

单词 审处


土审处 n

lands tribunal n

审裁处 n

tribunal n

审裁处 pl

tribunals pl

审判处 n

trial division n

See also:


prudent adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这 4 个指标来自:㈠ 各区域局的平 衡计分卡,采用令人满意的国家办事处业绩指标的百分比,说明国家办事处的整 体有效业绩;㈡ 执行平衡计分卡,采用上报的将按期取得或已完成的成果的百 分比,说明采用机构方案指导与监督的实效和情况;㈢
[...] 得到管理人员答复的评价的百分比,说明国家办事处管理人员对经验教训和确定 的最佳做法的了解和问责情况;㈣ 审计和调处(审调处)数据库,采用已经印 发的内有低评分的风险审计报告的百分比,说明需要大幅改进问责、业务实效和 [...]
They are drawn from: (i) regional bureaux balanced scorecards, using the percentage of countryoffice performance indicators that are satisfactory as representative of overall effective country-office performance; (ii) the executive balance scorecard, using the percentage of outcomes that are reported as either on-track or achieved as representative of the effectiveness and application of corporate programme guidance and oversight; (iii) the executive balanced scorecard, using the percentage of evaluations with management responses as representative of awareness by country-office management, and their accountability for, lessons learned
and identified best practices;
[...] and (iv) the Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) database, [...]
using the percentage of risk-based
audit reports issued with unsatisfactory ratings as representative of the need for significantly improved accountability, operational effectiveness and risk management.
商定的分工是,内审办在一般国家办 处审 计 中注重方案业绩审计,评估办公室 则着重于评估儿童基金会对国家一级结果所作的贡献。
It was agreed that OIA would focus on programme performance auditing in ongoing country office audits and Evaluation Office on assessing the UNICEF contribution to results at the country level.
请说明缔约国是否考虑邀请提出访问请求的特别程序任务负责人,包括法处 决、即审即决或任处决问 题特别报告员、人权维护者处境问题特别报告员以及 少数群体问题独立专家。
Please indicate whether the State party considers inviting the special procedures mandate holders who have requested a visit, including the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders, and the Independent Expert on minority issues.
对于那些不易确定的 情形,法院可以进一步考虑到其他各种情形,其中包括:在何处存放债务人的 账簿和记录、在处进行融资的组织 审 批 工 作、在 处 进 行 现金管理系统的 操作、主要银行位于何处、雇员位于何处、在何处确定商业政策、在何处调控 关于公司主要合同的法律、在何处对采购或营销人员以及应付账款和计算机系 统进行管理、在何处进行当下的重组、对大多数争议适用何处的法律、在何处 对债务人进行监管、对账目编制审 计 适用 何 处 的 法 律。
For those cases in which they do not, a court may take into consideration a variety of other additional factors, including the location of the debtor’s books and records, the location where financing was organized or authorized, the location from which the cash management system is run, the location of the principal bank, the location of
employees, the
[...] location in which commercial policy is determined, the site of controlling law governing the main contracts of the company, the location from which purchasing or sales staff, accounts payable and computer systems are managed, the location where reorganization is being conducted, the location whose law will apply to most disputes, the location in which the debtor is subject to supervision or regulation, and the location whose law governs the preparation and auditing of accounts.
监督厅提出关于审计适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘处审查了 这些标准费用,并尽可能根据订正费率拟订经常性费用项下所需资 源,如房地和设备租金、办公室用品费用、商营通信费用(传真和电话)、信息技 术设备更换费用、信息技术维护和修理服务级别协议和基础设施费用。
Following the report of
[...] OIOS on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat has reviewed the standard [...]
costs and, to the extent
possible, has applied the revised rates in the formulation of the requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises and equipment and those for office supplies, commercial communications (fax and telephone), information technology equipment replacement, and service-level agreements and infrastructure for information technology maintenance and repair.
监督厅提出关于审计适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘处审查了 这些标准费用,并尽量根据订正费率拟订 2011/12 年度预算拟议新 设员额的经常性费用项下所需资源,如房地租金、办公室用品和设备、商营通信 费用(传真费和电话费)和信息技术维护服务级协议和基础设施费用的所需资源, [...]
Following the report of
[...] OIOS on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat has reviewed the standard [...]
costs and, to the extent
possible, has applied the revised rates in the formulation of the requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises, office supplies and equipment, commercial communications costs (fax and telephone charges) and service-level agreements and infrastructure costs for information technology maintenance and repair; and under non-recurrent costs, such as those for the purchase of furniture and office equipment, including computers and telephones, and alterations or improvements, for newly proposed posts in the 2011/12 budget.
如果我们只能在处审判泰 勒,我们怎么解释自己在犯罪发生地实现和平 与正义的承诺?
What are we saying about our commitment to bringing peace and justice to the place where the crimes took place if we can only try Taylor elsewhere?
关 于中国氟氯烃生产行业技术审计的最后报告草案,执行委员会指出,最后技术审计报告的
[...] 中国政府邀请氟氯烃生产工厂提供其未向原先顾问提供的数据,并请秘 处审 查 中 国化工 生产行业淘汰氟氯氢项目提案,供第六十七次会议审议,并考虑到技术审计中取得的信息 [...]
66/54 号决定,(a)、(f)、(h) 和(i) 分段)。
Regarding the draft final report on the technical audit of China’s HCFC production sector, the Executive Committee noted that the delayed submission of the final technical audit report would not prevent it from considering the project proposal for HCFC phase-out plan for the production sector in China, and decided, through the Government of China, to invite the HCFC production plants to provide data that they had not
provided to the original consultant, and
[...] requested the Secretariat to review, for consideration [...]
at the 67th meeting, the project
proposal for HCFC phase-out in the production sector in China, taking into account any available information from the technical audit, as well as any other relevant sources of information (decision 66/54, sub-paragraphs (a), (f), (h) and (i)).
为了设法解决这些问题,秘处审查 了 现有的相关良好做法, 并推动了利益攸关方之间的知识共享。
To address these
[...] issues, the secretariat reviewed existing good [...]
practices and facilitated knowledge sharing among stakeholders.
国家办处审计工 作的选择标准,是对每个办公室的风险评估以及内部审计 办公室 [...]
2010 年制定的战略,即确保 10 个最大的国家办事处(所有办事处均以总 预算额衡量)每三年审计一次,中等规模的国家办事处每五年一次,小规模国家 办事处每七年一次。
[...] of country office audits was based on [...]
the risk profile of each office and OIA’s 2010 strategy of ensuring that
the 10 largest country offices (all offices are measured in terms of total budget) are audited every three years, medium-size country offices every five years, and small country offices every seven years.
除了办处,审计人 员还会见了塞内加尔教科文组织全国委员会秘书长,并参观了列 入世界遗产名录的塞内加尔圣路易市,该市的博物馆得到过办事处的支持。
Outside the Bureau, they met the Secretary-General of the Senegalese National Commission for UNESCO and visited Saint-Louis in Senegal, a city on the World Heritage List and home to a museum that has been supported by BREDA.
外聘审 计员不愿将威尼斯办事处实例视为普遍现象,提醒教科文组织时刻关注,避免在其他机构发 生该办处审计时发现的各项问题。
Without making generalizations based on the limited example of the Venice Bureau alone, the External Auditor recalls that the Organization must keep constant watch to ensure that the weaknesses detected in this office are not reproduced in other structures.
处审查了 其项目文件,正在对 一个援助活动标准化监测和评价机制进行调整。
The Branch has reviewed its project document [...]
and is in the process of fine-tuning a standardized monitoring and evaluation
mechanism for its assistance activities.
处审查了 已印发的联合检查组的报告,酌情审查了秘书长和联合国系统 [...]
行政首长协调理事会的相关评论,经与联合检查组协商并考虑到上文第 1 段所载 规定,秘书处谨通知方案和协调委员会:联合检查组没有相关报告可提交委员会 组织会议审议(另见附加说明的临时议程项目 5(E/AC.51/2009/1))。
Having reviewed the reports of [...]
the Joint Inspection Unit, with the related comments of the Secretary-General and the United
Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, as applicable, that have been issued, and after consultations with the Unit, and taking into account the provisions set out in paragraph 1 above, the Secretariat wishes to inform the Committee for Programme and Coordination that there are no relevant reports of the Joint Inspection Unit available to submit for consideration by the Committee at its organizational session (see also item 5 of the annotated provisional agenda (E/AC.51/2009/1)).
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负 审 查 申 请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中 审 查 机 构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,处理名 册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers
would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
关于在核准氟氯烃淘汰管理计划之前提交氟氯烃淘汰投资项目提案的问题,秘书处 代表指出,为了能够提供秘处审议 项目所需要的资料,提交提案的国家必须考虑投资项 [...]
With respect to the submission of an HCFC phase-out investment project proposal before approval of the HPMP, the representative of the Secretariat stated that, in order to be in a position to
provide the kind of information
[...] required by the Secretariat for consideration of the project, [...]
the country would have to consider
how the investment project related to the overall plan, and how it fitted in with the overall strategy of the country to comply with HCFC control measures.
此外,秘处审议承 包者提交的 五年审查情况,并向秘书长告知审查意见,以便向承包者通报这些意见。
In addition, the secretariat examines the five-year reviews submitted [...]
by the contractors and makes its comments known to
the Secretary-General so that he can communicate them to the contractors.
执行局注意到乌干达持久救济和恢复行动 10121.3(WFP/EB.1/
2009/9-A/2),行动要求提供 149 843 公吨的粮食,粮食计划署 需为此支付 177 107
[...] 545 美元,就此,执行局特别授权秘处 审定持 久救济和恢复行动,同时考虑到执行局届会期间提出的 [...]
意见、2009 年 2 月底前执行局成员书面提出的意见以及
2009 年 2 月底前将召集的非正式协商提出的意见。
Having taken note of PRRO Uganda 10121.3 (WFP/EB.1/2009/9-A/2), for which the food requirement was 149,843 mt at a total cost to WFP of
US$177,107,545, the Board authorized on an
[...] exceptional basis the Secretariat to finalize the [...]
PRRO, taking into account the observations
made during the Board session, those received from Board members in writing before the end of February 2009 and those provided at an informal consultation to be convened before the end of February 2009.
(d) 秘处审查对 可持续土地管理技术,包括适应的最佳做法的分类,以 便考虑补充信息和纳入现有信息,这些信息可能有利于最佳做法的确定和推广
(d) The secretariat review the classification [...]
of best practices on sustainable land management technologies, including adaptation,
with a view to considering additional and integrating existing information, which would facilitate identification and replication of best practices
一个代表团请秘处审查 已 确定的用水热点区,以便更好地反应和覆盖亚太区域特别易受极端 气候事件影响的所有地区,包括永冻土融化对国家经济和对全球气候 [...]
One delegation
[...] requested that the secretariat review the water hotspots [...]
that had been identified, in order to better reflect
and cover all the areas of Asia and the Pacific that were particularly vulnerable to different extreme weather events, including the impact of the melting of the permafrost on the national economy and on climate change globally.
Harb Derbal 准将下令将嫌疑人
[...] Ashraf、Kristiyana、Nasya、Snezhana 和 Valya 带到刑事 调处审问。
At the orders of brigade General Harb Derbal, the suspects
Ashraf, Kristiyana, Nasya, Snezhana and Valya were taken to the department of criminal
[...] investigation for interrogation.
条约机构和秘处审议了约11,600 个函件,登记了条约机构收到的150多项 个人申诉。
Treaty bodies and the Secretariat examined some 11,600 items [...]
of correspondence and over 150 new individual complaints received
by the treaty bodies were registered.
因此,国家办处审计和总部审计是其他监 督机制的坚实补充,而署长和执行局从这些机制中获得保证,知道开发署正在高 [...]
Country office audits and headquarters audits thus represented [...]
a solid supplement to the other oversight mechanisms from
which the Administrator and the Board derive assurance on the efficient use of UNDP resources, and the effectiveness and adequacy of governance, risk management, and internal control processes.
如图 4
[...] 所示,2011 年发表的国家办处审计 评估报告载有 100 项建议,其中 [...]
As shown in figure 4,
[...] the country office audit assessment [...]
reports issued in 2011 contained 100 recommendations, 55 per cent
of which were rated as high or very high impact.
另一起案件 的调查则取得了积极的进展:国家警察的一名警官被指控于 2007 年 6 月 3 日在
[...] 维克克地区杀害了一位平民,该案的调查工作曾因证据不足而中止,但检察长办 公室下令重新启动调查,目前正由其包考地区办 处审 查 该 案。
In a positive development, the investigation into the case of the alleged killing of a civilian by police officers on 3 June 2007 in Viqueque District, which had previously been closed on the grounds of lack of evidence, was
ordered reopened by the Office of the Prosecutor-General and is
[...] currently under review by its office in [...]
Baucau District.
所有区域协调委 员会均被要求提供投入以便秘处审 议 关 于产品追踪/可追踪性的工作文件,随后提交 2003 年 [...]
4 月总原则委员会。
All of the Regional Coordinating
Committees had been invited to
[...] provide input for consideration by the Secretariat in the preparation [...]
of its working paper on
product tracing/traceability that was subsequently submitted to the Committee on General Principles in April 2003.
近东救济工处 审查政 策,以加强性别平衡和支持配偶就 业。
Review policies with a view to strengthening [...]
gender balance and supporting spouse employment.
缔约方会议第4/COP.9 号文件第2 段请秘处审查综 合传播战略,以确保 该战略的执行符合《防治荒漠化公约》的授权,符合受影响国家缔约方的优先事 项。
In paragraph 2 of decision 4/COP.9, the COP
[...] requested the secretariat to review the comprehensive [...]
communication strategy to ensure that
this strategy is implemented in conformity with the mandate of the UNCCD, as well as the priorities of affected country Parties.
应首协会 的要求,在秘书长减少灾害风险特别代表领导下,联合国国际减少灾害风险机构 间秘处审查了 把减少灾害风险纳入联合国系统各组织政策、规划和方案规划主 流的情况。
At the request of CEB and under the leadership of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk
Reduction, the United Nations
[...] inter-agency secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction reviewed the status of mainstreaming [...]
of disaster
risk reduction into policies, planning and programming of United Nations system organizations.
外层空间事务厅将提交一组意见和建议, 并附上关于利用地理空间数据促进可持续发展的相关背景资料供大会秘 处审 议。
The Office for Outer Space Affairs would submit for the consideration of the Conference secretariat a set of observations and recommendations with relevant background information on the use of geospatial data for sustainable development.




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