

单词 改派



the reformist party

See also:


send v
appoint v


group n
school n
faction n

External sources (not reviewed)

如果真 的 有 官員不 願 意 出 任 ,會改派 其他㆟出任 ?
Should an official be really unwilling to take up a post, will another person be posted instead?
将警务顾问办公室的 1 个员额(P-3 行政管理干事)改派为 1 个 P-3 警务传播 顾问
Reassignment of 1 post (P-3 Administrative Management Officer to 1 P-3 Police Communications Adviser) in the Office of the Police Adviser
1 个员额(P-4 工程师)改派到副 秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(P-4 方案干事)(全 球外勤支助战略)
Reassignment of 1 post (P-4 Engineer) to the Office of the Under-SecretaryGeneral/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (P-4 Programme Officer) (global field support strategy)
改派 维持 和平行动部/法治和安全机构厅/警务司/警务顾问办公室 将警务顾问办公室的 1 个 P-3 行政管理干事员改派为 P-3 警务传播顾问
Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions/Police Division/Office of the Police Adviser
鉴于混合行动活动的规模和复杂性,考虑到现有架构,拟议向办公室主任办 公改派 1 个 副办公室主任(D-1)员额以支持办公室主任确保混合行动总体管理 的整合,并向扎林改派 1 个 办公室主管(P-5)员额,因为扎林盖分区对关于西 达尔富尔冲突问题的总计划具有战略和安全重要性。
In addition to the existing structure and given the size and complexity of the
Operation’s activities,
[...] it is proposed to reassign to the Office of the Chief of Staff a Deputy Chief of Staff (D-1) post to support the Chief of Staff in ensuring integration of the [...]
overall management
of the Operation, and a Head of Office (P-5) post in Zalingei, owing to the strategic and security importance of the subsector in the overall scheme of the conflict in Western Darfur.
(b) 被任命改派至不带家属工作地点的专业及以上职类、外勤事务人员职 [...]
类及根据《工作人员细则》4.5(c)视为国际征聘的一般事务职类工作人员可获得 不计养恤金的额外不带家属艰苦条件津贴,除非秘书长根据《工作人员细则》 3.15(a)特别批准在该工作地点安置工作人员的合格受抚养人。
(b) Staff in the Professional and [...]
higher categories and in the Field Service category, and staff in the General Service
category considered internationally recruited pursuant to staff rule 4.5 (c), who are appointed or reassigned to a non-family duty station may be paid a non-pensionable additional non-family hardship allowance, unless the Secretary-General has exceptionally approved the presence of eligible dependants of the staff member at the duty station pursuant to staff rule 3.15 (a).
尝试改革派和 强硬派加以区分可能会适得其反,会在目前就 改革进程建立最广泛共识的关键时期里激化分 裂。
Attempting to
[...] conduct a triage of reformists and hardliners is likely to [...]
be counterproductive, tending to increase divisions
at a time when it is critical to build the broadest possible consensus behind the reform process.
到 7 月 31 日,2 000 多名国际和本国文职工作人员、203 名联合国军事观察员、64 名参谋 和 378 名联合国警察已从联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)正 改派 到 南 苏丹特派 团。
By 31 July, more than 2,000 international and national civilian staff members, 203 United Nations military observers, 64 staff officers and 378 United Nations police had been formally transferred from the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) to UNMISS.
摩洛哥立法适当涵盖了释放未审判被告或释放定罪假释人员的要求, 但仍需要更为具体明确的措施来免职、停职 改派 那 些 参与腐败活动的公职人 员,以及取消其担任公职的资格。
The requirements on release of defendants pending trial or release of convicted persons on parole are adequately covered by the Moroccan legislation, but more specific and clear measures for the removal, suspension or reassignment of public officials involved in corrupt activity, as well as for their disqualification from holding public office, are required.
俄 國 人 確 信 ﹐ 要 推
[...] 翻 羅 曼 諾 夫 政 府 和 臨 時 政 府改 革 派 政 府
It only convinced the Russians to
[...] overthrow the reforming government, both [...]
the Romanov and Provisional ones.
[...] 难以配置训练有素的公务员来处理伦理和纪律事项以及任 改派 频 繁 ,审议缔 约国建议,由一支训练有素的公务员队伍专门行使所指定的职能。
Further, given the challenges in staffing the disciplinary tribunal of the Public Service Commission with civil servants adequately trained
to handle ethics and disciplinary matters
[...] and frequent reassignments, the reviewing [...]
States parties recommend that a cadre
of adequately trained civil servants be dedicated to fulfil the assigned functions.
On one hand, reformists hope to make [...]
use of referendum to win public support for introducing reforms.
(三 ) 2001年至今獲批法援的司法覆核個案中,由法援受助人自 行選擇代表律師或大律師,以及由署方指派代表律師或大
[...] 律師的個案數字分別為何;法援署曾否不接納受助人指定 的律師或大律師人選改派另一 位律師或大律師提供服 務;若然,這類個案的數字及法援署不接納受助人指定的 [...]
(c) among the JR cases where legal aid was granted since 2001, of the respective numbers of cases where the solicitors or counsel were specified by the aided persons and those cases where the LAD assigned the solicitors or counsel; whether the LAD had rejected the
solicitor or counsel specified by
[...] the aided person and assigned another solicitor [...]
or counsel to provide the service; if
it had, of the number of such cases and the reasons why the LAD rejected the solicitor or counsel specified by the aided person; and
2.人員考核管理 本管理中心對於執行憑證業務之員工,在初任時予以 資格審查,以確認其具可信度及工作能力,就任後予以適 當之教育訓練,並以書面約定並註明負責的責任,並每年
[...] 進行資格複查,以確認其可信度及工作能力是否維持,若 無法通過資格複查則調離其職改派 其 他符合資格人選擔 任。
The PublicCA should review the qualifications of the certification operation personnel upon assumption of post to verify his/her reliability and working capability and give appropriate educational training after taking up the job and clearly specify his/her responsibilities in written form, and annually carry out qualifications review to ensure that his/her reliability and working capability have been maintained and if he/she fails to pass
the qualifications review then he/she must be transferred to
[...] other posts and assign other qualified [...]
personnel for the job.
我 们 赞 同 安 理 会 在 第 1908(2010) 号 和 第 1927(2010)号决议中授改组特派团任 务的规定,并 赞同秘书长最近报告中所表示的观点,即评估 改特 派团目 前任务和部队编制的最佳时机是在 11 月的议 会和总统选举以及新总统和政府就职之后。
We endorse the terms of the reconfiguration of the mandate of the Mission authorized by this Council in resolutions 1908 (2010) and 1927 (2010), and share the view expressed by the
[...] Secretary-General in his report that the best time to assess the advisability of modifying the current mandate and troop level of the Mission will be after [...]
the legislative and presidential elections in November and the installation of the new president and Government.
定的心態,有利維持現狀或中改革 派 的 訴 求。蘇聯前總統戈巴卓夫在1991年就以全民投票的方法詢問人民「是否認為有需要保存蘇聯作為一個更新的聯邦國家」。
Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the former president of the Soviet Union, also made use of referendums to ask his people whether it was necessary to preserve the Soviet Union to be a newer federal state in 1991.
事实上,总商会已经在1993年进行了大刀阔斧 改 革 , 废除了 派 选 举 制。
In fact, in 1993,
[...] the SCCCI made major reforms to abolish the clan based [...]
election system of the Council.
透過任何途徑或以任何方式再派發 或 改 編 本 文件或其中任何部分,均在嚴 禁之列。
Re-distribution or adaptation in whole or in part of this document by any means or in whatever form is strictly prohibited.
(C) 董事可在彼等認為合適的情況下不時於該等日期從本公司可 分派資金(包括股份溢價)中額外宣派及支付該等金額的特別
[...] 股息,且本條細則(A)段有關董事宣派及支付中期股息的權力 及責任豁免(據此作出必要改)亦 適用於 派 及 支 付任何特 別股息。
(C) The Directors may in addition from time to time declare and pay special dividends of such amounts and on such dates and out of such distributable funds of the Company (including share premium) and as they think fit, and the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Article as regards the power and exemption from liability of the Directors as relate to the declaration and
payment of interim dividends shall apply, mutatis
[...] mutandis, to the declaration and payment of any such special [...]
欧安组织驻塞尔维亚共和国派团 在司 法 改 革 领 域提供相关专家支持。
The OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia provides relevant expert support in the field of judiciary reform.
上海机场德高动量广告有限公司是由上海机场广告有限公司、德高贝登户外广告有限公司( 改 为 梅 迪 派 勒 广 告有限公司)以及上海动量广告传媒有限公司(后改为动量传媒国际有限公司)于2005年共同创建的合作公司,与上海机场集团签署了15年独家广告经营管理合约,拥有对上海浦东国际机场和上海虹桥国际机场所有户内外媒体的独家发展经营权,并于日前将其媒体经营网络拓展至北京首都机场T3, 成都双流国际机场2号航站楼 [...] [...]
Ltd is a joint venture established in 2005 by Shanghai International Airport (SIA), JCDecaux Pearl & Dean Ltd, (after renamed MPI Advertising) and Shanghai Momentum Media & Advertising Co.
(b) 新闻部对英文和法文的维持和平网站进行了重大维修 改 造 , 使得各派团地 点处在大多数搜索引擎的最优先地方;英文和法文的内容得到更新,其他 正式语文的网站也在更新过程中。
(b) The Department undertook a major
[...] maintenance and revamping of the English and French peacekeeping websites, with the result that the mission sites [...]
appear at the top of most search engines.
技术评估团还认为,联 刚派团经改组的 任务应:反映当前优先保护平民的需要;承认该国不同地区的 [...]
不同需要;让国家机构获得尽可能独立运作的空间;让联刚特派团重点完成具有 明确战略目标和撤离战略的重大任务,同时相应注意建设和平的需要;并在当地 条件允许的情况下为逐步过渡到更注重于建设和平与可行的发展而不是注重于
The mission also
[...] considered that the reconfigured mandate of MONUC [...]
should reflect the ongoing need to prioritize the protection
of civilians; recognize the different needs of the different regions of the country; give national institutions the space to operate independently where they can; allow MONUC to focus on critical tasks with a clear strategic objective and exit strategy while paying commensurate attention to the peacebuilding needs; and set the ground for the progressive transition to a United Nations presence that focuses more on peacebuilding and making development viable than on security as local conditions allow.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和 各派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程改进),企业内容管理和客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统和口粮管理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and
missions, including:
[...] IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer relationship management, as well as a fuel management system and a rations [...]
management system for peacekeeping functions.
最后,我们敦促安全理事会和国际社会继续向科 索沃特派团提供必要的支持,这对 派 团 改 组 成功并 继续在维护当地和平与稳定方面发挥积极的作用至 关重要。
Finally, we urge the Security Council and the international community to continue to lend the necessary support to UNMIK, which is critical to ensuring that the Mission is successful in implementing its reconfiguration and that it continues to play a positive role in maintaining peace and stability on the ground.
18 一位在 被限制名单上的人士解释说这些制裁没能阻止那些 被针对的个人或实体“挣钱,仅仅只是使得过程复 杂了一些”。19
[...] 有证据(同样也是传闻)表明,制裁的存在加深了 ZANU-PF 强派对更具改良主 义的元素以及对 MDC-T 的反感,并为其阻止改革提供了一个表面 [...]
President Mugabe and other senior officials have been able to attend a number of international forums, exposing inconsistent interpretations and implementation of the restrictions.18 A listed individual explained that sanctions had not kept those targeted “from making money; merely added a few complications to the process”.19 Available evidence (again anecdotal) indicates that the
existence of sanctions has
[...] strengthened ZANU-PF hardliners against more reformist elements and the [...]
MDC-T and provided an ostensible
justification to block reforms.
2010-2011 年期间的几个派团帮助改进了国家方案的重点和清晰度,并 加强了国家办事处和地区办事处的运作——通过人事变动以及设置新的供应管 [...]
Several missions during 2010-2011 helped to improve focus and clarity [...]
of the country programme and to strengthen operations
in the country and zone offices — enhancing capacity through changes in personnel and creating new positions for supply management, staff recruitment and construction management.
(C) 倘本公司將向任何股東作出有關股份之任何股息或其他 派或 任 何其他付款為以有關貨幣向股東作出小額款項之付款,則董事會認為此舉就本公司 或股東而言屬不可行或花費昂貴,而當時有關股息或其他 派 或 其 他付款可於董事酌 情決定權以有關股東所在國家(按股東名冊上有關股東列示之地址)之貨幣作 派付 或作出支付。
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of such a small amount as to make payment to that shareholder in the relevant currency impracticable or unduly expensive either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid or made in the currency of the country of the relevant shareholder (as indicated by the address of such shareholder on the register).
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级派团领 导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是派 团 所 有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting
leadership programmes:
[...] the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at [...]
the D-2 level and above,
conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
(3) 倘屬任何股份之聯名登記持有人,其中任何一名持有人均可親自或 派 代 表 於任何股東大 會上就所持股份投票,猶如彼為單獨持有股份,惟倘超過一名聯名持有人親自或 派 代表 出席任何會議,則只有在股東名冊上就有關股份排名首位之與會人士方有權就所持股份投 票。
(3) Where there are joint registered holders of any Share, any one of such persons may vote at any meting, either personally or by proxy, in respect of such Shares as if he is solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting personally or by proxy, that one the said persons so present whose name stands first in the register of members in respect of such Share shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.




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