

单词 走出

走出 ()

walk away from
move away from

出走 verb ()

run away v

出走 ()

go off
leave home


走出去 adj

going out adj

走出去 v

go out v


leave home
abandon one's family

See also:


go v
walk v
leave v
run v
visit v

go away
move (of vehicle)
change (shape, form, meaning)
die (euph.)

External sources (not reviewed)

尊重这些人并且在提及和称呼他们 的时候顾及其尊严并给予其尊重,这有助于帮助我们 使艾滋走出阴影 ,从而防止艾滋病毒的传播。
Respecting these people and referring to and addressing them by name, with dignity and respect, will help us pull AIDS from the shadows and thereby prevent the spread of HIV.
[...] 开展协调的政策努力,通过面向就业的议 走出 危 机 ,并走向更公平、更注重环 保和可持续的全球化。
Over the long term, the Pact could be a valuable framework for generating coordinated policy efforts to
move out of the crisis through an
[...] employment-oriented agenda leading to a fairer, [...]
greener and sustainable globalization.
尽管安全方面的状况有所改善,科特迪瓦仍是一个刚从连续几个危机走 出的脆 弱的国家,在安全领域改革、振兴经济、巩固和平和实现和解方面仍面临 诸多挑战。
Despite improved security, Côte d’Ivoire remains a fragile country that is recovering from several successive crises and still faces numerous challenges relating to security reform, economic recovery, peacebuilding and reconciliation.
[...] 动转移到农村地区,对其进行分散并提供协助,帮助人们从农业 走出 来。
It is therefore important to decentralize
non-farm economic activity by moving it into rural areas and provide assistance to help
[...] move people out of agriculture.
[...] 望操纵民众的情绪,包括在星期五祈祷后当人们从清真 走出 来 游行时,有一些 武装分子和极端分子混入其中,谎称他们代表所有民众。
The delegation emphasized however that some of those calling for change were not willing to engage in dialogue but rather manipulated the emotions of people, including at
the time of Friday prayers, when
[...] people coming out of the mosques and engaging in [...]
demonstrations were joined by armed elements
and extremists, who falsely purported to represent the whole people.
特别是,我将长期倡导教育的关键作用,以及在寻求可持续发展的过程中,科学、文 化和传播与信息在帮助各个国走出 当 前危机,创建知识型社会并首先在建设和全方位增强 [...]
I will be particularly persistent in advocating the critical role not only of education, but also of the sciences, culture and communication and information in the
pursuit of sustainable development in aiding
[...] countries to invest out of the current [...]
crises, and in creating knowledge-based
societies and above all in building and fortifying peace in all its dimensions.
如果加以真诚地履行,它是能够带领我走 出目前困境的道路。
[...] implemented, it is a path out of our current [...]
在緊接句號之前加上“;及(十一)促進跨界別合作,發展多方面均能 參與的平台,並促進夥伴關係的建立,讓各界能在互補所需,互惠互 利的環境下,擴展社會企業的合作空間;(十二)透過學校及社區上的 宣傳和教育,確立社會企業的價值和提升大眾的認知;(十三)消除有 礙社會企業發展的行政及政策障礙,為社會企業締造有利成長的環 境;及(十四)走出純社 工界別的框框,鼓勵及廣泛接納有心有力的商 界人才參與,使社會企業能具備專業知識和市場觸覺等管理元 素”。
To add "; and (k) promoting cross-sector collaboration and developing a platform for participation in different aspects, as well as facilitating the establishment of partnership, so that various sectors can expand the scope for collaboration among social enterprises in a complementary and mutually beneficial environment; (l) establishing the value and raising public awareness of social enterprises through publicity and education programmes in schools and the community; (m) eliminating administrative and policy barriers which may hinder the development of social enterprises, so as to create an environment conducive to the growth of such enterprises; and (n) breaking away from the confines of the pure social work sector by encouraging and embracing the participation of willing and capable talents from the business sector, so that social enterprises can possess such management elements as professionalism and market sensitivity" immediately before the full stop.
香港法律及仲裁服務研討會」是「2013福建廈門香港周」的其中一項活動,以企業 走出 去 」 的法律問題、風險管理和爭議解決為主題,推廣香港作為亞太區法律及解決爭議中心的重要角色,和香港法律及仲裁專業在內地企業 走出 去 」的過程中能夠提供的服務和協助。
The seminar is one of the activities under
[...] the Fujian Xiamen Hong Kong Week 2013, it promotes Hong Kong's important role as a legal services and dispute resolution centre in the Asia Pacific Region, and the services and assistance provided by Hong Kong's legal and arbitration professions to Mainland enterprises in their process of 'going-out'.
通过各区域委员会和卫生组织各自的平 台和辖区走出去” ,在这方面也是有帮助 的。
Reaching out through the respective [...]
platforms and constituencies of the Regional Commissions and WHO can assist in this regard.
镍的全球市场 需求主要是由新兴经济体推动的。可以预期,随着这些经济 走出 经 济 衰退,对 镍的需求将迅速增长。
The global market for nickel is driven primarily by demand in emerging economies, which can be expected to increase rapidly once these economies move out of recession.
现 在,我们或许正走出一场 无论从规模和全球效应来 讲,都属于史无前例的经济危机,该是问问国际贸易 [...]
和世界贸易组织(世贸组织)如何为实现千年发展目 标做出贡献的时候了,具体来讲,就是如何为有关建 立全球发展伙伴关系的千年发展目标 8 做出贡献。
Now that
[...] we are perhaps emerging from an economic [...]
crisis that is unprecedented in both its size and global effect, it is
time to question how international trade and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have contributed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and more specifically to MDG 8, which is to establish a global partnership for development.
隨着內地迅速發展,海外傳媒對特區作為進入內 地的門戶及內地走出去” 的平台這角色、特區和內地的經濟融 合,以及“內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排”(下稱 “ CEPA”)等課題越來越感興趣。
With the rapid development of the Mainland, overseas media are becoming more interested in such issues as the role of the HKSAR as a gateway to the Mainland and a platform for the Mainland to go global, the economic integration between the HKSAR and the Mainland, and the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA).
他在讲话中呼吁教科文组织 建立各种支助机制,以向各国,特别是最贫困国家,向社会最弱势、最贫困阶层提供援助,从而捍卫过去多年 取得的成果和进步,有能力在坚守在教科文组织主管领域内作出的承诺的同时,通过投 走出 危 机
He called on UNESCO to build support structures to assist especially the poorer countries and the most vulnerable and poorest segments of societies so as to protect the accomplishments and progress of past years and to invest out of the crisis by maintaining commitments in the Organization’s domains.
傑出的企業必走出香港, 所以香港必須加強對中國以及世界其他世界的了解。
[...] enterprises must go beyond Hong Kong, so [...]
Hong Kong’s understanding of China and the rest of the world must be enhanced.
近 日 有 跡 象 顯 示 , 中 國走 出全球 經 濟 衰 退 的 影 响 , 經 濟 開 始 復 甦 , 管 理 層對改 善 本 集 團 於 二 零 一 零 年 下 半 年 之 整 體 業 績 抱 審 慎 樂 觀 態 度 。
Against recent signs of recovery of the Chinese economy in the midst of the worldwide economic downturn, management is cautiously optimistic that the overall results of the Group in the second half of 2010 will show improvement.
秘鲁和哥伦比亚正在考走出低收 入的方式。
Peru and Colombia are
[...] consolidating their way out of low income levels.
当前,俄罗斯经济正逐走出危机,计划采取更积极的措施,使劳动成为摆 脱贫困的可靠途径,尊重劳动者基本权利,特别是获得失业保护和体面、安全、 待遇优厚工作的权利。
With the Russian economy now steadily emerging from the crisis, more active steps are planned to make labour a reliable route out of poverty and ensure respect for workers’ fundamental rights, especially the right to freedom from unemployment and to decent, well-paid and safe work.
三月中起,市場亦逐步朝著Brent小幅倒價發展,其他產品的遠期價格亦偶 走出 平 滑 曲線。
The market also progressed towards a slight Brent backwardation from mid March, and other products also occasionally flattened out on the forward pricing curve.
您将有机走出教室 ,步入实际和模拟工作场所锻炼自己的技能,从而获得真正的竞争优势。
You’ll have the opportunity to step outside the classroom and practice your skills in real and simulated workplaces.
还请提供资料,说明缔约国非正式经济部门的工作情况,包括 这种工作的程度以及所涉的部门,并说明为使非正式工 走出 非 正 式经济并鼓励 雇主登记自己的公司,确保非正式工人获得基本服务和社会保护,进一步防止雇 主侵犯他们的权利而采取的措施的情况。
Please also provide information on work in the informal economy in the State party, including its extent and the sectors concerned, and on measures taken to enable informal workers to move out of the informal economy and encourage employers to register their companies, to ensure access by informal workers to basic services and social protection and to strengthen protection from violations of their rights by employers.
他们必走出单边主义的大潮,回 到直接创造和平的艰苦工作中。
They will have to get off the bandwagon of unilateralism and back to the hard work of direct peacemaking.
政府和许多民众常常把伦敦骚乱和阿拉伯之春相比较,他们把伦敦骚乱中参与暴乱的青年男女和儿童称为缺乏政治动机的迷失一代,认为他们应该受到惩罚和谴责,而不应该教育并帮助他 走出 政 府让他们泥足深陷的贫困和绝望。
Often comparing the London riots to the Arab spring, the government and much of the public described the young men, women and children who took up arms in the London riots as a lost, politically unmotivated generation who deserve to be punished and demonized rather than educated and given the aides to rise out of the poverty and hopelessness that the governments have put them in.
我们对他们表示的最大的敬意是,继续他们的工 作走出悲剧,改造和建设新海地。
Our best tribute to them is to continue their work, to transform Haiti and build anew out of tragedy.
通过绿色增长进程,这一转型通过创造所谓的绿色就业,保护地球的自然资 本,减缓贫穷并以此促成全球一级的绿色增长,可提供一 走出 当 前 危机的途径 以及提高未来产业竞争力的工具。
Through a green-growth process, such a transition could offer a way forward out of the current crisis, as well as a means of promoting competitiveness in the industries of the future through the creation of so-called green jobs, the preservation of the Earth’s natural capital, the alleviation of poverty and thus the enabling of green growth at the global level.
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈的进取精神,解放思想,与时俱进,大胆实践 走出 了 一 条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。
Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development.
短篇或實況戲劇方面,港台的「鐵窗邊緣」、「生活逼人來」、「幾許風雨」、無線的「廉政行動1998」和亞視的 走出 貧 困 」都有出色的表現。
As for short drama series or reality dramas, RTHK's "The Road Back", "Difficult Life", "After the
Rain", as well as TVB's "ICAC Investigators
[...] 1998" and ATV's "Walk out from Poverty", [...]
are all fine examples with stellar performance in the survey.
自此,走出去”特色 在政府的经济发展战略中不断深化,除了海外政治和投 资指导方针,来自政府金融机构的支持还包括了前期投 资成本、利率和个人海外工作保险。
In addition to political and investment guidance abroad, backing from government financial institutions has included subsidies on pre-investment costs, interest rates, and insurance for personnel working abroad.
(z) 向被判处死刑的囚犯提供替代监舍,使他们能够获得适当的条件,包
[...] 括睡眠空间,并作为紧急事项审查对这些犯人采用的管理办法和强制措施,以提 供每走出牢房 的时间,包括一小时的室外活动
(z) Alternative accommodation be provided for prisoners sentenced to death, so that they can have access to adequate conditions, including space for sleeping, and that the regime and restrictions applied to these prisoners
be reviewed as a matter of urgency, in order
[...] to provide time out of cell every day, [...]
including an hour of outdoor exercise




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