单词 | 部族 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 部族—tribaltribe部族noun—clann部族adjective—intercommunalSee also:族—clan race nationality ethnicity
如果商界人士也可以对其部族内的政治和军事动态施加影 响,那么过渡联邦政府没有任何重大的国内支持基础不足为奇。 daccess-ods.un.org | To the extent that members of the business community also exert [...] influence over political and military [...] dynamics within theirclans,it is unsurprising [...]that the Government lacks any significant domestic base of support. daccess-ods.un.org |
Hassaan 裁决说,就防止拉汉文部族与“圣战者”之间更严重的分歧和纷 [...] 争而言,Roobow 释放 Habsade 的决定是正确的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hassaan ruled that Roobow’s [...] decision to release Habsade wascorrect [...]to the extent that it prevents more serious dissension [...]and strife between the Rahanweyne clan and the Mujahideen. daccess-ods.un.org |
部族是印第安乡村 木材、能源和矿产资源的实益拥有人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tribes were beneficial owners [...] of timber, energy and mineral resources in Indian country. daccess-ods.un.org |
制定一项发展、教育和增进对人权了解的广泛计划,内容包括:(a) 在共 同生活和相互尊重的前提下,积极推广所有部族的传统价值观、习俗和机制; (b) 通过宣传和平、多样性和多元文化振兴教育系统;(c) 对所有安全部队进行 人权培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | The implementation of a broad programme to educate people about human rights and their importance, including (a) the active promotion of the traditional values, practices and mechanisms of all the communities in order to foster coexistence and mutual respect; (b) the promotion, throughout the educational system, of a culture of peace, diversity and pluralism; and (c) the delivery of human rights education to all members of the security forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
在中部非洲区域土着人民保护方面取得了显着进展,这包括中非共和国批准 [...] 了《国际劳工组织(劳工组织)关于独立国家境内土着和部族人民的第 169 号公 约》,以及喀麦隆将有关土着人民权利的信息列入其最近一次向消除种族歧视委 [...]员会提交的定期缔约国报告(CERD/C/CMR/15-18)之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the protection of indigenous peoples in the Central African region, notable progress included the ratification, by the Central African Republic, of International Labour [...] Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169 on [...] indigenous and tribal peoples, and [...]the inclusion of information relating to the [...]rights of indigenous peoples by Cameroon in its most recent periodic State party report submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/CMR/15-18). daccess-ods.un.org |
联苏特派团责任 [...] 区的所有暴力都是因为较低级的事件引起的,不是因 为争夺资源就是因为地方上的政治和部族不满情绪。 daccess-ods.un.org | All the violence in the UNMIS area of [...] responsibility is triggered at lower levels, either over resources or because of [...] local political and tribal grievances. daccess-ods.un.org |
联苏特派团将与联合国国家工作队协调,并与该国政府协商,继续处理难民、 回返者和境内流离失所者、部族和解和粮食无保障等问题,借以缓和紧张局势和 [...] 促进人口的可持续生计机会,特别是在南方和三地区,并在苏丹全境促进可见的 和平红利。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNMIS, in coordination with the United Nations country team, and in consultation with the Government, will continue to address issues such [...] as refugees, returnees and internally [...] displaced persons,tribal reconciliation and [...]food insecurity, as a means of reducing [...]tensions and promoting sustainable livelihood opportunities for the population, in particular in the South and the three areas, and will promote visible peace dividends throughout the Sudan. daccess-ods.un.org |
加州大学洛杉矶分校的人类学家 Carolina [...] Izquierdo於2004年花了数个月时间在亚马逊与一个部族共处。 parenting.ycef.com | In 2004, Carolina Izquierdo, an anthropologist at UCLA, spent several [...] months with a tribe in theAmazon. parenting.ycef.com |
遵照过去几届规划委员会积累的经验,规划当局在执行这一任务的过程中 不断询问贝多因各位代表的意见,他们根据每个城镇需要具备的特点提出自己的 [...] 观点,特点诸如该城镇是否针对特别需要划定聚居区的农业人口建立;该城居民 不同部族之间是否需要严格分离;或者该城是否为更具城市化特征的人口而建。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following lessons learned from past planning committees, the planning authorities performed this task in constant consultation with Bedouin representatives who provided input as to their vision of every town’s desired character depending on such characteristics as whether the town is built for an agrarian population with a special needs for designated flocking areas; whether the town is planned for a group that [...] requires strict separation to [...] be maintained between the various tribesor whether the [...]town is designed for a population [...]that has a more urban character. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们要同其他人一道,敦促过 渡联邦政府在过渡期结束之前有效处理剩余的政治 [...] 任务,包括制定索马里宪法,同邦特兰和索马里兰的 所有政治团体以及其它部族,进行包容性的协商。 daccess-ods.un.org | We would like to join others in urging the TFG to effectively address the remaining political tasks before the end of the transitional period, including the formulation of a Somali [...] constitution and inclusive consultations with all political groups in Puntland and [...] Somaliland, as well as with otherclans. daccess-ods.un.org |
在Bosawas生物圈保护 区(尼加拉瓜)的实地项目中,与昆 纳帕瓦土着人协会(梅纳格纳)达成 了一个正式协议,确定将拉卡斯河流 域的梅纳格纳各个部族的传统生态知 识作为LINKS项目第一阶段活动的重 点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Within a field project in the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve (Nicaragua) a formal agreement was reached with the indigenous (Miskito-Mayagna) Kunaspawa Association to focus a first phase of LINKS activities on the traditional ecological knowledge of the Mayagna communities of Lakus River. unesdoc.unesco.org |
报告 期间,难民署在各种局势中开展关于境内流离失所者的工作,包括海地地震、巴 基斯坦的雨季洪水和吉尔吉斯斯坦的部族间暴力。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, UNHCR’s engagement with IDPs was marked by [...] diverse situations, including the Haiti earthquake, the monsoon floods in [...] Pakistan andinter-communal violence in Kyrgyzstan. daccess-ods.un.org |
它还注意到,申诉人解释了为什么他害怕被遣返到索马里的理由, 并详细解释了缺乏部族保护的情况、他的西方人身份和容貌、他缺乏当地的知 识、经验和支助网络和可能成为海盗和伊斯兰民兵团伙招募的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also notes that the author has explained the reasons why he fears to be returned [...] to Somalia, giving details [...] about theabsence of clan protection,his Westernidentity and [...]appearance, his lack of local [...]knowledge, experience and support networks and becoming a possible target for recruitment by pirate and Islamist militia groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
在他下台之前和之后的动乱制造了新的和潜在问题,包括人口大规模流离失所;利比亚部族间的紧张局势,和对撒哈拉以南非洲国家国民的种族主义袭击;伊斯兰教可能复苏;以及军队扩充和武器扩散。 crisisgroup.org | The upheavals that preceded and followed his fall have created new and potential problems, [...] including massive displacement of [...] populations; tribaltensions within Libya and racist attacks against [...]nationals of sub-Saharan [...]countries; a possible resurgence of Islamism; and the proliferation of fighters and weapons. crisisgroup.org |
委员会还感到关切的是,有报告称,国家 官员或部族领导人滥用社会保险福利 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is also concerned about the reported misappropriation of social insurance benefits by [...] State officials or tribal leaders (art. 9). daccess-ods.un.org |
驱逐前风险评估官员的这一结论的依据是,除 [...] 其他外,申诉人的年龄、性别、缺乏家庭或部族支持、以前没有在索马里住过和 缺乏语言技能,以及文件证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The PRRA Officer based this conclusion [...] inter alia on the author’s age, gender, [...] lack of familyor clansupport, lack of [...]previous residence in Somalia and lack of [...]language skills, as well as on documentary evidence. daccess-ods.un.org |
达尔富尔的主要叛乱组织——正义与平等运动和苏丹解放运动/军——仍然在继续作战,并正在考虑(如果公决受挫)同苏丹人民解放运动、武装部族组织——如达尔富尔和科尔多凡的巴嘎拉人、青尼罗河畔的努巴人和因吉散那人——及喀土穆东边和北边对政府不满的选区结盟。 crisisgroup.org | The main Darfur insurgency groups, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLA), continue to fight and contemplate possible alliances with [...] the SPLM (if the referendum is endangered) [...] and witharmed tribal groupssuch as [...]the Baggara in Darfur and Kordofan, the Nuba [...]and Ingesana in Blue Nile and disgruntled constituencies in the East and north of Khartoum. crisisgroup.org |
奇贝拉犹如肯亚部族缩影,人们生活摩肩擦踵,邻人相互对立,引发诸多悲剧,为了防堵蔓延,商家甚至被迫限制顾客每次消费仅可购买一把大砍刀。 thisbigcity.net | In Kibera, a microcosm of Kenya’stribal groups living cheek by jowl, the results pitted neighbor against neighbor with tragic results. thisbigcity.net |
在此基础上,还将投入 3.65 亿美元用于最早部族团体的基础设施建设,以创造就业方面的短期利益, 同时为获得长期利益创造条件,尤其是提供更好的 教学设施,增加学生获得文凭的比例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of that amount, CAN$ 365 million had been invested in First Nations infrastructure to generate short-term employment benefits while creating the conditions for achieving long-term benefits such as increased graduation rates as a result of better educational facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,统一的进程持续了几十年,给各个部族首领以及挪威与其他北方民族之间带来残酷的争斗。 norway.org.cn | The unifying process, however, continued for several more [...] decades, bringing harsh struggles between [...] warring Norwegian chieftains, and between [...]Norwegian and other peoples of the north. norway.or.kr |
委员会欢迎缔约国通报鼓励内地人口寻找工作机会和参 加培训的现 行政 策 ,感兴趣地注意缔约国正在考虑批准 劳 工 组织《关于独立国家境内土着和部 族人民的公约(第 169 号)》,但仍表示关切缔约国尚未采取具体措施,有效保护土着和部落民族工人的聘用和就业条件(第五条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | While welcoming the information shared by the State party on its existing policies to encourage job opportunities and training for people living in the interior, and while noting with interest that the State party is considering ratification of ILO [...] Convention No. 169 concerning [...] Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, the Committee remains concerned that the State party has not yet adopted special measures to ensure the effective protection with regard to recruitment and conditions of employment of workers belonging to indigenousand tribalpeoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
在非物质文化遗产方面,与海地教科文组织全国委员会合作进行的录制神圣的伏都歌 曲的工作在地震前就已经开始,现在正与一个伏都部族一起继续开展这项工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Concerning intangible heritage, the recording of sacred voodoo songs which started before the earthquake in cooperation with the Haitian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO was pursued with a voodoocommunity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
答:我们大多创作街头艺术,以开放式工作室型态运作,任何人都能走进我们的工作空间,学习马赛克的艺术技巧後,协助我们让伦敦变得更美,成员来自全球各大洲,也欢迎许多居民及游客,马赛克其实是伦敦的隐喻,其中聚集各种民族、社群、信仰、部族、文化、教义、肤色、家族、信念、自由,汇聚成这座精彩的城市。 thisbigcity.net | Mosaic is a metaphor for London, all the peoples, communities, beliefs, tribes, cultures, creeds, colours, clans, faiths and freedoms, coming together to make a brilliant whole. thisbigcity.net |
这种模式意味着,我们征询各自社区和世界各地老 [...] 者的智慧和厚爱,要求他们指导我们克服面临的障碍,实现我们的目标,无论他 们是原住民文化的部族长者,还是明智的前国务活动家,或是基层民间社会富于 [...]同情心的领导人。 daccess-ods.un.org | This model implies that we seek those wise and compassionate elders among our communities and throughout the world and ask their guidance in facing and overcoming [...] barriers to the achievement of our goals, [...] whetherthey be tribal eldersfrom aboriginal [...]cultures, wise former statespeople [...]who served their countries well or passionate grass-roots leaders in civil society. daccess-ods.un.org |
要求得到关于引入替代化学品和嫁接法以取代生活在极偏远地区的部族农民所使用 甲基溴的补充资料,对此德国政府表示,国际和区域顾问已根据普遍气候提出使用替代化 [...] 学品,并将在实践培训中使用。 multilateralfund.org | Upon a request for additional information on the introduction of [...] alternative chemicals and grafting as a replacement [...] of MBused by tribal farmers living [...]in very remote areas, the Government of Germany [...]indicated that the use of alternative chemicals had been proposed by international and regional consultants, given the prevailing climate, and would be used in hands-on training. multilateralfund.org |
尽管上海浓厚的商业气息与摩登格调似乎与金属乐并不登对,但之前包括LAMB OF GOD在内的几场演出充分证明在这座城市里同样充斥着渴望大音量刺激的热血部族。 painkillermag.com | Some still remember the gigantic show of LAMB OF GOD at the beginning of this year that showed enthusiastic and hungry the Shanghaian metal crowd can be for good rocking acts and due to Painkillers 12th Anniversary, UNEARTH, one of the leading bands of NWoAHM has been invited to performe in Shanghai! painkillermag.com |
艾布伯克尔属于巴努Taym古莱什族部落的氏族,部落,穆罕默德也属于。 mb-soft.com | Abu Bakr belonged to the [...] Banu Taymsub-clan ofthe tribe of Quraysh, the tribe to which [...]Muhammad also belonged. mb-soft.com |
采取的主要行动是:(a) [...] 关于确保环境可持续力、普及教育以及关于消灭贫穷和饥饿的会议,2006 年 6 [...] 月,加拿大曼尼托巴天鹅湖第一国族。出席者有大河第一国族、部落议会、一名 投资风能的资本家和基金会工作人员;(b)确定了天鹅湖第一国族一个风能项目的 [...]开发商和资金,并主办了由大河第一国族等其他加拿大第一国族参与的关于潜在 [...]风能项目的会议;(c)为美洲印第安部落学院提供赠款,用于配备风速计以收集风 的数据,从而促进潜在风能的开发;(d)提供赠款以培训风能专家;以及(e)为基金 会的可再生能源专家安排与切罗基族的合同,以开发他们的风能项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Major actions taken were: (a) a meeting on ensuring environmental sustainability, and universal education and on ending poverty and hunger, June 2006, Swan Lake First Nation, [...] Manitoba, Canada, attended by the Rolling [...] River First Nation, Tribal Council, a wind [...]energy financier and Foundation staff; (b) [...]identified developers and funding for a wind energy project for the Swan Lake First Nation and hosted meetings with other First Nations in Canada, including Rolling River First Nation, on potential wind projects; (c) made grants to American Indian tribal colleges for anemometers to collect wind data for potential wind energy development; (d) made grants to train its wind energy expert; and (e) arranged a consulting contract for the Foundation’s renewable energy expert with the Cherokee Nation to develop their wind energy project. daccess-ods.un.org |
除上文所披露者外,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、监事及高级管理人员及彼等的 联系人概无於本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及期货条例第XV部)的股份、相 关股份或债券中拥有任何个人、家族、公司或其他权益或淡仓,而该等权益根据证 券及期货条例第XV部第7及第8分部须知会本公司及联交所(包括根据证券及期货条 例的条文,被当作或视为拥有的权益或淡仓);或根据证券及期货条例第352条须记 入该条例所指的登记册中;或根据标准守则须知会本公司及联交所。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or other interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any [...] of its associated [...] corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notifiedto the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions7and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short [...]positions which [...]they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |