

单词 功能界

See also:

功能 n

functionality n
functions pl
function n
feature n
capability n

功能 pl

capabilities pl
functionalities pl

External sources (not reviewed)

之後,工作人員把所有分段點算的結果相加,以得出每 功能界 別的整體結果。
The results of all segment counts were then added up to produce the overall result of each FC.
有委員認為應檢討現功能界別的劃分,以決定有否 需要重組或增加任何界別。
A Member reckoned that
[...] the existing delimitation of FCs should be reviewed [...]
to determine whether any sector needed to be reorganised or added.
(e) 建議委員會繼續討論有關立法會普選可能模式 的具體細節,特別是立法會議會制度 功能界 別應如何演變等具體議題。
(e) He suggested that the Committee should continue to discuss the specific details of possible models for forming the Legislative Council by universal suffrage,
in particular specific issues such as how the system of the
[...] Legislative Council and functional constituencies should evolve.
票箱供應不足和補給遲緩、部分投票站在地方選區投票箱補給前採取 權宜措施、部分投票站過分擠迫和出現選民排隊久候的情況、投票站 兼點票站工作人員工作時間長、候選人或他們的代理人被逐離投票站
[...] 或摒諸門外、匯集投票人數的問題、延遲公布選舉結果而不作解釋, 以及部功能界別的票數出現差異。
These included the insufficient supply of ballot boxes for GC elections and delay in replenishment, use of stopgap measures in some polling stations pending the arrival of additional GC ballot boxes, overcrowdedness and prolonged queuing at some polling stations, long working hours of polling-cum-counting staff, eviction or exclusion of candidates or their agents from polling stations, problem in compilation of voter
turnout figures, delay in announcement of the election results without explanation,
[...] and ballot discrepancies in some FCs.
我想說清楚,我們專責小組在第二號報告提到的第 (vii)點,並不表功能界別永遠會如現在般繼續存在。
I think I have to make it clear that, despite the mention of point (vii) by the Task
Force in the Second Report, it does
[...] not mean that the functional constituencies will [...]
forever be retained in its present manner.
本會 認為任何 涉 及 增 加 立法功 能 界 別 議席及選 舉 委 員會中代功 能 界 別 的 委 員 數 目 的政制改 革 方 案 , 皆 違 背《基本 法》第四十五 條及 第 六 十八條 所訂定,按照“循 序 漸 進 ” 及 “實際情況” 的 原 則 以 達 至 普 選 的 目標;並要求政 府 在 政制發展專責小組 第 五 號 報 告 中 明 確表 明,將 來 提 出 的 任 何 所 謂 “ 主 流 方 案”,都 不 會 包括增 加 立法功 能 界 別 議席及選 舉 委 員會中代功 能 界 別 的 委 員 數 目 的 建 議 。
That this Council considers that any constitutional reform proposal which
involves an increase
[...] in the numbers of functional constituency seats in the Legislative Council and of the members representing functional constituencies in the Election Committee violates Articles 45 and 68 of the Basic Law, which stipulate that the principles of "gradual and orderly progress" and "actual situation" should be followed in achieving the aim of universal suffrage; and requests the Government to state clearly in the Fifth Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force that any so-called "mainstream proposal" which will be put forward in the future will not include proposals to increase the numbers of functional constituency seats in the Legislative Council and of the members representing functional constituencies in [...]
the Election Committee.
5.6.6 實際上,一如現在的情況,每 功能界 別 的 成員都可參選代表各 自的界別,但在投票時,新組別的選民則可以選擇組別中來自其 他界別的候選人,從而增加當選人的認受性。
5.6.6 In practice, members of each constituency will, as now, be able to stand for election, but voting for the collective number of candidates would be extended to the combined electorate of the grouping, thus enhancing the legitimacy of the members finally elected.
選管 會考慮到投票站工作人員除了須改裝投票站外,於投票結束後還 須忙於編製地方選區和各功能界別 的 統計數字,認為用於改裝 投票站的時間合理。
The EAC considers that the time taken was acceptable in view that the polling staff was busily engaged in
compiling statistics for not only GCs but
[...] also the various FCs at the close of [...]
the poll, apart from the physical conversion of the polling stations.
委員就2012年行政長官選舉候選人和新增的區議會 (第二)功能界別的 提名門檻、選舉委員會(“選委會”)界別分組的選舉 [...]
Members expressed different views on the nomination thresholds for Chief Executive
candidature and the new District
[...] Council (DC) (second) Functional Constituency in 2012, [...]
the electoral system of Election
Committee (EC) subsectors and the composition of the EC.
[...] 關的建議,包括容許一份候選人名單/一名候選人將不同地方 選區功能界別的 候選人名單/候選人的競選資料刊印於同一 [...]
單張內而利用免付郵資的安排寄出;要求選民選擇透過何種途 徑接收選舉相關材料,以便一份候選人名單/一名候選人可向
同一登記地址的選民寄出一封信件;以及向候選人提供津貼(例 如以競選宣傳資助券的形式)以取代免付郵資的安排,透過向候 選人提供財政誘因和更大彈性,鼓勵候選人以較環保的方式派 發選舉相關材料。
They made various suggestions relating to free mailing arrangements for candidates including allowing a list of candidates/candidate to print in the same leaflet materials relating to the candidature of
the lists of candidates or candidates from
[...] different GCs or FCs and send the letter [...]
free of postage, requiring electors to
choose the means through which to receive election-related materials so as to facilitate a list of candidates/candidate to send out one letter to electors with the same registered address, and providing an allowance to candidates (e.g. in the form of an election publicity voucher) in lieu of free postage so as to provide financial incentive and more flexibility to candidates in distributing their election-related materials by environmental-friendly means.
He opined that the situation should be improved, such as by requiring
[...] all electors of FCs (with only a few [...]
hundred electors) to cast their votes at
one to two polling stations only.
[...] 考慮採用根據現行的選舉法例所制訂的選民登記冊,例如行政 長官選舉委員會成員選舉及立法 功能界 別 議 員選舉所用的 選民登記冊。
Subject to the views of the relevant professional sectors, the Administration may also consider adopting the existing electorate registers under the existing electoral legislation, such as the election
of the members of the CE Election Committee and the election of LegCo
[...] Members returning from functional constituencies.
方文達又建議政府著手改革立法會間接選舉的方法, 功能界 別 在有競爭的遊戲規則下以一人一票方式選舉產生,以提升澳門立法會的民意基礎。
Fong also suggested the Macau SARG to start reforming the indirect
elections of the Legislative Assembly, so that
[...] representatives of the Functional Constituencies can [...]
be elected by "one-person-one-vote",
in order to strengthen the mandate of the Macau Legislative Assembly.
部 分組織認為,政府當局在劃功能界別的選民範圍時 ,應尊功能界別內各專業組織的自 主 權 , 讓 這些組織自 行 決 定 其 成員或會員 成為選民的資格,確保同功能界別 內 不同 組織的選民準則一 致 ,並 確保同一組織的成員或會員功能界 別 選 舉中享 有 平 等的投票權。
Some organizations consider that the
[...] Administration, in delineating the electorate of FCs, should respect the autonomy of a professional organization of an FC to determine the eligibility of its members as electors, ensure that the criteria for determining electors among different organizations in the same FC are consistent, and ensure that members of the same organization are given equal right to vote in the FC election.
全部新增的5 个功能界别议席及原来的1 个区议功能界别议席,全 数由民选区议员互选产生,即委任区议员不参与互选。
(c) All the five new FC seats and the existing DC FC seat be returned through election by elected DC members from among themselves, i.e. appointed DC members would not take part in the election.
(d) 自由黨願意接受「區議會方案」(即新增的 5功能界別議 席及原來的 1 個區議會議席,全部由 民選區議員互選產生),但建議可進一步提升方 案的民主成分,向全民開放區議 功能界 別 的 參 選權,即是由民選區議員提名社會各界有能之 士,參選該 6 席區議功能界別,包括委任區議 自由黨亦建議逐步擴闊「傳統 功能界 別 的 選民 基礎,功能界別的 「公司/團體票」,轉化為每 間公司不超過 6 票的「董事票」,甚或包括「合 伙人票」(非有限公司者),這樣選民的數目已可 即時以倍數的增加。
(d) Liberal Party is willing to accept the
“District Council
[...] proposal” (i.e. five new FC seats and the existing District Council FC seat to be returned through election by elected District Council members from among themselves), but proposes that the democratic elements of the proposal can be further enhanced by opening up the right to stand for the District Council FC election (i.e. talented people from different sectors of the community, including appointed District Council members, can [...]
be nominated by elected
District Council members to be candidates for the six District Council FC seats, and the FC Members will be returned through election by elected District Council members).
正如我们在第一份报告第 II部第459(b)和461 段所述功能界别代 表了重要和对香港有贡献的经济、社会 和专业界别。
As explained in paragraphs 459(b) and 461 of part II of the initial report, these constituencies represent economic, social, and professional sectors that are substantial and important to Hong Kong.
李國麟議員提到要為青少年充權;葉偉明議員建議在主流教育以外 另闢職業培訓的途徑;甘乃威議員提及青少年要建立一個正確的價值 觀,建議青少年可自我推薦加入各諮詢委員會及法定機構;湯家驊議員 對原議案作出深入的補充;陳克勤議員亦建議多項具體措施;而謝偉俊 議員則建議立法會開設一個青少 功能界 別 議 席。
Dr Joseph LEE's amendment mentions the need for youth empowerment; Mr IP Wai-ming proposes to provide vocational training as an alternative to mainstream education; Mr KAM Nai-wai says that the youth must establish proper values, and he also proposes to establish a self-nominating process to enable youth representatives to recommend themselves for joining advisory committees and statutory bodies; Mr Ronny TONG adds many points to make the original motion more thorough; Mr CHAN Hak-kan proposes various concrete measures; and, Mr Paul TSE proposes to establish a "youth seat" in the Legislative Council.
(一) 根據選舉管理委員會所訂的《選舉管理委員會(選民登記)(立 法會地方選區)(區議會選區)規例》(第 541 章,附屬法例 A)
[...] 第 21 條及《選舉管理委員會(登記)(立法 功能界 別 選 民) (選舉委員會界別分組投票人)(選舉委員會委員)規例》(第 [...]
541 章,附屬法例 B)第 41 條,選舉登記主任可將已發表的選民
登記冊的摘錄“為與任何選舉有關的任何目的”而提供予他認 為適當的人。
(a) According to section 21 of the Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration of Electors) (Legislative Council Geographical Constituencies) (District Council Constituencies) Regulation (Cap. 541, sub. leg. A) and section 41 of the Electoral Affairs
Commission (Registration) (Electors for
[...] Legislative Council Functional Constituencies) (Voters [...]
for Election Committee Subsectors)
(Members of Election Committee) Regulation (Cap. 541, sub. leg. B), both made by the Electoral Affairs Commission, the Electoral Registration Officer may make available an extract from any published register of electors "for any purpose related to an election", to any person that Officer considers appropriate.
(f) 由於地方選區及區議會( 第二) 功能界 別涉及大量選票,在預期會有大量地 方選區選票會被錯誤投功能界別投 票箱(或反之亦然)的情況下,若投進地 方選區投票箱的地方選區選票數目與 所發出的選票數目不脗合,但在點票 站卻開始點算地方選區選票,在法律 上是否穩妥。
(f) in anticipation of a large number
of GC ballot papers
[...] misplacing in FC ballot boxes, or vice versa, due to the large number of ballot papers involved in GCs and District Council (second) FC, whether [...]
it was legally in order
to proceed with the counting of GC ballot papers at the counting stations when the number of GC ballot papers cast in the GC ballot boxes did not tally with the number of ballot papers issued.
有意见认为应取功能界别议 席,亦有意 见认为可扩功能界别选 民基础,例如以“一人两票”的形式,登记选民可在地 方选区选举投一票、功能界别选 举投另一票。
There are also views that the
[...] electorate base of the FCs should be broadened, for example, by adopting the “one-person-two-votes” model, i.e. registered electors can cast one vote in the GC election, and the other in the FC election.
就2012年立法會選舉方面,政府現在建議增加5個直選同埋 5 個 功能界 別 議席,合共70席。
For the Legislative Council election in 2012, the Government now proposes that there should be 5
more seats of geographical constituencies and
[...] 5 more seats of functional constituencies, [...]
so the total would be 70 seats.
假設2012年進行普選的話,調查再次使用綠皮書有所偏頗的提問方式進行調查,結果顯示,66%認為行政長官選舉提名委員會應該由超過800人組成,而普選立法會方面,較多巿民認為應該保 功能界 別 議席但改變選舉模式,但有關意見亦只佔三分之一左右,相當紛紜。
Assuming that CE would be returned by universal suffrage in 2012, and again using the error-prone questions posted by the Green Paper, 66% answered that the nominating committee should consist of more than 800 members.
替補機制不適用於填補現有 28 個傳功能界別 任內空缺,因為傳功能界別並 非採用名單比例 代表制。
1.19 The replacement mechanism does not apply to casual vacancies in the existing 28 traditional FCs7 , because they do not adopt the list proportional representation system.
由於將繼續舉行補選,以填補地方選區及 區議會(第二功能界別在 任期內的出缺(兩者 在換屆選舉均採用名單比例代表制),而補選則 [...]
採用得票最多者當選制,這可能會導致政黨和組 合在換屆選舉所得議席的比例有不公平的改變 (見第 1.09 及 1.10 段)。
Since a by-election (which adopts the first-past-the-post system) will continue to
be held to fill a mid-term vacancy in
[...] GCs and DC (second) FC (which adopts the [...]
list proportional representation system
in general elections), it may result in an unfair change in the proportion of seats allocated among political parties and groups in the previous general election (see paragraphs 1.09 and 1.10).
結果顯示,在政府提出的2012年立法會選舉方案中有關「增加5個直選及 5 個 功能界 別 議席」之建議,獲得45%支持,43%反對;另一個建議為「將 6 個 功能界 別 議席由民選區議員以比例代表制互選產生,而其他現有功能組別則保持不變」,就獲得43%支持,43%反對。
As for the other proposal of "having 6 of the new seats returned through election by
elected District
[...] Council members by proportional representation, while existing functional seats remain unchanged", result shows both support and opposition [...]
rates are 43%.
2012 年五个新功能界别议 席,候选人将由民选区议员提名,并由所有现在没有权在现 功能界 别 投 票的登 记选民以一人一票选出( 选民基础约有320 万,即由343 万名登记选民减去约23 万现功能界别的登记选民)。
Specifically, for
[...] the five new FC seats in 2012, the candidates would be nominated by elected DC members and elected by all registered electors who currently did not have a right to vote in the existing FCs, on a one-person-one-vote basis (the electorate base would be about 3.2 million, being the total 3.43 million registered electors less about 230,000 registered electors for the existing FCs).
假設2012年會普選立法會,有意見認為應該由地區直選議席取 功能界 別 議 席;又有意見認為應該保 功能界 別 議 席,但改變選舉模式;仲有意見認為應該增加區議會在立法會既議席數目。
Assume that universal suffrage of
the LegCo is to be
[...] attained in 2012, there is a view that functional constituency (FC) seats shall be replaced [...]
by district-based
seats returned through direct election.
就2012年立法會選舉方面,有意見認為應該增加5個直選議席,同埋5個由民選區議員互選產生 功能界 別 議 席,而其他現有的功能組別則保持不變。
For the Legislative Council election in 2012, it is proposed that there should be 5 more seats of geographical
constituencies and 5
[...] more seats of functional constituencies which are returned through election by elected District Council members from among themselves, while existing functional seats remain [...]
至於不同選區及區議會(第二 功能界 別 選 民的投票準則,8月16至20日的各區調查顯示,候選人的民生政策仍然是各區選民的最重要考慮,知名度的重要性為六項中最低。
Regarding the voters’ considerations in casting their votes in individual
geographical constituencies and the
[...] District Council (second) functional constituency, the [...]
relevant survey results from August
16 to 20 revealed that, out of the 6 items we put to test, the livelihood policies proposed by candidates was the most important consideration factor while their fame was the least.




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