

单词 加上




in additionadv


add on
put in
add into
on top of that





add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation
enrage people and make matters worse


make things worse in a bad situation
add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another

External sources (not reviewed)

The high power of
[...] our satellitesand our range of services [...]
allow us to provide our customers with high quality and reliable
access to two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
他提醒与会人士,如食物样本是向顾客免费赠送而非供出 售,第132W章便不适用,也无加上标签。
He reminded that, if the food sample was offered free to customers and not for sale, Caps. 132W would not be applicable and nutrition label would not be required.
Despite the
[...] impactof the increased operating costs, [...]
also noted above, and additional depreciation charges associated with
our new satellite, the profit improvement was most encouraging.
登记车辆号牌或标志应由阿拉伯数字组成或由阿 拉伯数加上的拉丁字符组成,如[1968 年]《道路交通公约》中所定义 的那样。
The registration number plates or marks should be composed of either Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals and capital Latin characters, as defined in the Convention on Road Traffic [1968].
加上加互联网广播门户的建立,均促使了媒体多元化、文化多样性和信息及知识的获 取。
This, coupledwith the development [...]
of the Caribbean Internet Radio Portal (CIRP), is contributing to media pluralism, cultural
diversity and access to information and knowledge.
该位业界代表进一步询问,根据原有配料加上贴纸是否可以接 受。
The trade representative further enquired that was it acceptable to put the sticker label out of the original ingredients list.
[...] 用财政年度末的资产负债表及损益账(包括法律规定须随附的每份文件),当中须载有 以简明标题编制的本公司资产负债概要及收支表加上师报告副本,须於股东周年 大会日期前最少二十一(21)日送交有权收取的每名人士,并於根据公司法的规定在股东 [...]
Subject to Section 88 of the Act and Bye-law 153A, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year and containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of
the Company under
[...] convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, together with a copyof theAuditors’ [...]
report, shall be sent to each person entitled thereto at
least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the annual general meeting and laid before the Company in annual general meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Act provided that this Bye-law shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person whose address the Company is not aware of or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
在审议了秘书长的报告(A/62/538 和 Add.1 及 2)以及咨询委员会的相关报告 (A/62/7/Add.36)之后,大会在其第 62/547 号决定中决定从 2008 年 4 月 1 日起, 法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案法官的年净基薪定为 158 000 美元加上相 应的工作地点差价调整数,其中工作地点差价调整数由相当于净基薪一个百分点 的指数点酌情乘以适用于荷兰或坦桑尼亚联合共和国的工作地点差价调整数乘 数得出,同时考虑到秘书长报告(A/62/538)第 77 段所提议的调整机制。
By decision 62/547, the General Assembly, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (A/62/538 and Add.1-2), and the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/62/7/Add.36), decided to set, effective 1 April 2008, the annual net base salary of the members of the Court and the judges andad litem judges of the two Tribunals at US$ 158,000, with the corresponding post adjustment per multiplier point equal to 1 per cent of the net base salary, to which would be applied the post adjustment multiplier for the Netherlands or the United Republic of Tanzania, as appropriate, taking into account the adjustment mechanism as proposed by the Secretary-General in paragraph 77 of his report (A/62/538).
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦的首席 安保顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任,加上的人道主义紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。
In addition, the post of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms of size, complexity and degree of responsibility, in combination with a complex humanitarian emergency, the security management system in Pakistan is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
这一成绩,加上此次的广泛报道,令公众对非物质文化 遗产重要性的认知有所提升。
This contributes, together
[...] with the extensive media coverage on this occasion, to raising awareness [...]
of the importance of intangible cultural heritage.
关于阿拉伯联合酋长国的审议结果内容有:普遍定期审议工作组的报告 (A/HRC/10/75),加 上伯联合酋 长国对建议和(或 [...]
)结论提出的意见,以及阿拉 伯联合酋 长国作出的自愿承 诺 和该国在全体会议通过审议结果之 前 对在与工作组 互动对话中未及充分讨论的问题作出的答复。
The outcome of the review on United Arab Emirates is
constituted of the report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review
[...] (A/HRC/10/75), togetherwith the views [...]
of United Arab Emirates
concerning the recommendations and/or conclusions, as well as its voluntary commitments and its replies presented before the adoption of the outcome by the plenary to questions or issues that were not sufficiently addressed during the interactive dialogue in the Working Group.
缺少经济机会加上育程度低、教育质量差,又缺乏适当的培训,这些都是最不发达国家青 [...]
Lack of economic opportunities, coupledwith low levels and [...]
poor quality of education and lack of appropriate training,
are significant causes of youth unemployment in least developed countries.
然后会给压力加上并装 入袋中以保持清洁。
The gauge is then capped and bagged to maintain cleanliness.
130.3 倘若董事认为合适,可制造并安全地保管按本公司公司印章复制但在印加上券」 字样的正式印章,但遵照该条例第 73A [...]
条,该印章只可用於在本公司发行的证券上及设 立或证明上述已发行证券的文件上盖印。
130.3 The Directors may, if they think fit, provide for the creation and safe custody of an official seal which is a
facsimile of the common seal of the Company
[...] with the addition on its face of the word [...]
“securities”, provided that in accordance
with section 73A of the Ordinance such seal may only be used for sealing securities issued by the Company and for sealing documents creating or evidencing securities so issued.
(B) 本公司每份股票、证券、债权证或债权股证须加盖印章或证券印
[...] 章发行,惟经董事会决议授权,任何有关股票可加盖印章或证券印章但免除签署, 或以其他机械签署方法或系加上发行。
(B) Every certificate of shares, stock, debentures or debenture stock of the Company shall be issued under the Seal or a Securities Seal provided that, with the authority of a resolution of the Board, any such certificate may be issued under the Seal or a
Securities Seal but without such signatures or with such
[...] signatures made or affixedbymeans of some [...]
mechanical method or system.
此外,许多代表团认为,由于持续存在限制性原产地规则 和非关税贸易壁垒,例如标准和技术措施加上的供应限制和有关贸易的基 础设施赤字,最不发达国家无法充分利用更大程度市场准入所带来的好处。
In addition, many delegations expressed the view that the persistence of restrictive rules of origin and non-tariff trade
barriers, such as standards and technical
[...] measures, as well as severe supply constraints [...]
and a trade-related infrastructure
deficit, had prevented least developed countries from fully harnessing the gains associated with greater market access.
这就是为什么保护平民需要成为一种全面方法 的一部分,它主要基于通过联合国在支持实现政治解 决和和解行动方面发挥积极作用来解决冲突的起因,加上织及其各机构在人道主义领域和可持续 经济发展和重建方面发挥的并行作用。
That is why the protection of civilians needs to be part of a comprehensive approach based essentially on addressing the causes of conflict through an active United Nations role in support of initiatives towards political settlements and reconciliation, complemented by a parallel rolefor the Organization and its agencies in the humanitarian area and the spheres of sustainable economic development and reconstruction.
与会 者发言表示赞同以一种混合模式支付执行支助股的预算,即对现行办法进行适当 调整和评估,加上和实物捐助。
Arguments were made in the favour of covering the ISU budget on a mixed model of a properly adjusted assessed scheme, with voluntary, and with in-kind contributions.
收 购 成 本 按 所 支 付 的 资 产、发 行 的 权 益 工 具 以 及 发 生 或 所 承 担 的 负 债 在 交 易 日
[...] 的 公 允 价 值 总 值,加 上归 属 於 收 购 活 [...]
动 的 成 本 计 量。
The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments
issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date
[...] of exchange, plus costs directly attributable [...]
to the acquisition.
[...] 其与更广泛的经济体系的相互依存关系;另一部分原因是,如现有知识所显示 的,以现有的转换效率加上署这些技术和提高其能源使用效率方面的限 [...]
制,想大大扩大可再生能源(如风能和太阳能)技术的规模可能会受到技术上的 限制。
The task will be daunting, partly because of the massive investments locked into brown energy technology and its interdependencies with the broader economic system; and partly because, as present
knowledge suggests, there may be technical
[...] limits to themassivescaling up of renewable [...]
energy technologies (such as wind and solar
power), given present conversion efficiency as well as the limits to deployment of those technologies and improvements in their energy-use efficiency.
投资涉及风险,由於投资组合颇多元化的一 般性质加上及利率可出现的浮动及任何市场的波动,投资价值及其收益回报 可升亦可跌。
As a consequence of the general nature of varied investments and possible exchange or interest rate fluctuations and any market movements, the value of investments and their yields may go down as well as up.
(e) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数净额 30 474 500 美元,即 2011 年 7 月 1 日 至 2012 年 6 月 30 日财政期间的 29 685 000 美加上2010年 6 月 30 日终了财 政期间的增加额 789 500 美元,将按比例分配给各在役维持和平行动预算,部分 抵冲上文(d)分段所述的缺额。
(e) The net estimated staff assessment income of 30,474,500 dollars, comprising the amount of 29,685,000 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and theincrease of789,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, to be set off against the balance referred to in subparagraph (d) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations.
若要利用 i5000V 系列扫瞄机提供的印刷与注释 功能(包括不购买印表机配件即可以数位方式为影加上的功能), 则应该永远使用扫瞄机驱动程式 「进阶内容」的内置印表机控制项,来 设定文件列印或影像数位注释。
To take advantage of the imprinting and annotation features provided by i5000V Series Scanners (including the ability to digitally stamp images without purchasing the printer accessory), the scanner driver Advanced Properties imprinter controls should always be used to configure document printing or image digital annotation.
各国应审议本部分加上的名称及标签部分中规定的名称和描述,以便 决定是否可以接受承认程序中提到的义务。
This section, together with the name of the standard and the name and description laid down in the labelling section, should be examined in order to assess whether the obligations of the acceptance procedure can properly be accepted.
[...] 最大的发电机组(机组數目须按政府与港灯日後进行检讨和 同意而调整)的容加上用储备的要求,增设机组便不 能通过备用容量测试。
If the Additional Unit is commissioned when the reserve capacity available before such Commissioning exceeds the capacity of the largest unit (the number of units shall be subject to review and agreement of the
Government and HEC in future) on HEC’s system plus the hot standby reserve
[...] requirement, theAdditional Unit fails the [...]
RC test.
我们认为,政府不愿意制定适当的可持续消费和生产国家政策框架,加上持续的消费主义日益盛行、对私营部门的信任和问责有所减少、对靠不可持 续的消费赚取利润的部门监管不足(全球金融危机印证了这一点),以及对不可持 续的生产和消费模式的驱动因素缺乏了解。
We believe that the resistance of Governments to developing adequate national sustainable consumption and production policy frameworks is combined with a continued promotion of unsustainable consumerism, an erosion of trust and accountability of the private sector, inadequate regulation for sectors whose profits depend on unsustainable consumption (as witnessed by the global financial crisis) and, lastly, a lack of understanding of the forces driving unsustainable production and consumption patterns.
在此方面加上司之独立非执行董事及审核委员之努 力,会尽力确保本集团有能力按公平原则自行经营本身之业务,而不受上述竞争性业务所影 响。
In this respect,coupled with the diligence [...]
of its independent non-executive directors and the Audit Committee, the Group
is capable of carrying on its business independently of, and at arm’s length from the said competing businesses.




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