

单词 很有...可能的

See also:

可能的 adj

possible adj
potential adj


it's possible

有可能 v

promise v

External sources (not reviewed)

即便在私有实现部分使用平台相关的功能的情况下(这在许多情况下 很有可能的 , 在 多数的实际情况下更有可能),BPEL4WS 中抽象流程和可执行流程间的基本概念的模型的连续性可能将包含在业务协议中的公共部分作为流程或角色模板进行输出和输入,同时保持协议的目的和结构。
Even where private implementation aspects use platform-dependent functionality, which is likely in many if not most realistic cases, the continuity of the basic conceptual model between abstract and executable processes in BPEL4WS makes it possible to export and import the public aspects embodied in business protocols as process or role templates while maintaining the intent and structure of the protocols.
允许事实上的大赦,豁免严重的罪行,非但不会结束冲突,而 很有可能在 无法实现和的同时 触发新一轮严重暴行。
Instead of putting a conflict to rest, allowing a de facto amnesty that grants immunity for serious crimes may just spur another cycle of grave abuses while failing to bring peace.
高等法院其他高級副 司法常務官及/或副司法常務官 很有可能 須 協 助處理審裁 的事 務
It is very likely that the Senior Deputy Registrars and/or
[...] other Deputy Registrars of the High Court will also assist in the [...]
Tribunal matters.
解 决这些薄弱环节需要有创造的方案,其中有些方案 很有可能会 跟以往研究生的运作方式正好相反。
These vulnerabilities require creative solutions, some of which may be contrary to how graduate education has historically operated.
除了所 涉明确的人道主义问题外,这一局势也是对安全局势 的一个新威胁,因为这种局 很有可能 扭 转 反叛乱所 取的进展
That situation, beyond its evident humanitarian dimension, is an emerging
threat to the security situation
[...] as well, as it may very well help in reversing the progress achieved [...]
in counter-insurgency.
一个中心事件是可以 预见 ZANU-PF 和安全部门的强势人物之间很快就 会为从年老多病的穆加贝手中接掌权力而展开激烈 争夺;另一个中心事件则是即将在不到一年的时间 内举的选举很有可能重演 前次的历史——选举过 程暴力,选举结果未能代表多数人民的意愿。
One involves the prospect that a fierce struggle among ZANU-PF barons and security service strongmen to take over the mantle of the ancient and ill Mugabe may be near; the other that the next election, which cannot be much more
than a year off, is
[...] likely to be as violent and its result as unrepresentative of the popular will as its predecessor unless progress is quickly made [...]
on electoral reforms,
and something is done about the unreconstructed security services.
如果一 个学生不能完成学业,这不仅仅会给学生个人和所在学校带来直 接损失,而且也会由于接受这个学生而造成间接损失,因为如果 不是这个中途辍学的学生占了这个名 的 话 ,那 么 很有可能 是一 个可以完成学业的学生出现在那个位置上。
When students fail to complete their degree there are not only direct costs to the
student and the
[...] university, but also opportunity costs, since the student who left was filling a space that might have been occupied by a student who would have graduated.
一些代表团表示了对该建议的关注,理由如下:当前法典委员会没有制定生物技 术食品所需的分析方法规定,建议的工作范围也 很 清 楚 ,而 有可能 与 同 一领 的其 他组织开展的工作重复。
Some delegations expressed their concerns on this proposal for the following reasons: currently no Codex provisions on foods derived from biotechnology required methods of analysis; the scope of the work proposed was not clear enough; and it might duplicate the work of other organisations in the same area.
如果说荒漠化造成的人口流动具有跨界甚或区域 层面的话,那么其对安的影响就 很有可能 超 越 某个 特定国的边界,有可能破坏冲突后稳定与建设和平 的努力取得进展。
If the movement of populations due to desertification has
a cross-border or
[...] even a regional dimension, then it is very likely that its security implications will [...]
go beyond the borders
of a particular State and may derail progress in post-conflict stabilization and peacebuilding efforts.
尽管安全事件在下个季度有可能保持稳定,但叛乱分子将不断试图挑战人 们对喀布尔安全局势的看法,因为在首都发生一起重大事 很有可能 吸 引媒 体的 大量关注。
Although security incidents are most likely to remain stable in the next quarter, insurgents will intermittently attempt to challenge the perception of security in Kabul Province as a kinetic incident in the capital is likely to garner significant media attention.
主席建议,由于有很多问题未能回答,因此应将该建议从世界银 的 业 务计划中删除, 可 在 进 一步磋 商后将其列入未来的业务计划 。
The Chair
[...] suggested that, as a substantial number of questions remained unanswered, the proposal should be removed from the World Bank’s business plan, but could be included [...]
in a future business
plan following additional consultations.
虽然强调条的类别很可能是,只有具体 条文的主题事项载有其连续性的必要含义。
Although the emphasis is on categories of treaties, it may well be that only the subject matter of particular provisions of the treaty carries the implication of continuance.
您 目 前 正 在 进的 项 目很 有 可 能 符 合 参 加 C D M 的 项 目 条 件 , 使 您 可 [...]
以 通 过 销 售 温 室 气 体 减 排 量 而 获 得 丰 厚 的 额外收益。
There is a strong likelihood that your ongoing project activities [...]
could be eligible to participate in the CDM which would
provide you with additional value through the sale of Greenhouse Gas emission reductions.
该文件中还说,阿塞拜疆会否接回他们值得怀疑,即使 他们被接受,他们很有可能受到 安全部 的 很 大 压力,或者说,多数居民都不 会以同情心对待他们。
The document also stated that it was doubtful whether Azerbaijan
would take them back, and if
[...] they were accepted, there was a great risk that they would come [...]
under pressure from the security
services or be treated without sympathy by the majority of the population.
不過,由於現時執業會計師樓 所提供的專業服務範圍已相當廣泛,不再局限於核數服務,所以需要核數以 的專 家成為合夥㆟;如果嚴限於核數服務,這些專業會計 很可能 沒 有 資 格 領取執業證 書。
But as CPA firms have developed to provide a wide range of professional services in addition to audit, they need to take in partners who specializes in areas other than audit and who are probably not eligible for a practising certificate if restricted strictly to audit.
我不打算在此重述我們在法案 委員會審議工作中所作的多項討論,不過,我只有一點想說,便是我們的 很希望 這個局將來成立和運作後,能證明 可 實 際 發揮功能,而不是只是一 個櫉窗式的裝飾,給外界看我們香港 有 這 樣 的 架 構 , 能 追 上 很 多 現 代金 融、工商業發達的社會而已。
I do not intend to repeat the many discussions made during the deliberations by the Bills Committee, however, I wish to make just one point and that is, we really hope that after the FRC has been set up and has come into operation, it can prove that it may really discharge its role instead of being little more than window-dressing or a showcase meant to demonstrate to the world that Hong Kong has such a framework and we can catch up with those advanced financial and business centres of the world.
据申诉人在遭驱逐的前一天 称,未提出上诉的原因是移民事务法庭决定不暂缓执行驱逐,而且,鉴于上诉很可能不会批准他上的请求 ,因此,他完 有 理 由 认为,移民上诉庭也会拒绝 他要求暂缓执行的要求。
As reasons for his failure to appeal, the author submitted that the day before he was to be expelled from Sweden, the Migration Court decided not to stay the enforcement of his expulsion,
and that he had good reasons to
[...] believe that the Migration Court of Appeal would also reject his request for a stay of enforcement, [...]
view of the fact that the Court of Appeal would probably not grant him leave to appeal.
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, 哪怕在预算额上只很小的偏差 ,在表示为“开支率”时 有可能 产 生 很 大 偏 差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
的确,正如一些会员国指出的那样,如果其它优先事项也要顺 利地开的话,有几个重大计 可能很 难 在 现 有 水 平 上再考虑给其主要优先事项提供追加拨 款。
Indeed, as pointed out by some of them, given the present level of funding for principal priorities in several major programmes, it might be difficult to contemplate the allocation of additional resources if other priorities should also be successfully pursued.
这一里程很可能已经有效地实现了,但是大量文 的 最 终 印刷才是实现里程碑的更好证 明。
It is probable that this milestone has effectively been achieved however, final printing of a number of the documents would be better evidence of achievement.
[...] 为方面,媒体对此更多的关注有助于了解明智地用 的 需 求 - 很有可能 把 水 方面和能 源效率方面的信息联系起来。
In terms of altering behaviour towards more sustainable lifestyles the enhanced media interest should help to get messages about the need
to use water wisely across – linking messages about water to messages
[...] about energy efficiency has considerable potential.
到 二零一二年下半年很有可能我們 將會開始看到增長放 的 跡 象,特別是因衛星行業的特性反 應往往滯後於經濟走勢,無論在經濟陰晴的日子均如是。
In the second half of 2012, there is the possibility that we may begin seeing signs [...]
of slower growth, especially given the
nature of our industry which tends to lag economic trends, both negative and positive.
他指出,一些指可能有助于发现结构性歧 视,它们包括:受到攻击或其他犯罪行为侵害的非洲裔人的数量和比例,特别是 当这些罪行是政府官员所的时候 ;各自国家内没有或仅 很 少 数 量有关种族歧 视行的申诉 、起诉和定罪;关于执法官员对非洲裔人的行为的信息缺失或不 足,以及没有或仅有很少数量对执法官员的申诉;认为该群体犯罪率更高;更严 厉或不相称的判决;关进监狱或预防性拘留的非洲裔人的数量和比例;以及执法 官员中非洲裔人代表不足。
He pointed out that a number of indicators might be helpful for the detection of structural discrimination, inter alia: the number and percentage of people of African descent who are victims of aggression or other offences, especially when they are committed by State officials; the absence [...]
or small number of complaints,
prosecution and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination in the respective country; lack or insufficient information on the behaviour of law enforcement officials vis-à-vis people of African descent and lack or small number of complaints against law enforcement officers; higher crime rates attributed to that group; harsher or disproportionate sentences; the number and percentage of people of African descent held in prison or preventive detention; and insufficient representation of people of African descent among law enforcement officials.
再者,本港大部分 的博物館館長均受僱於康文署,實在難以想像在康文署該支龐 大的專業受訓博物館館長團隊中,竟然無一 有 能 力 或可以受 訓在有的博物 館實踐M+概念,而要興建一座新的基建設 施,讓一很可能是聘 自海外的博物館館長把該概念付諸實 踐。
Besides, with the large team of professionally trained curator team in LCSD which hires the majority of curators in Hong Kong, it is beyond imagination that none of them has the ability or can be trained to implement the M+ concept in existing museums, and a new infrastructure needs to be built to allow a curator, apparently coming from abroad, to make it happen.
克服这方面障的良好做法是确保 很可能 需 要 寻求或提供 正式合的人员提供必的信息 和资源,以便 可能有 效 地 提出请求或对请求 做出回应,并且确保其知道在正式合作之前何时去寻求非正式合作,或者甚至 用非正式合作代替正式合作。
A good practice in overcoming this obstacle is
to ensure that personnel who
[...] are likely to need to seek or provide formal cooperation are equipped with the information and resources necessary to make or respond to requests as efficiently [...]
as possible, and are
aware of when to seek informal cooperation prior to or even in lieu of formal cooperation.
(q) 在适当情况下建立多机构组织,以确保采取综合办法处理毒品贩运网 问题,同时注意参与毒品贩的有组 织 犯罪集 很可能 也 从 事其他形式的贩 运;多机构组织将有助于确保打击其他形式有组织犯罪的机构与禁毒执法机构 [...]
(q) Establish, when appropriate, multi-agency bodies to ensure that a comprehensive approach is being taken in tackling drug trafficking
networks, while
[...] remaining aware that organized criminal groups engaged in drug trafficking are likely to be engaged in [...]
other forms of trafficking;
the multi-agency bodies will help to ensure that agencies fighting other forms of organized crime share relevant information, intelligence, practices and resources with drug law enforcement agencies.
经社会还注 意到,在俄罗斯联邦的财政支持下 有 两 个 具体项目(关于小型水电设的 安全评估和在中亚减少灾害风险) 很可能 在 近期内完成,并于 2012-2013 年 开始实施。
The Commission also noted that two specific projects — related to safety assessment of small hydraulic installations and disaster risk reduction in Central Asia — were likely to be finalized in [...]
the near future and
implemented in 2012-2013 with the financial support of the Russian Federation.
在大量 人口生活在贫困线以下的世界中,最脆 的 国 家很 有可能依然 无法实现千年发展目标,除非发展伙伴 做出强有力的政治承诺,同时辅之创新的筹资机制。
In a world where a huge proportion of people were living below the poverty level, the most vulnerable countries were likely to continue to fall short of the Millennium Development Goals unless there was strong political commitment on the part of development partners, matched by innovative financing mechanisms.
然而,如果有在一 定程度上获得 这些受禁物品,厄立特里亚空军甚至连目前这种低水平活动 很可能 无 法 维持, 因此,这表明厄立特里亚能够在友好国 的 援 助 下或借助国际黑市满足其某些 需求。
However, even the current, low level of air force activity could probably not be maintained without some access to these prohibited items, suggesting that Eritrea is able to meet some of its needs either with the assistance of friendly States or on international black markets.




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