

单词 起作用

See also:

起用 v

promote v


reinstate (in a position or job)


play a role
act on
corresponds English -ity, -ism, -ization

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,很难辨别 哪些投入或干预措施对决策过 起作用。
For example, it is very difficult to discern which inputs or interventions act on the policy-making process.
有一些证据表 明,除了学生自身的准备情况之外,其他因素也可能起 作用,比 如市场力量、激励机制和其他驱动力。
There is some evidence to suggest that factors other than student preparation may be in play, such as market forces, incentives, or other drivers.
有关这个主 题已经写了很多,许多国际组织,特别是世界知识产权组织,已经开始思考现有的知识产 权制度是起作用,是 否需要新的保护形式。
Much has already been written on this subject and many international organisations, in particularly WIPO, have started
to consider whether
[...] the existing system of intellectual property has a role to play or whether new forms of protection will be required.
不这样做,金伯利进程证书制度的关键部分将 起作用 , 进 而危及整 个制度在利比里亚的信誉。
Failure to do so will render key components of the scheme redundant, and therefore jeopardize the credibility of the entire scheme in Liberia.
经济及社会理事会在其 2011 年实质性会议上决定请秘书长编写一份说明, 内载关于经济及社会理事会根据大会第 61/16 号决议等各项相关决议在联合国各 次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动方面 起作用 的 未 来报 告的周期性和范围的建议,供其 2012 年实质性会议审议(经济及社会理事会第 2011/216 号决定)。
At its substantive session of 2011, the Economic and Social Council decided to request the Secretary-General to prepare a note containing recommendations on the periodicity and scope of future reports on the role of the Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16, for consideration at its substantive session of 2012 (Economic and Social Council decision 2011/216).
地表水渗入采矿后留下的岩屑,与硫化物 起作用 而 产 生硫酸,造 成溪流和地下水源的污染。
Surface water infiltrates the rock debris left after
[...] mining, where it reacts with sulphide materials [...]
to produce sulphuric acid, polluting
streams and groundwater resources.
为审议这个项目,理事会面前有秘书长关于协调部分的主题:联合国系统在执行 有关可持续发展的国际商定目标和承诺方面的作用的报告(E/2009/56),和秘书 长关于理事会按照大会相关决议,包括第 61/16 号决议,在联合国各次主要会议 和首脑会议成果统筹协调执行和后续行动方面 起作用 的 最新报告(A/64/87E/2009/89)。
For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the report of the Secretary-General on the theme of the coordination segment: the role of the United Nations system in implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development (E/2009/56) and the updated report of the Secretary-General on the role of the Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of the outcomes of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits, in light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16 (A/64/87-E/2009/89).
选择其他字 样后,该选项将起作用。
It will not take effect when other typefaces are selected.
有些起作用的专业学习的内容也是来自于所谓的“研究”或“政策”,但是,这些研 究或政策并没有被专业机构所接受和采纳而形成研究和发展的一部分。
Some ineffective professional learning approaches also have been justified on the basis of “research” or “policy”, but not research or policy that has been adopted by a professional body or that forms part of a wider programme of research and development.
因此,尽管承认“菲律宾的司法系统可能未臻理想”,但提交 人认定国内补救办法起作用为时 尚早。
Therefore, despite an acknowledgement that “the judicial system in the Philippines may not be
ideal”, the State party contends that it is premature for the author to conclude
[...] that domestic remedies are ineffective.
位于发展中国家的国立或 国际研究中心的研究人员也许会杞人忧天地担忧在境外有效但在该中心所在国 起作用的 技术的专利。
Researchers in national or international research centres located in developing countries may worry unnecessarily about patents on technologies that are valid abroad, but which do not apply in the country where the centre is located.
如果表格具有类似 Alpha 或 Barcode 这样需要打印的命令,此参数将起作用,而纸张将会移动。
If the form has commands such as Alpha or Barcode commands that require printing, this parameter will have no effect and the paper will always move.
如果这样起作用, 请从控制面板里选择系统选项,然后从硬件选项卡打开设备管理器。
If that doesn’t work, select the System option [...]
from the Control Panel, and activate the Device Manager from the Hardware tab.
发言人提到,关于妇女在发展中 起作用 的全 球性研究(A/64/93)2009 年的主题 [...]
“妇女掌握经 济资源并享受财政资源,包括小额融资”与当前的 经济危机形势尤其相符,同时与第三委员会指出的 经济发展与社会发展相互依存的主题相契合。
The 2009 World Survey on the Role of Women in Development
[...] (A/64/93) dealt with the theme of women’s [...]
control over economic resources and
access to financial resources including microfinance, a particularly timely subject in the current period of crisis and very relevant to the Third Committee because it demonstrated the interdependence of economic and social development.
[...] 经济体和最不发达国家创造有利环境,而这是所有其他投入和服 起作用 的 必 要 条件,是为了让这些国家能够避免市场失灵,吸引外国和本地投资,提高供方能 [...]
Several trade-related policy interventions were identified in the paper cited above, which include creating an enabling environment in CDDCs and LDCs as
the sine qua non for all the other inputs
[...] and services to work so that these countries [...]
are able to avoid market failure,
attract foreign and local investment, improve supply-side capacity and competitiveness, and access international markets.
只有在需要进行多次分接变换操作才能使电压恢复到设定带宽之内时,延迟时 间 T2 才起作用。
The delay time T2 only takes effect if more than one tap-change operation is required for returning the voltage to within the specified bandwidth.
拟议讲习班例如可审查和讨论以下问题:关 于冲突情况和冲突后社会中过渡司法与法治问题的全球概况,包括真相调查委 员会起作用;从 法治协调与资源组及国家的角度共享在执行过渡司法/法治方 案方面的最佳做法和相关经验;在应对冲突和冲突后社会跨国有组织犯罪与贩 毒所造成的威胁上的实际解决办法;在冲突和冲突后情况下提供技术援助和咨 询服务以便加强警察、司法机构、管教机构和反腐机构的工作并推进相关研 究。
The proposed workshop could examine and discuss, for example, the following issues: a global overview of transitional justice and the rule of law in conflict situations and post-conflict societies, including the role of truth commissions; sharing of best practices and experiences in implementing transitional justice/rule of law programmes, from the perspectives of both the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group and States; practical solutions to respond to the threats emanating from transnational organized crime and drug trafficking in conflict and post-conflict societies; and the provision of technical assistance and advisory services on strengthening police, judicial, corrections and anti-corruption institutions in conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as promotion of relevant research.
音量按钮只有在与苹果产品一起使用时 起作用。
The volume controls only work with Apple products.
确认重要信息基础设施的安全是各国政府必须系统地承担的一项责任,是其 必须与各有关利益攸关方协调,在国家一级发挥领导作用的领域,而各有关利益 攸关方则必须意识到有关风险以及根据各自 起作用 应 当 采取的预防措施和有 效应对办法
Affirming that the security of critical information infrastructures is a responsibility Governments must address systematically and an area in which they must lead nationally, in coordination with relevant stakeholders, who in turn must be aware of relevant risks, preventive measures and effective responses in a manner appropriate to their respective roles
不过,值得注 意的是看守在门外起作用。
However, it was notable that the guards did not operate beyond the door.
[...] 后能够在改进麻醉药品委员会同预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会之间的协调方起 作用。
One speaker expressed the hope that the working group could play a role in improved
coordination between the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Commission on Crime Prevention and
[...] Criminal Justice in the future.
要使这个项起作用,家 长的努力真的非常重要,包括帮助修葺和翻新校舍,志愿协助老师等。
It is really important that parents are committed to making this project work, both in helping with necessary repairs and refurbishment, and in volunteering to assist the teachers.
独立专家要强调,进行一次公正审判将向人民发出一个重要信号,表明: 海地的司法系统起作用的, 从现在起,对最严重的犯罪不会再有不惩罚的问 题。
The Independent Expert wishes to underline that holding a fair trial would send an important signal to the people that the justice system in Haiti works and that, from now on, there will be no impunity for the most serious crimes.
与前南问题国际法庭进行充分合作和尊重国际 司法是一项持久承诺,这不仅是因为我们致力于融入 欧洲大西洋体系,而且也因为这是克罗地亚核心价值 观及其现在和今后作为联合国、北约和不久后作为欧 洲联盟成员在国际社会中起作用的 一 个决定因素。
Full cooperation with the ICTY and respect for international justice is a lasting commitment, not only in the context of our Euro-Atlantic integration process but as a determination of Croatia’s core values and its present and future role in the international community as a United Nations, NATO and, soon, European Union member.
妇女教育水平增加和政府努力促进妇女在社会 起作用 , 使 妇女希望更多参 与经济社会发展,由此产生的问题是,需要促使在今后十年制造工作岗位以吸收 预期增加的妇女工作人员 。
Women’s aspiration to greater participation in economic and social development, supported by a higher level of education and upheld by the Government’s efforts to promote women’s role in society, raises the matter of stimulating job creation over the next decade in order to be able to absorb the expected increase in female workers.
2004 年《共同国家评估 报告》提到,由于正式司 法机制在包括告知 权 利 、 利 用 司 法、审判 和 拘留在内的每 个 阶段都起作用,妇女和儿童的权利 尤 其 受到影响。
The 2004 Common Country Assessment (CCA) report noted that women’s and children’s rights are particularly affected by the lack of functioning formal justice mechanisms at every stage, including knowledge of rights, access to justice, and trial and detention.
在这方面又回顾安全理事会关于非洲和平与安全的 2008 年 4 月 16 日第 1809(2008)号、关于妇女与和平与安全的 2000 年 10 月 31 日第 1325(2000)号和 2008 年 6 月 19 日第 1820(2008)号、关于安理会预防武装冲突的作用的 2001 年 8 月 30 日第 1366(2001)号、关于儿童与武装冲突的 2005 年 7 月 26 日第 1612(2005) 号、关于加强安理会在预防冲突尤其是在非洲预防冲突方面 起作用 的 效 力的 2005 年 9 月 14 日第 1625(2005)号和关于联合国与区域和次区域组织在维护国际 和平与安全方面的合作的 2005 年 10 月 17 日第 1631(2005)号决议
Recalling also, in this context, Security Council resolutions 1809 (2008) of 16 April 2008 on peace and security in Africa, 1325 (2000) of 31 October 2000 and 1820 (2008) of 19 June 2008 on women and peace and security, 1366 (2001) of 30 August 2001 on the role of the Council in the prevention of armed conflicts, 1612 (2005) of 26 July 2005 on children and armed conflict, 1625 (2005) of 14 September 2005 on strengthening the effectiveness of the role of the Council in conflict prevention, particularly in Africa, and 1631 (2005) of 17 October 2005 on cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security
由于彩色管理和补露白是组版中 起作用 的 功 能,且Acrobat 4.0现能保留组版中的专色,这意味着今天大量的商业印件可借助Acrobat 4.0系统处理。
Due to color management and make up Group version is the most functional role, and Acrobat 4.0 is able to retain the group in the spot-color version, which means that today a large number of commercial print Acrobat 4.0 can take advantage of the systems.




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