单词 | 悬崖峭壁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 悬崖峭壁 —sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces [idiom.]See also:悬崖 pl m—cliffs pl 悬崖—overhanging cliff 崖壁 n —cliff n 峭壁 n—cliffs pl • cliff n • crag n • precipice n
该项目的目的是,减少岩石从詹姆斯敦旁边 的 悬崖峭壁 上 的 滚落,以保 护其居民的生命和财产。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project has aimed at mitigating [...] rock falls from the cliffs above Jamestown [...]and protecting the lives and property of its inhabitants. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年 1 月,在詹姆斯敦码头的悬崖峭壁上, 实施了防止岩石下落的保护工 程。 daccess-ods.un.org | In January 2008 construction was begun on rockfall protection measures for the cliff above Jamestown wharf, to reduce the risk to people on the wharf as well as to the buildings occupying the wharf. daccess-ods.un.org |
在悬崖峭壁上,你必须百分之百地集中精力,不仅你的身体在攀岩,还有你的灵魂。 swissworld.org | On the rock face, you're in total [...] concentration, your body climbs, or your soul, [...]there is nothing else, just the rock face and you. swissworld.org |
远离悬崖峭壁和瀑布 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Stay away from cliff edges and waterfalls studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在傍晚,我到达奥尔哈瓦 (Olhava) 悬崖峭壁上。 visitfinland.com | In the evening, [...] I ended up by the Olhava cliffs. visitfinland.com |
屹立在烟波浩渺的碧海的悬崖峭壁和 被 波涛洗刷过的长约2km的海岸线。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | Senkaku Bay offers a scenic view of the rocky, precipitous cliffs stretching [...] along the coastline for about 2 kilometers [...]against the deep-blue of a surging sea. en.tohokukanko.jp |
地段是一个非常具有历史意义的地区,伟大的纪念碑,将惊喜和喜悦都散落各地的部门,如罗马式教堂,城堡,宫殿和修道院的土地,高耸入云 的 悬崖峭壁 及 以 上的河流很多很神奇的感觉。 leapfrog-properties.com | Lot is a very historic region- great monuments that will surprise and delight are strewn all around the department such as Romanesque [...] churches, castles, palaces and abbeys that soar [...] above the land on escarpments and over rivers [...]giving Lot a quite magical feel. leapfrog-properties.com |
龙门石窟于公元五世纪和六 世纪在洛阳南部 16 公里的伊河岸边的悬崖峭壁上被 挖掘和开发,在石窟内共有 10 万尊佛 祖和弟子的造像。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000, these grottoes, which were dug or adapted in the fifth and sixth centuries in a cliff overhanging the Yi River some 16 km south of Luoyang, contain more than 100,000 statues of the Buddha and his disciples. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Quena,四周是陡峭的悬崖,几 乎是不可能的规模,但在其上面是森林和淡水湖泊,使一个近乎乌托邦生活在那里的所有问题的神奇宝贝。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Quena, surrounded by steep cliffs that are practically [...] impossible to scale, but in its top is a forest and a freshwater [...]lake that makes for a near-utopia for all the Bug Pokémon living there. seekcartoon.com |
乘坐觀光飛機,觀賞洶湧的潮汐運動如何迫使海水像“瀑布”一般穿過 懸 崖峭壁 中 的 狹窄縫隙。 danpacplus.hk | Take a scenic flight and see how massive tidal movements force the seawater ¡¥waterfall¡¦ [...] through a narrow gap in the cliff walls. danpacplus.hk |
在人迹罕至之地玩自由式,在细软雪地上玩大跳跃,还有 陡 峭 的 “ 枕头线”, 大 悬崖 及 天 然大斜坡等。 swatch.com | Freestyle in backcountry, larger [...] jumps in powder, steep pillow lines, big cliffs and natural drops swatch.com |
森林,灌木状的斜坡,通常在壁架和 石灰 石 悬崖 上 ; 海拔2600-3500米。 flora.ac.cn | Forests, shrubby [...] slopes, often on ledges and faces of limestone cliffs; 2600-3500 m. [...]SW Sichuan, NW Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
如果按照河奥恩你遇到瑞士的诺曼底地区,树木繁茂的山丘 , 峭壁 和 悬崖 随 处 可见,但没有山,尽管它的名字!奥恩部门是相当地区的其他国家,如农业,并有充足的开阔地,但北部阿朗松有茂密的林地流行的步行者和鹿的猎人。 leapfrog-properties.com | If you follow the River Orne you come across an [...] area known as Swiss Normandy which has [...] wooded hills, crags and cliffs everywhere but [...]in spite of its name no mountains! leapfrog-properties.com |
这一项目旨在减轻詹姆斯顿峭壁岩石塌落情况且保护居民的生命和财 产。 daccess-ods.un.org | This project is aimed at mitigating rock-falls from the cliffs above Jamestown and protecting the lives and property of its inhabitants. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您的孩子稍大,则可以带着他们攀登阿基尔岛的最高处:令人目眩神迷的克罗霍恩山海崖,或者是多尼戈尔郡斯里文利哥的 陡 峭悬崖 , 两 者的高度均超过了600米!或者您可以追寻圣帕特里克的脚步登顶位于梅奥郡Murrisk村的海拔764米的克罗帕特里克山峰。 discoverireland.com | Families with older children can trek across the dizzying heights of the island’s highest seacliffs at Croaghaun on Achill Island, and Slieve League in County Donegal. discoverireland.com |
灌丛,悬崖壁架,陡的岩石的山腰; 4000-4900米西藏 [不丹,尼泊尔 ]. flora.ac.cn | Scrub, cliff ledges, steep rocky hillsides; [...] 4000-4900 m. Xizang [Bhutan, Nepal]. flora.ac.cn |
我 們有維 港 兩 岸 燦爛的 景色、 有 古 今 中 外 的 文 化 蹤 跡 、 有 譽 滿 中 [...] 外 的 美 食 廚 藝 、 也 有 懸 崖峭壁和 怪 石 嶙峋的 島嶼, 可以吸 [...]引各地 遊客。 legco.gov.hk | We have the breathtaking beauty of the Victoria Harbour, the cultural heritage bearing testimony to the blending of [...] the East and the West, the world-famous culinary arts, and scenes of natural [...] beauty like rugged cliffs and rocky islands. legco.gov.hk |
甘地国家公园又被称作Borivali国家公园,这里保护着 由 峭壁 岩 石 雕刻出的古老的坎赫里石窟,有着超过2400年的历史。 shangri-la.com | Also known as Borivali National Park, Sanjay Gandhi National Park houses the ancient Kanheri Caves crafted out of rocky cliffs, which date back 2,400 years. shangri-la.com |
在干燥,岩石的,经常是石灰石土地,灌丛,灌丛和开阔的的形势沿着溪,路旁 , 悬崖 , 岩 石 壁 架 , 熔岩基座上; 400-2200米甘肃,广西,贵州,湖北,湖南,陕西,四川,云南。 flora.ac.cn | On dry, rocky, frequently limestone soils, thickets, [...] scrub and open situations along [...] streams, roadsides, cliffs, rock ledges, lava beds; 400-2200 [...]m. Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, [...]Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
它有数 公里的沙滩,包括沿海湖、沙丘和 峭壁。 paiz.gov.pl | It provides many kilometres of sandy beaches, complete with coastal lakes, sand dunes and cliffs. paiz.gov.pl |
南威尔士的三崖湾呈 完美的半圆形,景致中包括了旷野 、 峭壁 , 以及独特岩层所包围的乳白色沙滩。 visitbritain.com | The view over Three Cliffs Bay in South Wales takes in a perfect semi-circle of marsh, cliffs [...] and creamy white beach hugged by unique rock formations. visitbritain.com |
如果您在正位于峭壁顶部的著名的三 崖 湾 露 营地露宿,每天清晨您都会在这一浪漫景致中迎来新的一天。 visitbritain.com | If you stay at the [...] popular Three Cliffs Bay Campsite, right on the cliffs, you [...]can wake up to this romantic view each morning. visitbritain.com |
不論規模大小的崖壁皆 是由於其傾斜的層理,一邊形成輕微至中度傾斜的斜坡﹝順向坡﹞,而另一邊則變為非常陡峭的 懸 崖 ﹝ 崖 坡﹞ ﹝例如八仙嶺峭壁﹞ ﹝圖8﹞。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | Escarpments, at both small and large scales, occur when the beds are inclined so that they form a gently to moderately dipping slope (the dip slope) in one direction, with a very steep, near vertical slope (the scarp slope) in the other direction (e.g. the Pat Sin Leng escarpment) (Figure 8). hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
干燥灌丛森林,灌丛,稀疏灌丛,在开阔的的岩石坡灌丛,石质河沉淀物 , 悬崖壁 架 , 开阔的的干燥的地方上的;1900-3400米。 flora.ac.cn | Dry scrub forests, thickets, open [...] thickets, scrub on open rocky slopes, stony river [...] deposits, cliff ledges, open dry places; [...]1900-3400 m. SW Sichuan (Dêrong, Xiangcheng), [...]SE Xizang (Markam), NW Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
最近主权风险的增加,也使人们再次专注于资信评级 被降至关键阈值以下时出现的“悬崖 效 应 ”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The recent increase in sovereign risk has also refocused attention on the “cliff effects” that occur when credit ratings are downgraded below key thresholds. daccess-ods.un.org |
在芬兰南部的雷波韦西国家公园,奥尔哈瓦 (Olhava) 悬崖是一个全国的攀岩圣地。 visitfinland.com | The Olhava cliffs in Repovesi National [...] Park in southern Finland are a mecca for rock climbers in the country. visitfinland.com |
历史迹象完整无缺的保留 着,然而今日的岛屿却焕然 一新,峭立的悬崖,浪漫的 沙滩和传统的餐厅赋予这个 美丽的海岛更多的内涵。 visithelsinki.fi | Traces of the island’s history can still be seen, but for the most part people are attracted to Pihlajasaari by the smooth granite rocks, the sandy beaches and the traditional donuts at the restaurant. visithelsinki.fi |
安全理事会和所有相关方必须进行所需的努力 并尽力确保该决议得到有效实施,以结束所有的军事 活动和暴力;解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民严重的人道 [...] 主义需要和经济需要,包括通过解除以色列的封锁; 保证实现持久停火;并帮助各方从这场危机导致我们 走上的悬崖返回到和平的道路上来。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is imperative that the Security Council and all concerned parties exert the required efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of that resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, including through the lifting of the Israeli blockade; to guarantee a [...] durable ceasefire; and to help the [...] parties return from the precipice to which this crisis [...]has led us and back to the path of peace. daccess-ods.un.org |