单词 | 刊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 刊—publicationless common: periodical amend peel with a knife 刊verb—publishv刊noun—printnExamples:刊印v—publishv printv 半月刊—fortnightly 刊登—publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
一 个显着的发展趋势是同行审评出版物中科学刊物的数量稳步增加。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A visible development is the steady increase in the number of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 於 有 关 期 间 届 满 时 , 据 本 公 司 所 知 , 本 公 司 於 有 关 期 间 内 任 何 时 间 并 无 接 获 任 何 有 关 该 股 东 ( 即 该 等 股 份 的 持 有 人 或 因 身 故 、 破 产 或 因 法 律 的 施 行 而 拥 有 该 等 股 份 的 人 士 ) 存 在 的 消 息 ; 及 (c) 倘 股 份 上 市 所 在 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 的 规 管 规 则 有 此 规 定 , 本 公 司 按 照 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 规 则 的 规 定 於 报 章 上 以 广 告 方 式 发 出 通 告 , 表 示 有 意 出 售 该 等 股 份 , 且自刊登广告 之 日 起 计 三 (3) 个 月 或 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 允 许 的 较 短 期 间 已 届 满 。 golikmetal.com | (b) so far as it is aware at the end of the relevant period, the Company has not at any time during the relevant period received any indication of the existence of the Member who is the holder of such shares or of a person entitled to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation of law; and (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers in accordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement. golikmetal.com |
业界代表欢迎这项决定,并感谢食环署提前刊登生效日期公告。 cfs.gov.hk | Trade representatives welcomed the decision and thanked for [...] advancing thedate of publishing the commencement notice. cfs.gov.hk |
委员会建议应在《亚太 灾害报告》中继续刊登从经济和社会角度对各种灾害的冲击力进行分 [...] 析的文章、介绍开展区域合作的情况以及对空间应用及信息和通信技 术(信通技术)在减少灾害风险方面的作用所进行的分析;同时亦增 列以下各项新内容:(a) 介绍那些致力于减少灾害风险工作的领军人 [...]物的信息资料;(b) 社会和心理分析文章;(c) 报道各种社区做法与全 球视角之间的比照;(d) 分析《兵库行动框架》与各项千年发展目标 之间可能存在的关联;(e) 与《全球减少灾害风险评估报告》之间的 关联。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the [...] Report continue tofeature such elements [...]as economic and social analysis of the impacts [...]of disasters, descriptions of regional cooperation and analysis of the role of space applications and information and communications technology (ICT) in disaster risk reduction, in addition to new elements, such as (a) information on champions for disaster risk reduction, (b) social and psychological analysis, (c) coverage of community practices vis-à-vis global perspectives, (d) analysis of a possible linkage between the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development Goals and (e) linkage to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. daccess-ods.un.org |
(18) 经营作为书商、书籍制造商、钉装商、印刷商、出版社以及各类报章、杂志、 书籍、期刊、门票、场刊、简介、宣传单张及其他刊物、机器、凸版印刷机 东主、雕刻师、制模工、设计员、绘图员、报贩、报章代理、新闻从业员、 文学代理、文具店店主与版画、图画、照片及绘图生产商及交易商、制图员、 广告代理及承办商、艺术家、雕塑家、设计师、装饰师、插画师、摄影师、 录像师、各类摄影及录像用品及器材交易商、菲林冲晒公司、电影制作人、 监制及发行商、宣传代理、布置专业人员之所有或任何业务,以及任何其他 本公司可能视为可以基於上述项目经营之业务。 equitynet.com.hk | (18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all description, machine, letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, cartographers, advertising agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and dealers in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing. equitynet.com.hk |
(d) 以本章程预期的任何其他方式送达的通知,应在相关发送、传送或刊发的时间视为送达,而在证明送达时,本公司的秘书或其他人员或董事会指定 的其他人签署作出,关于送达、发送、传送或刊发的事实和时间等的书面 证明,应为最终证明。 cr-power.com | (d) A notice served in any other manner contemplated by these Articles, shall be deemed to have been served at the time of [...] the relevant despatch, [...] transmission or publication; and inproving such service a certificate in writing signed by the secretary or other officer of the Company or other person appointed by the Board as to the fact and time of such service, delivery, despatch, transmissionorpublication shall beconclusive [...]evidence thereof. cr-power.com |
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准本不要刊载那些列举参 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干事 [...] 引言和每个重大计划的引言合订本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 [...]度的优先事项、指导方针和行动的精髓。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, [...] such as thenon-publication in document [...]C/5 Approved of the context maps which list [...]the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(B) 董事会所议决之事宜的正式公告将由董事会批准,该等公告乃根据香港联交 所证券上市规则(「香港上市规则」)或任何其他相关证券交易所规则的明 确规定而刊发。 sandschinaltd.com | (B) Formal announcements concerning matters decided by the Board will be approved by the Board where specifically required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the “Hong Kong Listing Rules”) or rules of any other relevant stock exchange. sandschinaltd.com |
除以上所披露者外,经扩大集团任何成员公司概无於本通函刊发日期前两年当日起至 最後实际可行日期止期间,签订并非於日常业务过程中签订属或可能属重大合约。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, none of the members of the Enlarged Group had entered into any contracts after the date falling two years prior to the issue of this circular and up to the Latest Practicable Date which are not in the ordinary course of business and which are or may be material. equitynet.com.hk |
(c) 在本公司於聯交所网站登载的方式,或遵照 上市规则按本细则所规定以电子方式本公司 [...] 送达通知的电子通讯方式或於报章刊登广告 方式发出至少 14 日通告後,可於董事会不时 [...]厘定的时间及期间内暂停办理股份过户登记 手续,并可暂停办理全部或任何類别股份的 [...]过户登记手续,惟暂停办理股份过户登记手 续的期间於任何年度均不可超过 30 日(或由 普通决议案议决的较长期间,惟於任何年度 内有关期间不可延长至超过 60 日)。 towngaschina.com | (c) The register may, on the Company giving at least 14 days’ notice published on the Exchange’s website, or, subject to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by [...] electronic means as herein provided or by [...] advertisement published inthe newspapers, [...]be closed at such times and for such [...]periods as the Board may from time to time determine, either generally or in respect of any class of shares, provided that the register shall not be closed for more than 30 days in any year (or such longer period as the members may by ordinary resolution determine provided that such period shall not be extended beyond 60 days in any year). towngaschina.com |
在优先注册期过後,所有依据此《.香港 优先 [...] 注册期规则》申请及分配的中文域名将只受注册协议及 HKIRC刊载的政策约束。 hkdnr.hk | After the expiry of the Pre Launch Priority Registration Period, all Chinese Domain Names which have been applied for and allocated under these Pre Launch [...] Priority Registration Period Rules will be governed solely by the Registration [...] Agreementand the Published Policiesof HKIRC. hkdnr.hk |
(D) 按本细则第(C)段向本细则第(B)段所述人士送交有关财务文件或财务 报告概要之规定被视为已符合条件,如按照条例及其他适用法律、规则及规例,本 公司在本公司之电脑网络或其网址(如有)或以任何其他获准许之方式(包括送交 任何形式之电子通讯)刊发有关财务文件及(如适用)遵从本细则第(C)段规定之财 务报告概要,而有关人士已同意或被视为同意在以上述方式刊发或收取该等文件 後,即解除本公司向其送交该等有关财务文件或财务报告概要之责任。 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | (D) The requirement to send to a person referred to in paragraph (B) of this Article the Relevant Financial Documents or a summary financial report in accordance with paragraph (C) of this Article shall be deemed satisfied where, in accordance with the Ordinance and other applicable laws, rules and regulations, the Company publishes copies of the Relevant Financial Documents and, if applicable, a summary financial report complying with paragraph (C) of this Article, on the Company’s computer network or its website (if any) or [...] in any other [...] permitted manner (including bysending any form of electronic communication), and that person has agreed or is deemed to have agreed to treatthe publication orreceipt of such documents in such manner as discharging [...]the Company’s obligation [...]to send to him a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents or summary financial report. hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
食环署会发信正式通知业界有关提前在二零零 九年五月刊登生效日期公告一事。 cfs.gov.hk | FEHD would formally notify the food trade in writing of the advancement [...] of the date for publishing the commencement [...]notice in May 2009. cfs.gov.hk |
根据本公司的内部评估及讨论,并根据董事会审核委员会进行的审阅,按照该公告所 述的若干主要假设及限制,资本化可能引致(i)於截至二零一一年三月三十一日止年度的本 集团纯利减少65%及於二零一一年三月三十一日的本集团资产净值减少54%(诚如本公司於 二零一一年八月十九日刊发的公告所述),(ii)截至二零一一年九月三十日止六个月的本集团 纯利减少51%及截至二零一一年九月三十日止六个月的本集团资产净值减少52%。 cre8ir.com | According to the Company’s internal assessment and discussion and pursuant to the review conducted by the audit committee of the Board, subject to certain key assumptions and limitation(s) stated therein, (i) a decrease of 65% in the net profit of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2011 and 54% in net assets of the Group as at 31 March 2011 (as mentioned in the announcement of the Company dated 19 August 2011); (ii) a decrease of 51% in net profit of the Group for the six months ended 30 September 2011 and 52% in net assets of the Group for the six months ended 30 September 2011, may be derived from the Capitalisation. cre8ir.com |
在 本 公 司 於 联 交 所 网站刊载广告 或 根 据 上 市 规 则 以 本 公 司 按 本 章程细 则 所 规 定 电 子 方 式 发 出 通 告 的 电 子 通 讯 方 式 或 在 报章刊载广告 方 式 发 出 至 少 十 四 (14) 日 通 告 後 , 可 根 据 第 15 (c) 条 暂 停 办 理 转 让 登 记 手 续 。 towngaschina.com | The registration of transfers may, on the Company giving at least [...] 14 days’ notice by [...] advertisement published onthe Exchange’s website, or, subject to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic means as herein provided or by advertisement publishedin the newspapers, [...]be suspended [...]subject to the requirements in Article 15(c). towngaschina.com |
报告期内,本集团具体的日常关联交易执行情况详见下表(对於关联方基本资料、 其与本集团的关联关系、本集团与各关联方的关联交易协议基本内容、各协议项下预计 的2009年交易金额、进行关联交易对本集团的影响以及本公司董事会或股东大会对关联 交易协议的审议情况等信息,请参见本公司分别於2007年4月19日、2008年10月24日及 2009年3月20日刊登於《中国证券报》、《证券时报》、《上海证券报》的《关联交易公告》及 《关於深圳证券交易所股票上市规则下的2009年日常关联交易公告》)。 zte.com.cn | Details of the implementation of the Group’s ongoing connected transactions during the reporting period are set out in the following table (for information on the connected parties, their connected relationships with the Group, basic terms of the connected transactions agreements between the Group and the connected parties, estimated transaction amounts for 2008 under each agreement, impact of the connected transactions on the Group and review of the connected transactions by the Board of Directors of the Company and such other information, please refer to the announcement on ongoing connected transactions and announcement on ongoing connected transactions of 2008 under the Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange published respectively by the Company on 19 April 2007 and 20 March 2008 in China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Shanghai Securities News. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
(A) 本公司将会於其网站内刊登所有香港联交所公告、通告、通函及其他香港上 市规则及任何其他相关法律及法规所规定的文件。 sandschinaltd.com | (A) The Company will place on its website all the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announcements, notices, circulars and other documents as required by the Hong Kong Listing Rules and any other relevant laws and regulations. sandschinaltd.com |
在其初始发布中,该产品包含了日历,论坛,课程文档模块和一个能够让学生存储定期刊物,与老师相关的文档和自己分配的活动。 javakaiyuan.com | In its initial release, the product contains a calendar , forums , [...] course modules and a document that allows [...] students to store periodicals , anddocuments [...]related to the teacher and their distribution activities. javakaiyuan.com |
载有根据联交所上市规则附录十六第四十六段规定的所有资料之中期业绩公告 已於联交所网站(www.hkex.com.hk)及本公司网站(www.asiasat.com)刊登。二零一零年中期业绩报告将於二零一零年九月三十日或之前寄发予股东,并於 该等网站发布。 asiasat.com | This interim results announcement containing all the information required by paragraphs 46 of Appendix 16 of the Exchange Listing Rules has been published on the Exchange’s website (www.hkex.com.hk) and the Company’s website (www.asiasat.com). The2010 interim report will be despatched to the shareholders and available on the same websites on or before 30 September 2010. asiasat.com |
於一份或以上报章刊载」指 倘相关地区为香港,则为以付费广告方式至少於一份英文报 章以英语刊载及至少於一份中文报章以中文刊载,在每一种情况下,该家报纸须为每日出 版,在香港普遍行销,及依据香港政务司辖下公司条例第 71A 条之目的,而为宪报所指定发 行及出版之报纸。 kader.com | advertisement in [...] one or more newspapers" in context where Relevant Territory is Hong Kong shall mean a paid advertisement in English in at least one English language newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese Languagenewspaper,being in [...]each case a newspaper [...]published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and specified in the list of newspapers issued and published in the Gazette for the purposes of section 71A of the Companies Ordinance by the Chief Secretary of Hong Kong. kader.com |
如果需要证据,则‘海牙公约’被英 [...] 国政府认为可以在和平时期结束后继续生效,证据来自海牙公约的许多参考资料(刊载于近年 在英国条约汇编中由英国列出的‘加入、退出、等’的年度清单)和英国在 [...]1925 年对 1907 年 ‘第六海牙公约’的解约。 daccess-ods.un.org | If evidence is required that the Hague Conventions were considered by the United Kingdom Government to be in operation after the conclusion of peace, it is supplied by numerous references to them in the [...] annual British lists of ‘Accessions, [...] Withdrawals, etc.’, published intheBritish [...]Treaty Series during recent years, and by [...]the British denunciation in 1925 of Hague Convention VI of 1907. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 本公司(倘指定证券交易所规管股份上市的规则有所规定)已向指定证券 交易所发出通告及按照指定证券交易所的规定於报章刊发广告,表明其按 指定证券交易所规定的方式出售该等股份的意图,且自刊登广告之日起计 三(3)个月或指定证券交易所允许的较短期间已届满。 epro.com.hk | (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the [...] Designated Stock [...] Exchange, has given notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers inaccordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock Exchange [...]to be made of its [...]intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement. epro.com.hk |
(D) 尽管股东作出任何选择,倘若本公司获知,向股东所提供之任 何电子地址寄发任何通知或其他文件会或可能会违反任何有 关司法权区的法律,或倘本公司不能核实股东的电子地址所在 伺服器位置,则本公司可将该等内容刊登於本公司之网站,以 代替发送任何通知或其他文件到有关股东提供的电子地址,而 此举须视作有效送达有关内容予该股东,而有关的通知及文件 须被视作於首次放置该内容在本公司网站当日已送达至股东。 chinaallaccess.com | (D) Notwithstanding any election by a member, if the Company is advised that the sending of any notice or other document to any electronic address supplied by a shareholder may or might infringe the law of any relevant jurisdiction, or if the Company cannot verify the location of the server at which the electronic address of the member located, the Company may in lieu of the sending of any notice or other document to the electronic address supplied by the shareholder concerned, place the same on the Company’s website, and any such placement shall be deemed effective service on the shareholder, and the relevant notice and document shall be deemed to be served on the shareholder on which the same is first placed on the Company’s website. chinaallaccess.com |
(u) 采纳被视为适当的形式推广本公司业务或产品,尤其透过报章广告、传单、 [...] 购买及展览艺术作品或令人感兴趣的事物、出版书本及期刊以及授出奖品及 奖项及作出捐款。 wheelockcompany.com | (u) To adopt such means of making known the business or products of the Company as may seem expedient and in particular by advertising in the press by circulars by purchase and [...] exhibitions of works of art or interest by publication [...] of booksand periodicalsand bygranting [...]prizes rewards and donations. wheelockcompany.com |
(i) 於下文第(ii)分段所述公布刊发日期前12年期间(或倘刊发於不同日期, 则以较早日期为准),本公司透过邮递方式以抬头人为该股东或因转让 而有权收取之人士之预付邮资信封,寄往股东名册中所载由应收取有关 股份所涉及支票、汇票或股息单之股东或人士所提供之地址或其他最後 [...] 已知地址之支票、汇票或股息单均未被兑现,且本公司未就有关股份收 [...]到该股东或人士之通讯,惟於该12年期间内本公司须已派发至少三次股 息(不论中期或末期),且该有权收取之人士未有认领有关该股份之股 息 asiasat.com | (i) during the period of 12 years prior to the [...] date ofthepublication of theadvertisements referred to in sub-paragraph (ii) below (or, if publishedon different [...]dates, the earlier thereof) [...]no cheque, order or warrant in respect of such share sent by the Company through the post in a pre-paid envelope addressed to the member or to the person entitled by transmission to the share, at his address on the register or other last known address given by the member or person to which cheques, orders or warrants in respect of such share are to be sent has been cashed and the Company has received no communications in respect of such share from such member or person, provided that during such period of 12 years the Company has paid at least three dividends (whether interim or final) and no dividend in respect of such share has been claimed by the person entitled to it asiasat.com |
还可通过其提供的上千个插件进行功能扩展包括:电子商务与购物车引擎,论坛与聊天软件,日历,博客软件,目录分类管理,广告管理系统,电子报,数据收集与报表工具,期刊订阅服务等。 javakaiyuan.com | Also available through the thousands of plug-ins for extensions include : e-commerce and shopping cart engines , forums and chat software , calendars , blog software , directory category management , [...] advertising management system , email newsletters, data collection and [...] reportingtools , periodicals subscription services. javakaiyuan.com |
28.1.3 本公司已促使在香港每日出版通行的中、英文报章(须为就该条例第 71A 条刊宪的公开发行出版报章名录所指定的报章)最少各一份内刊登广告,表示有意 出售该等股份,而倘若其股本在香港联合交易所有限公司上市,则须已将其意 向通知联交所,并且自刊登广告之日起计已满三个月。 cre.com.hk | 28.1.3 the Company has caused an advertisement to be inserted in English at least in one English newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese [...] newspaper (each [...] newspaper being published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and specified in the list of newspapers issued and published in theGazette for the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance) giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and in the event of any of its share capital being listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited having notified the Exchange of such intention, and a period of three months has elapsedsince the date of such advertisement. cre.com.hk |