单词 | 远远超过 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 远超过 —exceed by farless common: outclass 远远超过 —surpassing by farSee also:超过 v—exceed v • outweigh v • top v 超过 adj—greater than adj • longer than adj 超过—surpass • outstrip
然而,已收到的提案远远超过 了计划的资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the number of [...] proposals received far exceeds the financial means [...]of the Programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,如果不能获得一 个或更多的内部证人或高度专业化的鉴定人,调查过程的难度可 能 远超过 战 争罪 案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence, without access to one or more insider witnesses or highly specialized expert witnesses, the investigative process may well be much more difficult than that in a war crimes case. daccess-ods.un.org |
如前所 [...] 述,这是一个特例,其特殊性既在于其实质(其全部工作都直接惠及巴勒斯坦难 民),也在于其规模(其规模远远超过 秘 书 处所有其他方案)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As mentioned, this is a special case, both in substance — as its entire [...] work directly benefits Palestine refugees, and in scale [...] — as its size far exceeds that of all other Secretariat [...]programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会确实认为,关押 在Insein 监狱的囚犯人数远远超过了其最大容量,监狱拥挤程度问题是“怨气冲 [...] 天的重要因素,应及时地予以解决”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The commission did, however, observe [...] that the number of prisoners held in [...] Insein prison far exceeded its maximum holding [...]capacity and that the issue of prison [...]congestion was “an important source of grievances that should be addressed in a timely fashion”. daccess-ods.un.org |
三角合作面临的重要挑战是交易成本高,政策协调难,但 其好处远远超过其潜在的弊端(见 A/66/229)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Triangular cooperation faces important challenges of high [...] transaction costs and tensions over policy coordination, but [...] its benefits far outweigh its potential drawbacks [...](see A/66/229). daccess-ods.un.org |
抗逆录酶病毒治疗的最 [...] 低年度成本即使大打折扣或按不包括研发成本的非专利价格 也 远远超过 了 大 多数发展中国 家的人均年度医疗费用。 iprcommission.org | The minimum annual costs of ARV therapies, even at deeply [...] discounted or generic prices which do not [...] cover R&D costs, far exceed the annual health [...]expenditure per capita of most developing countries. iprcommission.org |
有时,这些过程产生的累积效应远远超 过两年的计划周期。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Sometimes these processes are cumulative effects [...] which extend well beyond the two-year programme cycle. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最近的一份报告认为,《议定书》完成的对气候的保 护已远远超过《京 都议定书》第一个承诺期所设定的减排目标。 multilateralfund.org | A recent report had concluded that the climate protection already achieved by the Montreal Protocol alone had been far greater than the reduction target under the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. multilateralfund.org |
PHC 现在正从一个集中管理的高度 可伸缩、稳定和安全的 IT 基础设施中获得回报,并且实现了 远超过预期的投资回报率。 igel.com | PHC is now reaping the rewards from a highly scalable, stable and secure IT infrastructure centrally managed [...] and offering a return [...] of investment of exceeding expectations,” said Alex Chan, Area Manager, North [...]Asia of IGEL Technology. igel.com |
即 使在估计精确数字方面有一些困难与不确定性,有 一个事实仍清楚不变:适应气候变化所需的金额将 十分庞大,且远超过目前 《联合国气候变化框架公 约》的各项基金与其他资金来源所提供的金额。 undpcc.org | While there are difficulties and uncertainties in calculating an exact figure, one fact remains clear: the amount needed to adapt to [...] climate change will be [...] considerable and far exceed what is currently available through existing UNFCCC [...]funds and other sources. undpcc.org |
由于廉价亟待找到工作的劳动力供应 远远超过 了 需 求,权力关系 往往如此绝对地不公平,以致于家庭佣工所经受的剥削程度完全凭雇主的意愿而 定。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the supply of cheap, [...] desperate labour outstripping demand, power [...]relationships are often so grossly unequal that the [...]degree of exploitation endured by domestic workers depends on the employer’s will. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人深感遗憾的是,即便在国际社会建立一个强 有力的国际法律框架和通过了各项公约和议定书以 便为平民提供远远超过 1899年和 1907 年的两项《海 牙公约》(其侧重点是不分青红皂白的战争手段的危 [...] 险)所设想的程度的服务和保护之后,针对平民的暴 [...]力袭击至今持续不断。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is deeply regrettable that violent attacks against civilians [...] continue to this day, [...] even after the adoption by the international community of a robust international [...]legal framework and [...]conventions and protocols designed to serve and protect civilian populations to a much greater extent than had been intended by the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, which centred on the danger of indiscriminate warfare. daccess-ods.un.org |
不管怎么说,更好的合作及交流与沟通能带来的好处 要远远超过这些人们能想到的风险。 wrdmap.org | However, the potential benefits of better cooperation and [...] communication far outweigh these perceived risks. wrdmap.org |
除了人力资源网的提案,联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的代表建 议,考虑为布鲁塞尔国际学校、布鲁塞尔英国学校和布鲁塞尔圣约翰大学制定特 别措施,因为这些学校的学费 远远超过 委 员会订立的上限。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the Human Resources Network proposals, the representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) proposed that special measures be considered for the International School of Brussels, the British School of Brussels [...] and Saint John’s College in Brussels, where [...] tuition fees were well over the ceiling amounts established by the Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果保护力 [...] 度太弱,技术发展就会因研发动机不足而受到约束;如果保护度过强,即使从长远看消费 者也不会受益,而专利权所有人则可以获 得 远远超过 研 发总成本的利润。 iprcommission.org | If protection is too weak, then the development of technology may be inhibited through insufficient incentives for R&D. If too much protection is conferred, consumers may not benefit, even in the long run, and patentees may generate profits far in excess of the overall costs of R&D. Moreover, further innovation based on the protected technology may be [...] stifled because, for instance, the length of the [...] patent term is too long or the scope of the protection granted is too broad. iprcommission.org |
空 间对于学校而言是个大问题,而瘦客户机让我们可以在 ICT 室 中安装更多台式机,远超过我们 想象的可以安装 PC 的数量。 igel.com | Space in schools is a big issue [...] and thin clients enabled us to install more [...] desktops in the ICT suite than we had imagined [...]possible with traditional PCs. igel.com |
Sysomos的平台和服务远远超过了监 视工具的范畴,提供自动化情感、关键有影响力者跟踪,地理人口信息以及对实时和历史社交媒体会话的访问,通过回答五个“W”:何事、何时、何地、谁和为什么,帮助交流者理解和利用社交媒体。 tipschina.gov.cn | Sysomos' platform and [...] services extend far beyond monitoring tools, and provide automated sentiment, key influencer [...]tracking, geo-demographic [...]information, and access to real-time and historical social media conversations to help communicators understand and leverage social media by answering the five W's: What, When, Where, Who and Why. tipschina.gov.cn |
尼日利亚代表团认为, [...] 应以均衡的方式分配资源,而目前的趋势是用于和平 与安全的资源远远超过用于 发展的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Believing that resources should be [...] allocated in a balanced way, his delegation was [...] concerned at the current trend of devoting [...]much more to peace and security than to development. daccess-ods.un.org |
医疗保险的特点是:人口医疗覆盖面广,广泛规定的权利与实施它们的金融 [...] 手段之间存在差异,主要是国家拥有建筑物和设备的所有权,集中管理共和国一 级机构,二级和三级医疗保健 远远超过 一 级 医疗保健,以及不统一的私营部门在 系统内占优势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Health insurance is characterized by a wide coverage of the population with health care, a discrepancy between broadly defined rights and financial means for their observance, dominant State ownership over buildings and equipment, centralized management of the system on the republic [...] level, dominance of secondary and [...] tertiary over primary health care and non-integrated private sector [...]within the system. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊朗还继续在阿拉克进行重水活动和建造 40 兆 瓦钚反应堆,它的强度远远超过伊朗所称的研究和发 展或医用同位素活动的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Iran also continues to pursue its heavy water activities in Arak and its work on a 40-megawatt plutonium reactor, which is far too powerful for the research and development or medical isotopes activities alleged by Iran. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,一些“被拘留人”抱怨说,在中心逗留的时 间 远超过 法律 许可的时间,一些协会也这样说。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some “detainees” complain that they have been held at the Centre for longer than the law permits, a statement also made by some associations. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于项目的这种独特性质、战略性地理位置、投资的规模和实施方面的复杂 性,评价者认为,其利害关系远超过 仅 仅 一个穿越海峡的越界运输工程项目,只 有参照这个项目的地缘战略背景,才能理解其全面影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given this unique characteristic of the project, its strategic geographical position, the size of the investment and the complexity of implementation, the evaluator believes that much more is at stake than merely a cross-border transport construction project traversing a strait and that the project’s full implications can be grasped only in the light of its geostrategic context. daccess-ods.un.org |
Global 6000飞机:Global 6000公务喷气机的特点是拥有公务机中最大的客舱,其提供的客舱容积与地板面 积 远远超过 了 最相近的竞争对手。 tipschina.gov.cn | Global 6000 aircraft: The Global 6000 business jet features the largest cabin of any purpose-built corporate aircraft - offering more cabin volume and more floor space than its closest competitor. tipschina.gov.cn |
许多供应商表示,我们是唯一执行此类审核的公司,因此当我们发现并纠正问题时,其影 响将远远超过我们自己的供应商。 apple.com.cn | Many suppliers tell us that we are the only [...] company performing these audits, so when we do find and correct problems, the [...] impact goes far beyond our own suppliers. images.apple.com |
会议将在该主题之下探讨各种问题,包括迁走因 政府过去的促进同化政策而安插到家庭和社区的土著儿童、关于寄宿学校的政 [...] 策、目前被监禁或惩罚性拘押的土著儿童和青年人 数 远远超过 比 例 、被寄养和收 养的土著儿童人数过多等问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | This meeting will explore various issues under the theme, including the removal of indigenous children from families and communities as a result of past government policies to promote assimilation; policies on boarding and residential schools; the vastly disproportionate rates of indigenous children and youth currently incarcerated or [...] under punitive detention; and the disproportionate numbers of indigenous children [...] in foster care and adoption programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
9 例如,实证比较研究显示, [...] 中央政府强大而市政府弱小的国家,其地方服务私有化程 度 远超过 市 政 当局高度 自治、财政高度自立的国家。10 [...] 尽管各国在私有化问题上的做法仍大相径庭,但 现已清楚,单靠私有化并不能解决地方一级提供公共服务的所有问题,而必须制 [...]订超越私有化的全面战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although this necessity to draw on expertise outside institutionalized local government has been known for quite some time, discussion has almost exclusively focused on the topic of privatization.9 Comparative empirical studies have shown, for [...] example, that States with a strong [...] central Government and weak municipalities have [...]privatized local services on a much larger [...]scale than States in which municipalities have a high level of self-government and far-reaching financial autonomy.10 Even though approaches to the question of privatization still vary greatly from State to State, it has become clear that privatization alone cannot solve all the problems regarding the provision of public services at the local level and that comprehensive strategies beyond privatization must be developed. daccess-ods.un.org |
近期有一项关于墨西哥城的研究,该研究对快速公交系统的 [...] 成本和效益进行了估算和货币化,结果表明,包括所节省的经济时间在内的公共 利益总和以及所避免的医疗和燃料费用 , 远远超过 快 速公交系统的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | A recent study for Mexico City, in which the costs and benefits of a BRT system were estimated and monetized, demonstrated that the sum of [...] public benefits, including economic time saved and health and fuel [...] costs avoided, by far exceeded the costs of BRT [...]systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,现有一些好的能力标准成为了我们定义模型的一个子集,此外,在其他很多方面增加了大量超越现有技术和实践规范的要求——毕竟,我们对学生的期 望 远远超过 世 界 上任何其他学校的教学规划。 infoq.com | To that subset we added dozens of competences in several areas that transcended those associated with technology and practice - [...] ignoring the fact that we were setting expectations for our [...] students that far exceeded any other academic [...]program in the world. infoq.com |
1) 中国盗版电影的市场总体规模 远远超过 正 版 电影的市场规模,盗版电影的来源 主要有三个:盗版电影光盘、非法播映(如:电影院播映盗版影片)、网络电 [...] 影盗版(如:下载盗版电影,观看或刻录光盘),其中盗版电影光盘目前在中 国是最主要方式。 uschina.org | 1) The market size for pirated [...] films in China far exceeds that of authentic [...]films. There are three main sources of pirated [...]films: pirated films on optical discs (OD), unauthorized projection (i.e. illegal viewing of an unauthorized copy in a cinema) and Internet piracy (i.e. downloading of unauthorized copies either for viewing or burning onto OD). uschina.org |