单词 | 藉口 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:找借口—look for a pretext 以免借口—remove sth that could be used as a pretext [idiom.] See also:口n—mouthn
但我认为,这 只是政府企图推卸其社会责任的藉口。 legco.gov.hk | But I think that [...] this isonlyanexcuse of the Government [...]to shirk its social responsibility. legco.gov.hk |
我希望曾荫权不要再以此作为继续逆民 意而行、拒绝复建居屋的藉口。 legco.gov.hk | I hope Donald TSANG will cease to use this as the pretext to continue to act in defiance of public opinion and refuse to resume the HOS. legco.gov.hk |
但我不希望见到,凡加薪低於通胀的,就自然成为㆒个追补薪酬的藉口或原则。 legco.gov.hk | But I do not wish to see that a lower-than-inflation pay rise is [...] invariably used as an excuseora principle [...]to claim compensation for pay rise shortfalls. legco.gov.hk |
子女更有廉价而又堂而皇之的藉口,将供 养父母的㆝职推给社会,削弱㆗国㆟自给自足的传统价值观念。 legco.gov.hk | Their children will also have an inexpensive [...] and glamorous excuse to shifttheir [...]bounden duty of supporting their parents [...]to the community and thus weakens the Chinese traditional Chinese sense of value, that of self-sufficiency. legco.gov.hk |
据 本 ㆟理解, [...] 很多市民现时十分担心的,就是政府会否以此为藉口,在退休保障计划问题㆖原㆞踏 步,甚至乎把这问题拖延至九七年,留待特区政府处理。 legco.gov.hk | To my understanding, it is of grave concern [...] to many citizens that the Government will [...] use this as an excuse for notdoing [...]anything on the question of retirement protection [...]and even stall it until 1997 for the Special Administrative Region Government to deal with. legco.gov.hk |
不 过 , 我 们 不 愿 见 到 法 庭 乐 於 批 准 保 释 的 倾 向 会 被 控 方 用作藉 口,理所 当 然 的 申 请 延 期 聆 讯 。 hkreform.gov.hk | However, we would not wish the readiness of a court to grant bail to be relied upon by the prosecution to seek adjournments as a matter of course. hkreform.gov.hk |
发起团体表示,政府大声疾呼要兴建焚化设施,却其实从规划至落成,须约七年时间,缓不济急,更 不应是继续拖延的藉口。 procommons.org.hk | While the government is hailing the construction of a new [...] incinerator, 7 years is simply unbearable for the urgency of the city’s waste [...] problem,if not anexcuse to furtherdelay. procommons.org.hk |
今次巴士服务条例的修订,可以明确赋予行政当局对个别服务有问题的路线徵收 罚款,故运输当局如今不应再有藉口,说法例有漏洞,而像以往㆒样对有问题的巴 士服务,怠懈㆞处理。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the authorities responsible for transport matters should no longer have the excuse that there is a loophole in the legislation and continue to be slack in dealing with the problem of unsatisfactory bus services just like what they did in the past. legco.gov.hk |
哈哈,除了想示范 Rayne 可以如何为你安排一个好玩又难忘的女性派对,其实最重是我们又有藉口狂欢一晚。 ilovelkf.hk | Well it’s just an excuse to have a bit of a fun really, and to show everyone that Rayne is your one-stopshop for a memorable girls’ night out! ilovelkf.hk |
在 “本港”之前删除“鉴於”,并以“由於近期”代替;在“工商服务 [...] 行业”之後删除“近年”;在“遇到保险公司”之後删除“以种种藉 口”,并以“因种种原因而需”代替;在“不法行为”之後删除“ [...]; 及 ”,并以“,并设立举报渠道,让市民及保险公司举报怀疑诈骗 [...]保险赔偿的个案;(三 ) 要求医院管理局打击夸大病情及伤势以 骗取长期病假证明书,从而诈骗保险赔偿的行为;(四 ) 要求律 政司检控民事藐视法庭的行为,以阻吓虚报资料以诈骗保险赔 偿的行为;及”代替;及删除原有的“(三 )”,并以“(五 )”代替。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "given that in recent years" after "That," [...] and substitute with "as recently"; to [...] delete"on various pretexts" after "byinsurance [...]companies" and substitute with "for [...]various reasons"; to delete "; and" after "insurance claims, etc." and substitute with ", and to establish a reporting channel for the public and insurance companies to report cases of suspected fraudulent insurance claims; (c) to request the Hospital Authority to combat attempts to make fraudulent insurance claims through obtaining prolonged sick leave certificates by exaggerating clinical conditions and degrees of injuries; (d) to request the Department of Justice to initiate prosecution against civil contempt of court, so as to deter misstatement with the intent of making fraudulent insurance claims; and"; and to delete the original "(c)" and substitute with "(e)". legco.gov.hk |
实际上,我们觉得,在今天的香港, 如果再用原来提出的两个理由,其一是要打击外围庄家,另外一个理由是马 会的博彩投注额低,作为两个游说我们的藉口,我们是不会支持的。 legco.gov.hk | In present-day Hong Kong, if the Government continues to persuade us with the two old reasons, namely the need to combat illegal bookmakers and the low betting turnover of the HKJC, we will not give our support. legco.gov.hk |
66 各国政府对其不履行实现教育权义务情况一般提出的理由是资源的缺 [...] 乏,偿债负担或“连续的经济危机”,67 这些藉口都无法令人满意和接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | 66 Resource scarcity, debt servicing or “consecutive economic crises” — generally stated as reasons for non-compliance of [...] Governments with their responsibility to realize the right to education67 — are [...] unsatisfactory and unacceptableexcuses. daccess-ods.un.org |
现时政府当 局以需要作进一步谘询为藉口,拒绝承诺在原址保留皇 后码头,民主党会要求政府当局撤回其拨款建议,直至 [...] 其透过谘询清楚知道公众的意愿为止。 legco.gov.hk | Now that the Administration refused to commit to in-situ [...] preservation giving the excusethat further consultation [...]was required, the Democratic Party [...]would ask the Administration to withhold its funding proposal until it had obtained a clear idea of the preference of the public through consultation. legco.gov.hk |
民 族 主 义 的 [...] 力 量 给 予 明 治 领袖藉 口,制订 一 部 能 加 强 [...]国 家 实 力 的 不 民 主 宪 法 。 hkahe.com | The force of nationalism gave the [...] Meiji leaders an excuse to writean undemocratic [...]constitution that strengthened the state. hkahe.com |
黄定光议员重申,由於收取的额外收入相对不 多,相关行业或会利用当局调整收费为藉口,提高它 们的服务/产品价格,尤其是与使用燃料有关的行 [...] 业,政府应在调整收费时审慎处理。 legco.gov.hk | Mr WONG Ting-kwong reiterated that since the amount of extra revenue collected was relatively small, and [...] the relevant trades might make use of [...] the revision asanexcuse to increase the [...]prices of their services/products, especially [...]those related to the use of fuels, the Government should be cautious in revising the fees and charges. legco.gov.hk |
对学校感到过度害怕的患儿会使用有说服力或严重的藉口来逃避上学。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | A child with an unreasonable fear of school uses persuasive or extreme tactics to avoid going. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在这方面,我愿再次强调,与某些其它众所周知 [...] 的涉及无端和非法领土诉求、包括那些以关爱少数族 裔为藉口的局势不同的是,巴勒斯坦人民的自决权和 [...]建国权已经得到认可。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, I would like to stress once again that, in contrast to some other well-known situations involving groundless and [...] illegitimate territorial claims, including those [...] under the concoctedpretext of care for ethnic [...]minority groups, the right to self-determination [...]and statehood of the people of Palestine has been recognized. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项条款的含 [...] 义不明确,可导致宽泛的解释,并用于作为藉口,限制民众社团与外国实体的交 往。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vagueness of this provision may lead to broad interpretation and [...] be used as apretext for limiting [...]public associations‟ contacts with foreign entities. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 这正是摩西给法老要求带领百姓出埃及的理由(出埃 及记 12:31) ,原来并非藉口,乃是神的心愿。 totalgrowth.org | (1) This was the reason given to Pharaoh [...] as the purpose of having the Israelites to leave (Exodus [...] 12; 31),not an excuseonly, butas the [...]real desire of the Lord. totalgrowth.org |
展览会的目的是展示西方美容化妆品行业,从十八世纪初萌芽至今成行成市的历史,介绍护肤和化妆成为一种艺术的发展过程,包括某些产品如何变成人所共知的名牌;一家名牌公司怎样变成行内专家,并通过科研将美容护肤提升至一门艺术;以及护肤品和粉底怎样为女仕们提供一个收藏精致摆设的藉口。 frenchmay.com | Telling the history of the cosmetic industry in the West from the beginning in the 18th century to the boom today, it presents the development of how Skincare and Makeup have become an Art: how certain products have become icons; how a luxury house has become an expert and turned the profession into an art through science and [...] research; how skincare products and [...] powder have been the pretextfor the creation of [...]marvellous and indispensable accessories for refined women. frenchmay.com |
这样,将气候与贸易挂钩可能被用作保护主义的藉口。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this way, climate-trade links would be used as a basis for protectionism. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你正打算办一个女士之夜、生日派对或者纯粹想找个藉口聚聚,都可以找 Rayne,试试她们这个最新女性派对安排服务。 ilovelkf.hk | So whether you're planning a hen night, birthday party or simply [...] looking for an excuse to getthe girls [...]together, look no further than Rayne’s [...]new Girls Night Out experiences. ilovelkf.hk |
虽然特区政 府认香港有需要订立《公平竞争法》以缔造公平的竞争环境,但在 2009 年 2 月, [...] 特区政府却以专注处理金融海啸及复苏经济为藉口,推迟《公平竞争法》的立法 工作10。 procommons.org.hk | Although the Government has admitted the needs of Competition Law in maintaining the level playing field in Hong Kong, the legislative process of the [...] Competition Ordinance was postponed in February [...] 2009 under the excuseof the necessity [...]to concentrate the efforts on improving [...]the economic situation in view of the financial crisis.10 . procommons.org.hk |
本集团强调,不得以旨在加强核安全和核保障的措施和举措为藉口和理由, 破坏、剥夺或限制发展中国家不受歧视地为和平目的开展研究、生产和利用核能 [...] 的不可剥夺的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group emphasizes that measures and initiatives aimed at strengthening [...] nuclear safety and nuclear security must [...] not be used as a pretext or lever toviolate, [...]deny or restrict the inalienable right [...]of developing countries to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.6.7 如披露作出某项行政决定的理由易引起对该决定的 上诉,不应以这项条文作为不披露理由的藉口。 access.gov.hk | This provision should not be used as an excuse to withhold the reasons for an administrative decision on the basis that the disclosure of such reasons would make an appeal against that decision more likely. access.gov.hk |
除了自身增长外,我们将继续发掘潜在的收购,并且 与营运商和服务供应商缔结策略性夥伴关系,藉此推动业务进一步扩展。 asiasat.com | We will continue to explore potential acquisitions and strategic partnerships with operators and service providers to drive expansion, alongside organic growth. asiasat.com |
在多数现代城市充斥车辆的水泥空间里(各位若和我一样住在美国芝加哥,还得忍受大批野蛮鸽群),还有真正能让社区生存的空间,我是指公园,公园很美好,在这个开放空间里,公园成为社会快速步调的出口,藉由设计服务社区,提供自然歇息之处、宁静体验与社区参与机会。 thisbigcity.net | There are many benefits from investing in green space; much of which can only happen through creating and maintaining parks in cities. thisbigcity.net |
(k) (i) 第㆒太平银行的权利或法律责任,如凭藉本条例而成为或当作 为东亚银行的权利或法律责任,即东亚银行及所有其他㆟自指 定日期起,即具有同样的权利、权力及补救(尤其是提出法律 程序,或在法律程序㆗抗辩,或向任何主管当局提出或反对申 请的权利及权力),以便确定、完成或强制执行该权利或法律 责任,犹如该权利及法律责任在任何时候均属东亚银行㆒样; 而由第㆒太平银行提出或针对该银行向任何主管当局提出、并 在紧接指定日期之前存在或待决的法律程序,或由第㆒太平银 行提出或针对该银行向任何主管当局提出、并在紧接指定日期 之前存在或待决的申请,均可由东亚银行继续进行,或可继续 针对东亚银行进行。 legco.gov.hk | (h) (i) Where by virtue of this Ordinance any right or liability of First Pacific Bank becomes or is deemed to become a right or liability of Bank of East Asia, Bank of East Asia and all other persons shall, on and from the appointed day, have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing that right or liability as if it had at all times been a right or liability of Bank of East Asia; and any legal proceedings or application to any authority existing or pending immediately before the appointed day by or against First Pacific Bank may be continued by or against Bank of East Asia. legco.gov.hk |
在该项安排下,如资料使用者拟在直接促 销中使用资料当事人的个人资料、提供有关资料予 他人以供用於直接促销或售卖有关资料,则须在使 用或售卖资料之前,向资料当事人提供(a)有关资料 当事人个人资料的若干书面资讯( 下称" 书面通 知 "),以及(b)一项回应设施,让资料当事人可藉此以书面向资料使用者表明是否反对拟定的使用或 售卖,而如果资料当事人在30日内没有向资料使用 者发出回覆表示反对,便会被视为不反对。 legco.gov.hk | Members raised concern about the Administration's proposed “30day response period”, under which a data user who intended to use the personal data of a data subject, or provide such data to other persons for use, in direct marketing or sell such data had to provide, before the use or sale, the data subject with (a) certain written information about the data subject's personal data ("written notification"), and (b) a response facility through which the data subject might indicate in writing to the data user whether the data subject objected to the intended use or sale, and the data subject would be taken not to object if no reply indicating objection was sent to the data user within 30 days. legco.gov.hk |
我们同时深信卫星在电视广播、互联网主干连接及流动电话方面相对地面传输系统所具备的固 有优势,将会推动长远的市场增长,特别是亚洲发展中国家政府致力提升较偏远地区的通讯基 础设施,藉此改善当地人民的福祉。 asiasat.com | We also believe that the inherent advantages satellite has over terrestrial systems in broadcast, internet backbone connections and mobile telephony will drive growth in the long term, particularly as the governments of developing nations look to enhance communications infrastructure in the more remote areas for the benefit of their citizens. asiasat.com |