单词 | 形意拳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 形意拳—Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art)See also:拳n—boxingn fistn
韩国:铁拳能否接受无形之手? crisisgroup.org | North Korea: [...] Can the Iron Fist Accept the Invisible Hand? crisisgroup.org |
尽管它们似乎并没有明确或连贯的意识形态或政治动机,但是它们有时使用准军事集团的语言和一套装备,并承袭 [...] 了准军事集团的运作方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although they do not seem to have a [...] clear or coherent ideology orpolitical motivation, [...]they sometimes use the language [...]and paraphernalia of paramilitary groups and their modus operandi. daccess-ods.un.org |
那位乘客被在地上拖行一段距离,然后一群以色列官员围上来大施拳脚,甚至有意打断了他的腿。 daccess-ods.un.org | The passenger was dragged along the ground for some distance and then surrounded [...] by a large group of Israeli officials who proceeded to beat him [...] severely, includingthedeliberate fractureof his leg. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 [...] 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 [...] 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 [...]它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all [...] enjoy equality before the law, far from any [...] politicalor ideologicaltendencies, [...]a State where political and economic opportunities [...]are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们在纽约这里听到美国发出了新的声调,把有力的劝 说置于劝说性的力量之上,并向愿意松开拳头的人伸 出友善之手。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new tone of voice we have heard from the United States here in New York [...] is setting forceful persuasion above persuasive force and extending a hand [...] to those who are willing to unclench a fist. daccess-ods.un.org |
本报告确认了人权高专办认为可以作为人权高专办和常 设论坛之间交换意见的主题领域,包括讨论:(a) [...] 常设论坛可以向人权高专办提 供的咨询意见性质和形式;(b) 人权高专办每年向论坛提供的资料的性质 [...];(c) 论坛成员在人权高专办国家一级的活动中可与其进行的合作;(d) [...]改善人权高专 办和论坛观察员(尤其是国家和土着人民组织)之间对话的方式方法 ;(e) 处理 可能在论坛届会上提出的人权申诉的妥善方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The present report identifies areas that OHCHR considers could be the subject of exchanges between the Office and the [...] Permanent Forum, including a discussion on [...] (a) the nature and form of advice that the Forum [...]can give to OHCHR; (b) the nature of [...]the information provided annually by OHCHR to the Forum; (c) the possible cooperation of members of the Forum with OHCHR in its activities at the country level; (d) the ways for improving dialogue between OHCHR and observers to the Forum, especially States and indigenous peoples’ organizations; and (e) the appropriate ways of handling human rights complaints that may arise at sessions of the Forum. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,人们的居住模式不是随意形成的,而是受到社会经济因素的制约。 alnap.org | However, settlement [...] patterns are not arbitrary, but are dictated [...]by social and economic factors. alnap.org |
在战场上建立博物馆、竖立纪念碑、举办展览及确保维护和保养与伟大的卫 国战争(第二次世界大战)的历史事件有关的特定区域时,不应以培养对纳粹主义意识形态的正面态度和以美化纳粹罪犯及其帮凶为目的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Establishing museums, erecting memorials on battlefields, organizing exhibitions and ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of specific areas associated with the historical events of the Great Patriotic War (Second World War) shall not be aimed at cultivating a positive attitude towards the ideology of Nazism and at glorifying Nazi criminals and their accomplices. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,习惯国际法自动成为国内法律制度的一部分,只要哥伦比亚同意形成这一习惯,没有采取对立行为,或反对其形成。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, customary international law is automatically incorporated into the [...] domestic legal system provided that [...] Colombia has consented to theformation of[...]the custom by not having engaged in conduct [...]opposed to it or not having rejected its formation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认识到,全球化世界中 各国经济的日益相互依存以及有章可循的国际经济关系体制的逐渐形成意味着国家经济政策空间,即国内政策的范围,特别是贸易、投资和国际发展领域的政 策,如今往往受到国际规章制度、承诺和全球市场因素的约束。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is recognized that the increasing interdependence of national economies [...] in a globalizing [...] world and the emergence of rules-based regimes for international economic relations have meantthatthe space [...]for national economic [...]policy, that is, the scope for domestic policies, especially in the areas of trade, investment and international development, is now often framed by international disciplines, commitments and global market considerations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位的拳打脚踢,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, of punches or kicks to different parts of the body or blows with weapons, as well as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper gas, or suffocation with plastic bags. daccess-ods.un.org |
一名工作人员在以驾驶员身份执行公务期间,以侵略性行动反对另一名工作 人员对他的表现和驾驶技术的评论意见,用拳头猛击他的下巴。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the course of his official duties [...] as a driver, a staff member reacted [...] aggressively to the comments ofanother staff [...]member about his performance and driving [...]abilities, and punched the staff member in the jaw. daccess-ods.un.org |
但若此 UL标志是被永久地标示在成品的元件上,而该元件为另一个工厂所制造的,则此将被视为例外情形,意即此完整标志可不必透过授权标签供应商或是OEM印制,如另一家公司将UL标志直接射出成型在外壳上,但由於此外壳是OEM产品的重要安全元件,且已被特别描述在OEM的UL程序书(Procedure)中,故我们不会要求该射出厂必须加入UL授权标签供应商计画。 ul.com | Since the enclosure is a safety critical component of the OEMs product and uniquely appears in the OEM's UL Procedure, we do not require the molder to be in the UL authorized label suppliers program. ul.com |
Sphelar®之间还可以随意相连,如果用特殊树脂进行封装,就可以变成既透明又柔性的太阳能电池,从而制成任意形状的模块。 kyosemi.co.jp | Sphelar® units can be easily connected with each other, and if sealed [...] in a special plastic, become transparent and flexible solar modules that can be [...] assembledinto variousshapes and forms. kyosemi.co.jp |
暴露于高水平的任意形式汞中都可永久性损伤脑、肾脏及发育 中的胎儿。 zeromercury.org | Exposure to high levels of any types of mercury can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and developing foetus. zeromercury.org |
还特别告诫,虽然以可接受的仲裁条款的例子 [...] 来说明这一规定或许有帮助,但应注意不要将这些例子视为一种标准,今后动 辄就以这些标准来严格评判《规则》中提到的任何同意形式。daccess-ods.un.org | It was also urged that, while illustrating the provision with examples of acceptable arbitration clauses could be helpful, care should be taken that the examples [...] not become regarded as a standard against [...] which any form ofconsent underthe Rules [...]might be strictly judged in future. daccess-ods.un.org |
创新型 K 15 CNC 可灵活而精确地以最高品质印刷任意形状的制品 — 不论是圆形、椭圆形,抑或是方形或平面形,也不论是否带有手柄。 kammann.de | The innovative K 15 CNC flexibly and accurately prints any item shape – round, oval, square, flat and with a handle – in the highest quality. kammann.de |
他写的诗艺术性很强,尤其注意形式美,很受文人雅士的喜爱。 chinesestoryonline.com | The Emperor called Xie Ling Yun's poems and calligraphy the two precious of his state. chinesestoryonline.com |
一旦其部署完毕,即可以任意形式进行销售。 evget.com | Deploy once, sellin manyforms. evget.com |
在一名美国军官 在场的情况下,他被戴上手铐,套上头罩,带到一家警察局,不久后 被送到拉合尔郊外的一个古堡,在那里与来自巴勒斯坦、突尼斯、阿 拉伯叙利比亚民众国和埃及的其他人员关押在一起,遭到拳打脚踢, 电击声和人们的尖叫声不绝于耳。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the presence of an American officer, he was then taken, handcuffed and hooded, to a police station and, shortly afterwards, to an old fortress outside Lahore, where he was held with other men from Palestine, Tunisia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Egypt, and beaten and kicked, and heard electroshocks and people screaming. daccess-ods.un.org |
在选择列表中可以指定任意形式的表达式。 enterprisedb.com | You may specify anyarbitrary expression in [...] the select list. enterprisedb.com |
在层级的 另一端,“完整”型健身房的设备费用大约为 83 500 美元,设施费用大约为 157 300 美元,其中将包括其它物品,如一套完整的健身设备(多功能举重机、成套负重 [...] 锻炼器材、举重器材架、固定运动自行车、划船机、深蹲架、拳击台)和室外篮 球成套器材。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the other end of the scale, a full-size gymnasium kit costing approximately $83,500 for equipment and $157,300 for the facility would include additional items, such as a complete set of gymnasium equipment (multi-purpose weight machine, free weight set, [...] weight rack, stationary exercise bicycles, rowing machines, [...] squat racks and boxing stations) [...]and outdoor basketball sets. daccess-ods.un.org |
林肯的波形控制技术使您能够根据自身需要选择正确的波形——意味着无论使用哪种类型和尺寸的焊丝均能获得最佳的电 弧,从而获得平滑的电弧性能。 lincolnelectric.com.cn | Lincoln’s Waveform Control Technology™ gives you the ability to select the right waveform for each application — that means the arc has been optimized for each wire type and size for exceptionally smooth arc performance. lincolnelectric.com.cn |
四) 开平碉楼是世界先进建筑技术广泛引入中国乡村民间建筑的先锋 [...] [...] 近代中国城镇建筑已经大量采用了国外的建筑材料和建筑技术,开平碉楼作为一种乡土建筑也大量使用了进口水泥、木材、钢筋、玻璃等材料,钢筋混凝土的结构改变了以秦砖汉瓦为主的传统建筑技法,这为更好地发挥它的使用功能,同时又注意形式的变化和美感创造了条件。 chinadiaolou.com | (D) of the Kaiping Watchtower is the world's advanced construction techniques to the introduction of rural vernacular architecture in China pioneer of modern Chinese urban construction has been extensive use of foreign building materials and construction techniques, Kaiping towers as a kind of vernacular architecture is also extensive use of imported cement, wood, steel, glass and other materials, reinforced concrete structure has changed to Qin brick tile-based traditional building techniques, [...] it is better to play it using the function [...] but also payattention to changes in form and beauty to [...]create the conditions. chinadiaolou.com |