取包括将货物卸下、销毁或使之不能致害等其他合理措施。
Notwithstanding articles 11 and 13, the carrier or a performing party may decline to receive or to load, and may take such other measures as are reasonable,
including unloading, destroying, or
[...] rendering goods harmless, if the goods are, or reasonably [...]
appear likely to become during
the carrier’s period of responsibility, an actual danger to persons, property or the environment.
卢森堡的机场货运中心致力于安全、高 效和快速的地勤服务,令巨型货运飞机 符合海关要求,以低至90分钟的创纪录 速度载货物。
Luxembourg’s Airport Cargo Centre is committed to safe, efficient and speedy ground handling allowing jumbo freighter planes to be compliant with customs and able to unload at a record speed of as low as 90 minutes.
这是个没脑子的问题:当然是用来 载货 物 的 啦!在这点上,我们的货柜与传统的货柜毫无区别。
This is a no-brainer question: for carrying freight, of course – and this one is no different in that regard.
定时齿形皮带式移载器M每小时能以直角向邻近的平行输送机上转移1700个 载货 架 ; 然而,使用定时齿形皮带式移载器M以每小时2000个 载货 架 的速度向垂直的输送机上转移产品。
The timing belt offset M is capable of transferring
[...] up to 1700 load carriers per hour at right angle to adjacent parallel conveyors, whereas the timing belt transfer M is used to divert products to perpendicular conveyors, at a rate of up to 2000 load carriers per hour.
此图以鸟瞰的角度展现了公墓的部分景象:几驾载人马车及一辆灵车正前往墓地,另有几 载货 马 车停在正门前面。
This view shows horse-drawn carriages and a hearse approaching and horse-drawn wagons parked in front of the main gate.
2005 年,俄罗斯联邦发射了 26 枚运载火箭和 35
件物体进入空间,其中 19 件是俄罗斯的: 两个联盟 TMA 系列载人宇宙飞船(6
[...] 和 7 号)、四个进步-M 系载货飞行器(52、53、54 和 55 号)、两 [...]
颗 Ekspress-AM 系列通讯卫星(2 和 3 号)、 一颗新的 Gonets-M
系列卫星、六颗宇宙系列卫星(包括三颗全球轨道导航卫星 系统卫星)、Foton M 生物技术卫星、Monitor-E 土地遥感卫星、国立莫斯科大学 的 Tatyana 教育卫星和技术性的纳米卫星 TNS-O。
In 2005, the Russian Federation launched 26 carrier rockets and 35 objects into space, of which 19 were Russian: two
manned spaceships of the Soyuz TMA series
[...] (Nos. 6 and 7), four cargo vehicles of the [...]
Progress-M series (Nos. 52, 53, 54 and 55),
two communications satellites of the Ekspress-AM series (Nos. 2 and 3), one satellite of the new Gonets-M series, six satellites of the Cosmos series (including three GLONASS satellites), the Foton M biotechnology satellite, the Monitor-E Land Remote Sensing Satellite, the Tatyana educational satellites of Moscow State University and the technological nanosatellite TNS-O.
弗朗西斯爵士载货的船 被一艘海盗船,蒙面红色拉克姆(丹尼尔·克雷格)的带领下,和,爵士弗朗西斯选择了激烈的争夺,并最终投降后,下沉的独角兽,而大多数的宝藏,而不是让陷入拉克姆的手。
Sir Francis’ treasure-laden ship was attacked [...]
by a pirate ship, led by the masked Red Rackham (Daniel Craig), and, after
a fierce battle and eventual surrender, Sir Francis chose to sink the Unicorn, and most of the treasure, rather than allow it to fall into Rackham’s hands.
抽 样样本数将视乎 FDA 要测试的载货物数量。
The sample size will depend on the size of the shipment that FDA is testing.
(ii) 船只、飞行器、其它运输工具或上述三类的任何部分, 载货 物 或 其它 物品,及其有考古价值的环境和自然环境
(ii) vessels, aircraft, other vehicles or any part thereof, their cargo or other contents, together with their archaeological and natural context; and
4827和4828激振器的激励力分别为650N (正弦)和1000 N (正弦),特别适合作为SISO/SIMO试验系统中各种机械部件高精度激励,如大型汽车结构件、宇航结构、机车 载货 车 白车身、大型发动机、大型工业涡轮、重型泵站等。
With a force rating of 650N (sine) and 1000N (sine) respectively, Modal Exciters Types 4827 and 4828 are ideal for high-precision excitation of a variety of mechanical structures in SISO/SIMO test setups, e.g., large automotive structures, aerospace structures, locomotives, truck body-in-white, large engines, large industrial turbines, heavy-duty pumps, etc. These modal exciters are also ideal for demanding and uncompromised excitation of large and very large structures in MISO/MIMO test setups.
雪弗兰是通用汽车在美国市场上销售成绩最好的品牌,凯迪拉克的前卫豪华轿车在年轻人群中相对较受欢迎,GMC则填补了通用汽车 载货 汽 车 产品线。
Chevy is the top selling GM brand in the
[...] US, Cadillac’s edgy luxury car is fairly [...]
popular among young people, and GMC is GM’s truck line.
载货笼或 者在货盘上码放包裹时, Vaculex TP 起重机使得包裹的整齐摆放变得更加简单,因为它可以让操作者空出一只手来帮助调整。
When filling cages or building up parcels on pallets the Vaculex [...]
TP lifter eases the work with positioning of the parcels
by leaving one hand available for help.
与轴承中心线有关载货吃水 线是用来评价不同驱动条件,以找出最合适的范围。
The position of the load line relative to [...]
the bearing centre line is evaluated for various driving conditions in order to
find the most appropriate range.
[...] (正弦)和400 N (正弦),特别适合作为SISO/SIMO试验系统中各种机械部件高精度激励,如汽车结构件、宇航结构、轿车 载货 车 白 车身、发动机、传动系统和驱动系零件。
With a force rating of 200N (sine) and 400N (sine) respectively, Modal Exciters Types 4825 and 4826 are ideal for high-precision excitation of a variety of mechanical components in SISO/SIMO test setups, e.g., automotive
structures, aerospace sub-structures,
[...] passenger car and truck body-in-white, engines, power train and drive train components.
斯堪尼亚重型自卸车适合运输矿石、煤炭等 载货 物。
Scania heavy tippers are perfect for hauling ore, coal, overburden and other geological materials.
七月底,思迈特集团的质量管理系统将通过 ISO 9001:2008 标准认证,范围涵盖与“电梯门、轿厢、钢材、安全齿轮和载客 载货 升 降 机/电梯产品的设计、制造、销售和售后服务”相关的所有商业活动。
At the end of July, the quality management system of the Sematic Group has been certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 standard for all the activities related to the “design, manufacturing, sales and after sales of complete doors, cabins, steel work, safety gears and related components for passengers and goods lift /elevator”.
25 6. 在第二个案例中,提出的索赔主张要求偿还执行安全理事会第 733(1992)号
[...] 决议对索马里实施武器禁运的费用(即根据一国要求进行搜查时,卸载和重新载货物所需的费用)。
The second case concerned a claim for the reimbursement of costs of carrying out an arms embargo imposed by the Security Council in resolution 733
(1992) on Somalia (i.e., the costs of
[...] discharging the cargo and reloading it after [...]
the completion of the search at the request of a State).




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