

单词 登台表演

See also:

表演 n

performances pl
exhibition n
show n
display n
performer n
rendering n

表演 v

show v
play v

External sources (not reviewed)

表」㆒詞的定義,包括透過會晤 演 講 、 在書報登書信及文稿,或在台和電視台的 座 談會或討論節目內, 表 公 開 言論。
The definition of "publish" includes making public by interviews and speeches, by letters and articles in the press, or by talks and discussions on radio and television programmes.
最近,我們決定進㆒步放寬禁令,准許在電影及電視製作以及 台表演 ㆗ 使 用煙火, 但有關㆟士必須取得許可證。
More recently, we have decided to relax the ban further to allow the use
of pyrotechnics for film and television programme productions as
[...] well as for theatrical performances, subject [...]
to permit.
该组合发起了“音乐作为文化间对话的途径”项目,在音乐会上邀请西 方艺术家台表演。
The group launched the “music as a means of intercultural dialogue” project, inviting Western artists to
[...] share the stage in concerts.
本次 2012 台北新車大展展出包括於國內首登 場 首 演 的 全新 911 Carrera S 及經典的911 Carrera 4 GTS,中置引擎的 Boxster S,以操控及輕量化性能掛帥的 Cayman R,四門四座跑車 Panamera 系列展出最新表的 Panamera Diesel 及以節能為號召的Panamera S Hybrid 跟Panamera 車系旗艦車款馬力高達 550 匹的 Panamera Turbo S,至於在台灣銷售最受歡迎的 Cayenne 運動休旅車也在現場展出。
The 2012 Taipei International Auto Show featured the first ever appearance of the brand new 911 Carrera S in Taiwan, as well as the iconic 911 Carrera 4 GTS, the mid-engined Boxster S, and the sweet-handling and ultra-light Cayman R; the 4 door Panamera sports car line [...]
also launched the
Panamera Diesel, the energy efficient Panamera S Hybrid, and the flagship model of the line, the 550-horsepower Panamera Turbo S. As for the Cayenne, the most popular model in Taiwan was also on display at the auto show.
到此阶段末,小孩较喜欢半组织性的集体戏 表演 或 登台演 出。
Toward the end of this age range, children prefer semi-structured
[...] group drama performances or staged plays.
梁建楓經常以香港音樂家的身份,出席及參與多個國際音樂盛會,早於1986年,以蘇格蘭阿貝丁音樂節管弦樂團及室內樂團團長身份,代表香港參與當地之國際青年音樂節、1994年受邀請與鋼琴家傅聰赴歐洲巡 演 出 室 內樂、1996年受台灣邀請參加台北國際藝術節、1994至1996年被推薦 表台 灣 參加泰國為慶祝泰 登 基 的 週年音樂會、1996年應台灣海基會邀請前往香港、北京、上海及廣州進行文藝交流和演出、1997年應邀前往美國西岸多個城市舉行巡迴演奏會、1999年應駐美國的香港經濟貿易辦事處邀請,於美國首都華盛頓的甘乃迪 演 藝 術中心舉行獨奏會,並與中美音樂協會交響樂團於當地演奏“梁祝”小提琴協奏曲、2000年開始每年受邀代表香港參加於東京舉行的“世界超級樂團”音樂節,與世界各重要樂團的團長及首席團員一同演奏。
Leung hasrepresented Hong Kong in many international music events. Early in 1986 he represented Hong Kong at the International Youth Music Festival in Aberdeen, Scotland, where he was the concertmaster of both the philharmonic and chamber orchestras.
团结”项目和公共部门会计准则正在开发应急计划,以防依赖造成延误。 这些计划包括:(a) 使用伽利略系统作为符合公共部门会计准则的财产、厂房及 设备的功能以及维持和平和特别政治任务库存数据的临 登台 区 ; ( b) 利用现有 的外勤支助部系统作为披露说明自动化的一个解决办法,而这些披露是符合公共 部门会计准则财务表的一 个重要部分;(c) 继续暂时使用,并采用一些变通办 法,目前联合国秘书处所有部厅(而不是维持和平和特别政治任务)用来进行资产 管理的一些信息系统;(d) 设计现有系统的手工和半自动化的进程的综合程序, 如 SUN 账户系统和综合管理信息系统,以便按照公共部门会计准则,根据货物和 服务的交付情况,记录财政期间结束时的支出。
Umoja and IPSAS are developing contingency plans in the event that dependencies cause delays, which include: (a) using Galileo as an interim staging area for IPSAS-compliant property, plant and equipment functions, and inventory data in peacekeeping and special political missions; (b) leveraging an existing Department of Field Support system as a solution for automating notes disclosures, which represent a significant part of the IPSAS-compliant financial statements; (c) continuing to use, temporarily and with some work-arounds, some of the information systems that are currently used for asset management in all departments of the Secretariat and offices other than peacekeeping and special political missions; (d) devising a combination of manual and semi-automated processes to existing systems such as Sun Accounts and the Integrated Management Information System, to record fiscal period end expenditures based on the delivery of goods and services under IPSAS.
在本报告所述期间,还在大会堂举办了一次中国武 表演 , 电影明星、武术 艺术家兼世界卫生组织亲善大使李连杰特 登台 亮 相
Furthermore, during the reporting period, an exhibition of Chinese wushu (martial arts) was organized in the General Assembly Hall with a special appearance by Jet Li, a movie star, martial artist and World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador.
在 2012 年 9 月 27 日的联合国大会上,登盛总表演说, 重申他将努力深化缅甸的民主改革。
In a speech to the UN General Assembly on 27 September 2012, President Thein Sein reaffirmed [...]
his commitment to pursuing further democratic reform.
2000年11月,贝克索参演了实况音乐俱乐部——巴比伦俱乐部在伊斯坦布尔举行的 台表演 , 她 加入了一个打击乐队,身着自行绘制的透明服装的她为观众呈现了一道丰富多彩的艺术大餐,从诗歌到演唱、绘画,再到戏剧,样样精彩。
In a stage performance at the live
music club Babylon club in
[...] Istanbul in November 2000, she joined a percussion group and performed in [...]
a wide spectrum of the
arts— from poetry to singing to drawing to drama—in a transparent self-painted costume.
比如,2006--2007 年期间, 联合国大学就编写了 84 本新书,在专家评审的期刊上表了 1 11 篇文章,100 份左右的政策 简介、281 篇讨论/工作文件和大量其他出版物,如汇编中的某些章节、在报刊杂志 登 载的 文章、演稿和会议记录等等。
During 2006 and 2007, for example, the UNU produced 84 new
titles, 111 articles in
[...] peer-reviewed journals, some 100 policy briefs, 281 discussion/working papers and numerous other publications, such as chapters in edited volumes, articles in magazines and newspapers, lectures and conference proceedings.
Candy Brissima2012春夏系列巡表演的最后一 登 陆 到一个亚洲国际都会 – 香港,并於香港国际金融中心IFC举行。
The Candy Brissima Show for the last step of the Spring [...]
Summer 2012 Tour, has landed to Hong Kong, at the International
Finance Centre - IFC, beating heart of the city.
南中國區最頂級豪華的會員制私人會所【紅伶】,薈萃前衞時尚與感性撩人的裝潢,令人亢奮的世界級娛 表演 節 目輪 流 登 場 ,讓貴賓沉醉於奢華的娛樂國度。
Members of southern China’s most luxurious performance lounge will be treated to a series of exhilarating nightly performances when Saulo Sarmiento takes the showroom stage at CHINA ROUGE.
虽然本周行程安排得非常紧张,麦当娜还 登台演 唱 了一首新歌“Give Me All Your Luvin”,这只单曲被收录在计划于2月3日本周五开始公开发售的新专辑MDNA中。
In a jam-packed week, Madonna also releases the debut single "Give Me All Your Luvin'" from her highly anticipated forthcoming album MDNA this Friday, February 3.
歌劇是古典音樂的精華,是聲樂訓練 不可或缺的部份,新辦的歌劇課程內容包括角色扮演、舞台動作、語言、劇目及正式台表演;至於新設的電視製作課程、內容則包括攝影及燈光技巧、製作管理、剪接及音響、廣播 技術理論及視覺傳播,本㆞電視及電影行業對曾受訓練㆟員需求甚殷,此項課程的畢 業生有助紓緩業內㆟才短缺的情況。
Graduates from this course will help to of broadcasting and visual communication. Graduates from this course will help to meet the pressing demand for trained manpower from the local television and film meet the pressing demand for trained manpower from the local television and film meet the pressing demand for trained manpower from the local television and film meet the pressing demand for trained manpower from the local television and film industries. industries. industries. industries.
[...] 产生长而窄的光束,可以产生不同光斑,通常用在 台表演 上。
Ellipsoidal Focus Spots—Popularly referred to by brand name, e.g. Leko or Source Four, these produce a narrow
[...] bright beam with a long throw.
乐队解散后,黛比发行了五张个人专辑,并开始转 表演 , 在 百老 登台 , 还在最原版的《发胶》(Hairspray, 1988)一片中扮演傲慢的薇尔玛·冯·特索尔(Velma Von Tussle)。
After Blondie broke up, Harry released five solo albums, and pursued an acting career, appearing on Broadway and most notably playing Velma Von Tussle in the original Hairspray movie (1988).
一个工作组将为每位选手提供发型、化妆、舞蹈、 台表演 和 声 乐培训方面的专业指导。
An entourage will provide each finalist with expertise on hair and makeup, choreography, stage presence and vocal coaching.
第三組的修正案,是有關條例草案第 12 條的修正案,該項修正案旨在 改善該條例第 20V(2)(b)條表述方 式,根據條例第 20V(1)(e)條,在有關期 間接受指定機構資助的藝術團體,均合資 登 記 為 體育 演 藝 、 文化和出版 界功能界別的選民。
According to section 20V(1)(e) of the Ordinance, art
groups that receive subsidies from
[...] designated organizations within the relevant period are eligible for registration as electors of the FC for the sports, performing arts, culture and publication sectors.
就业状况的分析、对就业活动的思想准备、 邀请企业的人事负责人和校友进行的 演、 报名登记表的填 写方法、面试的应试方法 等等,许多学校都利用资料进行认真的指导。
You should have your own vision, be aware and design all the future possibilities.
為了平衡現行居住在露天表演場地附近的市民不會受到噪音滋擾,同時亦讓 曲藝愛好者有娛人娛己的機會,政府可否考慮在各區適當地點提供設有隔音 屏障、電源、配以上蓋表演台、照 明系統和觀眾坐位的露天表演區呢?
In order to strike a balance, ensuring that while the people living near to outdoor performance venues will not be affected by noise nuisance, Chinese opera enthusiasts can still have opportunities to entertain themselves as well as others, will the Government consider the idea of
designating outdoor
[...] performance venues equipped with sound barriers, electricity supply, sheltered stages, lighting and [...]
seats for audience at
suitable locations in different districts?
随着临时宪法的台,已形成了一个临时议会,它 表 了 与 政府,尤其是地方一 级的政府更加密切地合作的新的机会。
With the introduction of the interim constitution, an interim parliament has been constituted which presents new opportunities for working more closely with the government, particularly at the local levels.
就弹药而言,这种检表 登记的 内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 [...]
For ammunition,
[...] such inspections sheets should include the [...]
lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings on the
cartridge and on the packaging, including detailed pictures and descriptions of the cartridge and the packaging.
丽塔的表演艺术以具体和直截了当且带有鲜明诗意的特征而著称,在 台表演 之 外 ,她在其他艺术载体方面,如绘画和摄影领域,也具有相当的造诣。
In addition to her performance production, which is known for being concrete and straight to the point yet with a clear poetic dimension, she is also skilled in other media such as drawing and photography.
克鲁姆不仅与其他专业歌手一 登台演 出 , 这对于一个众所周知超级名模来说是不同寻常的,而且她以8套不同礼服惊艳现身,成为当晚一大看点。
Not only did Ms. Klum perform on the stage in line with other professional singers which is very unusual for someone who is generally known a supermodel, but also she dazzled everyone with her whole 8(!) different outfits.
繼剛剛完成在紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)和倫敦泰特現代美術館(TATE Modern)演出後 ,德國傳奇樂隊Kraftwerk亦即將在悉尼歌劇 登台 獻 藝
Vivid Sydney continues to attract the world’s most outstanding talent, with German legends Kraftwerk set to perform at the Sydney Opera House fresh on the back of performances at the MoMA in New York and TATE Modern in London,?
22歲開始習舞,2005年畢業於美國Plymouth State University,並獲得藝術學士學位(主修舞蹈及 台表演 ) 及 教 師證書(NH K-12 Teacher Certification),同時獲瑜珈導師證書。
Mary Jane Tang started dancing at the age of 22, graduated in 2005 with a BA in Dance & Theater Performance, and holds a K-12 Teacher Certification from Plymouth State University in New Hampshire of the USA she is also a certified Hot Yoga instructor.
(h) 若设保人是前述规则未予涉及的其他实体的参与方,则根据第 19 条, 设保人的身份识别特征即为创设文件中所载实体的名称和 表 与 登 记 有 关的交 易中实体的每个自然人的姓名。
(h) If the grantor is a participant in an entity other than one already referred to in the preceding rules, the grantor identifier is the name of the entity as stated in the document creating it,
the names of each
[...] natural person representing the entity in the transaction to which the registration relates in accordance [...]
with article 19.
(E) 倘就股東登記地址所在地區而言,在未 表登 記 聲 明或辦理其他特別 手續之情況下,寄發有關股息選擇權或配發股份之通知將會或可能屬違法,則董 事會可在任何情況下決定不向該等股東授予本細則(A)段項下之股息選擇權及股 份配發權,在該情況下,上述條文應在該決定之規限下理解及詮釋。
(E) The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under paragraph (A) of this Article shall not be made available or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any territory where in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might be unlawful, and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination.
鉴 于 这 一事态 发展,列 支敦登 代 表 团 宣布自愿承 诺 如 下:列 支敦士 [...]
登将加 紧 审 查 必 要的执行措 施 ,以求 有 可 能 加 入 该公约 及其议定书。
On the basis of this
[...] development, the delegation announced the [...]
voluntary commitment that Liechtenstein will intensify its
examination of the necessary implementation measures with a view to a possible accession to that Convention and its Protocol.




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