

单词 监视居住

See also:

监视 n

surveillance n
policing n


spy on
keep a close watch over


resident in
live in a place

External sources (not reviewed)

对 需要逮捕而证据还不充足的,可以取保候审或 监视居住 ( 第 65 条) 。
If the public security organ finds it necessary to arrest a detainee
before sufficient evidence has been gathered, the detainee may obtain a guarantor pending trial
[...] or be placed under residential surveillance (article 65).
国际笔会还要求越南各当局结束对持不同政见者的监禁 居住监视。
International Pen also demanded that the Viet Nam
authorities bring to an end the pattern of
[...] imprisonment and residence surveillance against those [...]
who held dissenting views.
所谓“监禁的替代”可采取汇报要求、交保释金或质押金、开 放型中心或指居住地或电子监视等 形 式。
So-called “alternatives to detention” can
take the form of reporting requirements, bails or bonds, open centres
[...] and directed residence, or electronic monitoring.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑监视 人 员 ,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从居住环境 规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many
children, persons
[...] released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
在例外情况 下,经雇主所在地(居住地)的监 察 员 许可,可以雇用未成年人在晚上 20:00 之 前从事文化、体育或广告领域的创造活动,条件是工作不得损害未成年人的 [...]
Exceptionally, with the permission of a labour
[...] inspector of the location (residence) of the employer, minors [...]
may be hired to work as persons
engaged in creative activities in the areas of culture, sport or advertising during evening time until 20.00 on condition that the work does not harm the health, safety, development or morality of minors or interfere with their studies.
例如,确保所有人都能平等获得适足住房、水和 卫生,这将有助于克服对妇女和女孩以 居住 在 非 正式住区和乡村地区的群体的视。
For example, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to adequate housing, water and sanitation will help to overcome discrimination against women and girl children and persons living in informal settlements and rural areas.
[...] 技术项目,涉及出入控制和证件制作、车辆识别和出入、闭路 视监视 系 统 以及 综合通信系统。
It was stated that much of the PACT II security enhancement and upgrade projects were higher-technology projects related to access control and badging,
vehicle identification and entrance,
[...] closed-circuit television surveillance systems and integrated [...]
communications systems.
实现这些 目标的主要方法包括(a) 制定和实施国家城市规划战略,视 改 善 贫民 居 民获 得足够住房以 及基本城市服务和基础设施,包括水、卫生设施、交通、能源、 医疗和教育;(b) 促进获取负担得起的土地以及安居;(c) 创造可持续城市生计 [...]
所必需的条件;(d) 促进可持续城市发展和所有利益攸关方的参与,尤其是贫民 窟居民。
The principal means for achieving these targets would be: (a) the formulation and implementation of national
urban development
[...] strategies that prioritize improved access to adequate housing and basic services and infrastructure for slum-dwellers, [...]
including improved
water and sanitation, transport, energy, health and education; (b) promotion of access to affordable land with secure tenure; (c) creation of the conditions necessary for sustainable urban livelihoods; and (d) promotion of sustainable urban development and the participation of all stakeholders, in particular slum-dwellers.
(c) 综合数据系统、模型-模拟视工具 、综合项目提供系统以及基于绩效 的标准等工程工具和做法,并建立精简系统,由多 监 管 部 门验收。
(c) Engineering tools and practices such as
integrated data systems,
[...] modelling-simulation-visualization tools, integrated project delivery systems and performance-based standards with streamlined systems for acceptance by multiple regulatory [...]
东北大西洋渔业委员会采用了一监 测 、 监视 和 控制综合 框架,协助促进东北大西洋地区渔业资源的长期养护和最优利用。
NEAFC had adopted a comprehensive
[...] framework on monitoring, surveillance and control [...]
to assist in promoting the longterm
conservation and optimum utilization of the fishery resources in the North-East Atlantic area.
19 (1995) 项一般性建议,委员会请 缔约国在其下次定期报告中提供关于任何少数民族 居住 形 式和 为 监 测 趋势 与防止隔离所采取措施的资料。
Recalling its general recommendation No. 19 (1995) on article 3 on racial segregation, the Committee requests the State party to include in its next
periodic report
[...] information on any ethnic residential patterns and measures taken to monitor trends and prevent [...]
联刚特派团和刚果(金) 武装力量采取措施,进一步加强对一些 居 地 区 平民的保护,例如 Duru Bangadi, Niangara 和 Kilwa,包括建立新的临时行动基地,增加日间和夜间巡逻,空监 视,加 强信息收集和增加联刚特派团和刚果(金)武装力量的联合巡逻和检查。
MONUC and FARDC have taken measures to further enhance the protection of
civilians in the main population centres such as Duru Bangadi, Niangara and Kilwa, including
[...] establishing new temporary operating bases, increasing day and night patrols, aerial surveillance, increased information gathering and additional joint MONUC-FARDC patrols and insertions.
因此,柬埔寨王 国政府没有起草关居住歧视的法律。
That is why; the Royal Government of Cambodia has not drafted any
[...] law related to residence discrimination.
政府关闭了 Jafr 监狱,因为它位于沙漠地区而且不符合国 监 狱 居住 标 准
The Government closed down Jafr Prison, because it is located in a desert area and does not meet international
[...] standards for prison accommodation.
经询问,委员会获悉,与本国常驻代表团无关联且往返总部的费用 由联合国支付的委员会成员(即居住在 通 勤距离以外 者 ) 视 为 非居民,因此有权获 得生活津贴。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that members of the Committee who were not associated with their permanent missions and whose travel expenses to and from Headquarters were met by the
United Nations (i.e.
[...] those who lived outside commuting distance) were considered non-resident and were therefore [...]
entitled to subsistence allowance.
在例外情况下,经雇主所在 地(居住地)的监察员 许可,可以要求 15-17 岁和没有义务上学的未成年人在 [...]
晚上 23:00 之前从事文化、体育或广告领域的创造活动,如果是参加表演艺术 机构的艺术活动,则可以在晚上 24:00 之前,条件是工作不得损害未成年人的
Exceptionally, with the permission of a labour
[...] inspector of the location (residence) of the employer, minors [...]
who are 15–17 years of age and
not subject to the obligation to attend school may be required to work as persons engaged in creative activities in the areas of culture, sport or advertising during night time until 23.00 or, in the event of participation in the artistic activities of performing arts institutions, during night time until 24.00 on condition that the work does not harm the health, safety, development or morality of minors or interfere with their studies.
以色列官方继续定期宣布建造新的 居 点 住房 单位,视国际 社会一再要求以色列停止在巴勒斯坦 被占领土进行定居点活动并遵守国际法、联合国决议 [...]
Official Israeli declarations regarding the construction of
new settlement units continue
[...] to be made regularly, in defiance of repeated international [...]
calls for Israel to cease all
of its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory and to comply with international law, United Nations resolutions and its Road Map obligations.
巴基斯坦建议德国:(a) 承认《公民权利和政治 权利国际公约》完全 适用于国内外在其管辖之下的每一个人;(b) 在反恐措施方面充分遵守各项国际人 权文书的规 定,包括《公 民权利 和政治 权
利 国 际公约》 和 《 禁 止 酷刑公约》 的 规 定;(c)
[...] 废除侵犯个人隐私 权的任何 法规 ,如对私住宅 的监视; (d) 确保其 境 内的所 有人,不论其法律地 位如何 [...]
,都能 充 分享有 基 本 保健、受教育和法律诉
讼权利; (e) 采取具体行动,取消就业和社会融合方面的基 于宗教的歧视性做法; (f) 对种族主义问题特别报告员的建议给予特别注意,他曾警告,要正确对待仇外 思想,以避免产生右翼极端主义。
Pakistan recommended that Germany: a) acknowledge the full applicability of ICCPR to persons subject to its jurisdiction both at home and abroad; b) in the context of counter terrorism measures fully respect the provisions of international human rights instruments including ICCPR and CAT; c) repeal any legislation that infringe upon
individuals’ right to
[...] privacy such as the video surveillance of private homes; d) ensure [...]
full access to primary health care,
education and judicial recourse to all persons present on its territory irrespective of their legal status; e) take concrete actions to deal with the discriminatory practices on the grounds of religion in access to employment and social integration; and f) pay special attention to the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on racism who cautioned that xenophobia needs to be addressed squarely to avoid right-wing extremism.
认识到 这一点,2005 年的《保护妇女免遭家庭暴力法》 视 为 民 事法,它不仅首次定 义了“家庭暴力”,并赋予妇女获取保护令的权利,还考虑了各种形式的补救措 施,例如生活费,补偿居所和监护 权
Recognising this, the Protection of Women
from Domestic
[...] Violence Act, 2005 has been envisaged as a civil law, which not only defines for the first time ‘domestic violence’ and entitles women to get a Protection Order, but also contemplates various forms of reliefs such as maintenance, compensation, residence and custody.
此外,各国应监测并报告住房市场的潜在排斥性和 视 性 影 响。
Moreover, States should monitor and report on the potential exclusionary and discriminatory effects of [...]
housing markets.
因此,各缔约国必须立即采取必要 的措施,以便预防、减少和消除引起或者维持实质性或者事实上歧视的条件和态 度;例如,确保所有个人能够平等地获得足够的住房、水和卫生设施,将有助于 消除针对妇女、女童以居住在棚户区和农村地区 居 民 的 歧 视。
States parties must therefore immediately take the necessary measures to prevent, diminish and eliminate the conditions and attitudes that cause or perpetuate substantive or de facto discrimination; for example, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to adequate housing, water and sanitation will help to overcome discrimination against women and girl children and persons living in informal settlements and rural areas.
一般来说住户和机构用水可以视 为 与 居 民 用 户相 似,非居民用户用水与商业用户类似。
In general residential institutional water use can be viewed as similar [...]
to that of domestic users and non-residential as
similar to commercial customers.
特别小组认为,今后教科文组织应更 视监 测 对 受益者 居 民 、 机构)产生的影响, 因为在联合国强调成果的监测和各国成果链的协调一致时,这种重视质量的方法就更加重要 了。
The Task Force considered that UNESCO should in future
[...] pay greater attention to monitoring the impact on beneficiaries [...]
(population groups, institutions)
given that such a qualitative approach is all the more important in the context of the United Nations reform, which lays emphasis on monitoring results and on the coherence of the country-level results chain.
回顾关于消除歧视的相关国际文书,特别是《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公 约》、1 《公民及政治权利国际公约》、2 《消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形式的 不容忍和视宣言》、3 《居住国公民个人人权宣言》4 和《在民族或族裔、宗 教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言》,5 重申一切人权都是普遍、不可分割、相互依存、相互关联的
Recalling the relevant international instruments on the elimination of discrimination, in particular the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,1 the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,2 the Declaration on the Elimination
of All Forms of
[...] Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief,3 the Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals [...]
of the Country
in which They Live4and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities,5 Reaffirming that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated
监察员将 向制裁委员会、指认国、国籍国/居住 国 、 监 察 组 (协助委员会工作的专家组)及 其他相关国家或联合国机关分发该项请求,并采取后续落实行动,与这些国家和 [...]
The Ombudsperson will distribute the request to the Sanctions Committee,
the Designating State, State(s) of
[...] nationality/residence, the Monitoring Team (a group of experts [...]
which assists the Committee)
and other relevant States or United Nations bodies, and follow up by engaging with these States and bodies in an effort to assemble all relevant information about the request.
[...] 本地举办的其它外部活动相联系:双年展通过 位于全世界主要城市的意大利文化机构举办了 89 场展览,通视频连接由居住在巴 塞罗那的 意大利建筑师 Benedetta Tagliabue Miralles 为 2011 年意大利展厅设计的 [...]
“2011年第 54 届威 尼斯国际艺术双年展意大利馆” 展览。
The exhibition is part of the Venice Biennale, which is linked to other initiatives outside the Venice site: the Biennale in the Regionals and no less than 89 exhibitions at the premises of
Italian Cultural Institutes
[...] in the main capital cities around the world, linked to Venice’s Arsenale via video, to create the [...]
“Italy around the world
hall at the 54th International Exhibition of Art for the 2011 Venice Biennale” in the Italy Hall set up for 2011 by Italian architect and Barcelona resident Benedetta Tagliabue Miralles.
然而,考虑到涉及卫队管理股 的安保服务合同的增加、需要住所 进行监测以确保安全警卫服务的继续并对包 括机场在内的地点进行监测、通行证和身份证股工作量增加、有必要扩大安保情 报和行动中心的闭路视监控工 作,拟议增设 8 个本国一般事务员额。
However, with the additional security services contract with regard to the Guard
Force Management Unit,
[...] the need to monitor residences to ensure continuity of service with security guards and the supervision of sites, including the airport, the increased workload of the Pass and Identification Unit and the need to augment the closed circuit television surveillance work of the Security [...]
Information and
Operations Centre, eight additional national General Service posts are proposed.
15.11 人居署工作方案的执行,将通过四个相互联系的次级方案:次级方案 1,住房和可持续人住 区发展;次级方案 2,《居纲领》的监测;次级方案 3,区域和技术合作;次级方案 4,为人 类住区筹资。
15.11 The UN-Habitat programme of work will be implemented through four interlinked subprogrammes: subprogramme 1, Shelter and
sustainable human
[...] settlements development; subprogramme 2, Monitoring the Habitat Agenda; subprogramme 3, Regional [...]
and technical
cooperation; and subprogramme 4, Human settlements financing.




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