

单词 财务科

See also:


financial affairs


property n
wealth n
money n


External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长指出财务科增设 员额限制在最低限度,非索特派团支助办将利用 恩德培区域服务中心提供的支持(见 [...]
A/66/685,第 84-85 段)。
The Secretary-General states that
[...] additional posts in the Finance Section have been [...]
kept to a minimum, as UNSOA will leverage
support provided by the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe (see A/66/685, paras. 84-85).
建议在 2012/13 年期间 调动的 83 个员额和职位包括:财务科调出的 38 个员额,即 4 个财务干事(P-4)、 2 个协理财务干事(本国专业干事)、28 个财务助理(10 个外勤事务和 18 个本国一 般事务人员)、1 个出纳员(外勤事务)、1 [...]
个数据库管理员(外勤事务)和 2 个办公 室助理(本国一般事务人员);从人力资源科调出的
45 个员额和职位,即 9 个人 力资源干事(3 个 P-4、1 个 P-3、3 个外勤事务和 2 个本国专业干事)、1 个协理 人力资源干事(P-2)、31 个人力资源助理(14 个外勤事务、3 个联合国志愿人员和 14 个本国一般事务人员)、1 个差旅事务干事(本国专业干事)、2 个差旅事务助理 (本国一般事务)和 1 个办公室助理(本国一般事务)(同上,第 48 和 49 段)。
The 83 posts and positions
[...] proposed to be redeployed for the 2012/13 period include 38 posts from the Finance Section, comprising 4 Finance Officers [...]
(P-4), 2 Associate Finance
Officers (National Professional Officers), 28 Finance Assistants (10 Field Service and 18 national General Service), 1 Cashier (Field Service), 1 Database Administrator (Field Service) and 2 Office Assistants (national General Service) posts, and 45 posts and positions from the Human Resources Section, comprising 9 Human Resources Officers (3 P-4, 1 P-3, 3 Field Service and 2 National Professional Officers), 1 Associate Human Resources Officer (P-2), 31 Human Resources Assistants (14 Field Service, 3 United Nations Volunteers and 14 national General Service), 1 Travel Officer (National Professional Officer), 2 Travel Assistants (national General Service) and 1 Office Assistant (national General Service staff) posts (ibid., paras. 48 and 49).
财产处理股现正在处理,并财务科 联 络 , 以确保恰当记录销售收入,及时从盘存数据库中去 掉被处置的资产。
The Property Disposal Unit now
[...] processes and liaises with the Finance Section to [...]
ensure that the revenue from sales are
properly recorded and disposed assets are removed from the inventory databases in a timely manner.
依照大会第 65/248 号决议,拟议裁撤 10 个员额(文职人员科 1 个人力资源 干事(P-4)、2 个人力资源干事(P-3)和 1 个福利助理(外勤事务);采购科 1
个采 购助理(外勤事务)和 1
[...] 个行政助理(外勤事务) ;艾滋病毒/艾滋病股 1 个艾滋病 毒/艾滋病顾问(本国干事);财务科 1 个财务助理 (本国一般事务);一般事务科 2 个设施管理助理(本国一般事务));将 1 [...]
个外勤事务员额(合同管理科 1 个合同管
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/248, it is proposed that 10 posts be abolished (1 Human Resources Officer (P-4), 2 Human Resources Officer (P-3) and 1 Welfare Assistant (Field Service) in the Civilian Personnel Section; 1 Procurement Assistant (Field Service) and 1 Administrative Assistant (Field Service) in the Procurement Section; 1 HIV/AIDS Counsellor (National
Officer) in the
[...] HIV/AIDS Unit; 1 Finance Assistant (national General Service) in the Finance Section; and 2 Facilities [...]
Assistant (national General Service) in the General Services Section); and that 1 Field Service post (1 Contracts Management Assistant in the Contracts Management Section) be converted to a national General Service post.
(b) 一个高级预算助理(本国一般事务员额)将 财务科 调 到 特派团支助事 务主管办公室,以确保联塞部队遵守对所有维持和平特派团适用的政策,即财务 和预算职能应分开(同上,第 20 段)。
(b) One national General Service post of Senior Budget Assistant to be redeployed from the Finance Section to the [...]
Office of the Chief of
Mission Support, so as to ensure that UNFICYP is in compliance with the policy applied in all peacekeeping missions that finance and budget functions should be separate (ibid., para. 20).
正如上文第 31 段所述,秘书长提议共调动 39 个员额,即财务科共调 动 13 个(2 个 P-4、10 个外勤人员和 1 个本国一般事务人员)和从人力资源科共调动 [...]
26 个(3 个 P-3、17 个外勤人员和 6 个本国一般事务人员)至区域服务中心,作为按
照全球外勤支助战略进行的职能合并和精简工作的一项内容(又见下文第 64 段)。
As indicated in paragraph 31 above, the Secretary-General is proposing the
redeployment of 39 posts, a total
[...] of 13 from the Finance Section (2 P-4, 10 Field Service and 1 national [...]
General Service) and 26
from the Human Resources Section (3 P-3, 17 Field Service and 6 national General Service) to the Regional Service Centre as part of the streamlining and integration of functions in line with the global field support strategy (see also para. 64 below).
务专员办公室目前有 10 个员额(1 个 D-2、1 个 D-1、1 个 P-5、4 个 P-4、1 个外 勤人员和 2 个本国一般事务人员)(A/65/727,第 49 段),而且 2011/12
[...] 年度特派 团拟议工作人员能力将包财务科 47 个员额、人力资源管理科 61 个员额、通信 [...]
和新闻处 64 个员额,以及通信和信息技术科 138 个员额(见 A/65/727,附件二)。
The Committee further notes that the office of the UNMIL Police Commissioner currently has 10 posts (1 D-2, 1 D-1, 1 P-5, 4 P-4, 1 Field Service and 2 national General Service) (A/65/727, para. 49), and that the proposed staff capacity of the Mission for
2011/12 would include
[...] 47 posts in the Finance Section, 61 posts [...]
in the Human Resources Management Section, 64 posts in the Communications and Public Information Office, and 138 posts in the Communications
and Information Technology Section (see A/65/727, annex II).
拟议裁撤社区警务中心的 30 个语文助理员额(本国一般事务工作人员),并 从社区警务中心将 5 个语文助理员额(本国一般事务工作人员)改派至法希尔特派 团总财务科,因 为预期部署的阿拉伯语警察多于最初预想而对联合国警察支助 的需求做了修订。
As a result of revised requirements for support to the United Nations police owing to the expected deployment of more Arabic-speaking police officers than originally envisaged, it is proposed to abolish 30 Language Assistant (national General Service staff) posts from the community policing centres, and to reassign 5 Language Assistant (national General Service staff) posts from the community policing centres to the Finance Section at mission headquarters in El Fasher.
为此,拟财务科调出 13 个员额,其中有 2 个财务干事(P-4)和 11 个财务 助理(10 个外勤人员和 1 个本国一般事务人员)员额。
Accordingly, it is proposed that 13 posts, comprising 2 Finance Officer (P-4) and 11 Finance Assistant (10 Field Service and 1 national General Service staff) posts be redeployed from the Finance Section.
此外,任职者还将担任系统管理员,负责 财务科 全 体 人员进行 SUN 系统、Progen 和资金监测工具培训,并与首席财务干事一道,推 财务科采 用 《国际公共部门会计准则》和企业资源规划。
In addition the incumbent will act as Systems Administrator with
responsibility for the
[...] training of all Finance Section personnel on the Sun systems, Progen and the Funds Monitoring Tool and to partner with the Chief Finance Officer to position the Section in the [...]
implementation of International
Public Sector Accounting Standards and Enterprise Resource Planning.
根据对特派团支助结构的审查结果,为了优化人力资源,拟议进行如下调 动:1 个高级行政干事员额(P-5)调至特派团支助事务副主任办公室;7 个人力资 源助理员额(3 个外勤事务人员和 4 个本国一般事务人员)调至人科;5 个财务 助理员额(2 个外勤事务人员和 3 个本国一般事务人员)调财务科;1 个行政助 理员额(外勤事务人员)调至行政事务主任办公室。
In line with the review of the mission support structure and in order to optimize its human resources, it is proposed that: a post of Senior Administrative Officer (P-5) be redeployed to the Office of the Deputy Director of Mission Support; that seven posts of Human Resources Assistant (3 Field Service and 4 national General
Service) be redeployed to
[...] the Personnel Section; that five posts of Finance Assistant (2 Field Service and 3 national General Service) be redeployed to the Finance Section; and that [...]
one post of Administrative Assistant (Field Service) be redeployed to the Office of
the Chief of Administrative Services.
中心的三个共同发起 方(文化部、外交部和保加利亚科学院)在中心的法律、行政管理 财务 、 科 学 与 物质基础 设施的建设方面已经做了大量的工作。
The three co-founders of the centre
(Ministry of Culture, Ministry
[...] for Foreign Affairs and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) have undertaken significant work in establishing the legal, administrative, financial, scientific and material [...]
infrastructure of the centre.
还拟议将 4
[...] 个本国一般事务员额(采购助理、小组助理、燃料助理和电气工 程师/冷暖通风技师)分别从采科、 财务科 、 供应科和工程科改派为消防安全股 的消防安全助理员额。
It is also proposed that 4 national General Service posts (Procurement Assistant, Team Assistant, Fuel Assistant and Electrician/Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technician) in
[...] the Procurement, Finance, Supply and Engineering [...]
Sections, respectively, be reassigned
as Fire Safety Assistant posts in the Fire Safety Unit.
然而,由于非洲区域办和塞内加尔业务中心 建立新的管理结构并设财务科,现 在可以采取行动,防止此类情况的发生。
However, with the new structure of
[...] management and the finance section at the [...]
Africa Regional Office and the Senegal Operations
Centre, it is now possible to act and prevent such cases.
为加强区域服务中心,拟财务科的 19 个员额和职位调到区域服务中财 务科,其中包括 1 个财务干事(P-3)、2 个协理财务干事(P-2)和 16 个财务助理(11 个外勤人员、3 个本国一般事务人员和 [...]
2 个联合国志愿人员)。
In the Finance Section, in the context of the strengthening of the Regional Service Centre, it is [...]
proposed to transfer 19 posts and positions,
comprising 1 Finance Officer (P-3), 2 Associate Finance Officers (P-2) and 16 Finance Assistants (11 Field Service, 3 national General Service and 2 United Nations Volunteers) to the Finance Section of the Regional Service Centre.
4.3 WIPO 财务科将按 收到待办交易申请的时间先后把借项记入往来帐户。
4.3 Debits will be entered, by the Finance Section of WIPO, [...]
on the current account in chronological order of receipt of
requests for transactions to be made.
特派团支助司其他人员配置调整包括:将 49 个语文助理(本
[...] 国一般事务)员额调至民政科,改为所需的社区联络助理;将 38 个员额和联合国 志愿人员职位财务科和人力资源科调至恩德培的区域服务中心,以进一步减少 两科的人员编制,因为一些相关职能将由区域服务中心承担。
Further staffing adjustments in the Mission Support Division include the reassignment of 49 Language Assistant (national General Service) posts to the Civil Affairs Section to accommodate requirements for community liaison assistants, in addition to the transfer of 38 posts and
United Nations Volunteer
[...] positions from the finance and human resources sections to the Regional Service Centre [...]
at Entebbe with further
reduction of the staffing of those sections as the Centre would assume some of the related functions.
此外,已重新安排了人 事财务科内的 工作,以便加强对支付特派任务生 活津贴的内部控制。
Furthermore, work within the
[...] Personnel and Finance Sections has been [...]
rearranged to strengthen internal checks on the payment
of mission subsistence allowance.
共有 51 名工作人员,其中 1 名总干事(办公室)、6
[...] 名部门主任(教育、标准和 协调、法律财务、科学、 通讯、医疗)和 3 个地区办公室主任以及 [...]
41 名其他工 作人员。
There is a staff of 51 employees with a Director-General (Executive Office) and six Directors
(Education, Standards and Harmonization,
[...] Legal and Finance, Science, Communications, [...]
Medical) and three Regional Office Directors and 41 other employees.
财务科经常按资金的主要类别分别对本组织的所有账户的现款资金状况进行检查,其 [...]
The Treasury Section reviews the [...]
cash fund position of all of the Organization’s accounts daily by account and by major
category of fund in order, in particular, to invest surpluses or replenish any deficits, whenever the high or low cash fund limits set for an account has been crossed.
非索特派团支助财务科的独特之处是,利用来源不同(维和预算;经常预 算)的分摊款管理两个组织,并管理三个各自独立的信托基金(支助非索特派团信 [...]
托基金、支助索马里过渡安全机构信托基金及支助联合国索马里建设和平活动信 托基金)。
The UNSOA Finance Section is unique in [...]
that it manages two organizations with separate sources of assessed funding (peacekeeping
and regular budget) as well as three separate trust funds (Trust Fund in Support of AMISOM, Trust Fund in Support of the Somali Transitional Security Institutions and Trust Fund in Support of United Nations Peacebuilding Activities in Somalia).
由世界遗产中心(CPM)行政干事与会计财务科协调 负责这项工作32 ,也由中心确认收到没有信托基金、与私营部门合作的伙伴 [...]
This process32 is under the responsibility of the Administrative Officer of WHC, in
[...] cooperation with the Treasury Section (BOC/TRS).
行预咨委会注意到,按照审计委员会有关提 高速效项目执行率的建议,联海稳定团为其区域协调中心配备了专门的项目管理 工具,并财务科指定 一名速效项目协调人(另见上文第 38 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes that, in line with the recommendation of the Board of Auditors to improve the rate of implementation of quick-impact projects, MINUSTAH had equipped its regional focal points with
dedicated project management
[...] tools and had designated a focal point for quickimpact projects in the Finance Section (see also [...]
para. 38 above).
采取了以下行动以改善控制财务科 每周 向所有成本中心发送未清偿债务的情况报告供 审查和反馈;在收到年底结账指示时 财务科 向所有成本中心发出催复通知,要求它们在财政年度结 束前提交付款请求。
The following actions were introduced to
[...] improve control: the Finance Section sends status reports on unliquidated obligations to all cost centres on a weekly basis for review and feedback; and upon receipt of year-end closing instructions, the Finance Section sends reminders [...]
to all cost centres
requesting them to submit requests for payment before the end of the financial year.
根据教科文组织的投资政策,财务管理 财务科 采 用利用以下标准确定的存款上限:最 低股本 25 亿美元和最低惠誉评级:主权 AA-、个人 B/C、支持 1、隐含评级最低 AA-。
In accordance with Investment
[...] Policy of UNESCO, the Treasury Section of the Bureau of Financial Management [...]
applies deposit ceilings
determined using the following criteria: minimum equity $2.5 billion and minimum Fitch ratings: sovereign AA-, individual B/C, support 1, implied rating minimum AA-.
此外,我要求行财务科在 D AC(授权与问责制委员会)的监督下,重审并出台 [...]
授权和责任表格(原有《行政手册》的附录 3A 和 10B),旨在确保各个职能清晰明确地执 行。
In addition, I
[...] have asked the ADM Sector, under the supervision [...]
of the DAC (Delegation and Accountability Committee), to
review and update the Tables of Delegated Authority and Accountability (formerly Administrative Manual Appendices 3A and 10B) to ensure that these roles are clearly distinguished.
我要求 行财务科在 D AC 的监管下,积极主动制定关于加强总部和总部外机构合同财务管理的全套 培训计划。
I have also asked the ADM Sector, under the leadership of the DAC, to lead the preparation of a comprehensive training plan aimed at strengthening financial management of contracts at Headquarters and in the field.
法庭评论称,在那以后已经采取几项纠正措施解决这一问题,包括:(a) 提 醒核证人和核签人注意其审查和监测未清债务记录情况的责任以及 ( b) 财务科 继续 监测所有未清债务,并定期向方案管理人员报告未清债务的现状,以供其提 出意见和采取行动。
The Tribunal commented that several corrective measures had since been taken to address this issue, including (a) reminding certifying and approving officers of their responsibility to review and
monitor the recording of unliquidated
[...] obligations; and (b) continuous monitoring of all unliquidated obligations by the Finance Section and reporting [...]
on the status
of unliquidated obligations to the programme managers at regular interval for their remarks and actions.
新加坡中华总商会中小企业中心 (SMECentre@SCCCI ,简称
[...] “企发中心”) 通过综合利用会员在管理财务与科 技 等 方面的专长,为企业提供收费廉宜的商业咨询服务,协助企业扩展业务,申请政府提供的各种援助与津贴,开拓如中国、印度等海外市场。
The SCCCI SME Centre (SMECentre@SCCCI) taps on to the
[...] vast management, financial and technological [...]
resources within the membership of the SCCCI to provide affordable business consultancy and advisory services for business expansion,
especially in gaining access to government assistance schemes and overseas markets such as China and India.
此外,对已确 认的高风险账户进行更为详细的审查,凡未说明的金额、说明和由实地办事处在 管理系统、资源和人的银行――账户往来银行往来调节部分填写的解释都将财 务控制科的人员仔细审查,之后由有关的实地办事处采取后续行动。
Also, for identified high-risk accounts, a more detailed review is undertaken, and the unexplained amounts, notes and explanations that are entered by the field offices in the Managing Systems, Resources and People (MSRP) bank-to-book reconciliation pages are scrutinized closely by FCS staff and followed up upon with the field offices concerned.




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