

单词 退落

See also:


move back

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
decline or sink
lag or fall behind
(of a tide) go out
leave behind or forget to bring
(of the sun) set
get or receive
be missing

External sources (not reviewed)

圆锥花序出现awnless 乍看起来,但是关闭检查将容易揭 退 化 落 叶 芒 关于至少一些小穗。
The panicle appears awnless at first sight, but close inspection will reveal very
[...] reduced, easily deciduous awns on at least [...]
some of the spikelets.
今 天 , 代 理主席,我再次呼籲政 府 能夠更轅 易 轍 , 重新引入老退休金 , 落 實“老 有所養 ” 的 目 標 。
Today, Madam Deputy, I would like to urge the Government again to change its mind to reintroduce the OPS to realize the goal of "giving the elderly a sense of security".
誠然,正如該位議員 指出,如果我們透過經濟退而令 通脹 落 , 社 會㆟士絕不會多謝我們。
Certainly, as the same Member
[...] pointed out, the community would not thank us if we reduced inflation by driving the economy into recession.
此刪減計劃會因應外判的 進度、第二輪自退休計劃的落實執 行,以及員工調往其他部門 的安排而作出檢討及修訂。
This plan is subject to review and update in light of the progress of
outsourcing, the implementation of the
[...] second Voluntary Retirement Scheme and the deployment [...]
of staff to other departments.
(c) 与联合国系统合作伙伴间的职责划分、比较优势和互补性; (d) 制退出战略和落条款
(c) delineation, comparative advantage and complementarity with United Nations partners; (d)
[...] formulation of exit strategies and sunset clauses
外部独立评估 报告的这一涉及面广而又重要的组成部分引起了广泛的共鸣,即选定数量有限的战略目标将 有助于使教科文组织的工作重点更加突出,而且,为了实现这一目标,应确立全面拟订 C/5
[...] 号文件的具体标准,包括评估交付能力和影响力、比较优势 退 出 战 略、 落 条 款 以及全球 性的持续的评估文化。
This wide-ranging and important part of the report on the IEE gave rise to a broad agreement that the selection of a limited number of strategic objectives would help increase UNESCO’s focus and that, in order to reach this objective, specific criteria should be established for the overall preparation of the C/5 document, including the assessment of capacity to deliver
and impact, comparative advantage, as
[...] well as exit strategies, sunset provisions and a [...]
global, ongoing culture of evaluation.
施 政 報 告 雖 然 指 這 6,000 億 元 基 建 項 目 , 大 部 分 將 會 在 2010 前完成, 但 環境保 護 署否決擬 建 的 大 嶼 山南北 連接道,
梧桐河 工 程 “ 爛 尾 ” 及 東 鐵 落 馬 洲支線 在 塱 原一役 觸 礁 , 均 證 明 了 如 果 負責部門 不 協 調 , 監管工 作不足
[...] , 政 府所開 的 “ 基 建期票 ” , 最 終 只 會退票” , 難落實。
It is pointed out in the policy address that most of the infrastructure projects covered by the $600 billion will be completed before 2010, but the Environmental Protection Department's rejection of the proposed Lantau NorthSouth Road Link, the uncompleted River Indus training works and the Long Valley incident that caused the grounding of the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line all serve to show that if there is no co-ordination among the departments concerned, if works supervision is not conducted adequately, the "post-dated
cheques" issued by the Government will only be "bounced" in the end, making it
[...] difficult to implement the projects concerned.
16.34 陳健波議員注意到,中央政策組正深化其對在香港實
[...] 施三根支柱退休保障模式可否持續的研究,他呼籲政府當局認 真考落實全民退休保障。
16.34 Noting that the Central Policy Unit was refining its study on the sustainability of the three-pillar model of retirement protection in Hong Kong, Mr
CHAN Kin-por called on the Administration to give serious consideration to
[...] implementing universal retirement protection.
我想問局 長,中央政策組的研究將於何時推出,以及局長其後是否願意與一些研 究全退休保障的落實情 況已久的團體開會,一起研究如 落 實 全 民退 休保障呢?
May I ask the Secretary when the studies will be conducted by the Central Policy Unit and whether he will hold meetings afterwards with organizations which have been studying
the subject of
[...] implementing universal retirement protection for a long time, so as to work out how universal retirement protection is to [...]
be put into practice?
商界對有關計劃反應 正面,現時共有10家企落實為退役 運 動員提供就業機會。
The business sector has responded to the programme and 10 corporations have agreed to offer
[...] vocational opportunities to retired athletes.
2,300 元作為退休「保障」顯然不夠,加㆖只 是跟通脹調整,又如按照政府假設,工資增長將持續超出通脹,不出 10 年退休金已 落後「 消費潮流」,不能令老㆟家有「尊嚴」㆞如其他㆟㆒般過「正常」生活了。
2,300 as retirement "protection" is obviously not enough, coupled with the fact that it is only adjusted with inflation. If, according to the Government's assumption, the growth in wages will continue to exceed the growth in inflation, in less than 10 years' time, the pension will fall behind "the trend of consumption" and will not enable the old people to live a "normal" life in a "dignified" manner, like what other people do.
堤岸被毁之后,洪水随着潮汐的落 涌 入然 后 退 去。
With the embankments destroyed, the water comes and goes with the high and low tides.
(b) 1997 年 10 月 6 日关落实公务员退休金、职业伤残补助和青年职业 改造的第 [...]
59 号二级法令。
(b) Sub-Decree No. 59 dated 6 October
[...] 1997 on execution of retirement pension, professional [...]
disability pension and youth professional
rehabilitation for civil servants.
政府應該將研究方案拿出來諮詢公 眾,然後讓社會建立共識,落實一 個全 退 休 保障的方案,讓市民 受惠。
The Government should publicize the proposals under study for public consultation, then forge
a consensus in society, so as to implement a
[...] proposal on universal retirement protection for the [...]
benefit of the public.
落實全民退休保 障制度前,”之後刪除“不應在新建議的‘長者 生活津貼計劃’引入資產及入息審查,”,並以“在新建議的‘長者 生活津貼計劃’,對70歲或以上長者免資產及入息審查,並視為 一個中短期計劃,”代替。
To delete "refrain from introducing any asset and income test for the newly proposed 'Old Age Living Allowance Scheme'" after "implementation of a universal retirement protection scheme," and substitute with "exempt elderly persons aged 70 or above from any asset and income test under the newly proposed 'Old Age Living Allowance Scheme', and treat it as a short- and medium-term scheme".
例如,牙齿落、心脏衰退疾病 、脑部疾病。
c. Diseases cause by ageing, such
[...] as teeth from normal use, heart disease or brain [...]
事務委員會在2010 年 12 月 18 日的會議上通過一項議 案,促請政府當局成立跨部門專責小組,並由事務委員會委任 一個小組委員會,負責跟進有關為全港市 落 實 全 民 退 休 保障 的議題。
A motion urging the Administration to establish an inter-departmental task force and the Panel to appoint a subcommittee to follow up the subject of implementing universal retirement protection for all people in Hong Kong was passed by the Panel at the meeting on 18 December 2010.
Other countries in the euro area have also
[...] fallen back into recession following fiscal [...]
retrenchment over the past two years.
政府應該拿出誠意落實全民退休保 障制度,與此同時,我們希 望特區政府:第一,盡快提高高齡津貼金額,尤其是在高通脹之下, 應提高至足以維持基本生活開支。
At the same time, we hope that the Government will, firstly, increase the amount of the Old Age Allowance (OAA) as soon as possible, especially amid high inflation, to a level sufficient to maintain a basic living.
僅有2.15 米的寬度及2.7米的高度,前部控制的駕駛室,即使在城市不同 落 也 進 退 自 如
With its width of only 2.15 m and a height of 2.7 m, the forward control cab cuts a great figure in the city everywhere.
本事務委員會建議政府立即成立一個跨部門 的專責委員會研落實全民退休保障的方案, 本委員會亦成立小組委員會跟進全民退保的議 題。
“That this Panel suggests the Government to immediately set up an
inter-departmental task force to study the implementation of the
[...] proposal on universal retirement protection, and [...]
this Panel will also
form a subcommittee to follow up the subject of universal retirement protection.
有迫切需落實全民退休保障制 度,向所有長者提供每月3,000元 的退休金。
(c) there was an imminent need
[...] to implement a universal retirement protection [...]
system to provide a monthly pension payment of $3,000 to all elders.
A:獲獎作品的版權屬澳門科學館所有,而落選作品的版權則屬於參賽者本人,本館會 落 選 作 品 退回 予參賽者。
A: The copyright of the awarded entries belong to Macao Science Center Limited, and the others belong to the participants themselves.
鑒於強積金制度存在許多缺點、低 收入人士難以在年青時為晚年累 積足夠儲蓄,加上社會對綜援計劃 冠以負面標籤,下屆政府應盡落 實全民退休保障制度。
(b) given the shortcomings of the MPF system, the difficulty for the low-income earners in young age to accumulate adequate savings for their twilight years and the social stigma
of the CSSA Scheme, the next term of Government should
[...] expeditiously implement a universal retirement protection system.
这种支助将与联合国和国际合作伙伴相协调,并随着捐助者的 援助在新的基础设施和资产落实 而逐 步 退出
Such support would be coordinated with
United Nations and international partners and phased out as donor
[...] assistance materializes into new infrastructure [...]
and assets
(一 ) 交待中央政策組過去就退休保障事宜的研究,提供研究框 架、具體數據及結論; (三 ) 在落實全民退休保 障制度前,不應在新建議的‘長者生活津 貼計劃’引入較寬鬆的資產及入息審查,以作為過渡至全民 退休保障制度的方案保證計劃能針對有實質需要的長者, 並確保計劃可以持續進行;及
(c) before the implementation of a universal retirement protection scheme, refrain from introducing any introduce a more lenient asset and income test for the newly proposed ‘Old Age Living Allowance Scheme’, in order for the scheme to serve as a transitional measure leading to the universal retirement protection scheme to make sure that the scheme can focus on elderly persons with genuine needs and ensure the sustainability of the scheme; and
[...] 今天的議案,意思是只有一個原則,原則便是可以將勞、資、官三方供落 入一個全退休保 障、養老金的“大水塘”,然後令老人家可即時受惠。
I very much hope that the motion today can be passed, and my only intention is to establish a principle under which the contributions made by employees, employers and the Government can all be
injected into a "large pool" for the
[...] provision of universal retirement protection and old [...]
age pension, so that senior citizens can all benefit instantly.
但我們並沒有忽略他 們、遺棄他們,因此我們促請政府應 手研究進㆒步推行全面社會保障的可行性,並 及落實,使之退休保 障制度相輔相承,達致全民保障的目標。
Such a system will be complementary to the retirement protection system in order that we may be able to achieve the goal of offering protection to all Hong Kong people.




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