

单词 攀高结贵

See also:

高贵 adj

elegant adj

高贵 n

nobility n



External sources (not reviewed)

今后几十年,软硬自然 资源的价格可能继高攀,因 此要保证贫穷的农民利用这种不断增加的经济机 [...]
With the
[...] prospect of continued high prices for hard [...]
and soft natural resource in the coming decades, it would be challenging
to ensure that poor farmers benefitted from such increasing economic opportunities.
该坡路长度大约 75
[...] 公尺,步行者在西墙广场和 Mughrab 门之间攀高六公尺不等,在 西墙底端,Mughrab [...]
门和罗马隧道的隔离高度为 15 至 17 公尺。
The pathway has a length of approximately 75 metres and allows
[...] pedestrians to climb the 6-metre difference [...]
in height between the Western Wall Plaza and the Mughrabi Gate.
我期望曾蔭權財政司司長 繼續秉承此優良傳統,令香港在創富裕民, 攀高 峰。
I hope that Mr Donald TSANG, the Financial Secretary, can keep up with such a good tradition so that Hong Kong can scale new heights in creating wealth and benefiting the people.
现在,各种因素之间的关系更为复杂,因为涉及的不止两类国家而是四类国 家:㈠ “在位”发达国家;㈡ 通过工业化结构变 革实现增长的“追赶”国家; ㈢ 受益高商品价格的“商品兴旺”国家;及(d)尚未建立生产能力 攀 爬 收入 阶梯的低收入资源贫乏“致远”国家。
This time around the dynamics are more complex because there are not two groups of countries, but four: (a) the ‘‘incumbent’’ developed countries; (b) the
‘‘catching-up’’ countries that are
[...] growing through industrialization and structural transformation; (c) the ‘‘commodityboom’’ countries that are benefiting from the high commodity prices; and (d) the ‘‘aspiring’’ [...]
countries, those
low-income, resource-poor countries that have yet to build their productive capacities to move up the income ladder.
贵族院结论认 为,法律中受质疑的准许未经控告或判决无限期拘留外国人的 规定非法,尽管申请克减。
The House of Lords ruled that the provisions of the challenged statute allowing for the indefinite detention of aliens without charge or trial were unlawful despite the derogation requested.
其研结果呼 吁对社会科学能力建设进行长期投资, 指出了世界各地研究能力的差距,并确定了一项新的全球议程,以促进社会科学作为推动实 现包括千年发展目标在内的所有国际商定发展目标的一项 贵 工 具
Its findings call for long-term investment in social science capacitybuilding and point to disparities in research capacities in the world and set a new global agenda to promote social sciences as an invaluable tool for the advancement of all Internationally Agreed Development Goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类的 贵 资 源 和服务,可持续利用 海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及 高 今 世 后代适应气候变化的能 力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对海洋和海岸造成的气候 相关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实现海岸和海 [...]
The Ministers emphasized that oceans and coasts provide valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable [...]
use of marine living resource will
enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to develop comprehensive adaption measure to address climate related impacts on oceans and coasts, including through greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management.
[...] 力和杀戮就可能被视为合理的、必要的、甚至在某些情况下 高贵 的。
As such, once a person can be treated as being inferior, violence and killing may be perceived as justified,
[...] necessary or even noble in some cases.
[...] 香港人作出承諾;第二,讓我們自 高攀 一 下自己,可能他知道今天會就這 個問題進行一項議案辯論,所以昨天便趕快更改自己那種“只提供給失業人 [...]
士”的想法;第三,當然,今年的財政非常豐裕,有剩餘的錢,所以可以一 併考慮這方面。
First, the Financial Secretary does know that he had really made an undertaking to this
Council and to Hong Kong people; second, let
[...] us think more highly of ourselves: [...]
perhaps he knows that there would be this
motion debate today and so, he hastily changed his view of providing the allowance only to the unemployed; third, obviously, we have a very strong financial position this year and recorded a surplus and so, consideration can be given to providing this allowance.
作为耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的占领国,以色列通过作为和不作为继续违反国 际人道主义法和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)的有关公约,允许非 法和侵入性挖掘,对耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的完整性、真实性和文化产生了不利 影响并破坏了毗邻的“贵禁地 ”大院 结 构 和基础,完全无视 1954 年《关于 发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其议定书和 1972 年《世界遗产公 约》。
Israel, as the occupying Power in the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls, continues through acts and omissions to violate international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) conventions by allowing illegal and intrusive excavations that adversely affect the integrity, authenticity and culture of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls and jeopardize the structure and foundations of the adjacent Al-Haram Al-Sharif compound area, in complete disregard of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Protocols and the 1972 World Heritage Convention.
大会在题为“巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会”的第 65/13 号决议中,
[...] 表示注意到委员会年度报告(A/65/35),包括报告第七章中 结 论 和 宝 贵 建 议 ; 请委员会继续尽全力促进实现巴勒斯坦人民的不可剥夺权利,支持中东和平进 [...]
核定工作方案作出它认为必要的适当调整,并就此向大会第六十六届会议及其后 各届会议提出报告。
In its resolution 65/13, entitled “Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People”, the General Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for its efforts in performing the tasks assigned to it by the Assembly and took note
of its annual report (A/65/35),
[...] including the conclusions and valuable recommendations contained [...]
in chapter VII thereof,
requested it to continue to exert all efforts to promote the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, to support the Middle East peace process and to mobilize international support for and assistance to the Palestinian people and authorized it to make such adjustments in its approved programme of work as it might consider appropriate and necessary in the light of developments and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session and thereafter.
赫爾的義肢收藏與多數人買鞋邏輯相同,一雙用於步行、另一雙較長用於慢跑,還有好幾雙攀岩義肢,例如能夠讓他增高至七呎,或是內建鋁製勾爪,能夠像蜘蛛人般緊抓表面,赫爾在TED演說最後表示,「拜義肢之賜,我能 高攀 岩 能 力,在我眼中這是機會,是種能恣意揮灑的調色板」,還以一段精彩愛爾蘭舞蹈收尾。
He has one set of prosthetics for walking, a longer set for jogging
[...] and multiple pairs of climbing legs, including [...]
one that stretches him to over seven
feet tall and another with built-in aluminum claws for Spiderman-like gripping.
[...] 年伊拉克战争爆发时,因担心石油供中 断会加剧油高攀,中 国继续它的石油购买狂潮。
For example, around the time of the 2003 Iraq War, China went on a huge oil-buying
spree in anticipation of supply disruptions, thereby aggravating
[...] the oil price spike that occurred [...]
prior to hostilities.
问题是,我们如何才能找到一款既能提 供所需功能、又具高贵优雅 外观的解决方案。
The challenge was finding a solution that offered the capabilities we needed along with the elegant look and feel we desired.
约旦政府认为,这种挖掘活动损害了锡勒万镇周围建筑物的完整 性、安全性、真实性和文化遗产并产生不利影响,同时破坏了耶路撒冷老城的城结构和相邻“贵禁地 ”大院区的基础。
It is the view of the Government of Jordan that such excavations compromise and adversely affect the integrity, safety, authenticity and cultural heritage of the surrounding
buildings in Silwan and
[...] jeopardize the structure of the Walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and the foundations of the adjacent Al-Haram Al-Sharif [...]
compound area.
160型滚齿机共有8个轴,它将创新的设计原理和最先进的技术及几代人在滚齿技术领域获得的 贵 经 验 有机 结 合 在了一起,完美实 高 速 切 削齿轮。
The Model 160 hobbing machine combines current technological advancements and an innovative design along with generations of KOEPFER gear cutting experience.
[...] 动,根据应对当前和以往暴风雪事件的情况, 结 宝 贵 经 验 和最佳做法,并确保 在下一个冬季来临前做好更充分的准备。
The Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific is also in the process
of conceptualizing a lessons learned
[...] exercise to capture valuable experiences and [...]
best practices based on the response to
the ongoing and previous Dzud events and ensure a higher degree of preparedness before the next winter season.
4)圣Sulpicius西弗勒斯高卢高贵,伟 大的弟子和圣马丁的旅行团传记,是一个古典学者,并表明自己是一个在他的“教会史”优雅的作家。
(4) St. Sulpicius
[...] Severus, a Gallic noble, disciple and biographer [...]
of the great St. Martin of Tours, was a classical scholar,
and showed himself an elegant writer in his "Ecclesiastical History".
一些与会者指出,现有的 C/5 是按会员国要求进行编制结果, 而要 高 本 组 织的 知名度和形象,其实需要为全委会、公众和媒体编写一册 C/5 的简本,因为 C/5 总规是一份 繁杂和技术性稍强的文件。
Some participants indicated that the present C/5 document was the result of Member States’ demands and that what was needed to enhance UNESCO’s visibility and profile was, instead, a shortened version of the C/5 document for the National Commissions, the public and the media, since the C/5 document will always be a complex and somewhat technocratic document.
当然,如果它是一支蜡烛,它是有道理的,他更便宜更 贵 的 开始 和 结 束。
Of course, if it is a candle high, it makes sense that he
[...] started and finished cheaper more expensive.
这种“流程升级”可以使供 应商向供应链中附加值高的环节攀 升 , 例如,由标准的大规模生产转向具有更 多专门设计要求和其他要求的生产。
Such “process upgrading” could lead suppliers to move upwards to a higher-value-added segment in a GSC, e.g. a move from standard mass production into more design-specific and other-requirement-specific production.
同样的,患癌症、 艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其他严重疾病的人,天天得不到必须进行的 贵 治 疗 , 结果 造成许多人死亡和受苦。
Similarly, persons with serious illnesses, including cancer and HIV/AIDS, are on a daily basis denied the costly treatments they require, resulting in significant loss of life and human suffering.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长高、 卫 生和营 结 果 差(反映于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小儿麻痹症,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed
countries have been
[...] affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and [...]
maternal morbidity and
mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
2013年50寸以上大尺寸电视市场规模急速扩大,带动侧光式LED背光源需求及LED使用颗 攀高 , 激 励隆达电子、晶元光电、新世纪光电、璨圆等LED厂商1月营收成长。
In 2013, more than fifty inches large size TV market scale rapid expansion, drive side light type LED back light demand and LED to use a number up, incentive ronda electronics, crystal yuan photoelectric, the new century photoelectric, such as ladies round LED manufacturers January revenue growth.
如果政府因此而認為措施奏效、沾沾自喜、放軟手腳的話,樓價必會 再㆒次不合理㆞反攀升。
If the Government thinks the measures are effective because of this and is complacent enough to rest upon its oars, property prices are bound to make another unreasonable rebound.
最典型的例子就是拥有数家厂房的电器制造商,把所有电路板的制造结合于一个厂房内生产,由于生产元件及焊接电路板的机器十分 贵 , 若 进行此 结 合 , 电器公司就不用分别在每个工厂装置相同的机器,只要将完成的电路板送至各个工厂组装成品即可。
The machinery to apply components and
[...] solder the boards is very expensive, and by consolidating [...]
the printed wiring board operation,
a company can avoid having to duplicate the production equipment setup at each factory.
投資者一旦失去 信心,市場在財政上可能受到損害:投資者可能不再長期投資有關公司,這
[...] 樣就可能使公司更難在集資市場取得投資者的支持,以致上市公司的資金成攀升; 如投資者未能相信其獲得公平對待,並決定避開若干上市公司的證 [...]
The absence of investor confidence can have financially damaging effects; investors may be discouraged from taking a long term interest in the company which may, in turn, erode
investor support for fund raising in the primary
[...] market and may lead to a higher cost [...]
of capital for the listed company; liquidity
and valuations may be adversely affected if investors cannot be confident that they will be treated equitably and decide to avoid the securities of certain listed companies.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手
[...] 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活 攀 登 霍 恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy
reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle
[...] Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ [...]
castle on the Hohentwiel.
阿塔卡涂料(佛山) 有限公司拥有国内最先进的涂料生产装备,厂区内设有高效率的进口研磨分散机、先进的FDCS自动控制系统及自动投料设备等,使我们的生产效率不 攀高。
In search of our continued effort in high production proficiency, ACTEGA Foshan is equipped with the most advanced production facilities. We have imported high efficient dispersing equipment, advanced FDCS fully automatic controlling system and auto-dosing plant.




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