

单词 长短

长短 noun ()

accident n



short wavelength


compare the pros and cons
compare long and short

(时间)持续长短 n

length n

See also:


short adj
brief adj


shortness n
fault n


lack v

weak point

External sources (not reviewed)

这为在9号纸机上用高质量的漂长短 纤 维 纸浆生产优质等级纸产品以及在10号纸机上以高达85%的脱墨废纸浆生产胶版纸及复印纸提供了灵活性。
This provides the flexibility to
produce premium grades from
[...] high-quality bleached long and short fiber pulp on the [...]
PM 9 whereas PM 10 produces offset and
copy paper from up to 85% deinked pulp.
有一位委员认为,专家小组每届会议的时 长短 应 当有所不同;也可以考虑是否不召 [...]
One member
[...] considered that the length of meetings of [...]
the Group of Experts at each session should be variable; the possibility
of not convening the Group could also be considered.
下表概括了暂时无法工作补助发放、支付时 长短 及 每个历日平均收入补 助的百分比。
The following table provides an overview of the granting of a benefit for temporary incapacity for work, the duration of payment and percentage of benefit per average income per calendar day.
失业人员有资格领取失业保险补助的时 长短 , 取 决于他们的保险 期,即他们失业之前工作和交纳保险金有多少个月。
The length of time when an unemployed [...]
person is entitled to receive an unemployment insurance benefit depends on their insurance
period, i.e. how many months they worked and paid the insurance premium before becoming unemployed.
在所有情况下,无论发言时长短, 报名发言的代表团均将按英文国名 的字母顺序排列。
In all cases, regardless of speaking time, the delegations inscribed on the list of speakers will be arranged in alphabetical order of the country names in English.
当前的多步骤程序存在着三个重大瓶颈,其 中 每一个都涉及确保对实情进
[...] 行仔细分析和尊重工作人员的适当程序权利:(a) 调查进程长短和参 与调查的 实体数目、以及实情调查和非专业的调查人员进行的其他调查的质量;(b) [...]
让被 控行为失当的工作人员作出评论所需的时间;(c)
从调查实体获得其他资料花费 的时间。
There are three critical bottlenecks in the current multistep process, each of which is related to ensuring that the factual analysis is robust and
respects the dueprocess rights of staff
[...] members: (a) the length of the investigation [...]
process and the number of entities
involved in investigations, as well as the quality of fact-finding and other inquiries conducted by non-professional investigators; (b) the time required to obtain comments from staff members charged with misconduct; and (c) the time taken to obtain additional information from the investigating entity.
残疾的严重性、残疾时长短、独 立水平和对支助的需要和要求,都是这类数据 [...]
Issues such as the severity of
[...] disability, the length of time with [...]
disability, the level of independence, and the need and
demand for support are key elements of this type of data.
鉴于国际水文计划现任秘书/水科学处 长短 期 内将要离任,主席团认为,(i)该 职位应继续为 [...]
D2 级,并提出了几个理由,其中包括:它是自然科学部门内最大的 处,事实上也是联合国最大的处,负责一项非常庞大的计划,同时还兼管由一名 D1 级人员领导的世界水资源评估计划,与
20 个第 2 类水资源中心关系密切,并同教科文 组织国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研究所(UNESCO-IHE)、教科文组 织水资源教席及其他几个重要的行动进行大量合作;(ii)主席团应能够参与新的处长/国 际水文计划秘书的遴选工作。
Given the likelihood
[...] that the current Secretary of IHP/Director [...]
of the Division of Water Sciences would leave the post in
the short-term, the Bureau was of the view that (i) the post should be maintained at a D2 level, citing several reasons, including the fact that it was the largest division within the Natural Sciences Sector with a very ample programme, in fact the largest in the UN, including WWAP headed by a D1, close to 20 water-related category 2 centres, significant cooperation with UNESCO-IHE, the UNESCO chairs in water resources, as well as several other major initiatives; and (ii) that the Bureau should be able to take part in the selection of the new Director/Secretary of IHP.
此滤光片计算脂肪的分子数量而无论 长短 和 单个游离酸的重量。
This filter counts the number of fat molecules regardless of the length and the weight of the individual fatty acids.
八.39 关于一个相关事项,咨询委员会在审议秘书长所提本款拟议预算时获悉, 为进一步限制非员额支出,秘书长还正在修订与差旅费有关的相关行政指示,以
[...] 规定今后所有参加人力资源管理厅出资的培训相关活动的工作人员无论旅长 短都须乘坐经济舱。
VIII.39 On a related matter, during its consideration of the Secretary-General’s proposals under this section, the Advisory Committee was informed that, in order to further limit non-post expenditure, the Secretary-General was also in the process of revising the relevant administrative instruction pertaining to travel to provide that, in future, all staff participating in training-related activities funded by the Office
of Human Resources Management would be required to travel in economy class,
[...] irrespective of the duration of the journey.
[...] 批准一开始五年的任期,或者,如果执行委员会决定,可限制某一任期可以延长的次数, 而不论每一次任期长短。
However, it was possible to request the Executive Director of UNEP to issue an initial five-year term appointment on an exceptional basis, or to
limit the number of times a given term could be renewed,
[...] regardless of its length should the Executive Committee [...]
so decides.
(c) 不论服务年长短,定期任用从法律或其他角度都不得指望延长或改为 任何其他种类的任用
(c) A fixed-term appointment does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise, of renewal or conversion, irrespective of the length of service
享受假期——雇员有权利享受带薪年休 假,带薪年休假的期长短取决于工 作年限,但是一般来说,每年都有权 享受20至26天的带薪年休假。
Use their holiday leave time - The employee has the right
to annual paid leave,
[...] the length of which depends on their seniority, but in general every employee [...]
is entitled to 20 or 26 days of paid annual leave.
在其东北和西北两侧成犄角之势各布置两 长短 不 一 的条式体量的客房楼,东侧的平行临河,西侧的垂直临河;它们的内部布局都是线形串联结构,两层双坡;底层的中心是一个位于临水平台上的四面可开敞的明轩式客厅。
The north-eastern side one is parallel with the river and the north-western side one is perpendicular to the river.
[...] 年初级商品价格趋势源自供求的根本问题,尤其是亚洲国家 强劲的需求增长以及市场中的金融干预影响着价格周期的性质 长短。
Experts emphasized that the commodity price trends during 2011 were due to fundamental issues of supply and demand – in particular, the strong increase in demand from Asian
countries, as well as the financial intervention in markets – which were affecting
[...] the nature and duration of price cycles.
接待成员国应审查此一情况是否暂时性困难,同时考虑到居留时 长短 、个 人情况以及所给予援助款额,以确定受益人是否构成本国社会援助制度不合 理的负担,并于必要时进行受益人隔离。
The host Member State should examine whether it is a case of temporary difficulties and take into account the duration of residence, the personal circumstances and the amount of aid granted in order to consider whether the beneficiary has become an unreasonable burden on its social assistance system and to proceed to his expulsion.
报告中可能还会提及相关信息,如房间闲置的时 长短 ,当 前的市场租金,和以往获得的租金。
This report may provide the following information regarding the unit: number of days vacant, current market rent, and historical rent obtained.
例如一些光源会发出强烈的紫 外光谱范围的光线,对这些光源的色温测量并不包含紫外部分,因为人眼对 长短于 400 纳米的光没有感觉。
For example, some light sources emit strongly in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum; the color temperature of such a source does not measure this portion of the emission because the eye is not sensitive to radiation below 400 nm.
特设工作组第九届会议应决定是否需要增加会议时间,包括会议次数和会长 短,以 便及时做出必要安排,与缔约方会议主席团进行磋商。
The AWG-LCA should decide, at its ninth session, on the need for any additional meeting(s), including the number and duration of such meeting(s), to allow the necessary arrangements to be made in time in consultation with the Bureau of the COP.
应考虑作出安排和开发工具,以整理和解释环境监测数据(空气、土壤、 水)和从气象、水文和其他计算模型得出的信息,评估其对公众健康和环境长 短期影响。
Consideration should be given to developing arrangements and tools for collating and interpreting environmental monitoring data (air, soil and water) and information derived from meteorological,
hydrological and other computational
[...] models to assess their short- and long-term implications [...]
for public health and the environment.
预期试验阶段长短将视 每一组指标的情况而各 不相同,一些情况下可能延续两至五年。
It is expected that the length of the pilot [...]
phase would vary for each group of indicators, extending in some cases from two to five years.
中心必须跟踪的某些活动(如 ICANN
[...] 进展),也扩大了相关会议的次数与范围,对必 要的差旅次数长短产生影响。
Certain activities which the Center must follow (e.g., ICANN developments) have
also intensified the schedules and scope of related meetings, impacting on the required
[...] frequency and duration of travel.
下表可用 于估计完全充电的新 iGo 电池使用时间长短。
The following table provides estimates of amount of time that a new, fully charged iGo Battery will operate.
这名男孩拿到自 杀式炸弹背心之后,向阿富汗楠格哈尔省的边境检查点投降,随后被转移到喀布 尔,被内政部拘留,时长短不明
After having been given a suicide vest, the boy surrendered to the border checkpoint of Nangarhar province in Afghanistan, and was transferred to Kabul, where he was detained by the Ministry of Interior for an unknown period.
关键是要从直接、间接和连带就业方面以及 对增长和公平带来长短期影 响,来评估这种投资在整体劳动力方面成果。
It is crucial to assess the overall labour outcome of such investments in
terms of direct, indirect and induced
[...] employment, as well as the short-term and longer-term impacts [...]
on growth and equity.
特定常规武器公约》下的专家会议在开会频率和会 长短 方 面应视个 别议定书而有所限制,其会期应在可实现目标的前提下力求简短
Expert Meetings under the CCW should be limited in frequency and duration in the context of individual Protocols, and should only be scheduled for the minimum amount of time necessary to achieve their objectives.
我们都知道拍摄照片时,曝光的时 长短 可 以创造出特定的影像效果,所以我们也了解,我们目光所见事实上是一段期间所聚集的定量光线,将时间的测量记录在光影之间。
We all understand that the length of an exposure [...]
in a photograph can create certain effects, and so we comprehend that we
are seeing a volume of light gathered over a period of time—a measure of time recorded in light.
文件根 据委员会今后工作量的多少和复杂性,从每年的次数、时 长短 和 会 议日程的角度就如何 安排执行委员会的会议提出了备选办法。
The paper proposes options regarding arrangements for Executive Committee meetings in terms of the number per year, their duration and the meeting calendar in light of the quantity and complexity of the future workload of the Committee.
食典委在议题 10 内讨论了关于食品中兽药残留法典委员会及食品进出口检验和证 书系统法典委员会的建议63 ,指出应根据议长短和委 员会中对工作组的利用情况决定 会议的间隔时间,并应逐个委员会确定会议的间隔时间。
The Commission, referring to the recommendation under Agenda Item 10 on CCRVDF and CCFICS63 , noted that the intervals of meetings should be decided depending on the length of agenda as well as the use of working groups in the committees and that decision on the meeting intervals should be made on a committee-by-committee basis.
法院关于根据欧共体条例40 制定几乎相同的主要利益中心标准的裁决,即认为一 个债务人的主要利益中心是他或她的长期或永久居住地;法院指出这些法院考虑
[...] 债务人是否打算在该地点永久居住,在审议这些问题时考虑在该地点居住的时长短以及 债务人与该地区的职业或家庭关系。
Due to this paucity of case law under United States law, the district court next considered decisions of European courts construing a nearly identical COMI standard under the EC Regulation,40 which view an individual debtor’s COMI as his or her habitual or permanent residence; the court noted that these courts look at whether the debtor intends to stay in the
location permanently, and in considering this
[...] issue look at the length of time spent [...]
in the location and the debtor’s occupational or familial ties to the area.




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