

单词 正电子断层



positrion emission tomography (PET)


positron emission tomography (PET)


PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)

See also:


positron (antiparticle of the electron)


electron shell (in the atom)


normal fault (geology)

External sources (not reviewed)

这些译文一般集中于客户推广到捷克市场上的各种器械(例如外科、骨科等),以及具有各种功能的设备的软件及操作手册,例如诊断化验和显示系统(X-射线、超声诊断系统、磁共振成像设备、计算机断层扫描 – CT、核医学正电子断层扫描 – PET)、病人监护设备、呼吸支持系统、去纤颤器、实验室分析仪器,等等。
The translations generally focus on tools (e.g. surgical, orthopedic and others) being introduced to the Czech market by our clients, as well as on software and operating manuals for devices with various functionalities, e.g. systems for diagnostic testing and display (X-ray,
ultrasound systems,
[...] MRI devices, computer tomography - CT, nuclear medicine or positron tomography – PET), [...]
devices for patient monitoring,
breathing support systems, defibrillators, laboratory analyzers, and many others.
重点一直是建立回旋加速器正电子 发 射 断层 照相 中心,以提高防治癌症的核医学和诊断技术。
The emphasis has been on establishing
[...] cyclotron and positron emission tomography (PET) centres [...]
to strengthen nuclear medicine and
diagnostic techniques for the management of cancer.
这些发展与已在许多技术中得到应用的稀土元素的特性密不可分:X 光扫描仪、磁共振 (MRI) 以正电子发射断层扫描 (PET)。
This development was made possible due to the specific properties of rare
earths used in many technologies: X-rays, scanners, magnetic resonance
[...] imaging ( MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).
为适应内容私有化日益扩大的趋势 和新电子媒体的不断出现 ,教科文组 正 在 帮 助会员国确定公共广播事业怎样才能出于总 体利益开展工作的途径。
In response to the increasing trend of privatization
[...] of content and emergence of new electronic media, UNESCO is assisting its Member [...]
States to identify
ways in which public service broadcasting can operate in the general interest.
其业内领先的产品可用于医学成象和诊断,计算 断层 扫 描 (CT)、磁共振成象 (MRI)正电子成象术 (PET) 等技术覆盖各种医疗要求。
Technologies include Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), covering a wide range of medical requirements.
研究人员应用一种叫做低电子断层 扫 描的技术制作出了在噬菌体感染第一阶段中的细胞三维重建;噬菌体是专门以细菌作为标靶的病毒。
Researchers have used a technique
[...] known as cryo-electron tomography to produce three-dimensional [...]
reconstructions of cells
during the first stages of infection with bacteriophages, or viruses that specifically target bacteria.
针对应用层或网层的攻击正在导 致这些昂贵的状态防火 墙发生故障,并且此类攻击的数正 在 不 断 上 升
Attacks targeted at the application or network layers are causing failures of these stateful—and often expensive—firewalls, and the [...]
number of such attacks is growing.
的其他原因是图像,使用磁共振成像的初步诊断与 PET (正电子发射断层扫描) 功能评价的响应某些治疗或复发,以及改进的医疗治疗的儿童,出席国际标准化的协议,鉴于其发病率低风险的情况下的最优方法。
Other causes are the optimal methods of images, the use of MRI in the initial diagnosis with PET (positron emission tomography) for the functional [...]
evaluation of response
to certain treatments or in case of risk of relapse, and improvements in medical treatment to children, who attends international standardized protocols, given its low incidence.
医疗保健系统部门使用的技术和方法包括X射线、数字乳腺图像、计算 断层 扫描 (CT)、磁共振成象 (MRI)、分子成象、超声波正电子 成 象 术 (PET),同时涵盖范围广泛的医疗要求。
The technologies and methods used by the Healthcare Systems unit include X-ray, digital mammography, Computed
Tomography (CT), Magnetic
[...] Resonance Imaging (MRI), molecular imaging, ultrasound, and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and cover a wide range [...]
of medical requirements.
由于菲利普公司不能供应两个扫描仪的备件,哈瓦那市的 Ameijeiras
[...] 兄弟医院无法对 5 000 多患者做成像研究,特别是血管-电脑 断层 ,这 对脑血管疾病的研究非常重要。
The Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital in the city of Havana is unable to perform CT scans on more than 5,000 patients, particularly CT angiograms, which are vital to
analysing cerebrovascular diseases, owing to the failure of the Philips
[...] company to provide spare parts two CT scanners.
同时要断改善电子环境,提高注册体 系的运行效率。
Operational efficiency of the registration systems will also be enhanced by
[...] continuing to improve the electronic environment.
另据指出,2010 年《国际贸易术语解释通 则》对所有规则的阐述更加简洁明确,同时考虑到了海关免税区的 断 扩 展、 电子通信 在商业交易中的使用增多,以及人们对货物运输中的安全问题和运输 做法的改变更加关切。
It was further suggested that Incoterms 2010 offered a simpler and clearer presentation of all
the rules, taking
[...] account of the continued spread of customs-free zones, the increased use of electronic communications in [...]
business transactions,
heightened concerns about security in the movement of goods and changes in transport practices.
电源接地线 PS (GND) 从高级流体控制模块接地子 (T) 上断开。
Disconnect the power supply ground wire, PS(GND), from the advanced fluid control module ground terminal (T).
其他传统设备商,如北电和摩托罗拉,都面临着许多挑战,目前他们已经或正在被更大的3G同行收购(爱立信收购了 电 的 CD MA资产,同时诺基亚西 子正 在 收 购摩托罗拉的网络部门)。
Other traditional players such as Nortel and Motorola have faced many challenges and now have been acquired or are in the midst of being acquired by their larger 3GPP counterparts (Ericsson acquired Nortel’s CDMA assets, while Nokia Siemens is in the midst of acquiring Motorola's networks division).
如强行转动,会造成接线端子的破损,和接线 子 内 部 电 线 的 断 裂。
If you force the connection
[...] terminal to turn, it may become damaged, or the wire inside the connection terminal may break.
Lilliana了,药水,芭比公主Graciella可以是一个正常的公主并没有继续作用下的爱情药水,他们到达洛杉矶光泽,登上小马穿越宫,Graciella公主意识到,他们是泰勒和Carrie她发送Raquelle和芭比娃娃里面一笼锁定,笼子里是无敌的一个童话充满激情的骄傲,但说话的芭比娃娃和Raquelle和道歉后,他们意识到, 子 里 的 酒吧开 断 裂 , 突然有 正 的 翅膀在他们的背上和记住的短语“宽恕让你飞”。
Lilliana gave to Barbie, a potion, for Princess Graciella can get to be a normal princess and do not keep acting under a love potion,them arrived to Gloss Angeles, crossing the Palace aboard ponies,Graciella Princess realizes that they are Taylor and Carrie then she sends Raquelle and Barbie inside a cage locked ,the cage is invincible to pride of a fairy passionate, but after talking Barbie and
Raquelle and
[...] Apologize,they realizes that cage’s bars begin to breaking, suddenly have real wings on [...]
their backs and remember
a phrase “forgiveness makes you fly”.
东北大学国际高等研究教育机构(工学部兼务)的上野裕则助教等人的研究小组与瑞士连邦工科大学的石川尚组长(现保罗谢尔研究所高级研究员)共同利用低 电子断层 扫 描 法,借助特殊的电子显微镜(与CT相同原理并能够解析细微物质的三次元构造),在世界上成功首次先驱性地解明了哺乳类(小白鼠)气管绒毛的三次元内部构造。
In order to understand the molecular mechanisms of the ciliary motion, Ueno et al. analyzed the axonemal structure of respiratory cilia
[...] by cryo-electron tomography and image processing.
子和正 电子的数 量空间,大大超出了由全球统计数据在该领域迄今所确定的任何其他 数字。
The recorded number of antiprotons and positrons exceeds by an order of magnitude any other figure established by global statistics in that area to date.
机构间空 间碎片协调委员会(空间碎片协委会)认为,自和平利用 层 空 间委员会 1999 年发布其关于空间碎片的技术报告以来已经形成广泛共识,即人为产生的空间 碎片目前对地球轨道上普通未载人航天器没有造成多大风险,但碎片数 正在 不断增加,有可能造成损害的碰撞机率也因此而增加。
According to the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee
(IADC), it has been a
[...] common understanding since the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space published its technical report on space debris, in 1999, that man-made space debris today poses little risk to ordinary unmanned spacecraft in Earth orbit, but the population of debris is growing, [...]
and the probability
of collisions that could lead to damage will consequently increase.
此外,为涵盖全球磁强计覆盖范围的最大陆基空白,非 子 午线 B-场教育 和研究仪器阵列涉及空间物理学的两个基本领域:(a)由于纬度(或 L 壳层)、当 地时间、经度、磁活动和季节的作用,制约赤 电 离 层电 动 力 学的过程;(b)超 低频脉动强度及其与中、低纬度地区赤道电射流强度的关联。
In addition, to cover the largest land-based gap in global magnetometer coverage, the AMBER instrument array addressed two fundamental areas of space physics: (a) the processes governing the electrodynamics of the equatorial ionosphere as a function [...]
of latitude (or L-shell),
local time, longitude, magnetic activity and season; and (b) ultra-low-frequency pulsation strength and its connection with equatorial electrojet strength at low- and mid-latitude regions.
随着越来越多电子产品不断应用 于汽车领域,我们提供先进的汽车和射频 (RF) 解决方案,使汽车电子系统更加可靠、小巧和经济实惠。
With more and more electronics going into automobiles, [...]
we are providing advanced automotive and Radio Frequency (RF) solutions
that make car electronics systems far more reliable, compact, versatile and economical.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该正在筹 备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两 层 面 系 统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
诸如麦克风防风罩、耳垫、模块插头、耳 塞、装饰性层、电池及 其它附件等承 正 常 磨 损或撕裂的有限寿命易耗元器 件明确规定不在保修之列。
Specifically exempt from warranty are limited-life
[...] consumable components subject to normal wear and tear, such as microphone [...]
windscreens, ear cushions,
modular plugs, ear tips, decorative finishes, batteries, and other accessories.
通过该接线子测量 绝缘电阻的过程简单无比:拉起刀型 断 器 将 上 层电 位 断 开 , 插入新型N/L测试插头适配器进行测量(N/L测试插头适配器借助接线端子上的垂直测试插孔将N线和L线连接起来)。
Disconnect the top potential level by pulling out the the movable knife disconnect and perform measurement using the new N/L test plug adapter (the N/L [...]
test plug adapter connects
external conductors (N,L) via an integrated vertical test slot).
由于实现了在子层面上对TAT蛋白质的动态进行直接观察,今后,基于其运动程序解析的艾滋进行抑制法的开发成为可能,同时,利用TAT蛋白质特有的侵入特性,可以大幅改善 正 在 研发中的向细胞中导入蛋白质方法的开发及其改良,并且也可以将其应用于再生医学及癌症治疗法的开发等方面。
In addition, utilizing characteristics of TAT protein, it is expected that the method of protein transduction to the cell will be improved tremendously and will be applied in various situations, such as regenerative medicine and treatment for cancer.
层涂有POWERSIL® 570 PLUS产品的绝子正在接受盐雾检测。
Insulators coated with POWERSIL® 570 PLUS during a salt-fog test.
20 多年来,Winther
[...] 先生不断对该标准进行改进,将电动压缩机制造领域内不断发展的新技术、 断 增 加 的 电子 控 制和防护装置以及新型制冷剂的使用纳入测试范围。
For more than 20 years, Mr. Winther continuously worked on improvements of the Standard to cover changing technology in the
construction of motor compressors, their
[...] increased use of electronic controls and protection, [...]
and the use of new refrigerants.
电视例如计时器乙可以管理多达6个用户,每一个有它的密码访问控制设备,它的外观及使用情况,可以设置每天或每周的限制,具有一个系统,以避免损失的连接的设备,与意 断电 的 事 物:可设置报警,警告时间用尽,所以你的 子 将 被警告,要他们有足够的时间来保存游戏,如果玩,并关闭之前,电力是切断装置。
TV timer Bob for example can manage up to 6 users, each one having it’s PIN to access a controlled device, it’s profile & time usage that can be set to daily or weekly limits, featuring a system to avoid damages to
the connected device,
[...] with unexpected power offs: an alarm can be set to warn time exhaustion, so your kid will be warned to [...]
have enough time to
save the game, if playing, and turn off the device before electricity is cut off.
为此,国际 团结必须解决的核心问题是,国家和国际两 层 面 的不 公 正 和 不公平现象;这是 针对国际社会所面临的各种共同挑战问题,实现长期持久解决唯一办法。
Towards this end, it must address the core need for justice and equity at the national and international levels; this is the only long-term, sustainable solution to common challenges faced by the international community.
一些代表团重申其政府承诺和平利用和探索外层空间,并强调了以下原 则:所有国家,无论其科学、技术和经济水平如何,均可平等而不受歧视地使 用层空间,并正合理地使用层 空 间;不通过主权要求、使用、占领或任 何其他手段,将外层空间(包括月球和其他天体)据为己有;不将外层空间军 事化,将外层空间探索严格限于和平目的;开展区域合作以促进大会和其他国 际论坛所确定的空间活动。
Some delegations reiterated the commitment of their Governments to the peaceful use and exploration of outer space and emphasized the following principles: equal and
[...] access to outer space and equal conditions for all States, irrespective of their level of scientific, technical and economic development, as well as the equitable and rational use of outer space; [...]
of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, by claim of sovereignty, use, occupation or any other means; non-militarization of outer space and its exploitation strictly for peaceful purposes; and regional cooperation to promote space activities as established by the General Assembly and other international forums.




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