

单词 退休制度

See also:

退休 adj

retired adj


retirement (from work)

制度 n

system n
institution n
regime n
regimes pl


system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

主席補充,該等地退 休制度的比 較載於研究報告表9,方便委員參閱。
The Chairman added that a comparison of systems in these places was given in Table 9 of the research report for members’ easy reference.
歐美國家的社會保障制度與香港並不相同,它們設有失業救濟金及完 善退休制度,工㆟的短暫失業或退休,對基本生計並無嚴重影響。
The social security provided by European countries or the United States differs from what is available in Hong Kong in that
they have social security allowance
[...] and satisfactory retirement plans in place to [...]
cater to the basic livelihood of workers
who will therefore not be affected by short spells of unemployment or retirement.
我向本局提出的動議的投票結果,將決定我們能否邁向強制性私 退休制度 這 個目 標,還是在此停頓㆘來。
The results of the vote on the motion as I put before this Council will determine whether we
move down the road towards the goal of a mandatory,
[...] privately managed retirement system or to stop [...]
the journey right here.
經濟結構轉型,勞工市場最受打擊,繁 榮期所實行的僱傭方式、福利津貼 退休制度 等 都 受到沖擊。
As a result of economic restructuring, the labour market has suffered the hardest blow and
the modes of employment,
[...] fringe benefits and retirement system implemented [...]
in times of prosperity are now being challenged.
由㆗央 管理退休制度不僅為基金提供最佳保障,而且更確保節省㆒定開支及㆟㆟享有平等 待遇,勢必證明為港㆟接受。
A centralized retirement system, which not only offers maximum security of [...]
funds but also guarantees economy of scale and
equitable treatment for all, will prove acceptable to the people of Hong Kong.
我認為由㆗央監管或擔保的強制 退休制度 , 所 需的 費用,比設立㆗央公積金的費用更高。
I think that it may be more costly to
[...] operate a compulsory retirement system under government [...]
supervision or with government
guarantees than to set up a central provident fund.
(a) 欧洲联盟正在准备 2 000 万欧元(约合 2 620
万美元)的 2013-2015 年支
[...] 持方案,包括下列指示性纲领:对安全部门改革的体制支持(协调委员会和伙伴 平台);公职人退休制度改革 ;支持为加强某些安全部队建立桥梁:环境和民 [...]
(a) The European Union is preparing a programme in support of reform of the security sector totalling 20 million euros (approx. 26.2 million dollars) for 20122015, covering the following indicative areas: institutional support for reform of the security sector (coordinating
committee and partner platform);
[...] reform of the civil service pension scheme; support [...]
for the introduction of retraining
opportunities with a view to strengthening some security forces: environment and civil protection; support for the national policy of socioeconomic reintegration of people at risk (which could form part of the national employment policy for vulnerable groups, currently being developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Advancement of Women and Children with support from the World Bank).
此外,就欠退休制度這個 問題,我們一直倡議全民養老金制度, 希望可以讓老人家每個月獲發2,500元至3,000元,錢從何來?
Moreover, on the issue of
[...] the absence of a retirement system, we have [...]
all along been advocating a universal retirement protection
system, hoping that the elderly can be given $2,500 to $3,000 monthly.
雖 然 政 府 官 員 向市民 大 派 “ 定 心 丸 ”,認為強 積 金計劃要 “ 睇 長 線 ” , 市 場 人士亦 會 說,市 民 現時距離 65 歲 還有漫 長的路途,不過,我們要 知 道 , 並不是 每個“打 工 仔 ”或供 款 者 都 有三、四 十 年的時間來累 積供款,對於一 些 四 、 五 十 歲 的 小市民 而 言 , 如 果 他們將 錢 放 在銀行不動, 最 少 還 會 有 二 、 三 厘 的利息 , 即使他們選擇了 最低風 險 的保本 基 金 , 回 報 卻連“ 紅 簿 仔 ” 的 利 率 也 不如, 試
想 ,基金 經理收 了市民的服 務 費 , 卻 沒有為市民 賺 更 多 錢 , 一 點 責 任 也 不用負;政 府 強 迫 市 民 儲
[...] 蓄 的 錢 , 卻給了 基 金 經理拿 來 拼搏, 這 樣退休制 度 又 有 何保障可言 呢 ?
Just think, if the fund portfolio managers who charge members of the public fees on the services they provide will not be held responsible for their failure to help the public to make more profit, if the money that the Government requires members of the public to save up mandatorily
is to be gambled away by portfolio managers in the
[...] market, how could this retirement system offer people [...]
any protection?
如果香港不另行設退休制度,對 整個公共財政以至社會經濟環境 將會造成巨大的壓力。
If Hong Kong does not
[...] establish another retirement protection system, our [...]
public finances and the economy will be under tremendous pressure.
總括上述 各 種 情況, 我 們 希望政 府盡快增加生 果 金 ,是因為時至今天 , 我 們仍沒 有一個適 當 的 符 合 長 者需要退休制 度 。
In the light of the various circumstances above, we hope the Government can increase the amount of "fruit grant" as soon as possible.
(三 ) 有否計劃 就公務員退休制 度,包括累積假期 的 計 算 辦 法 等 進行 [...]
全 面 檢 討 ; 若 有 , 詳情為何 ; 若 否 , 原因為何 ?
(c) whether it has plans to conduct a comprehensive review on
[...] the civil service retirement system, including [...]
the calculation of accrued leave; if
it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
由于 和平大学规模小,预算非常有限,建 退休制度 所 面 临的挑战对于和平大学来说 简直是高不可攀。
Since the University is small and has a limited budget, the challenge
[...] of creating a retirement system has proved [...]
simply too costly.
李 鳳英議員:主席女士,上月底
,行政長官 向本會議員重 申 了 對 公務員隊 伍 的 承 諾 , 包括把公務員的人數 控 制 在 16 萬 的 水 平,不再削 減 人 手 , 維持公 務員薪酬不
[...] 低 於 1997 年 水 平,以至不更改 公務員退 休 制 度 等 。
MS LI FUNG-YING (in Cantonese): Madam President, at the end of last month, the Chief Executive reiterated to Members of this Council his undertakings to the Civil Service, stressing that the number of civil servants would be maintained at 160 000, that there would not be further retrenchment in the Civil Service, that the remuneration of civil
servants would not be lower than the level in 1997, and that no changes would be made to
[...] the civil service retirement system.
但是,無論外國退休制度如何 不妥善,他們總算設立了一 個制度,讓國民年老時真的可以退休而不失其安全感。
Yet, regardless of how
[...] inappropriate the retirement systems in foreign [...]
countries are, there are established systems after
all so that elderly nationals will not lose a sense of security after their retirement.
这次审查是首次对养恤基金的固定福利金办法与美国联邦雇 退休制度的 收 入折合养恤金比率进行比较,后者是一个三级退休计划,包含固定福利金办法、 [...]
社会保障构成部分和 1987 年实施的节约储蓄计划。
The review was the first occasion for a comparison of the income replacement ratios of the Pension Fund defined
benefit scheme and that of the United States
[...] Federal Employees Retirement System, which was [...]
a three-tiered retirement scheme containing
a defined benefit plan, a social security component and a thrift savings plan introduced in 1987.
綜合來看,㆗央 管理退休制度能為 所有退休者,特別是那些因入息微薄而未能負擔昂貴供款的㆟ [...]
Taken together, a
[...] centralized retirement system will yield [...]
far greater benefit and fair treatment for all, specially those
earning small amounts who can ill afford to pay top charges.
然而,任退休制度的改 革都不應破壞中國關顧長者的傳統。
However, any
[...] proposed change on the pension scheme should not [...]
undermine the Chinese tradition of taking good care of the elder generation.
报告还说明了大学的具体需要,主要是扩大校园设施及其现代化、根据联合 国薪金退休制度实现 国际工作人员的正规化,并且建立经常供资渠道和捐赠基 [...]
It also describes the specific needs of the institution, principally the expansion and modernization of campus facilities, the regularization of
international staff under the United
[...] Nations salary and retirement system, the establishment [...]
of regular funding and an endowment to stabilize the institution.
她认为,联邦雇退休制度是在与联合国养恤金计划截 然不同的前提下建立的。
She felt that the
[...] Federal Employees Retirement System scheme was founded on a completely [...]
different premise from the United Nations pension plan.
[...] 議設立“隨收隨付”(即 pay-as-you-go)的退休制度,僱 主僱員各 供款1.5%,加上政府注資,為所有年滿65歲或以上人士提供劃 [...]
一退休金,金額約為工資中位數三成,獲得大部分市民和基層 組織的支持。
In 1994, the Government issued a consultation paper entitled "Taking the Worry out of Growing Old ― An Old Age Pension Scheme for
Hong Kong", proposing to introduce a
[...] "pay-as-you-go" retirement protection system, with [...]
employers and employees each contributing
1.5% and a start-up capital injection from the Government, so that all eligible residents aged 65 or above can be given a uniform monthly pension equivalent to roughly 30% of the median wage.
主席,我 相 信你也 記 得 , 我 們在九 十 年 代 中 期 ,曾經討 論一個由三方 供 款,即 政 府、僱主 及僱員 都 要供款退休制 度 , 使 65 歲 以上的長者 每月可 以獲得工 資中位 數三分之 一 的 退休金 , 即 現時大約 3,300 元 。
Madam President, I believe you may also recall that we discussed in mid1990s a tripartite retirement system with contributions to be made respectively by the Government, the employer and the employee, so that the elderly aged 65 or above could get a monthly pension of one third of their median wages, which is around $3,300 as of now.
公务员联合会也支持公务员协联的发言,但补充说,不应将养恤基金制度与 联邦雇退休制度作比 较,因为美国制度已从固定福利金办法转变,将节约储蓄 [...]
UNISERV also supported the statement of FICSA but added that the Pension Fund system should not
be compared with the United States
[...] Federal Employees Retirement System, as the United [...]
States system had changed from a
defined benefit scheme to a scheme that included a thrift savings plan, which could be viewed as outsourcing a component of the fund.
[...] 份,卻被批評為缺乏公平性,這與其本質為職 退休制度 有 關,以至未能涵蓋非 就業人口。
The major component of the retirement financial protection, i.e. the Mandatory Provident Fund (hereafter MPF) System is
not equitable in the sense that it is
[...] an occupational retirement scheme and therefore [...]
discriminates against those without jobs.
我認為下一屆政府絕 對不應該迴避人口老化的問題,趁問題仍未惡化之前,在強積金的基
[...] 礎下,再研究其他種類的退休安排,以保障一些在制度下未獲照顧的 人士,例如收入較低人士或家庭料理者,使香港 退休制度 更 趨 完善。
I think that the next term Government definitely should not dodge the problem of ageing population. Before the problem deteriorates, the next term Government should seize the opportunity to examine other retirement arrangements on the basis of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), so as to offer protection to persons failing to benefit under
the MPF system, such as low-income earners or family carers, with a
[...] view to enhancing retirement protection in Hong Kong.
2009 年《退休法》建立了新退休制度。 该 制度的目的是涵盖所有马尔代 夫人,并对所有超过“退休”年龄者提供最低定额的金钱以减轻贫困,并协助正 在工作的人为退休而储蓄。
The aim is to create a system geared towards the extension of coverage and more efficient interventions targeted, in particular, at the most vulnerable.
(b) "公務退休制度抵銷計劃"("CSRS Offset" plan):該計劃 包括公務退休制度及社 會保障制度,但公務 退休制 度的供款及福利,會因應社會保障制度的供款及福利而 扣減
(b) the "CSRS Offset" plan, which includes both CSRS and the Social Security System, with CSRS contributions and benefits being reduced by Social Security contributions and benefits
虽然发达国家是逐渐地老龄化,但这些国家仍面临着老龄与失业 退休金 制度的可 持续性之间关系所造成的挑战;而发展中国家却同时面临发展问题和人 口老化问题。
Though developed countries have been able to age gradually, they face challenges resulting from the relationship between ageing and unemployment and sustainability of pension systems, while developing countries face the challenge of simultaneous development and population ageing.
特區政府應設立全退休金制度,讓 所有 65 歲或以上的永久性居民都可 以受惠而不計較他們有否供款退休保障計劃及供款的多寡;再者,退休金的水平 必須能夠滿足長者的基本生活需要。
It is important to maintain the pension rate at a level that the elders can meet their basic needs.




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