

单词 罪名

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External sources (not reviewed)

The undertaking would require considerable resource and parliamentary time; as a minimum the United Kingdom would need to
[...] create a new criminal offence.
它还应确保对此类案件进行彻底调 查,对肇事者进行检控,并且如 罪名 成 立 ,则施以适当的惩处,并让受害者获 [...]
It should also ensure that such cases are thoroughly
investigated and that the perpetrators are
[...] prosecuted, and if convicted, punished with [...]
appropriate sanctions, and that the victims are adequately compensated.
可能需要依据国家官员发表的言论,或之后是否以与恐怖主义有 关罪名而起 诉了某人,才能推测国家是否将此案件与恐怖主义相联系。
Whether the State has conferred on the case a link to terrorism may have to be inferred from elements uttered by State officials or if the person is later prosecuted on terrorism-related charges.
将他们引渡的决定是根据《公民权 利和政治权利国际公约》的条款做出的,并考虑到 罪名 的 严重性以避免有人逃 跑和确保缔约国领土上的公共安全。
The decision to extradite them was taken in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and also taking into account the gravity of the charges, to avoid the individuals escaping and to ensure public security on the territory of the State party.
检察官没有要求犯罪人承认这起 犯罪中的种族主义因素,只是要求他们承认暴力、破坏和非法拥有武器 罪名。
The offenders were not asked by
the Prosecutor to confess the
[...] racist element in the crime, and were requested only to admit violence, [...]
vandalism, and possession of illegal weapons.
缔约国应立即采取有效措施,确保所有被拘留者在实际上从被拘留之日起就获得 所有基本的法律保障,包括有权迅速获得一个律师、获得独立的医疗检查、通知
[...] 亲属、在被拘留时被告知他们的权利包括被控诉 罪名 、 并 按照国际标准在一个 限期内接受法官审讯。
The State party should promptly take effective measures to ensure that all detainees are afforded, in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of their detention, including the rights to have prompt access to a lawyer and an independent medical examination, to notify a relative, to be
informed of their rights at the time of
[...] detention, including about the charges laid [...]
against them, and to appear before a judge
within a time limit in accordance with international standards.
為確保真誠行事的企業不會因無心之失而干犯罪 行,現就餌誘式廣告宣傳提供額外免責辯護:被告如能舉出 充分證據,顯示在出現需求大於原先所預測的情況後,已在 合理時間內採取補救行動(例如補充存貨、安排另一供應商 以相同條件提供相同產品或服務,或以相同條件提供同等產 品或服務),則被告有權被裁罪名 不 成 立。
To ensure that businesses acting in good faith would not be inadvertently caught, additional defences are provided for bait advertising: a defendant will be entitled to be acquitted if he can adduce sufficient evidence to raise an issue that he has taken remedial action within a reasonable period of time (such as replenishing the stock, causing another supplier to supply the same goods or service at the same terms or offering equivalent goods or service on the same terms) if the demand was greater than he originally foresaw.
萨尔瓦多回顾其以往的评论意见(见 A/66/93,第 19、54、84 和 143 段),重 申其《刑法》第 10
[...] 条明确承认普遍管辖权,但没有制定一份详尽 罪名 清 单 ; 适用该原则的要素是,所实施的犯罪损害了根据具体协定或国际法规则受到国际 [...]
Recalling its previous comments (see A/66/93, paras. 19, 54, 84 and 143), El Salvador reiterated that article 10 of its Penal Code expressly recognized universal jurisdiction
without establishing an
[...] exhaustive list of crimes; the key element [...]
for application of the principle was the commission of crimes that impaired legal rights that
are internationally protected by specific agreements or rules of international law, or entailed a serious breach of universally recognized human rights.
2010 年,Shallop Diamonds 公司的 Emmanuel
[...] Shallop 被比利时上诉法院 认定罪,罪名是为 塞拉利昂革命联合阵线(联阵)领导人促进冲突钻石贸易。
In 2010, Emmanuel Shallop, of Shallop
[...] Diamonds, was found guilty in the Belgian Court [...]
of Appeal for facilitating the trade
in conflict diamonds for Revolutionary United Front (RUF) leaders in Sierra Leone.
例如, 这些保障措施涉及罪名和刑 罚的合法性、无罪推定、刑事法律的不溯及既往原 则(除非刑法已变得更宽松)、获得公平审讯的权利、向更高法庭上诉的权利以及 [...]
Those safeguards concern, for instance, the
[...] legality of the offences and penalties, the presumption of innocence, [...]
the non-retroactivity of criminal
law, except where it has become more lenient, the right to a fair hearing, the right to appeal to a higher court and the right to apply for pardon.
[...] 规定,口供与所有其他证 据一样,应当按法院的自由裁量权进行评估,而且任何形式的证据均可 使 罪名成 立
As to the reliance on confessions for convictions, article 397 (onwards) of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides that confessions, like all
other evidence, shall be evaluated at the court’s
[...] discretion, and that guilt may be established [...]
by any form of evidence.
(b) 提供使用死刑情况的相关资料,这有助于展开可能的知情和透明的全国 辩论;(c) 逐步限制死刑的使用,减少可以判处死刑 罪名
(b) To make available relevant information with regard to their use of the death penalty, which can contribute to possible informed and transparent national debates
(d) 助理法律顧問回應 單仲偕議員的查詢 時表示,任何人在法
[...] 定聲明中提供虛假 或具誤導性的資料 而被裁罪名成 立,可被判處的最高 刑罰為監禁兩年及 [...]
(d) Responding to Mr SIN Chung-kai's enquiry, ALA's advice
[...] that the offender convicted of an offence of [...]
giving false or misleading information
in a statutory declaration was subject to a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment and a fine.
委员会还感到遗憾的是,缺乏关于武装集团内部儿童人数以及被以危害 安罪名指控 和起诉的儿童人数的数据。
The Committee further regrets the absence of
data on the number of children in armed groups and children who have been charged and
[...] prosecuted for security offences.
(b) 根据其国际义务,采取一切必要步骤,确 保 因刑罪名被逮捕或羁押的 人有权迅速面见法官或法律授权行使审判权力的其他人员,并确保在合理时间内 出庭受审或获释,并在这方面采取一切必要步骤,确保因被逮捕或羁押而被剥夺 自由者不论在何处被捕或被羁押,均有权向法院提起诉讼,以便法院从速决定对 其羁押是否合法并在羁押行为不合法的情况下命令将其释放
(b) To take all steps necessary to ensure the right of anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge to be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power, and the right to trial within a reasonable time or release, and in that regard to take all necessary steps to ensure the right of any person deprived of liberty by arrest or detention, regardless of the place of arrest or detention, to bring proceedings before court, in order that the court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his or her detention and order his or her release if the detention is not lawful, in accordance with their international obligations
2007 年间审理了其他上诉,尽管名犯罪 人 的一 项 罪名 不 成 立, 但并未对判决作出实质性改动。
Other appeals were heard in 2007, and although one count was
[...] dismissed for one of the offenders, the sentences were not [...]
substantively altered.
裁个人的法律状况如下:Charles Blé Goudé、Simone Gbagbo、Pascal Affi N’
[...] Guessan、Alcide Djédjé和洛朗·巴博将被起诉罪名是 结 伙盗窃、结伙武装抢劫、 危害公共经济罪、挪用公款和抢掠。
Pursuant to numerous requests, the Group of Experts received an official communication from the Ministry of Justice of Côte d’Ivoire on the legal status of the sanctioned individuals, in which it was indicated that Charles Blé Goudé, Simone Gbagbo, Pascal Affi N’Guessan, Alcide Djédjé, and Laurent Gbagbo were subject to
prosecution for counts of group theft, group
[...] armed robbery, crimes against the public economy, [...]
misappropriation of public funds and looting.
(d) 應 小 心 避 免 令 人 以 為 有 關 的 人 所 作 出 的 回 答,只 會 作 為 針 對 此 人 的 證 供 之 用,因 為 這 樣 有 可 能 會 阻 止 無 辜 者 作 出 可 能 有 助 其 洗罪 名 的 陳 述 。
(d) Care should be taken to avoid any suggestion that the person's answers can only be used in evidence against him, as this may prevent an innocent person making a statement which might help to clear him of the charge.
(2) 如 他 是 被 帶 往 他 被 起 訴 的 警
署 所 在 的 裁 判 法 院 區 的 裁 判 法 院 應 訊,應 在 盡 可 能 最 早 的 時 間 帶 他 前 往 該 法
[...] 院,無 論 如 何 不 得 遲 於 他 被 起 訴 一罪 名 後 的 第 一 個 法 院 開 庭 日 。
(2) If he is to be brought before a magistrates’ court for the petty sessions area in which the police station at which he was charged is situated, he shall be brought before such a
court as soon as is practicable and in any event not later than
[...] the first sitting after he is charged with the offence.
他在第二 次巴厘爆炸案后被捕并被短期监禁 罪名 是 他 将一台 手提电脑借给了为努尔丁制作www.anshar.net网站的 人。
He was arrested after the second Bali bombing and given a short sentence for lending a laptop to the man who helped Noordin make the www. anshar.net website.
委员会还关注的是,在被捕时,叛乱团体所使用的儿童根据妨害 国家安全罪名与成年人一起被长期拘留在国际军队或国家安全局的拘留所,获 得国际儿童保护机构访问的机会受到限制。
The Committee is also concerned that, when arrested, children used by insurgent groups are held with adults under national security charges for extended periods of time in facilities of the international armed forces or of the National Directorate of Security, with limited access by national and international child protection bodies.
一些权威人士估计,加入了第六章Abot 524章,而其罪名,加 入了第六章Abot和第四章Bikkurim 525。
Some authorities reckon 524 chapters by adding a sixth chapter to Abot, while others count 525 by adding a sixth chapter to Abot and a fourth chapter to Bikkurim.
缔约国还称提交人没有在国内法院援引 《公约》第三条下的这种论点,因此没有用尽这 罪名 方 面的国内补救办法。
The State party also claims that the petitioners have failed to invoke this argument under article 3 of the Convention before national courts, and have thus failed to exhaust domestic remedies on this count.
[...] 程序的公正……”。在 2007 年审理了其他上诉,尽管名犯罪人 的一 项 罪名 不成 立,但并未对判决作出实质性改动。
This judgement stated inter alia that “infinite care appears to have been taken by all those involved to ensure that the investigation and the proceedings were conducted fairly …” Other appeals were
heard in 2007, and although one count was
[...] dismissed for one of the offenders, the sentences were not [...]
substantively altered.
(d) 采取一切必要步骤,确保任何因刑 罪名 被 逮捕或被羁押者都有权迅速 面见法官或法律授权行使审判权力的其他人员,并确保其在合理时间内出庭受审 或获释; (e) 依照国际法,包括国际人权法和人道主义法的规定来对待所有羁押地点 的所有囚犯
(d ) To take all steps necessary to ensure the right of anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge to be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and the entitlement to trial within a reasonable time or release
刑法》设立刑讯逼供罪、暴力 取证罪、虐待被监管罪等罪名,对 实施上述行为的人员依法追究刑事责任。
The Criminal Law designates as crimes the coercion of confessions by torture, resorting to violence to obtain testimony, and the mistreatment of persons in custody; persons engaging in such acts are liable for criminal penalties under the law.
高博金律师事务所的华盛顿特区和迈阿密团队代表英国居民 Pankesh Patel 在哥伦比亚特区美国联邦地方法院针对广受关注的对军工产品经纪展开的海外反腐败法 (FCPA) “触网”案件的指控进行辩护,为该委托人洗脱了海外反腐败法 (FCPA) 和洗钱罪名,使其余指控的审判无效并通过动议成功说服法院排除重要证据,最终导致美国司法部放弃所有检控。
Kobre & Kim’s Washington DC and Miami teams obtain acquittal on FCPA and money laundering charges, secure mistrial as to remaining charges and prevail on motions excluding important evidence on behalf of U.K. resident Pankesh Patel in highly-publicized "FCPA sting" prosecution of military products brokers in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, leading to abandonment of all prosecutions by U.S. Department of Justice.




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