

单词 审判席

See also:


a trial
try sb

审判 v

try v


judge n
sentence n

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年 12 月 1 日,Uwinkindi 再次在 Kam 法官审 判席前出 庭,对经修订的起诉书中指控的两项罪行拒不认罪。
On 1 December 2010, Uwinkindi had his further appearance before Judge Kam and pleaded not guilty to both counts in the amended indictment.
在这段时间内没有进行席审判,但 该省却在被告缺席并没有律师代表的情况下进行了审判前调查。
No trial took place in absentia during that time, but pretrial investigations [...]
were carried out in the province in the absence
of the accused, who was not represented.
作为审判分庭决定是否启动席审判 的 规 则 106 诉讼程序的一部分,辩护 人办公室决定指派当值律师保护被告人权利。
As part of the rule 106 proceedings
before the Trial Chamber to decide whether
[...] to initiate in absentia proceedings, the [...]
Defence Office decided to assign duty
counsel in order to protect the rights of the accused.
等 候审判的人受监禁不应作为一般规则,但可规定释放时应保证在司法程序的 任何其他阶段席审判,并 在必要时报到听候执行判决。
It shall not be the general rule that persons awaiting trial shall be detained in custody, but release may be
subject to guarantees to
[...] appear for trial, at any other stage of the judicial proceedings, and, should occasion arise, for execution of the judgement.
[...] 嫌参与暗杀前总理拉菲克·哈里里的四名被告进行席审判。
Earlier this month, the Trial Chamber of the Special Tribunal
ruled that the four people accused in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq
[...] Hariri would be tried in absentia.
提交人提到了司法机构事实上没有独立性,长期和一贯地进行政治审判,如“特别革命法 庭”(2005
[...] 年取代“国家安全法院”)的不公正和任意审讯,以及旨在恫吓政敌和镇压持不同政 见者的秘密判和缺席审判。
The author refers to the lack of independence of the judiciary, in practice, and to the long-standing and consistent pattern of political trials, characterized by unfair and summary proceedings before the "special revolutionary courts" (replaced in 2005 by the
"State security court"), as well
[...] as secret trials, and trials in absentia, aimed at intimidating [...]
political opponents, and
suppressing political dissent.
如果在逃嫌犯在下一次庭审上仍无法出庭,法庭将着手审判 该案件,并对这些人进行席审判。
If the suspects that remain at large cannot be presented at the next meeting, the court will proceed with the case
[...] and try them in absentia.
其中仅有 7 名将亲自席审判分 庭提交全部证据,141 名将在必要时出席交叉质证,另外 239 名证人的证言将以 书面形式提交。
Of these, only 7
[...] will give their full evidence in person before the Trial Chamber, [...]
141 will be available to appear for cross-examination
if required and the evidence of a further 239 witnesses will be adduced in written form.
这种程序曾在法国(1808 至 2004 年间)4 和其他欧洲国 家实行,但是,欧洲人权法院多次作出重大裁决之后,5
[...] 这种审判已被另一种意 义的席审判(proc ès par défaut)取代,后者完全保障被告的权利。
Such a procedure existed in France (between 1808 and 2004)4 and in other European countries; however,
following repeated critical decisions by the European Court of Human Rights,5 it has
[...] been replaced by trials by default (
从程序角度看,法庭也显示出若干创新之处,其中包括:(a) 有 一名权力和责任很大的预审法官;(b) 为法官们规定了较为积极主动的作用;(c) 被 害人广泛参与诉讼程序;(d)
用其他措施取代羁押,目的是保证审判前的人身自 由是常规,而不是例外;(e) 保护敏感资料,这既是为了保证证人的安全,也是
[...] 为了满足各国的合理请求(包括国家安全利益);(f) 在某些情况下对被告进行席审判,并 建立旨在充分保护被告权利的机制。
The Tribunal also exhibits several novelties from the point of view of procedure, including: (a) a Pre-Trial Judge with significant authority and responsibility; (b) a more proactive role for judges; (c) extensive victim participation in the proceedings; (d) measures alternative to detention, aimed at ensuring that freedom pending trial is the norm rather than the exception; (e) the protection of sensitive information, both to ensure the safety of witnesses and to accommodate the legitimate requests of
States (including national security
[...] interests); and (f) trials in the absence [...]
of the accused under certain circumstances and
with mechanisms designed to fully protect the rights of the accused.
然而,与 允许进行严格意义上的席审判的纽 伦堡国际军事法庭不同的是,《特别法庭规 约》为被告的席审判规定 了严格条件,以保证国际人权法所保障的被告基本权 利得到保护,特别是保护被告如果在以后某个阶段出现,在出庭情况下得到重新 审判的权利。
However, unlike the International Military
Tribunal at Nuremberg,
[...] which allowed trials in absentia proper, article 22 of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon statute subjects to strict conditions the conduct of a trial in the absence of the accused, [...]
in order to ensure
the protection of the fundamental rights of the accused guaranteed by international human rights law, in particular the right to obtain a retrial if he or she appears at a later stage.
( 因为裁决在用尽所有司法补救措施前不是最终性的) ,所以法律 监督机关以外某组织的任何干涉和监督,都不影响法官强制执行最终裁决。在实 践中,所有审判程序都得到尊重;辩护律师 席审判 ; 并 且在裁决成为最终裁决 以后,审判情况充分透明地反映在新闻中。
In practice, all trial procedures are observed, the defense lawyers are present in the trial and after the ruling becomes final, the proceedings are reflected in the press in full transparency.
必须强调的是,根据《特别法庭规约》,在被告缺席情况下进行的审判,与 过去在沿循罗马日耳曼法系的国家进行的传统的 席审判 ( 法 语 国家称之为 procès par contumace),以及现在可能在某些英美法系制度下进行的 席审判 相比,均有重大和显著区别。
It is crucial to emphasize that
under the statute of the Special Tribunal
[...] for Lebanon, trials conducted in the absence of the accused are significantly and markedly different both from the traditional trials in absentia (termed
1979 年 5 月 15 日,利摩日上诉法院起诉庭
[...] 受理此案,判定不向意大利引渡博萨诺,理由是热那亚刑事法院的 席审判 程序 违反法国公共政策。
On 15 May 1979, the Indictment Division of the Limoges Court of Appeal, to which the case had been submitted, ruled against the extradition of Mr.
Bozano to Italy because it held that the
[...] procedure for trial in absentia followed by the [...]
Genoa Court of Appeal was incompatible with French public policy.
[...] 了一些重要关切,包括出于政治动机的起诉、 席审判 及 因 有关国家进行合作而 导致的证据问题。
In his view, the issue raised serious concerns, including
in relation to politically motivated
[...] prosecutions, trials in absentia and evidentiary [...]
problems as a result of the lack of
cooperation of the State concerned.
达:第一,对于在对审辩论后没有出席或派代理人出席宣判聆讯的当事方,但只有在该当事 方或其代理人没有获悉宣判之日的情况下;第二,对要求按照第
[...] 411 条第 1 款规定的条件进 行席审判的被告;第三,对未按照 411 条第 [...]
4 款规定的条件出庭的被告。
However, the time-limit for appeal runs only from the service of the judgement, however this was carried out: (1) for any party not present or represented at the hearing when the judgement was handed down, but only where such party or representative was not notified of the day when the judgement would be
handed down; (2) for any party who requested
[...] to be tried in absentia under the conditions [...]
set forth in article 411, paragraph
1; (3) for any party who did not appear, under the conditions set forth in article 411, paragraph 4.
每个审判都存在法庭无法控制的因素,如推迟诉讼程序,因为被告病重无法席审判,或 辩护律师去世或出现对被告公平审判权产生消极影响的重大技术法 [...]
Every trial has an element that falls outside the control of the Tribunal, such as the postponement
of proceedings because the accused
[...] is too sick to attend his or her own [...]
trial, or the death of the defence counsel or a major
technical legal issue that impacts negatively on the fair trial rights of the accused person.
辩护人办公室的活动将着重传播与辩护律师的工作和作用有关的信息,尤其 是席审判方面的信息。
The Defence Office shall focus its activities on
disseminating information about the work and the role of defence counsel, in
[...] particular relating to the in absentia trial.
除这些权利外, 特别法庭在被告席情况下进审判 的 法 律制度还包括法庭必须履行的某些义 务:(a) 法庭必须为被告指派辩护律师,并且(b) 在被告席情况下进审判的 程 序不得有别于在被告出庭情况下进行审判的程序(规则 107)。
In addition to those rights, the
[...] legal regime of trials in the absence of the accused before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon includes two obligations incumbent upon the Tribunal: (a) the Tribunal must assign defence counsel to the accused; and (b) trial proceedings [...]
conducted in the absence
of the accused must not differ from those conducted in the presence of the accused (rule 107).
(f) 特别法庭与大多数国际法庭不同,允许对被告进行 席审判。
(f) Unlike most international tribunals, the Special Tribunal for
[...] Lebanon allows for trials conducted in [...]
the absence of the accused.
在一些国家,禁止(如哥斯达黎加)或避免(如以色列 ) 缺 席审判 , 与之相对的 是宪法保障适当程序(如哥斯达黎加),而在一些司法管辖区,一般要求在审判期 [...]
In some instances, trials in absentia were prohibited [...]
(e.g., Costa Rica) or avoided (e.g., Israel), as contrary to constitutional
guarantees of due process (e.g., Costa Rica), while in some jurisdictions the presence of the accused during the conduct of the trial was generally required (e.g., Australia, Malaysia).
[...] 室没有采纳这一建议,因此,启动 席审判 的 诉讼程序在没有当值律师代表被告 [...]
This suggestion was not taken up by the Defence Office and the
proceedings concerning the initiation of
[...] proceedings in absentia continued without [...]
the input of the duty counsel representing the interests of the accused.
塞拉利昂在 2005 年担任裁审议委员会席期间,领导判,打破了历时两年之久关于该委员会议程的僵局。
In 2005 under its chairmanship of the Disarmament Commission, Sierra Leone led the negotiations that broke a [...]
two-year impasse over the agenda of the Commission.
在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国,在被告至少出庭一次之 后,通常允许进行席审判,但 这种审判并不是为了在被告未被拘押的情况下进 [...]
行审判所作的调整安排,也不是这样做的机会,而是针对被告的错失行为所作的 权利消减。
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the United States of
[...] America, the trial in absentia — generally allowed [...]
when the defendant appears at least
once at trial — is not an accommodation or an opportunity to hold a trial without taking custody of the accused, but a diminution of rights in response to the wrongdoing of the accused.
可能席审判 的新 做法意味着辩护人办公室继续面临棘手法律问题,必须审慎检查其作用和职 能。
The novelty of
[...] possible in absentia proceedings means that [...]
the Defence Office continues to confront challenging legal issues
that require it to critically examine its role and function.
这次培训主要由欧洲联盟委员会出资,目 的是确保名单上的所有律师都熟悉法庭的《规约》和《程序和证据规则》,尤其
[...] 侧重介绍法庭的特殊情况,如受害人的参与、恐怖主义罪行和 席审判 的 可 能性。
The training, which was funded in large part by the European Commission, aimed to ensure that all counsel on the list are familiar with the statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the Tribunal, with a particular focus on the
particularities of the Tribunal, such as victims’ participation, the crime of terrorism, and
[...] the possibility of trials in absentia.
经过进一步程审理,上诉法院于 1975 年 5 月 22 日席判定博萨诺先生因对米莲娜·萨特所犯罪行处终身监禁,并因其他罪行处 4 年徒刑; 法院认为,没有任何减轻情节。
[...] other procedural considerations, on 22 May 1975 the Court sentenced Mr. Bozano in absentia to life imprisonment [...]
for the offences
committed against Milena Sutter and to four years’ imprisonment for the other offences.
此外,还引入了(在东道国的许可下)给予安全通行的规定,使涉嫌人或被告 人不受逮捕和起诉,从而使他们能够接受询问或首次 席审判 分 庭 或面见预审法 官,之后再返回自己的国家。
Moreover, provisions have been introduced to grant (with the consent of the host State) a safe-conduct, which affords to suspects or accused immunity from arrest and prosecution thus allowing them to be interviewed or to make the initial appearance before the Trial Chamber or the Pre-Trial Judge and then to return to their own countries.
(《刑 事诉讼法典》第 《刑事诉讼法典》第53 条规定下列情形下,必须为嫌犯提供律师援助:
[...] 对被拘留之嫌犯进行首次司法讯问时;在预审辩论及听证时;在 席审判 时 ; 在 任何诉讼行为进行期间,只要嫌犯为聋、哑,或就嫌犯之不可归责性或低弱之可 [...]
Article 53 of the CPC requires the mandatory assistance by a lawyer: in the first judicial examination after arrest; in
the examining debate and hearing;
[...] in the case of judgment hearing in absentia; in any proceedings [...]
whenever the defendant has
hearing or speech impediments or the issue of his/her diminished criminal responsibility arises; in ordinary or extraordinary appeals; and in other cases as determined by law.




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