单词 | 加权平均 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 加权平均 —weighted averageSee also:加权 v—weight v 平均 n—average n 平均 adj—on average adj 平权 adj—affirmative adj
能达到此目的的方 法有很多,如创建加权平均数法、解析分层法及折中 规划法。 teebweb.org | There are many ways to do this such as [...] creating a weighted average, an analytical [...]hierarchy and compromise programming. teebweb.org |
(c) 审计委员会还注意到,库存费用计算采用 了 加权平均 价 格 法。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The Board also noted that the costing of inventory was [...] based on the weighted average price method. daccess-ods.un.org |
计算库存物品的合理市价的基础是物品 的 加权平均 成 本。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fair market value of inventory items is determined based on [...] the weighted average cost of the items. daccess-ods.un.org |
库存成本按加权平均成本公式划拨。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The cost of inventories is assigned in [...] line with the weighted average cost formula. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但这一数字仍比根据工作量标准和 加权平均 工 资 、经 45%的自审 率调整后计算得出的每字 0.83 美元这一名义费用要低很多。 daccess-ods.un.org | Still, these figures are much lower than the notional cost of $0.83 per [...] word, which is calculated on the [...] basis of workload standards and weighted average salaries, [...]adjusted for a 45 per cent selfrevision rate. daccess-ods.un.org |
表2、3、4和5中的单个稀土氧化物数据和比率从钻孔数据库的长 度 加权平均 值 得 来。 tipschina.gov.cn | The individual REO data and ratios as presented in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 were [...] derived from length-weighted averages of the drill [...]hole data. tipschina.gov.cn |
一 些成员认为,当前的比额表编制方法采用两个基期即三年和六年的平均数据,因 此该制度本身已经存在某种形式的 加权平均 , 因为已经给予比额表期间前三年额 外权重。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some members were of the opinion that since the current scale methodology uses an average of the data for two base periods, that is three [...] years and six years, there is already a [...] form of weighted average inherent in the [...]system, since extra weight is given to the [...]first three years in the scale period. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,根据该区域各国的加权平均数 , 2011 年年底的通胀率仅 略高于 2010 [...] 年年底(分别为 6.9%和 6.6%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, [...] based on the weighted average for the countries [...]in the region, inflation at the end of 2011 was only moderately [...]higher than at the end of 2010 (6.9 per cent versus 6.6 per cent). daccess-ods.un.org |
企业为股东创造的价值即企业收益超出投资成本的部分, 企业的投资成本即用加权平均资本 成本( Weighted Average Cost of Capital,WACC)来表示。 12manage.com | Corporations create value for shareholders by earning a return on the invested capital that is above the cost of that capital. 12manage.com |
所作计算系 根据 2010 年国内生产总值加权平均数作出,按 (2000 年价格) 美元值计算。 daccess-ods.un.org | The calculations are [...] based on the weighted average of gross domestic [...]product figures in dollars in 2010 (at 2000 prices). daccess-ods.un.org |
2001年11月份起,国内成品油价格接轨机制进一步完善阶段,主要内容是由单 [...] 纯依照新加坡市场油价确定国内成品油价格改为参照新加坡、鹿特丹、纽约三 地市场价格调整国内成品油价格,具体为“三地机制”,即上月纽约、新加坡 和鹿特丹三地市场的价格加权平均值 为 定价基础,加上成品油流通费等,当三 地成品油加权平均价格 变动幅度超过8%时,国家发改委重新确定国内成品油的 零售基准价。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Specifically, the weighted average of Singapore Rotterdam and New York refined oil prices last month added circulation charges [...] is the domestic prices. unesdoc.unesco.org |
贷款与价值比率: 77% 的加权平均值,69% 的非加权平均值 rabobank.com | Loan-to-value ratio: 77% weighted average, 69% non-weighted average rabobank.com |
用这种方法,可以根据每个准则评价每个方案,然 后加权平均给出 一个总体分数(见指导手册 7,1)。 wrdmap.org | In this approach the benefits are assessed against each [...] criterion and then weighted and aggregated [...]to give an overall score (see AN7.1). wrdmap.org |
在边际品位1.0% TREO的指示和推断矿产资源量评估中,重稀土在稀土总量中的综 合 加权平均 比 例 分别为7.1%和7.4%。 tipschina.gov.cn | The overall weighted average proportion of heavy rare earths as a percentage of total rare earths for Indicated and Inferred resource estimates at 1.0% TREO cut-off grade is 7.1% and 7.4% respectively. tipschina.gov.cn |
各国报告的 2000-2009 年类阿片使用明显趋势累积非 加权平均数 daccess-ods.un.org | Cumulative unweighted average of perceived [...] trends in opioid use as reported by countries, 2000-2009 daccess-ods.un.org |
这相当于在指示和推断矿产资源量中,Nd2O3在稀土氧化物总量中 的 加权平均 比 例分别为16.5%和16.3%,如表2所示。 tipschina.gov.cn | This equates to a weighted average proportion of Nd2O3 as a percentage of total rare earth oxides for Indicated and Inferred categories of 16.5% and 16.3%, respectively, as derived from Table 2. tipschina.gov.cn |
在 2007-2008 年期间,在怀孕时接受两次治疗的孕妇的百分比从安哥拉的 [...] 2.4%至赞 比亚的 62%,由于那些最大国家的覆盖率较低 , 加权平均 数 仍 较低,为 12%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2007-2008, the percentage of women who received two doses of treatment during pregnancy ranged from [...] 2.4 per cent in Angola to 62 per cent in [...] Zambia; the weighted average remained low, [...]at 12 per cent, owing to low coverage [...]rates in the largest countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据 2006 至 [...] 2008 年住户调查数据,发烧儿童接受抗疟药物治疗的比例在 10%(埃塞俄比亚,2007 年)至 63%(冈比亚,2006 年)之间,加权平均数为 32%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The percentage of children with fever receiving an antimalarial medicine ranged from 10 per cent (Ethiopia, 2007) to [...] 63 per cent (Gambia, [...] 2006), with a weighted average of 32 per cent, according to household survey data [...]from the period 2006-2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些加权平均数因 一些较大非洲 国家的驱虫蚊帐拥有率偏低而受到影响;这些国家到现在才有可用于扩大发放驱 虫蚊帐规模的资源;在 13 个疟疾高度流行的非洲国家,家庭驱虫蚊帐的拥有率 [...] 达到了 50%以上。 daccess-ods.un.org | These weighted averages are affected by low net ownership levels in several [...] large African countries, for which scale-up [...]resources are only now being made available; household net ownership has reached more than 50 per cent in 13 highburden African countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
就所保留的每个雇主而言,用 于确定加权平均数的加权数应符合担任与有 关工作地点一般事务职类和本国专业干事职类相类似职位的雇员总人数的对数。 daccess-ods.un.org | That the weights used to [...] determine the weighted averages should correspond, [...]for each retained employer, to the logarithm [...]of its total number of employees in jobs similar to the General Service and National Professional Officer categories at the duty station. daccess-ods.un.org |
在Songwe山矿产资源边际品位1.0% TREO的指示和推断矿产资源量中,Nd2O3的估 计 加权平均 含 量 为2,665 ppm和2,240 ppm。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Songwe Hill mineral resource has an estimated weighted average grade of 2,665 ppm Nd2O3 and 2,240 ppm Nd2O3 in the Indicated and Inferred categories at 1.0% TREO cut-off grade, respectively. tipschina.gov.cn |
在气象频道 (Weather Channel) [...] 案例中,我们对银行贷款和夹层债务进行了再融资,将债务 的 加权平均 成 本从 7% 降至 4.5%,并将期限延长了两年。 china.blackstone.com | In the case of The Weather Channel, we [...] refinanced bank loans and mezzanine debt to [...] reduce the weighted average cost of debt [...]to 4.5% from 7% and extended maturities by two years. blackstone.com |
优惠关税导致全球贸易加权 平均关税 降低,但幅度只有一个百分点,因为对农产品和劳动密集型制造业产品 [...] 维持了高关税。 daccess-ods.un.org | Preferential tariffs reduce the [...] global trade-weighted average tariff only [...]by 1 per cent, because high tariffs on agriculture [...]and labour-intensive manufacturing goods are often excluded. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关数 字是根据 2007 年的加权平均 GDP 美元数字(2000 年价格)计算的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Calculations are [...] based on the weighted average of GDP figures [...]in United States dollars in 2007 (at 2000 prices). daccess-ods.un.org |
所保留的雇主的平均最低和最高薪金应 按 加权平均 数 计算 daccess-ods.un.org | That the average minimum and maximum salaries of the retained employers should be calculated [...] on the basis of a weighted average daccess-ods.un.org |
泡沫塑料行业的其他项目中,软质和硬质泡沫塑料成本效益阈值 的 加权平均 值是 6.56 美元/公斤,而这个项目的成本效益却达到了 [...] 15.70 美元/公斤。 multilateralfund.org | The weighted average of the cost effectiveness [...] thresholds for flexible and rigid foam, [...]in respect of other projects in the foam [...]sector is 6.56 $/kg, while this project has a cost effectiveness of 15.70 $/kg. multilateralfund.org |
欧盟(EU)在引进欧元之前,计算出在欧洲货币制度(EMS)下采用的欧洲货币单位(ECU),亚洲货币单位(AMU)可参照欧盟的方法,计算出作为东亚货币 的 加权平均 值。 rieti.go.jp | We calculate the AMU as a weighted average of East Asian currencies according to the method used to calculate the European Currency Unit (ECU) adopted by EU countries under the European Monetary System (EMS) prior to the introduction of the euro. rieti.go.jp |
他 们忍饥挨饿,得不到充分的卫生条件、教育、保健和金融服务。此 [...] 外,收入不平等也在不断加剧,全区域的人 口 加权平均 基 尼 系数已从 二十世纪 90 年代的 32.5%上升到最近的 [...]37.5%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, [...] income inequality has increased, with the populationweighted [...]mean Gini coefficient for the entire region increasing from 32.5 per cent in the 1990s to 37.5 per cent more recently. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们认为,相当 于联合国共同系统专业及以上职类员额的各个公务员制度最低级和最高级根据 各个级别工作人员数量加权平均的现 金报酬,应比分析中使用的简单平均数更为 适当。 daccess-ods.un.org | In their view, weighted average cash compensation at the lowest and highest levels of each civil service, equivalent to those posts in the [...] Professional and [...] higher categories in the United Nations common system and based on the numbers of staff at the respective levels, would have [...]been more appropriate [...]than the simple averages used in the analysis. daccess-ods.un.org |
应让协调机构发挥一定的作用,由其负责当地薪金调查委员会的组成、这 一委员会主席的任命以及对在某一工作地点进行的调查的协调; 数据分析中加权平均数的使用 daccess-ods.un.org | That a role should be introduced for the coordinating agency, making it responsible for formation of the local salary survey committees, the appointment of its chair and the coordination of the conduct of the survey in a particular duty station daccess-ods.un.org |