

单词 托管人

See also:

托管 (...) v

trust v
mandate sth. v

act as trustee
thanks to
be entrusted with
hold in one's hand
rest (e.g. arm rest)
Torr (unit of pressure)
support (for weight)
support in one's palm

托人 n

trustee n

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 两托管人及独立总账管理人在保管和总账管理服务方面的业绩令人 [...]
(b) The satisfactory performance
[...] of the two custodians and the independent [...]
master record-keeper in the delivery of custodial
and master record-keeping services.
缔约方会议 还应请一个通过公开招标程序确定的现有国际金融机构担任执行理事会 托管 人。
The Conference of the Parties shall further invite an existing international financial institution to serve as Trustee to the Board, determined on the basis of an open bidding process.
每一位不丹国民均为自然资源和 环境托管人,应造福于当代 和子孙后代。
Every Bhutanese citizen is a trustee of the natural [...]
resources and environment for the benefit of present and future generations.
秘书长作为《总部协定》托管人, 将 加强该协定的执行工作,特别是关 于东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有会员国官员入境签证的第四条 [...]
第 11 款和 13(a)款的执行工作”,并对此后的段落重新编号。
The Secretary-General, as the custodian of the Headquarters [...]
Agreement, shall reinforce the implementation of the Agreement,
in particular its article IV, section 11 and section 13 (a), governing the host country’s legal obligation to grant entry visas to the officials of all Member States attending United Nations meetings.
托管人将与 首 席执行官协作,向理事会通报磋商的结果,并寻求理事会对待采取步骤的指导意见,包括可 [...]
The Trustee, in collaboration [...]
with the CEO, will inform the Council of the results of such consultations, and seek the Council’s
guidance on the steps to be taken, including as may be necessary, the convening of a meeting of the Contributing Participants.
回顾其内容随后得到大会认可的方案和协调委员会的报告(A/65/16) 的第 107
[...] 段,并进一步重申,秘书长作为《总部协定》 托管人 , 应 加强该 协定的执行工作,特别是关于东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有 [...]
11 款和 13(a)款的执行工作。
6.11 The Secretary-General, as the custodian of the Headquarters Agreement, shall reinforce the implementation of the Agreement, in
particular its article IV, section 11 and
[...] section 13 (a), governing the host country’s [...]
legal obligation to grant entry visas
to the officials of all Member States attending United Nations meetings, in accordance with paragraph 107 of the report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, as endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/244.
履行机构又注意到,缔约方提出的问题包括与临时体制安排、临 托管人的 运 作、资金的获取和提供、尤其是核证的排减量目前市场价格较低造成的资源减 [...]
The SBI also noted that issues raised by Parties included those related to the interim
institutional arrangements, the functioning
[...] of the interim trustee, access to funding [...]
and funding availability, in particular
the diminishing resources due to the current low market prices of certified emission reductions.
在理事会的每次会议上托管人将向 理事会通报 托管人 交 存 《承诺书》和《有附加条件承 诺书》的情况。
(c) At every Council
[...] meeting, the Trustee will inform the Council of the status of Instruments of Commitment and Qualified Instruments of Commitment deposited with the Trustee.
对于无遗嘱指导者或法律监护人的未成年人 以及无行为能力的儿童或孤儿,该事务署充 托管人 , 保 护他们的资产并维护和 发展他们的财产。
It acts as a trustee for minors and wards without a testamentary tutor or a legal guardian and for children who lack capacity or are orphans, protecting their assets and safeguarding and developing their property.
托管人可订 立从环境基金信托基金中提供资助的协议,条件 托管人 有 权 承诺资金后,此等 资助承诺生效并且对环境基金信托基金有约束力。
(g) The Trustee may enter into agreements to provide financing from the GEF Trust Fund, conditional on the [...]
commitment of such
financing becoming effective and binding on the GEF Trust Fund when resources become available for commitment by the Trustee.
履行机构还注意到,《议定书》缔约方会议第六届会议需审议与适应基托 管人所作 的临时安排,以确保业已供资和执行进程中的任何项目活动不受影响。
The SBI also noted the need for consideration by the CMP at its sixth
session of the interim
[...] arrangements with the Trustee of the Adaptation [...]
Fund, with a view to ensuring that any project activities
already funded and in the process of being implemented are not jeopardized.
如果任何认缴参加国在任何一期出资款项的到期日之后 托管人 交 存《承诺书》,则应 在此等承诺书交存日后30 天内支付任何此等分期款项。
(iv) If any Contributing Participant shall deposit an
Instrument of Commitment
[...] with the Trustee after the date on which any installment of the contribution is due, payment of any such installment(s) shall [...]
be made to the Trustee
within 30 days after the date of deposit of such Instrument.
FCCC/KP/CMP/2011/6/Add.1 号文件所载资料的基础上,将现
有的资料、包括有关最不发达国家基金和气候变化特别基金的资料汇编并综合成 一份资料文件,供履行机构第三十七届会议审议,以便由缔约方对作为适应基金
[...] 董事会临时秘书处的全球环境基金和充当适应基金董事会临 托管人 的 世 界银行 的行政费用作一比较分析。
The SBI invited the Adaptation Fund Board to provide additional, disaggregated information on the administrative costs of the Adaptation Fund Board and requested the secretariat, building on the information contained in document FCCC/KP/CMP/2011/6/Add.1, to compile and synthesize available information including that in relation to the Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate Change Fund into an information document for its consideration at its thirty-seventh session, for the purpose of a comparative analysis by Parties of the administrative costs of the services of the Global Environment Facility as interim secretariat of the
Adaptation Fund Board, the World Bank acting
[...] as an interim trustee for the Adaptation [...]
Fund and the Adaptation Fund Board.
零用金支票过去由指定司机支取并存入零用金基金以策安全,这种做法目 前已改为向零用托管人开具支票。
Petty cash cheques were made payable and withdrawn by the official driver for deposit in the petty cash fund as a security measure.
为了避免因等待第四次增资生效而造成环境基金作出资助承诺的能力出现中断,如 托管人 已收到合计出资不少于3.10 亿特别提款权的认缴参加国托管人 交 存 的《承诺书》或《有附 加条件承诺书》2 ,托管人在生 效日期之前,可将已为其交存《承诺书》或《有附加条件承诺 书》的每笔出资的总金额的四分之一视作预支出资,除非认缴参加国在其《承诺书》或《有 附加条件承诺书》中另有规定。
(a) In order to avoid an interruption in the GEF’s ability to make financing commitments pending the effectiveness of
the Fourth
[...] Replenishment, and if the Trustee shall have received Instruments of Commitment or Qualified Instruments of Commitment from Contributing Participants whose contributions aggregate not less than SDR 310 million2, the Trustee may deem, prior [...]
to the Effective
Date, one quarter of the total amount of each contribution for which an Instrument of Commitment or Qualified Instrument of Commitment has been deposited with the Trustee as an advance contribution, unless the Contributing Participant specifies otherwise in its Instrument of Commitment or Qualified Instrument of Commitment.
他目前是先进医疗技术协会、加州保健学院和 OCTANe
[...] 的董事局和执行委员会成员,还是 加州大学欧文基金会托管人。
He is currently on the boards and executive committees of
AdvaMed, California Healthcare Institute and
[...] OCTANe, and is a trustee of the University [...]
of California, Irvine Foundation.
(b) 由适应基金董事会或其为审查目的而任命的独立实体开展的为适应基 金提供服务的秘书处托管人的绩 效审查,审查结果应由适应基金理事会报告给 《议定书》缔约方会议第六届会议
(b) Performance reviews of the secretariat and the trustee servicing the Adaptation Fund, to be undertaken by the Adaptation Fund Board or by an independent entity appointed for such purposes by the Adaptation Fund Board, and whose outcomes shall be reported by the Adaptation Fund Board to the CMP at its sixth session
托管人在第 三次增资项下持有的资金、收入、资产及负债,包括本决议附件1 反映的所有剩余款 [...]
Funds, receipts, assets and
[...] liabilities held by the Trustee under the Third [...]
Replenishment, including the full carryover
reflected in Attachment 1 hereto, will be administered under the Fourth Replenishment.
金融处理不当罪包含收款员、监人 、 托管人 、 执行官或者法院其他官员对于债权人或者法定团体或者是类似代理处或个人破产诉讼或者时对资产的隐藏罪;欲在破产诉讼中发展欺骗性的财产让与或者意图挫败破产法律罪;给予破产诉讼虚伪的誓约或断言罪;贿赂罪;为取得贷款给予佣金或礼品罪;盗窃、挪用或者错误敷用银行基金、贷款基金、信用基金、保险机构基金罪;制造欺骗银行或者是信用机构的入侵、贷款、信用申请罪;邮政、电报或者银行欺骗或者银行以及邮政的抢劫偷窃罪。
Financial misconduct includes the concealment of assets
[...] from a receiver, custodian, trustee, marshal, or other [...]
officer of the court, from creditors
in a bankruptcy proceeding, or from a statutory corporation or similar agency or person; the making of a fraudulent conveyance in contemplation of a bankruptcy proceeding or with intent to defeat the bankruptcy law; the giving of false oaths or claims in relation to a bankruptcy proceeding; bribery; the giving of commissions or gifts for the procurement of loans; theft, embezzlement, or misapplication of bank funds or funds of other lending, credit, or insurance institutions; the making of fraudulent bank or credit institution entries or loan or credit applications; and mail, wire, or bank fraud or bank or postal robbery or theft.
[...] 改了它的同意令,明确指出,它将同欧洲委员会真诚协商,以提出一个共同托 管人。
For example, the Department of Justice
amended its consent decree to make clear that it would consult in good faith with the EC to
[...] come up with a common trustee.
就其托管人支付 的货币以及该认缴参加国 托管人 处 取 得资助之货币而言,每个认缴参加 国应维持与本决议通过之日相同的可兑换性。
(c) Each Contributing
[...] Participant shall maintain, with respect to its currency paid to the Trustee and the currency [...]
of such Contributing
Participant derived therefrom, the same convertibility as existed on the date on which this Resolution is adopted.
董事会已经开始讨论,但尚 未同意的项目如下:董事会的议事规则、缔约方使 用适应基金资源的临时运行政策和指导方针、适应 基金的法律地位、核证减排量的货币化、适应基托管人的职能和责任、实施与执行实体的责任11。
The Board began, but did not complete, the rules of procedure of the Board, provisional operational policies and guidelines for Parties to access resources from the Fund, legal status of the Fund, monetization of CERs, the
role and
[...] responsibilities of the Trustee, and the responsibilities of implementing and executing entities.11In summary, the Adaptation Fund is just becoming [...]
基 金 管 理 费 」 指 计 划托 人 、 托 管 人 、 行 政 管 理 人 、 投 资 经 理 及 营 办 人 就 所 提 供 的 [...]
基 金 管 理 服 务 所 收 取 的 费 用 。
Management fees' includes fees paid to the Trustee, Custodian, Administrator, [...]
Investment Manager (including fees based on
fund performance, if any) and Sponsor of the scheme for providing their services to the relevant fund.
该科托管人密切 合作,以处 理交易和外汇结算、未成功交易的利息索赔调查、收入核收、债务期限、税收和 [...]
The Section works
[...] closely with the custodians for trade and foreign-exchange [...]
settlements, the investigation of interest
claims on failed trades, income collection, maturities, tax collection and corporate actions.
(3) 在新的双托管人和独 立总账管理人模式中业 务功能进入全面运作 (3.1) 在新托管人和总 账管理人选定后所有业 务系统进入全面运作
(3) Fully functional operations
[...] with the new dual custodians and independent master recordkeeper model (3.1) All operational systems fully functional when new custodians and master record-keeper [...]
providers are selected
项为已交存无附加条件《承诺书》的认缴参加国规定的任何一期出资款项 到期日之后,如任何认缴参加国 托管人 交 存 《有附加条件承诺书》,则任何此等分期 款项或其中的一部分,应在该承诺书交存日期后30 天内支付托管人,前提是此时该 承诺书已解除附加条件。
(i) If any Contributing Participant deposits a Qualified Instrument of Commitment with the
Trustee after the date
[...] on which any installment of the contribution would have been due under sub-paragraph 3(a) if the Contributing Participant had deposited an unqualified Instrument of Commitment, payment of any such installment(s), or part thereof, shall be made to the Trustee within 30 days [...]
after the date of deposit
of such Instrument to the extent that such Instrument has been unqualified.
要》,其中包括根据《全球环境基金第三次总体业绩评估报告》提出的政策建议,环境基金监督 与评估计划在上一增资期间内出具的其他报告以及参加方的观点和建议,并已请求国际复兴开发
[...] 银行(“世界银行”)的执行董事会授权世界银行以环境基金信托基 托管人 的 身 份受托持有和 管理为第四次增资提供的资金
(B) The Council of the Global Environment Facility (the “GEF” or “Facility”) (the “Council”) having considered the Summary of The Negotiations on the Fourth Replenishment, including the policy recommendations made on the basis of the Third Overall Performance Study of the GEF, other reports emanating from the GEF monitoring and evaluation program during the prior replenishment period, and the views and proposals of the Participants, has requested the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “World Bank”) to authorize the World
Bank as Trustee of the GEF Trust Fund to
[...] hold in trust and manage the resources made [...]
available for the Fourth Replenishment
哥本哈根绿色气候基金应由一 托管人 和 一 个秘书处提供服务 托管 人和秘 书处的甄选程序应由缔约方会议第十七届会议最后确定。
The Copenhagen Green Climate Fund shall be serviced by a trustee and a secretariat; the procedures for selecting the trustee and the secretariat shall be finalized by the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties.




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