

单词 加标

External sources (not reviewed)

非洲钨砂公司利用购买的标记非法对它在基加利Gikondo存放 70 吨没有标记 的钨矿全部或部加标。
That would have allowed APT to illegally tag all or a part of
the 70 tons of untagged tungsten ore in its depot
[...] in Gikondo, Kigali, when investigators [...]
had documented the infraction.
而模块化是基础—标准化的底盘;程序与物流模组;程序单 元;加标准化 的机械机构与软件功能。
The basis for this is modularity –
standardized chassis; process and logistic modules; process units; in
[...] addition to standardized mechanical [...]
and software functions.
它提供的容器能够展示HTML内容,并能够为当前展示的内容 加标 题 说 明。
It provides a container to display HTML content , and can display the
[...] contents of the current add captions .
该代表忆及信托基金促进国家参与的重要性,提请食典委注意关于发展中国家加 标准制 定机构活动的一个粮农组织新报告。
The Representative recalled the importance of the Trust Fund to facilitate participation and drew
the attention of the Commission to a new FAO report on
[...] participation of developing countries in standard-setting bodies.
单击加标签然后在加标签窗 口中编辑标签。
Click Add Tags and edit the tags in the Add Tags window.
委员会审查了各实体现有的非消耗性财产安排,并注意到下列各种缺陷的实 例:(a) 盘存报告中开列的某些物品已经不知下落,或者已经过时;(b) 没有足 够的实物盘点程序或者没有始终如一地进行实物清点;(c) 实物清点的物品与固 定资产登记册中的物品之间存在出入;(d) 某些实体保持人工固定资产登记册, 容易出错,其数据的进出因设计而变得难以操控;(e)
在没有证明文件的情况下 调整固定资产登记册;(f) 没有始终如一地对实物盘存和固定资产登记册进行对 账;(g) 有些物品并未一贯列入盘存报告;(h)
[...] 资产管理程序不够充分,例如给 各项资加标签以 及固定资产登记册中适当记录资产的详细情况。
The Board reviewed the existing non-expendable property arrangement across entities and noted the following examples of deficiencies: (a) the inventory reports included items that could not be located or were obsolete; (b) there were inadequate physical inventory count procedures or physical counts were not always performed; (c) there were discrepancies between items physically counted and the items in the fixed asset registers; (d) some entities maintained manual fixed asset registers, which were prone to error and by design had weak data-access control; (e) adjustments were made to fixed asset registers without supporting documents; (f) reconciliation was not always performed between physical inventory and the fixed asset register; (g) items were not always included in the inventory report;
and (h) inadequate asset management
[...] procedures, such as tagging of individual assets [...]
and properly recording details of assets in the fixed asset registers.
专家组在行业会议同卢旺达当局进行了协商,据他们说,除非洲钨砂公司和 Semico 外,卢旺达还有两家采矿公司也被暂停采矿,原因是他们参与为在吉塞尼省 收缴的 500 公斤锡矿非加标记。
Apart from APT and Semico, two Rwandan mining companies had been suspended because of their involvement in illegal tagging of 500 kg of tin ore seized in Gisenyi, according to Rwandan authorities with whom the Group consulted during industry conferences.
在本模块中,贴记标签是指加标记 了 用于确认构建质粒或转化株材料特征的名称和/或其它鉴别信息(例如: 条形码)的标签。
For the purposes of this module, labelling means to affix with a label that is marked with a name and/or other identifying information (e.g. bar code) that can be used to confirm construct or transformant identity.
在这方面,我要提及以下各项措施:为前体加 标识以 便让我们能够确定运往阿富汗的前体的具体 生产者和供应者;根据出口前、向第三国的再出口和 再销售的通知制度,加强对前体流动的国际监督;监 测阿富汗边界的重载运输;以及,对任何同前体及其 替代品的供应有关联的活动发放许可证。
In that regard, I refer
[...] to measures to mark precursors in order to enable us to identify specific producers and suppliers of such substances to Afghanistan; [...]
to strengthen international
monitoring of the movement of precursors on the basis of a system of notifications on pre-export, re-export and resale to third countries; to monitor heavy-freight transport on the Afghan border; and to license any activities related to the supply of precursors and their substitutes.
因此,有关在决议草案标题和《联合国行动纲领》 标题中提到的“从各个方面”,我们的理解是,这意 味着在处理小武器和轻武器非法贸易的问题上,不仅
[...] 要努力处理跨界问题,还要处理每个主权国家境内的 其它层面的问题,例如国家立法、储存和中介活动以 及加标记和追查去向等。
Therefore, with reference to “in all its aspects” in the title of the draft resolution and in the title of the United Nations Programme of Action, in our interpretation this means that in dealing with the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, efforts should be made with regard not only to cross-border issues, but also to address other aspects within the
borders of each sovereign State, such as national legislation, stockpiling and
[...] brokering, as well as marking and tracing.
突出表明这一点的是三大相互关联的 标 : 加 强 全 欧 洲能源安全,增强可持续性,以及促进欧洲内部能源市场的竞争。
It is underscored by three broad
[...] interconnected goals: increasing European-wide energy security, enhancing sustainability [...]
and fostering
competition in Europe’s internal energy market.
(g) 建立综合性的和可靠的全国数据收集系统,确保在根据世界普遍标准 制定并且依据本国标加以调整的指标的基础上系统地监测和评估有关的制度、 服务、方案以及成果,同时保有关于贩运儿童案件的登记册。
(g) Establish a comprehensive and reliable national data-collection system to ensure systematic monitoring and evaluation of systems,
services, programmes and outcomes
[...] based on indicators aligned with universal standards and adjusted [...]
for and guided by locally
established goals and objectives, and maintain a registry on cases of trafficking in children.
由重大计划 IV – 文化来牵头实现 34 C/4 的总体目标 4:“促进文化多样性和文化间对话及和
[...] 平文化”以及相关的战略性计划目标--战略性计划标 9:加强文 化对可持续发展的促进作用;战略 性计划目标 [...]
标 11:以可持续的方式保护和促进文化遗产。
Major Programme IV – Culture is providing leadership in pursuing overarching objective 4: “Fostering cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace” of document 34
C/4 and the related strategic programme
[...] objectives – SPO 9: Strengthening the contribution [...]
of culture to sustainable development;
SPO 10: Demonstrating the importance of exchange and dialogue among cultures to social cohesion and reconciliation in order to develop a culture of peace; and SPO 11: Sustainably protecting and enhancing cultural heritage.
重大计划 I – 教育将在实现 34 C/4 的总体目标 1
[...] 教育和终身教育”,并牵头促进两项相关的战略性计划目标(SPO) -- 战略性计划标 1:加强教科文组织领导和协调全球全民教育的作用并支持各国发挥促进全民教育的领导作用;战略性计划目 [...]
标 2:发展有质量的全民教育和终身教育的政策、能力和工具,以及促进可持续发展教育。
Major Programme I – Education is providing leadership in pursuing overarching objective 1 of document 34 C/4: “Attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning”, and in contributing
to its two related strategic
[...] programme objectives (SPO) – SPO 1: Strengthening UNESCO’s global [...]
lead and coordination role
for EFA and providing support to national leadership in favour of EFA; and SPO 2: Developing policies, capacities and tools for quality education for all and lifelong learning as well as promoting education for sustainable development.
(q) 确立或加强清楚界定政府的保护责任的行动计划,以消除对妇女和女
[...] 童的暴力侵害,并辅之以必要的人力、财力和技术资源,包括在适当时,确定有 时间限制的标,加快现 有行动计划的实施并规范对其的监测和修订工作,同时 [...]
(q) To establish or strengthen plans of action to eliminate violence against women and girls that clearly delineate government accountabilities for protection and are supported by the necessary human, financial and technical resources,
including, where appropriate, time-bound
[...] measurable targets, to accelerate the implementation [...]
of existing plans of action and
to regularly monitor and update them, taking into account inputs by civil society, in particular women’s organizations, networks and other stakeholders
......这些研究结果表明,如果一个普通的发展中国家的专利 标加 强 了 一个单位,那么,美 国跨国公司在驻机构的当地销售额将增长......大约平均年销售额的 [...]
2%,而普通发展中经济 专利指标上涨一个单位会使美国跨国公司资产股份增长......大约平均资产股份的 16%。
these results suggest that if an average developing
[...] country were to strengthen its patent [...]
index by one unit, local sales of US affiliates
would rise by…about 2% of average annual sales…a one-unit increase in the patent index of the average developing economy would raise the asset stock of US multinational affiliates by…about 16% of average asset stock.
有鉴于此,署长建议用经常资源投资 400 万美元,其中:㈠ 200 万美元用 于支持
[...] 12 个方案国家扩大编写高质量的千年发展 标加 速 执行框架行动计划的 工作;㈡ 100 万美元用于支持里约+20 [...]
会议编写一份探讨问题的文件,阐明绿色 经济如何有助于实施可持续发展议程;㈢
100 万美元用于支持现有的数据、报告 和系统能力的升级,以便成功地引进国际援助透明度举措通过的透明度标准。
In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an investment of $4.0 million from regular resources, of which: (i) $2.0 million will
support the expansion of the preparation
[...] of high-quality MDG Acceleration Framework Action [...]
Plans in 12 programme countries; (ii)
$1.0 million will support the preparation for Rio+20 of an issues paper clarifying how the green economy can contribute to the implementation of the sustainable development agenda; and (iii) $1.0 million will support the upgrading of existing data, reporting and systems capabilities in order to successfully introduce the transparency standards adopted by IATI.
森林文书的主要宗旨是加强各级政治承诺和行动,更有效地对所有类型的森 林进行可持续管理,实现共同的全球森林 标 ; 加 强 森林对实现国际商定发展目 标的贡献;为国家行动和国际合作提供框架。
The main purpose of the forest instrument is to strengthen political commitment and action at all levels to implement effectively sustainable management of all types
of forests and to achieve the
[...] shared global objectives on forests; to enhance the contribution [...]
of forests to the achievement
of the internationally agreed development goals; and to provide a framework for national action and international cooperation.1 3.
委员会成员赞赏该国政府愿意超过《蒙特利尔议定书》的 标加 速 淘 汰氟氯烃,并 注意到从技术和费用的角度认为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划已经全面制定。
Members appreciated the Government’s
[...] willingness to accelerate HCFC phase-out beyond the Montreal Protocol targets and noted [...]
the comprehensiveness
of the HPMP proposal from a technical and cost perspective.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析 加 强 基 层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食标准法 典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有 标 准 ; (c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk
analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease
[...] outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness [...]
and response to food
chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
粮食署继续支持由国家主导的协调和实现千年发展目标的机制,包括联合国 发展援助框架、千年发展标加速框 架以及联合国发展集团对 2010 年首脑会议 [...]
WFP has continued to support country-led mechanisms for coordinating and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, including the United Nations Development
Assistance Framework, the Millennium
[...] Development Goal Acceleration Framework and [...]
the United Nations Development Group follow-up
strategy to the 2010 Summit outcome document, particularly in the areas of hunger, food security and nutrition.
[...] Kappa Alpha能够进一步推动联合国的标, 加 深 AK A成员及其服务的社区对其工作的了解。
This powerful designation enables Alpha Kappa Alpha to promote
[...] the aims and objectives of the UN and [...]
to further the understanding of its work
to AKA members and communities they serve.
实地项目:提高国家统计体系编制和传播残疾统计数据的能力(1);增强决策者的知识 基础以协助实现千年发展标(1);加 强 国 家统计体系编制和传播经济统计数据的能力 [...]
传播生命统计数据的能力(1);增强国家统计体系将其统计体系现代化以充分满足客户 需求的能力(1);提高对衡量非正规部门和非正规就业工具的认识并改进其应用(1);增 强具有特殊需要的一些国家的国家统计体系编制基本统计数据的能力(1)。
(ii) Field projects: improved capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate disability statistics (1); improved knowledge base for decision makers in support
of the achievement of the Millennium
[...] Development Goals (1); strengthened capacity of [...]
national statistical systems to produce
and disseminate economic statistics (1); strengthened capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate gender statistics (1); strengthened capacity of national statistical systems to produce and disseminate vital statistics (1); increased capacity of national statistical systems to modernize their statistical systems to fully meet client needs (1); improved awareness and application of instruments to measure the informal sector and informal employment (1); improved capacity of national statistical systems of selected countries with special needs to produce basic statistics (1).
国际著作权规则需要对作者、艺术家及其它创作者的专利权以及广泛传播知识这一社会标加以平衡,为此,该规则允许各国对以下权利进行限制,即防止某些指定范围内擅 [...]
As part of the balance between the exclusive rights of authors,
artists and other creators on the one hand,
[...] and the social goal of wide dissemination [...]
of knowledge on the other, international
copyright rules allow countries to place limits on the right to prevent unauthorised use and reproduction in certain prescribed circumstances.
[...] 有国家的和商业性债务人和债权人的共同责任;认识到促进发展和恢复债务的可 持续性是解决债务问题的主要标; 加 强 所 有各方之间的透明度和问责制;提倡 负责任的借贷做法;改进债务管理,增加国家对于债务管理战略的自主权,并促 [...]
These mechanisms need to be underpinned by principles that have served us well in dealing effectively with many debt problems. These include the need to ensure that debt resolution is a joint responsibility of all debtors and creditors, both State and commercial; to recognize that furthering development and
restoring debt
[...] sustainability are the main objectives of debt resolution; to strengthen transparency [...]
and accountability among
all parties; to promote responsible borrowing and lending practices; to improve debt management and national ownership of debt management strategies; and to facilitate equivalent treatment of all creditors.
[...] 生产总值的 0.7%用于官方发展援助的标,加强发展 中国家参与国际金融机构的决策,并大幅削减外债, [...]
因为外债阻碍着国家为推动两性平等和提高妇女能 力所作的努力。
It was therefore necessary to reach the target of allocating 0.7 per cent of gross national
product (GNP) for official development
[...] assistance (ODA), to enhance the participation [...]
of developing countries in the decision-making
process of international financial institutions and to significantly reduce the external debt burden, which undermined national efforts aimed at gender equality and the empowerment of women.
30 号一般性建议 中,消除种族歧视委员会呼吁国家采取步骤处理对非公民的仇外态度和行为,特 别是仇恨言论和种族暴力,还要采取果断措施对付把这类群体当成 标 、 加 以丑 化、公式化或脸谱化的任何趋势。
In its general recommendation No. 30 on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on States to take steps to address xenophobic attitudes and behaviour towards non-citizens, in particular hate speech and racial violence, and also to take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile such groups.
安全理事会重申,为建设和平提供及时、灵活、可预测的资金至关重 要,并敦促会员国和其他伙伴为实现这一 标加 强 努 力,包括为建设和平基 金和多方捐助信托基金补充资金。
“The Security Council reaffirms the critical importance of timely, flexible and predictable funding for peacebuilding, and
urges Member States and
[...] other partners to increase efforts towards achieving this goal, including through [...]
the replenishment
of the Peacebuilding Fund and through multi-donor trust funds.
将按照现有指南和缔约方会议所通过的任何进一步指南,衡量、报告和核实 发达国家减排的落实情况,并将确保对这些 标加 以 严 格,有力和透明的核算。
Delivery of reductions by developed countries will be measured, reported and verified in accordance with existing and any further guidelines
adopted by the Conference of the Parties, and will ensure that
[...] accounting of such targets is rigorous, robust [...]
and transparent.
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