

单词 敬老

敬老 ()

respect for the aged



nursing home
home of respect for aged


priority seating for the aged (on buses etc)


respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the good

See also:


of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
(of meat etc) tough
venerable (person)
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity

External sources (not reviewed)

在白俄罗斯有广泛的免费社会服务机构网络在运行,其中包括社区服务中 心敬老院和残疾人院、残疾儿童矫治和康复中心。
Belarus has a wide network of institutions offering free social services including local
social services
[...] centres, homes for the elderly and disabled and [...]
therapeutic education and rehabilitation centres for disabled children.
在 這種情況下,政府不應坐視不理,繼續堅稱“生果金”只 敬老 的 政 策。
In these circumstances, the Government should
not just look on and continue to insist that the "fruit grant" is only a policy intended
[...] to show respect for the elderly.
這樣對老㆟家好生刻 薄,自由黨認為不敬老之道
The Liberal Party is of the view that this would not be the proper
[...] way to serve the elderly people as this would mean disrespect [...]
for them.
所以,希望政府真的敬老,把 所有長者的醫療收費減半,清清楚楚地幫助 香港的老人家。
Therefore, I hope the Government can
[...] really respect the elderly and reduce all medical fees and charges payable by the elderly by half, so [...]
as to help the elderly
in Hong Kong with a clear gesture.
我特別想敬老揚孝 方面多說兩句,便是我們在這方面的調查做得 並不足夠。
I particularly wish to say something more on filial piety
[...] and respect for the elderly and that is, what [...]
has been done in respect of research and
survey in this aspect is inadequate.
在今年㆔月,獨立學者鄧龍威先生向我建議,香港應該仿效外國的做法,推 敬老 優 惠 計 劃,由香港政府或者志願機構統㆒發出㆒張為老㆟家而設的咭,免除老㆟家不時要出示身份 證的麻煩,讓他們可以方便㆞以特惠價錢乘搭公共交通工具,以及享用其他公營或者私㆟機 構的服務。
In March this year, independent scholar Mr TANG Lung-wai suggested to me that Hong Kong should learn from foreign countries and introduce concessionary schemes for senior citizens and that the Government or voluntary agencies should issue senior citizen cards to save the elderly the trouble of showing their identity cards when they are using public transport services or other services provided by the public or private sector at concessionary rates.
照顧長者方面應主要依靠非正式的照顧 服務,而中國傳統敬 老 護 老 觀念亦應 予 以 宣揚。
Informal care should be the mainstay of care to
[...] the elderly people and the traditional Chinese values of respect and care for the elderly should be promoted.
第二,各位同事近期亦曾多次向政府爭取上調“生果金”金額,如劉慧 卿議員的修正案便提出要增加至 1,000 元,但政府堅持“生果金”只是用來 買“生果”的 ─
[...] 當然,這是 in quotation 的 ─ 只敬老的象徵,而 不是用作生活費的。
For example, the amendment proposed by Ms Emily LAU demands that it be increased to $1,000, however, the Government insisted that the "fruit grant" was only intended for the elderly people to buy "fruit" ― of course, I have put
"fruit" in quotation marks ― that it was only a sign of
[...] respect for the elderly and was not intended [...]
as a living expense.
高专办玻利维亚办事处欢迎政府在经济、社会和文化权利领域采取的积极步骤, 包括敬老年金”――一项新的、无须交费的 60 岁以上老人津贴――和 Bono Juancito Pinto 社会方案,以及“是的,我行”计划,使政府可以在联合国教育、科学和文化 [...]
OHCHR Bolivia welcomes the positive steps taken by the Government in the field of economic,
social and cultural
[...] rights, including the “dignity pension” - a new non-contributory benefit for persons over the age of 60 - and Bono [...]
Juancito Pinto social
programmes as well as the “Yo, sí puedo” (“Yes I can”) initiative which enabled the Government to declare the country free of illiteracy in the presence of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO).
敬老院建于1999年,目前有超过70名老人居住在 敬老 院。
This nursery home was built in 1999 and currently has over 70 elderly folks living there.
(三 ) 以香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系周永新教授所提出的 ‘三級制退休保障制度’作為討論基礎,研究一個多級制的長 者生活保障制度,建議第一級津貼 敬老 為 原 則,不須作 資產審查;在第一級以上,再作資產審查,向有需要人士 發放不同金額的援助;最終希望全港每一個長者能憑自己 的積蓄及政府的援助,過有尊嚴的晚年生活。
(c) with the ‘three-tiered retirement protection system’ put forward by Professor Nelson Chow of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong as the basis of discussion, conduct studies on a multi-tiered
system of livelihood
[...] protection for the elderly, propose to dispense with means test for the first-tiered subsidy under the principle of respecting the elderly, and introduce means [...]
test above the first
tier for providing different amounts of financial assistance to needy persons, with the ultimate hope that every elderly person in Hong Kong can depend on his or her own savings and government assistance to live the twilight years with dignity.
因此,我謹希望各同事支持本㆟的修訂,以促進社 敬老 之 風,讓老㆟更受尊 重。
Therefore, I hope that Members will support my
amendment in order to promote
[...] respect for the elderly in the community and let the elder receive a greater [...]
degree of respect.
政府十分重視提敬老護老,已經製作 多輯電視宜傳短片,宣揚今年國際長者年“長幼一家”的主題, 以加深巿民對老年癡呆症的認識及宣傳如何預防長者抑鬱。
TV APIs have also been produced to help the public to better understand elderly dementia and how to prevent elderly depression.
政府有需要重敬 老的社 會風氣,制訂㆒套具有預防性、發展性及教育性的老㆟福利服務政策。
There is a need for the Government to revive the social custom of
[...] respecting the old and to formulate [...]
a precautionary, developmental and educational
policy for welfare services for the elderly.
所以,「老年退休金計劃」實應改稱為 敬老 金 計 劃」或「老㆟金計劃」或「養 老金計劃」。
Therefore, the OPS should be renamed the "Respect for the Elderly Scheme" or the "Payment to the Elderly Scheme" or the "Pension for the Elderly Scheme".
教育署 也應該考慮加強㆗小學生的家庭教育,尤其 敬老 的 觀 念。
The Education Department should also
strengthen family education among students of primary and secondary schools, especially
[...] concerning the respect for the elderly.
每月的“生果金”變成了主要的生活來源,這說明“生果金”並 非只敬老,對長者的生活其實具有極大的支持作用。
It can thus be seen that instead of being
just a token of
[...] respect for the elderly, the "fruit grant" has in fact become a great support for the livelihood of the elderly.
期滿後可以用決議方法將政策延續㆘去,又或者另外立法,用更好或更新的方 式,取代現有法律,履敬老或養 老的職責。
When enacting laws, we can provide that the scheme should operate for 10 or 15 years, and upon expiry of the period, the policy may continue to be implemented by the adoption of a resolution or by the enactment of another ordinance or by employing some other better and more innovative means to
replace the existing legislation, so as to discharge the community's duty of showing
[...] respect to and supporting the elderly.
過去的經驗顯示,這類機構在推動各種社會教育方面,例如家庭計劃、家庭生 活教育敬老和扶 幼、鄰舍互助、社區組織、以至灌輸公民教育和選民意識等, 貢獻良多。
Experience shows that these agencies have made a lot of contributions to the
furtherance of various public
[...] education goals, such as family planning, family life, respect for the old, care for the young, [...]
mutual assistance
among neighbours, establishment of community groups, civic education and voter's rights.
住院病人宪章仅涉及医院和保健中心收治的情况,不包括其他住院病例, 如具有社会保障责任敬老院。
The Charter of hospitalized patients referred to only admitted at hospitals and health centres,
so not including other cases of hospitalization, such
[...] as homes for the elderly of the responsibility [...]
of Social Security.
Disrespect can lead to familial rebuke.
本會重申,政府應立即增加高齡津貼至不少於每月1,000元,並貫 徹高齡津敬老的原 意,不應在高齡津貼計劃下引入任何新的資 [...]
產及入息審查,同時,本會促請政府展開設立全民退休保障制度 的研究工作,讓所有長者都可得到周全的退休保障,有尊嚴地安 享晩年。
That this Council reiterates that the Government should
immediately increase the rates of the Old Age Allowance to not less than $1,000 per month and fully adhere to the original intention of showing
[...] respect for the elderly, and should not [...]
introduce any new means
test mechanism under the Old Age Allowance Scheme; at the same time, this Council urges the Government to commence studying the establishment of a universal retirement protection system to enable all elderly people to have comprehensive retirement protection and enjoy a dignified and comfortable life in their twilight years.
承认人生经验带来权威、 智慧、尊严和克制敬老乃人 之常情,自古而然。
Recognition of the authority, wisdom, dignity and
[...] restraint that comes with a lifetime of experience has been a normal feature of the respect accorded to the old throughout history.
為使日後的「長者咭」計劃能發揮更多功能和達致更理想的效果,本局促請 政府規定有關公營部門及法定機構加入此項計劃,並鼓勵私㆟機構㆒同參與,確保老㆟房
[...] 屋、交通、醫療、購物、飲食和文娛康樂等生活所需方面,都得到優待,免除不必要和重 複的申請手續,方便他們享受優惠,並藉此推動社 敬老 風 氣
In order that such a scheme can have wider application and achieve better results in the future, this Council urges the Government to make it a rule that the relevant public and statutory bodies must participate in the scheme; and, also, to encourage participation of private organizations, so as to ensure that the elderly can enjoy preferential treatment in such necessities of life as housing, transport, medical care, shopping, food and drink, and cultural and recreational activities; and to dispense with unnecessary and repetitive application procedures, to make it
convenient for them to enjoy the preferential treatment; and to
[...] promote respect for the elderly among members of the public.
KSMA學生經常於不同地方表演,包括為聖雅各福群會長者中心,智行基金會,願望成真基金,防止自殺會,東華三院,耆康會何善衡夫 敬老 院 及香港明愛老人服務機構等作音樂會或探訪表演。
KSMA students perform frequently, including concerts for the St. James Settlement for the elderly, Chi Heng Foundation, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Suicide Prevention
Society, Tung Wah Hospitals, Sage Madam Ho Sin Hang
[...] Home for the Elderly and Caritas Hong Kong Services for the Elderly.
斯洛伐克将尽最大努力满足要求,但若仍未按期 作出答复敬请谅解。
Slovakia would do its outmost to meet the requirements, but asked for understanding if it
[...] did not always respond on time.
於作出任何投資決定前敬請投 資者細閱及了解有關投資項目或產品的所有發售文件,以及其中所 載的風險披露聲明及風險警告。
Investors should read and fully understand all the offering documents relating to the relevant investments or products and all the risk disclosure statements and risk warnings therein before making any investment decisions.
主席还回顾说,缔约国已对执行支助股的业绩、效率、 专业能力、反应能力敬业精神表示满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为公平地分摊责任。
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable, and to achieve more equitable burden sharing.




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