

单词 退还部分

See also:


send back
return (sth borrowed etc)

部分 n

part n
section n
component n
end n
portion n
department n
share n
majority n

部分 pl

parts pl
sections pl

External sources (not reviewed)

部门还应对 了该双年度期间出现的各种重大挑战,尤其是全球经济的严重退 和前途的变幻莫测。
It also responded to key challenges that emerged during the biennium, in particular the severe global economic downturn and uncertainty [...]
about the future.
欧共体代表团在表示支持通过该规范时说明,如果食典委不支持通过龙虾 部 分,部分应退回到鱼和渔业产品委员会进一步审议。
The Delegation of the European Community, while supporting the adoption of the Code, expressed the opinion that, should the
Commission not support adoption of
[...] the section on lobsters, the entire section should be returned to the [...]
Committee on Fish and Fishery
Product for further consideration.
5. 如学生在一个月限期前终止寄宿(头 15 天期除外),学生不能要求接待退还 全 款或 者 部分 已 缴纳予接待人的每月 寄宿费 (此协议第 [...]
6 点中的情况除外)。
5) If the student leaves the homestay before the end of any one-month period (excluding the
first 15-night time period), the host family is
[...] not required to refund or partially refund the monthly [...]
homestay fee already
paid to the host (except in the case of point 6 below).
作为禁毒工作的部分,还完成 了关于衡量禁毒法律执行有效性的 研究,形成了了一系列绩效衡量方法。
As part of work on drug issues, research was also completed [...]
on measuring the effectiveness of illicit drug law enforcement,
which resulted in a series of performance measurements.
此外,出自国家预算的额外资源已经转给了养恤金保险基金,以补 退还 给已 经加入强制注资养恤金保险计划的人 部分 社 会 保险税。
In addition, additional resources from the state budget have been transferred to the pension insurance fund in order to compensate for the repayment of part of social insurance tax to persons who have joined the 2nd pillar of the mandatory funded pensions insurance scheme.
如果这样的信息构成当事 方提交上诉法庭的书面答辩或任何其他书状的 部分 , 应把 全 部 书 状 退还 该 当事 方,由当事方按照上文第 1 款的规定重新提交上诉法庭。
If such information is part of the brief or any other written pleadings submitted to the Appeals Tribunal by a party, all pleadings shall be returned to that party for resubmission to the Appeals Tribunal in compliance with paragraph 1 above.
大会还授权执行局在 其第一六四届会议上在考虑到总干事提出并经大会第三十一届会议辩 论过的优先事项的情况下,决定如何使用这些资金,以及是否将这些 资金的一分或全部退还给会员国。
The General Conference also authorized the Executive Board to decide at its 164th session how such funds are to be used and whether some or all could be returned to Member States, taking account of priorities presented by the Director-General and debated at the 31st session of the General Conference.
如您的钱币评分数下降,则适用 PCGS 的保证书条款,且与保 证再送评相关的所有费用及收费将 退还。
If your coin is
[...] downgraded, the terms of the PCGS Guarantee will apply and all fees and charges related to the Guarantee Resubmission will be refunded.
5. 暂停《财务条例》第 4.3 条的实施,授权将最多为文件 30 C/5 中原定预算拨款的 百分之二的资金转到 2004--2005 年双年度,并授权执行局在其第一六九届会议
[...] 提出的优先事项,决定如何使用这些资金,将这些资金中的一 分 或 全 部退还会 员国 [用于冲抵某些会员国 2003 年的会费--取决于大会就此事项做出的决议 ],以 [...]
及授权执行局在其第一七零届会议上根据业经审计的数字确认这些资金的数额; 6.
(a) Suspends Financial Regulation 4.3 and authorizes that an amount not to exceed 2% of the original appropriation of document 30 C/5 can be carried forward to the 2004-2005 biennium and that the Executive Board decide at its 169th session on the unaudited figures available, taking account of priorities presented by the Director-General based on the debates held at the 32nd session of the General Conference, how
such funds are to be used, some or all
[...] of which could be returned to Member States [for [...]
the funding of the credit of certain
Member States for the year 2003 – Depending on the General Conference resolution on this matter] and that the Executive Board confirm the amounts of such funds based on the audited figures at its 170th session
(c) 授权秘书长将伊科观察团账户中的贷记账款调整净额的 分 之 二即 70 600 美退还科威特政府。
Authorize the Secretary-General to return to the Government of Kuwait the amount of $70,600, reflecting two thirds of the adjusted net credits available in the account of UNIKOM.
這反映了強制性儲蓄公積金並未能使 部分退 休 ㆟ 士的退休生活獲得基本保障。
This shows that mandatory provident fund would fail to provide most retirees with basic security on their retirement.
暂停《财务条例》第 4.3
条的实施,允许将最多为文件 30 C/5 中原定预算拨款的 百分之二的资金转到 2002--2003 年双年度,并授权执行局在其第一六四届会议上根据
[...] 总干事结合第三十一届大会的讨论情况提出的优先事项,决定如何使用这些资金,将 这些资金中的一分或全部退还会员
Suspends Financial Regulation 4.3 and authorizes that an amount not to exceed 2% of the original appropriation of document 30 C/5 can be carried forward to the 2002-2003 biennium and that the Executive Board decide at its 164th session, taking account of priorities presented by the Director-General based on the debates held at the 31st
session of the General Conference, how such funds are to be used, some or all
[...] of which could be returned to Member States
(a) 承担实施所参与的规划和计划的部 财 务 和管理责任;如系资助,一俟项目结 束,即应向总干事递交有关项目实施的详细财务报表,证明拨款已用于该项目 的实施,并应将未用于项目的任何余 退还 教 科 文组织;不言而喻,任何申请 方如未就总干事先前批准的、已在 2006 年 12 月 31 日前拨付的资金使用情况, 提交由该国全国委员会秘书长签署并经主管当局核证的所有财务报告,则不得 享受新的资助。
(a) assume full financial and administrative responsibility for implementing the plans and programmes for which participation is provided; in the case of a financial contribution, submit to the Director-General at the close of the project an itemized statement accounting for the activities executed and certifying that the funds allocated have been used for the implementation of the project, and return to UNESCO any balance not used for project purposes, it being understood that no new financial contribution will be paid until the applicant has submitted all the financial reports certified by the Secretary-General of the National Commission in respect of contributions previously approved by the Director-General and for which payments were effected prior to 31 December 2006, and which have been certified by the competent authority.
1999 年和 2000 年,大会第五十四和五十五届会议审议了这个议题(第 54/205 和 55/188 号决议),其后大会第五十六届会议决定在其第五十七届会议临时议程 题为部门政 策问题”的项目下列入题为“防止和打击腐败行径和转移非法来源 资金的活动并将这些资退回来 源国” 分 项 (第 56/186 号决议)。
After having considered this topic at its fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth sessions, in 1999 and 2000 (resolutions 54/205 and 55/188), the General Assembly, at its fifty-sixth session, decided to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-seventh session a sub-item
entitled “Preventing and combating
[...] corrupt practices and transfer of funds of illicit origin and returning such funds to the countries of origin” under the item entitled “Sectoral policy questions” (resolution 56/186).
缔约方第 15 次会议尚未解决的问题涉及到实施规模(接受国家以 下各级的执行和监测),REDD(降排)+是国家适当减缓行动的 部分还 是 低 温室 气体排放战略的一部分;它是否是发达国家提供支助的测量、报告或核查措施的部分,还是承 诺分阶段开展 REDD(降排)+活动和注重结果的行动的措施的一部 分;资金来源于公共资金,还是金融市场和私人投资,还是两者的结合。
The issues that remain unresolved by the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of Parties relate to the scale of implementation (acceptance of subnational implementation
and monitoring),
[...] whether REDD-plus is part of the nationally appropriate mitigation actions or the low GHG emissions strategies; whether it is part of the measuring, reporting or verifying measures for the support furnished by developed [...]
countries, or the commitment
to those measures for REDD-plus activities and results-based actions in a phased approach; and whether the sources of finance will be from public funds, or from financial markets and private investments, or a combination of both.
除增加的意外支出外,资本成本的重要增 部分还 包 括 添加的精矿干燥和精矿存储基础设施和设 [...]
备,这些成本尚未计入 PEA 中。
Significant components of the increase [...]
in capital cost include the addition of concentrate drying and concentrate storage
infrastructure and equipment which had not been accounted for in the PEA, in addition to increased indirect costs.
为解决收取比率不足以及大量批准特例的问题,教科文组织开始采取由预算外计退 还某些 间接可变费用给正常预算的做法,如由正常预算出资 部 门 工 作人员为参与由自愿捐 款资助的项目的实施而花费的时间。
To offset the insufficient yield of the recovery rates and the large number of waivers granted, UNESCO has undertaken to have some indirect variable costs, such as the work-time of sectors’ regular-budget staff involved in the implementation of projects funded from voluntary contributions, reimbursed to the regular budget from the extrabudgetary projects.
獲資助機構 可能退還全部/部分基金 撥款,以及所有行政、法律及其他 費用和利息(不論獲資助機構是否已支用基金撥款)。
The applicant may have to return all/part of the SDF grant together with all administrative, legal and other costs and interest (regardless of whether the applicant has already spent the SDF grant or not).
国家安全政策草案部长会议 审查后,最近又退还安全事务国务秘书进行修订,该草案将对上述法律构成补 充,共同为安全部门提供一个总体框架(见 S/2010/522,第 29 段)。
The draft national security policy, which will complement the aforementioned laws and in combination therewith provide an overall framework for the security sector, was recently returned for revision to the Secretariat of State for Security following a review by the Council of Ministers (see S/2010/522, para. 29).
监督还分析了 二级数据来源,包括两年期评价计划、监 督厅在七个秘书部门的监测和评价做法报告、以及监督厅评估联合国秘书处评 价能力和需求后提出的各项建议的实施情况(检查和评价司第 IED-2006-006 号报 告)。
OIOS also analysed secondary data sources, including evaluation plans for the biennium, reports of the OIOS on monitoring and evaluation practices in seven Secretariat departments and information on [...]
the implementation of
the recommendations emanating from the OIOS assessment of evaluation capacities and needs in the United Nations Secretariat (Inspection and Evaluation Division report No. IED-2006-006).
部还开展 了一些公共管理项目,包括:(a) 在多哥,加强法治、司法部 门现代化、制定调动资源战略、公务员制度改革和能力建设项目;(b) 在卢旺达, 公共部门重组战略以及权力下放政策和战略;(c) 在科索沃,情分析与 公共管 理制度和战略的设计;(d) 在东帝汶,一项公共管理战略;(e) 在刚果民主共和 国,公务员制度改革、公共部门领导能力建设、支持设计一个国家有效权力下放 战略以及加强国家和省议会的能力;(f) 在乍得,分权治理能力发展以及公务员 制度和领导能力发展;(g) 在几内亚比绍,公务员制度和领导能力建设。
The Department is also undertaking projects on public administration, including: (a) strengthening the rule of law, modernizing the judicial sector and developing a strategy of resource mobilization, civil service reform and capacitybuilding in Togo; (b) a public sector reconfiguration strategy and a decentralization policy and strategy in Rwanda; (c) a situation analysis and design of [...]
a public administration
system and strategy in Kosovo; (d) a public administration strategy in Timor-Leste; (e) civil service reform, building the capacity of public sector leadership, support for the design of a national strategy for effective decentralization and strengthening of the capacities of the national and provincial parliaments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; (f) capacity development for decentralized governance, including the civil service and leadership in Chad; and (g) civil service and leadership capacity-building in Guinea-Bissau.
例如,载有以下明文要求:向每一个供应商或承包商告 知其建议书技术特点、质量特点和性能特点的审查结果;将审查和评审结果立 即载入采购程序记录;将装有不具响应性建议书的财务方面内容的信封原封不退还相关 供应商或承包商;向每一个递交了具响应性建议书的供应商或承包 商告知其建议书的分;邀 请每一个此种供应商或承包商参加装有其建议书财 务方面内容的信封的拆封;在这些信封拆封时,当众宣读每一个此种供应商或 承包商的得分及其建议书相应的财务方面内容。
For example, there are explicit requirements: to notify each supplier or contractor of the results of examination of technical, quality and performance characteristics of their proposals; to include the results of examination and evaluation immediately in the record of
the procurement
[...] proceedings; to return unopened the envelopes containing the financial aspects of the non-responsive proposals to the suppliers of contractors concerned; to notify each supplier or contractor with a responsive proposal the score assigned to them; to invite [...]
each such supplier
or contractor to the opening of the envelopes containing the financial aspects of their proposals; and to read out, at the opening of those envelopes, the score assigned to each such supplier or contractor together with the respective financial aspects of their proposals.
部分还将帮助恢复必需的安全条件,以便 安全提供人道主义援助,并便利人道主义援助全面进入达尔富尔境内;监测和核 [...]
查自 2004 年以来签署的各种停火协定的执行情况。
Furthermore, the component will contribute [...]
to the restoration of the security conditions necessary for the safe provision
of humanitarian assistance and for the facilitation of full humanitarian access throughout Darfur, and to the monitoring and verification of compliance with the various ceasefire agreements signed since 2004.
此外,部分还提出 了关于从预算第 IV 篇“预计费用增长”和重新定级/择优晋升储备 [...]
金转账至第 I--III 篇、用以支付由于法定因素或通货膨胀因素而增加的人事费、货物和劳务 费以及总部与总部外紧急资金需求的建议,请执行局批准。
This section also submits proposals [...]
for the approval of the Executive Board on transfers from Part IV “Anticipated Cost
Increases” and the reserve for reclassifications/merit-based promotions to Parts I-III of the budget to finance additional requirements arising from the statutory increases in staff salary and in goods and services as well as other urgent funding requirements at Headquarters and in the Field.
f. 船舶若因包括承运人过失在内之任何原因,未于或约于预定日期或广告日期出航,承运人有权用其他船舶或运
[...] 输工具替代,而不论其是否为承运人所拥有或经营,并以该船舶载运重新登船的旅客,或依其选择,退还已缴 的船费或按比退还部份船 费,而毋须对任何种类的损坏或损失负进一步责任。
If the Vessel does not sail on or about the scheduled or advertised date for any reason whatsoever, including fault of Carrier, Carrier shall have liberty to substitute any other Vessel or means of transportation, regardless whether owned or operated by Carrier, and to re-berth
Guests thereon or, at
[...] Carrier’s option, to refund the passage money paid or a pro rata portion thereof without further [...]
liability for damages
or losses of any kind whatsoever.
但专家组发现,美国证券交易委员会条例的印发一拖再拖,引发市场不确定 性,加之担心报告义务可能要求矿物是 100%“非冲突”矿物,因此部分行业行 为退出了 刚果民主共和国东部的市场,而不是对其供应链进行尽职调查。
However, the Group has established that market uncertainty resulting from the lengthy delay in the publication of the Commission rules, together with the fear of potential 100 per cent “conflict-free” demands in their reporting obligations, has led most industry actors to pull out of the market in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo rather than conduct due diligence on their supply chains.
在收到退款请求后的十(10)个营业日之内,或者在适用的情况下,在收到我们要求您提供进一步信息之后的十(10)个营业日之内,我们或者向 退还 全 部 的 付款金额,或者向您提供拒绝退款的理由,并告知您,如果您不接受我们拒绝退款的理由,您有权将此事件提交金融督查署(Financial [...] [...]
Ombudsman Service)(22这一条中有详细规定)。
Within ten (10) Business Days of receiving a request for a refund or, where applicable, of receiving any
further information we requested from
[...] you, we will either refund the full amount [...]
of the payment or provide you with justification
for refusing to refund the payment indicating that you have a right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (details in section 22) if you do not accept the justification provided.
1 該特許退還安
[...] 排乃根據《公共財政條例》第39A(b)條實施,該條其中一項規定是, 凡按條例或根據條例須向政府繳付的任何費用,而又不屬法院規則規 限者,在個別情況下及因特殊理由,可由行政長官全部或部分減免, 或全部部分退還。
In order that this waiver concession can also benefit businesses which have already paid the 2008-09 business registration fees or branch registration fees, but do not renew their registration certificates in year 2008-09, concessionary refund of the relevant amount of business registration fees paid for year 2008-09 will be allowed to them, upon their applications.1 This concessionary refund arrangement is effected under section 39A(b) of PFO which provides, among other things, that any fee made payable by or under any Ordinance to the Government, not being a fee or charge which is regulated by rules of court
may be remitted or refunded, in
[...] whole or in part, in any particular case and on any special ground by the Chief Executive.
Microsoft 可以出于合法的原因随时拒绝任何订单 退还 您 为相应订单支付的 部 款 项,这些原因包括但不限于,您未达到下订单时指定的条件、无法处理您的付款、订购的产品或服务不可用,或者网站上或您的订单存在明显错误。
Microsoft may refuse or
[...] reject any order at any time, refunding you any monies you have paid [...]
for the order, for legitimate
reasons which include, but are not limited to, if you have not met the conditions specified at the time of the order, if your payment cannot be processed, if the ordered products or services are not available, or for obvious errors on the Website or made in connection with your order.




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