

单词 超额利润

See also:

超额 n

surplus n

利润 pl

margins pl

利润 n

profitability n


above quota

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 机之害,而少数控制食物链的跨国公司则获取 超额利润
(c) The severe and negative impact on the right to adequate food of already food-insecure agricultural workers in the informal sector and small-hold farming households,
while a small number of transnational corporations, controlling the food chain, acquire
[...] disproportionately huge benefits
如果一个纳税人遭受了 损失,他可以在接下来的五年内 利润 中减 去这些损失后纳税,但是可减损失的 额不 能超过一年损失的50%。
If a taxpayer
[...] incurs a loss, he can reduce the profit in next following five years by the amount of this loss, but the reduction [...]
cannot be
higher than 50% of the loss in one year.
按照本项目条件实现的缩减量以及项目文件中作出的其他承 诺,将确保科特迪超额达到《蒙 利 尔 议 定书》的后续淘汰要求。
Reductions in accordance with the terms of this project, and the other commitments presented
in the project document, will
[...] ensure that Cote d’Ivoire exceeds subsequent phase-out requirements [...]
of the Montreal Protocol.
现有的财政文书没有关于收集资源税,例如暴利税 额 外 利润 税 的 最佳规 定,而在这方面与主要矿产公司继续进行的谈判有透明度不足的问题。
Existing fiscal instruments do not optimize the
collection of resource rents, such as
[...] windfall and additional profit taxes, while continuing [...]
negotiations with major mining interests
poses a challenge to transparency.
竞争通常迫使服务商创造出超过其所 利润 的 效益,此外,消除 重复劳动超额支付 的情况也可以节约成本。
It generally forces service
[...] providers to generate efficiencies that more than compensate the profit they make.
而且,本项资金 所获得的利息也分配给了各个部门,因此分配款项 额超 出 了 美 利 坚 合 众国最初缴纳的会费 数额。
Also, the interest which was gained under the funds has
been allocated to the sectors, thus
[...] the total allocation exceeds the initial amount [...]
of contribution by the United States of America.
倘任何董事应要求为本公司前往海外公干或居留或提供任何董事会认超 逾董事一般职责的服务, 则董事会可决定向该董事支额外酬 金(不论以薪金、佣金、 分利润或其他方式支付),作为任何其他细则所规定或根据任何其他细则的一般酬金 以外或代替该一般酬金的额外酬劳。
Any Director who, by request, goes or resides abroad for any purpose of the Company or who performs services
which in the opinion
[...] of the Board go beyond the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such extra remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as [...]
the Board may determine
and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to or in substitution for any ordinary remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.
[...] 是一种受经济利益驱动的经济行为,只要盗版还存在 额 的 利润 空 间 ,那么盗版就不会自行 消亡。
The main reason cited by the latter group of interviewees is that
piracy is driven by economic interests; so long as piracy
[...] remains tremendously profitable, it will not die [...]
out by itself.
劳 动法》第 103 条 指 出 , “ 工 资具体 包括:实际工资或报 酬 、加班 费 、 佣 金 、 奖 金 和 补贴利润 分 红 、 小 费 、实物利、超 出 法 定 标准的家庭 补 贴、假日薪金或补偿性假日薪金、雇主因工人伤残和孕期休假支付的 额。
Article 103 of the Labour Law says that “Wages include, in particular: actual wage or remuneration, overtime payments,
commissions, bonuses and
[...] indemnities, profit sharing, gratuities, the value of benefits in kind, family allowance in excess of the legally prescribed amount, holiday pay or compensatory holiday pay, amount of money paid by the employer to the workers during disability and maternity leave.
31 以研究为基础的医药企业的当前商业模式导致研究费支出 和产生利润只能 依靠销售几种“一鸣惊人式的”药品(通常每年的销 额超 过了 10 亿 美元),以此来承担研发过程的高失败率。
Nevertheless it is still not considered that IP protection, and favourable economics, will induce investment without considerable public sector involvement.31 The current business model of the
[...] pharmaceutical companies is such that research expenditure and profit generation are dependent on the sales of a few “blockbuster” [...]
drugs (normally
with sales in excess of $1 billion per annum), which help finance the high percentage of failures in the R&D process.32 But these companies have the freedom to pursue promising avenues wherever they may lead (for example, treatment for a disease or condition not previously envisaged).
在此期间,由于电子汽车领域、海外的传输基础设施领域的销 额 增 长,公司2010年度上半期的合并结算中的营 利润 、 经常 性 利润 、 净 利润 均 大 大 超 出 了去年同期水平。
Consolidated operating income, recurring profit, and net income all easily exceeded the year-ago level in the first half of fiscal 2010, reflecting increases in net sales in electronics, automobiles, and overseas transmission infrastructure.
得益于成本控制及网络能源系统业务更高的销 额 , 业 务 利润 率 环比增长 130 个基点,为下一财年的运营开创了良好的势头。
Profitability improved 130 basis points sequentially, [...]
benefiting from cost reductions and higher sales in the network power
systems business, providing favorable momentum moving into next year.
同 时,大银行对额利润空间的追求始 超 过对 消费者需求的关心:他们收取更多的费用,引 导顾客上网进行自助服务,把热线服务外包给 外国电话中心,并减少各分行的个人服务。
Meanwhile, large banks continue to put their quest for highprofit margins ahead of consumer needs: they increase fees, steer customers online for self-service, route calls to outsourced, foreign phone centers and reduce personal service in branches.
销售公约》第 74 条规 定,损害赔额应与包括利润损失在内的损失额相等,而法国国内法却规定, 第三方责任旨在尽可能恢复由损失打乱的平衡,让受害人回到其如果不遭遇损 害本可能所处的状态。
The Appeal Court had invoked both
article 74 of CISG,
[...] according to which damages should consist of a sum equal to the loss, including loss of profit, and French domestic [...]
law, under which
the purpose of third-party liability is to restore as closely as possible the equilibrium upset by the loss and to put the victim back in the position that he or she would have been in if the injurious act had not occurred, as well as honouring the general principle of prohibiting unjustified enrichment.
5) 造成电影盗版的经济原因在于:不是所有的产品都能通过中国的审查制度,也 就是说,盗版电影的种类比正版电影丰富、使消费者有更多的选择;盗版可以
[...] 逃避税收,又没有质量保证,从而给经销商带来 额利润 ; 盗 版电影的销售商 一般都没有营业执照,因而盗版光盘的销售体系远比正版光盘的销售体系发 达。
5) Economically, the reasons enterprises are attracted to movie piracy include: China’s censorship process means that legitimate titles are a subset of all titles produced, i.e. producing pirated titles allows distributors to offer customers much wider choice; with no royalties and taxes to pay, and no quality control requirements to meet,
pirated movies provide distributors
[...] with significantly higher profits; because sellers [...]
of pirated movies are generally unlicensed,
the distribution network for pirated movies is far more developed than that for legally licensed movies.
Uch Qahramon non公司
[...] 的正式审查表明,该公司的会计文件存在大量违规之处,公司的实 利润超 过公 司对外宣布的利润。
4.15 An inspector of the State Tax Inspectorate had confirmed in court that an official inspection of “Uch Qahramon non” company revealed a number of
irregularities in the company’s accountant documents, and
[...] that the real profit exceeded the amount declared [...]
by the company.
最大的烟草制造商 为中国国家烟草总公司、菲利普莫里斯国际公司、菲利普·莫里斯美国公司、英 美烟草公司及下属公司、日本烟草国际公司和帝国烟草集团,共 利润超过 300 亿美元。
With combined profits of more than $30 billion, the largest manufacturers are the China National Tobacco Corporation, Phillip Morris International and Phillip Morris USA, the British American Tobacco Group of companies, Japan Tobacco International and Imperial Tobacco Group plc.
不过应当注意, 最近的危机表明,外国直接投资也可能通过下述形式出现波动:推迟进行新的投
[...] 资或收益再投资,不早作通知就取消项目,或增加调回本国 利润额。
Nevertheless, as a word of caution, the recent crisis demonstrated that FDI could be volatile also, through postponing
new investment or reinvestment of earnings, cancelling projects at short notice or increasing
[...] the repatriation of profit.
牛群导航仪™通过在线采样,使发情检测率提高到98%,有助于在早期发现奶牛的重大健康问题并提醒工作人员予以特别关注,并能为牧场主带来每头牛每年250至350欧元的 利润 增 加 额。
Herd Navigator™ lifts heat detection rates to up to 98% with in line sampling it sends
early alerts on main health problems, and
[...] can bring net profit improvement [...]
potential for farmers of 250 to 350 Euro per cow per year.
为此,我们采用平均销售回报率(息税 利润 ( EB IT)占销 额 的 比 率)为评价指标,将各业务部门的目标价值结合在一起。
To this end, we compute an average return on sales (EBIT as a ratio of sales) and agree upon binding target values for our business divisions.
若为合伙公司,在确定征税收入时是以合伙公司为整体进行计算(须保持帐簿和帐目),但在实际缴 纳时却是以个别合伙人按各自占合伙公 利润 的 数 额 纳 税
In the case of partnerships, the taxable income is computed in the hands of the partnership (which must keep the books
and accounts), but is taxed in the hands of the partners in proportion to their
[...] entitlement to the partnership's profits.
若干代表团注意到对卡片和礼物模式进行了重组,并要求概述今后三年的投 资成本及收入预期,包括销利润和 营业 总 额。
Several delegations took note of the restructuring of the cards and gifts model, and asked for an overview of the
investment costs and estimates on expected income over the next three
[...] years, including sales margins and total turnover.
申报的付款共计 6 970 万美元,利比里亚政府申报 的收入几乎达 7 190 万美元,额超过 210 万美元(见表 3)。
However, only 71 taxpayers filled in and submitted templates to the independent auditors
[...] while no templates were received from 50 taxpayers. The reported payments total $69.7 million while reported revenues of the Government of Liberia were almost $71.9 million, a difference of over $2.1 million [...]
(see table 3).
但是这部分员工只有在工龄达到一定年限后,才能享受某些福利及其 额 待 遇 ,例 利润 分 红 或者企业养老保险等。
However, participation in some benefits and
[...] their full payment, e.g. profit-sharing and the company [...]
pension, are dependent on minimum seniority.
美国大约在1880—1930年期间完成了这一转型,它将管理专业化与新技术(电气化、汽车和无线电)的投机性尝试以及国家对第二次工业革命的大型产业垄断者(它们 超 高 利润 投 入 到科学研究中)的容忍结合了起来。
The US managed the transition roughly between 1880 and 1930, combining the professionalization of management with a speculative taste for new technologies – electrification, automobiles, and radio – and state tolerance of
the Second Industrial Revolution’s great industrial monopolies, which
[...] invested their super-profits in scientific research.
秘书长提议,应延续有限预算酌处权,作为一项既定程序,但应作 三项修改(同上,第 17 至 20 段):(a)
将每两年期的酌处权金额从 2 000 万美元增加到 3 000
[...] 万美元,以满足本组织不断变化的需要;(b) 每两 年期动用的资金额超过 1 000 万美元时,应事先征得行政和预算问 [...]
题咨询委员会同意,先前每两年期此额为 600 万美元;(c) 将此授权
用于跨部门活动,但根据第 60/283 号决议第三节第 8(e)段的规定, “在现有资源范围内”执行的各项情况除外。
The Secretary-General proposes that the limited budgetary discretionary authority mechanism be continued as an established procedure, with the following three modifications (ibid., paras. 17–20): (a ) an increase in the amount of the limited budgetary discretion from $20 million to $30 million per biennium for the purpose of meeting the evolving needs of the Organization; (b
) prior concurrence of the Advisory
[...] Committee for amounts exceeding $10 million per [...]
biennium, representing an increase from
$6 million per biennium; and (c ) a utilization of the authority for cross-cutting activities except, as decided by the General Assembly in section III, paragraph 8 (e ), of its resolution 60/283, in instances calling for the implementation of decisions from “within existing resources”.
这是一个在好莱坞和主题公园产业之间的一个非常现实并正在发展的相互依存关系, 它为工作室们扩展他们产权提供了 利润 收 入 来源, 超 级 78首席执行官Dina Benadon说道,“新的公司地点是我们是我们进入了与我们已经合作开发新体验的几个工作室的大门。
There’s a very real and growing interdependence between Hollywood and the
theme park industry, which
[...] offers a highly profitable revenue stream for studios to extend their IP,” said Dina Benadon, Super 78 principal and [...]
CEO “The new location
puts us on the doorstep of several studios we’re already developing new experiences for.
(iii) 如果公司依据第三条第一款所作的投资出现净亏损,并且此投资在该政府的会 员资格终止之日仍然被公司持有,并且亏 额超 出 了在该日之前所缴纳的储备 金金额,该政府应根据公司要求偿还在决定回购价格时如果将这些亏损考虑在 [...]
(iii) if the Corporation sustains a net loss on the investments made pursuant to Article III, Section 1, and held by it on the date when
the government ceases to be member, and the
[...] amount of such loss exceeds the amount of the [...]
reserves provided therefore on such
date, such government shall repay on demand the amount by which the repurchase price of its shares of stock would have been reduced if such loss had been taken into account when the repurchase price was determined.
按照美国相关法律规定,企业满足下列条件可向NASD提出申请升入纳斯达克小型资本市场:(1)企业的净资产达到500万美元或年税 利润超 过 75 万美元或市值达5000万美元;(2)流通股达100万股;(3)最低股价为4美元;(4)股东超过300人;(5)有3个以上的做市商等。
Enterprises meeting the following conditions can apply for going up to NASDAQ small capital market in accordance with the relevant United States law: (a) the
net assets of enterprises reach US$5
[...] million dollars or profit more than 750,000 [...]
U.S. dollars after-tax or market value
of 50 million U.S. dollars; (2) shares in circulation reach 1 million shares; (3) a minimum stock price of four U.S. dollars; (4) more than 300 shareholders; (5) three more Market Makers.
某些公司有一些与众不同的能力,这些能力是其他公司所没有的,即便当其他公司意识到这些能力能够为公司带来 额利润 , 他 们仍然没有办法去复制它。
Companies with distinctive capabilities have attributes which others not
have and cannot replicate, not even after
[...] they realize the benefit they offer to [...]
the company which originally possesses them.




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