

单词 超额

超额 ()

above quota





(a share issue is) oversubscribed


(a share issue is) oversubscribed

See also:

specified number or amount
horizontal tablet or inscribed board

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然超额规划 表示了 忧虑,但认识到同上一年的业务计划相比,在减 超额 规 划 方面已有较大改进。
Concern was
[...] expressed at the over-programming, but it was recognized that there had been considerable improvement in reducing over-programming [...]
compared to the previous year’s business plans.
按照本项目条件实现的缩减量以及项目文件中作出的其他承 诺,将确保科特迪超额达到《蒙特利尔议定书》的后续淘汰要求。
Reductions in accordance with the terms of this project, and the other commitments presented
in the project document, will ensure
[...] that Cote d’Ivoire exceeds subsequent phase-out [...]
requirements of the Montreal Protocol.
在新西兰,69%的种群超额完成 了管理目标,说明已针对未达标的种群实施 了强制性恢复计划。
In New Zealand, 69 percent of stocks are above management targets, reflecting mandatory rebuilding plans for all fisheries that are still below target thresholds.
此次IPO 募集资金达221 亿美元( 超额配售 后),甚至超过了中国工商银行2006 年上市后所募集的219 亿美元。
With a total of US$22.1 billion (after the over-allotment offer), the IPO surpassed even that of [...]
the Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China, which raised $21.9 billion after it went public in 2006.
如果账单显示您(不是您的家庭)支付的 共额超过了 六个月的最高限额,我们会超额的部分返还给您。
If the bills show that you (not your household) paid more than the maximum in co-pays in that six-month period, we will send you a refund for the amount over the maximum.
[...] 变种是在发展中国家国内实施,“无损失”的意思 超过一个特定基准线,一国就有权 超额 的 减排量 参与贸易,但是对不能完成部门标准也没有惩罚, [...]
This particular variant would be implemented domestically in
developing countries, with ‘no lose’
[...] meaning that the exceeding a specified benchmark [...]
entitles a country to trade surplus
emission reductions, but there is no penalty for not achieving any sectoral standard, but an incentive to exceed the benchmark.
让我们感到鼓舞的是,一些捐助国实现 超额 实 现 了 《蒙特雷共识》中提到的官方发展援助指标(将国民生产总值的 [...]
0.7%用作给发展 中国家的官方发展援助,将国民生产总值的 0.15%至 0.20%给最不发达国家)。
We are encouraged by the fact that some donor
[...] countries have met or surpassed the ODA targets referenced [...]
in the Monterrey Consensus (0.7
per cent of gross national product (GNP) for ODA to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of GNP for ODA to least developed countries).
超额装运 与提早装运。如果贵方装运的商品超出订购量,或者交货日期早于订单规定,我公司可以购买部分或全部商品,或者退回部分或全部商品,所有相关费用和风险均由贵方承担。
Overshipments and Early Shipments If you ship more goods than ordered, or if you deliver the goods earlier than ordered, we may purchase some or all of the goods or return some or all of the goods at your risk and expense.
这些因素包括但不限于:可能导致Audiovox的业务运营发生变化的风险;与技术进步保持同步的能力;在移动和消费电子业务以及无线业务领域的重要竞争;与关键供应商和客户的关系;质量和消费者对新推出产品的接受程度;市场易变性;产品的不可用性 超额 库 存 ;价格和产品竞争;新产品的推出;SEC经过检查我们以前的档案导致财务报表发生变化的可能性;股东或法规机构由于任何再声明而对Audiovox和/或我们的高级管理人员和主管提出诉讼的可能性。
The factors include, but are not limited to, risks that may result from changes in the Audiovox's business operations; our ability to keep pace with technological advances; significant competition in the mobile and consumer electronics businesses as well as the wireless business; our relationships with key suppliers and customers; quality and consumer acceptance of newly introduced
products; market volatility;
[...] non-availability of product; excess inventory; price [...]
and product competition; new product introductions;
the possibility that the review of our prior filings by the SEC may result in changes to our financial statements; and the possibility that stockholders or regulatory authorities may initiate proceedings against Audiovox and/or our officers and directors as a result of any restatements.
2001 年 4 月 25 日,世贸组织成员国一组 16 个发展中国家提交了一份建 议,除 其他外,要求设 立 机构间循环基金,36 根据该 项建议,除 向最不发达国家 和净粮食进口发展中国家提供技术和 财 政援助以开展与改进农业生产力 和 相 关 基 础设施的专 门 项目外,还应 提供条件优 惠 的资金 , 除证明 进口账超额,不要求 任 何 其他理由 。
On 25 April 2001, a group of 16 developing countries, members of WTO, submitted a proposal which called for, inter alia, the establishment of an Inter-Agency Revolving Fund (RF)36 under which, in addition to technical and financial assistance to LDCs and NFIDCs for specific projects linked to improving agricultural productivity and related infrastructure, financing would be provided at concessional terms without requiring any justification other than evidence that import bills were excessive.
需要警惕的危险征兆 包括:不用发票中规定的货币支付;力图用现金支付;支付人
[...] 不为合同一方;用通常业务关系帐户以外的帐户支付和接收; 以及请超额支付
Among the danger signs to look out for are: payments made from currencies other than that specified in the invoice; attempts to make payments in cash; payments made by someone who is not a party to the contract; payments
to and from an account other than the one used in the normal business relationship;
[...] and requests to make an overpayment.
并购对波兰的经济安全是有影响的,当合并 企业的营额超过一 定数额时,它就属于波 兰竞争和消费者保护局局长的管辖范围。
The mergers have an effect on the territory of Poland, and
[...] the turnover of the involved enterprises that exceed a certain amount [...]
is covered by the initial
control of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
(c) 如果应付额多于原承付额的额超过 主 计长规定的限额,则应在付 款前对此种文件作适当书面修正。
(c) Such documentation shall be duly
amended in writing prior to payment if the
[...] amount payable exceeds the original [...]
Commitment beyond the limits set by the Comptroller.
[...] 所获得的利息也分配给了各个部门,因此分配款项 额超 出 了 美利坚合众国最初缴纳的会费 数额。
Also, the interest which was gained under the funds has
been allocated to the sectors, thus the
[...] total allocation exceeds the initial amount [...]
of contribution by the United States of America.
例如,尽管拉加经委会的拟议资源 额超 过 亚太经社会的拟议资 源总额,但是后一区域委员会投入监测和评价活动的资源四倍于前者。
For example, although the overall level of proposed resources for ECLAC exceeds that of ESCAP, the [...]
latter regional commission
is indicated as devoting four times the level of resources to monitoring and evaluation activities.
在上述情况下,当交易额超过20,000 美元或等值的另一种货币时, [...]
应当处以2年至6 年监禁和两倍于交易数额的等值玻利瓦尔罚款。
When, in the above circumstances,
[...] the transaction amounts to more than [...]
20,000 United States dollars, or its equivalent in
another currency, the penalty shall be imprisonment from 2 to 6 years and a fine equivalent in bolivares to twice the amount of the transaction.
(c) 工作人员从一般事务及有关职类晋升至专业职类,致使其用以计算最后
[...] 平均薪酬的应计养恤金薪酬数额减少时,其在晋升前所达应计养恤金薪酬数额应 予维持,直至该工作人员所在专业职类等级的适用 额超 过 此 种数额为止。
(c) Where a promotion of a staff member from the General Service and related categories to the Professional category would result in a reduction of the pensionable remuneration used for computing the final average remuneration, the level of pensionable remuneration
reached prior to the promotion shall be
[...] maintained until it is surpassed by that applicable [...]
to the staff member’s grade and step in the Professional category.
最近发生财政和金融危机以后,全世界很多国家政府宣布了大规模的财政刺 激一揽子计划,额超过 3 万亿美元(见图一和图二)。
In the aftermath of the recent financial and economic crisis, many Governments around the world have announced massive fiscal stimulus packages of over $3 trillion (see figures I and II).
秘书长提议,应延续有限预算酌处权,作为一项既定程序,但应作 三项修改(同上,第 17 至 20 段):(a)
将每两年期的酌处权金额从 2 000 万美元增加到 3 000
[...] 万美元,以满足本组织不断变化的需要;(b) 每两 年期动用的资金额超过 1 000 万美元时,应事先征得行政和预算问 [...]
题咨询委员会同意,先前每两年期此额为 600 万美元;(c) 将此授权
用于跨部门活动,但根据第 60/283 号决议第三节第 8(e)段的规定, “在现有资源范围内”执行的各项情况除外。
The Secretary-General proposes that the limited budgetary discretionary authority mechanism be continued as an established procedure, with the following three modifications (ibid., paras. 17–20): (a ) an increase in the amount of the limited budgetary discretion from $20 million to $30 million per biennium for the purpose of meeting the evolving needs of the Organization; (b
) prior concurrence of the Advisory
[...] Committee for amounts exceeding $10 million per [...]
biennium, representing an increase from
$6 million per biennium; and (c ) a utilization of the authority for cross-cutting activities except, as decided by the General Assembly in section III, paragraph 8 (e ), of its resolution 60/283, in instances calling for the implementation of decisions from “within existing resources”.
庞大的跨国集团可 能在全世界的国民生产总值中占有相当大的比例,而且其年增长率和营 额超 过了许多国家。
Major multinational groups may be responsible for significant
percentages of Gross National Product worldwide and have annual growth
[...] rates and turnovers that exceed those of many States.
(iii) 如果公司依据第三条第一款所作的投资出现净亏损,并且此投资在该政府的会 员资格终止之日仍然被公司持有,并且亏 额超 出 了在该日之前所缴纳的储备 金金额,该政府应根据公司要求偿还在决定回购价格时如果将这些亏损考虑在 [...]
(iii) if the Corporation sustains a net loss on the investments made pursuant to Article III, Section 1, and held by it on the date when
the government ceases to be member, and the
[...] amount of such loss exceeds the amount of the [...]
reserves provided therefore on such
date, such government shall repay on demand the amount by which the repurchase price of its shares of stock would have been reduced if such loss had been taken into account when the repurchase price was determined.
刚 果民主共和国指出,“迪亚洛先生声称他领导的公司对其欠款 额超过 3 60 亿美 元……相当于刚果民主共和国外债总额的近 3 倍”。
The DRC notes that ‘the total sum claimed by Mr. Diallo as owed to the companies run by him came to over 36 billion United States dollars ..., which represents nearly three times the [DRC’s] total foreign debt’.
在一个工作日内,如果某位客户或多位相关客户购买的汇票合计 额超过 (且包 括)3,000 美元, 则无论公司设定的上限金额是多少, [...]
Aggregated money order sales of $3,000 or more [...]
to the same person, or related persons, in the same business day must be
documented on the Money Order Transaction Log, regardless of Business limits.
[...] 助方,美利坚合众国和欧洲联盟慷慨解囊,合并捐 款额超过了 1.1 亿美元。
The Agency’s largest traditional donors, the United
States of America and the European Union, had been exceptionally generous, giving
[...] a combined total of over $110 million.
委员会感到关切的是,在离婚案件中,六岁以下子女监护权总是判给母 亲,而父亲往往须支付额超过其 收入的子女抚养费,否则其行动自由就受到严 [...]
The Committee is concerned that, in the case of a divorce, custody of children up to the age of six is always given to mothers, and that
fathers are often required to pay child
[...] support awards that exceed their income, and [...]
if not that their freedom of movement is seriously curtailed.
国 家防治洪水与风暴指导委员会负责人表示,自 2010 年年初以来,影 响 该国的
[...] 风暴已造成 300 人死亡或失踪,963 人受伤,估计损失额超过 24.4 万亿越 南盾(15.5 亿美元)。
According to the head of the National Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Control, since the beginning of 2010, 300 people have been killed or are missing and
963 injured by storms affecting the
[...] country, with the total damage estimated at over VND 24.4 trillion [...]
($1.55 billion).
[...] Inc.今日宣布,中国第三大国家石油公司、销 额超 过 19 00亿元人民币的中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)选择了Emptoris解决方案套件开展全球采购和运营。
a leading provider of enterprise Supply and Contract Management solutions, today announced that the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC),
the third-largest national oil company in
[...] China with sales of RMB 160 billion, [...]
has chosen to leverage Emptoris Solution
Suite for its global procurement and operations.
(a) 在每例情况中,经过全面调查后,管理和行政司司长可授权核销妇女署 库存、不动产、厂房和设备损失或对记录作出其他此类调整,使记录显示的结余
[...] 同实际数量相符,但如果提议核销的 额超过 100 000 美元,则应提交副秘书长/ [...]
(a) The Director, Division of Management and Administration, may, after full investigation in each case, authorize the writing-off of losses of inventory, property, plant and equipment belonging to UN-Women or such other adjustments of the records as will bring the balance shown by the records into conformity with the actual
quantities, except for those proposals for
[...] write-offs that exceed $100,000 and shall [...]
be submitted to the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director for approval.
我们将退还任何由商户发起或通过商户支付的过往定期付款,前提条件是: (a) 在我们或商户的原授权中并未指定付款的具体金额,且 (b) 根据您以往的消费方式和当时的具体情况,支付 额超 过 您 的合理预期。
We will refund any past recurring payment(s) initiated by or through the merchant provided that (a) the original authorisation given to us or the merchant did not specify the exact amount of the payment and (b) the amount of the payment exceeded the amount that you could reasonably have expected taking into account your previous spending pattern and the circumstances of the case.




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