单词 | 远端胞浆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 远端胞浆 —distal cytoplasmSee also:远端 v—remote v 远端 adj—distal adj • distant adj 远端—remote end • far end 胞浆—cytoplasm 远端 adv—remotely adv
它注意到战争、恐怖主义和极端主义 导致暴力和动荡,表示希望,除其他 外,阿富汗将在不远的将 来有能力应对这些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted that war, terrorism and extremism produced violence and insecurity and expressed the hope that, inter alia, Afghanistan would be able to cope with these problems in the near future. daccess-ods.un.org |
將網路 纜線另一端插入牆上的網路連接埠。 lifesize.com | Insert the opposite end of the network [...] cable into a network port on the wall. lifesize.com |
七)对外直接投资的人远端气道及(h)正是相关的H&E组织学与黑色的墨痕,可见上呼吸道上皮 细 胞 ( 星 号)。 jove.com | (g) OFDI of human distal airway and (h) precisely correlated H&E histology with black ink marks visible on respiratory epithelium (asterisks). jove.com |
在海的远端,您 会发现一座岛屿,这里河流平静蜿蜒、湖泊与运河风景如画,最适合独木舟、行船和游泳。 discoverireland.com | Beyond the sea, you’ll find an [...] island rich with tranquil waterways with meandering rivers, picturesque canals and peaceful [...]lakes – perfect places to canoe, sail and swim. discoverireland.com |
常规的抗体或者是完整大小的抗体是被称为免疫球蛋白的糖蛋白,其 是 浆 细 胞 对 外来分子或者抗原反应后产生的。 labome.cn | Conventional or full size antibodies are glycoproteins called immunoglobulins that are produced by plasma cells in response to a foreign molecule or immunogen. labome.com |
而多发性骨髓瘤患者体内,恶性浆细 胞 的 生 长和分化不受调控,导致了大量单一类型的免疫球蛋白生成。 labtestsonline.org.cn | In patients with multiple myeloma, the uncontrolled growth and division of a malignant plasma cell leads to the production of large amounts of a single type of immunoglobulin. labtestsonline.org.br |
这种泵可满足多种应用的需要,例如 远 程 渣 浆 管 道 运输、矿井疏干和回填、蒸压器、反应堆和蒸炼器进料、气化炉进料以及高密度尾矿处理。 zs.weirminerals.com | The pumps handle a wide range of applications [...] such as long-distance slurry pipeline transport, [...]mine dewatering and backfill, autoclave, [...]reactor and digester feed, gasifier feed and high density tailings disposal. weirminerals.com |
与单腔扩 [...] 张器的功能相同,它还可以用于动脉切开术中的导管鞘插入以及解剖过程中的导管 鞘 远端 与 近 端重置。 endologix.com | It may also be used for purposes of repositioning the [...] introducer sheath distally or proximally within the [...]anatomy. endologix.com |
本校医学院细胞生物学讲座生物化学专攻的武藤哲彦讲师、五十岚和彦教授的研究小组,与本校国际高等研究教育机构、广岛大学原子弹放射线医学研究所等小组合作,把转录因子Bach2和Blimp-1基因结合,发现通过控制这一结合能抑 制 浆 细 胞 的 分化和抗体的产生。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Kazuhiko Igarashi and Senior Assistant Professor Akihiko Muto at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine discovered that Bach2, a transcription factor, represses Blimp-1gene to inhibit plasma cell differentiation and to promote antibody class switch. tohoku.ac.jp |
世界各国领导人保证不遗余力地把我 们的男、女和儿童同胞,从极端贫困的悲惨和非人化 条件下解放出来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world’s leaders promised to [...] spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and [...] dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
信号由传感器生成,先进的电子时钟测量信号从螺栓或螺 柱 远端 反 射 之后返回传感器花费的时间。 hydratight.com | The signal is generated by a transducer and an advanced [...] electronic clock measures the time taken to return to the transducer after [...] reflection from the far end of the bolt or stud. hydratight.com |
服务器是以客户端对服务器端调用的返回结果的形式调用客 户 端远 程 函 数的。 evget.com | Client-side remote functions are functions which server can call on [...] the client-side as a result of client's calls to a server-side [...]function. evget.com |
(iii) 生物样本:任何含有核酸并包含个人特有基因构成的生物物质(如血液、皮肤和 骨细胞或血浆)的样本。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (iii) Biological samples: Any sample of biological material (for example blood, skin and bone cells or blood plasma) in which nucleic acids are present and which contains the characteristic genetic make-up of an individual. unesdoc.unesco.org |
严重中风病人的组织胞浆 索原 的活化计管理后的空中医疗运输安全. medevacfoundation.org | Safety of air medical transportation after tissue [...] plasminogen activator administration [...]in acute ischemic stroke. medevacfoundation.org |
抗体是由浆细胞产生 的,对保护身体不受细菌,病毒等的侵入起着重要的作用。 tohoku.ac.jp | Antibodies [...] are secreted from plasma cells and play [...]an important role to protect the body against bacteria and viruses. tohoku.ac.jp |
由于治疗手段较少,所以发生FLT3变异的急性髓 细 胞 白 血 病患 者 远 未 得 到有效治疗。 tipschina.gov.cn | Patients with FLT3 mutated AML represent an area of high unmet need because there are few treatment options. tipschina.gov.cn |
將電源線的一端插入 電源配接器,並將另 一 端 插 入牆上的電源插座。 lifesize.com | Insert one end of the power cord into the power adapter and the opposite end into a power [...] outlet on the wall. lifesize.com |
防火牆重新導向牽涉到架構用戶端的 防 火牆 以支援HTTP 重新導向至網絡安全雲端服務 基礎架構。 symanteccloud.com | Firewall redirection involves configuring the client’s firewall to support HTTP redirection to the Web Security.cloud service infrastructure. symanteccloud.com |
全球许多远距离浆料管 道都依靠伟尔矿业部的重型泵来运行。 zs.weirminerals.com | Numerous long distance slurry pipelines world-wide [...] rely on Weir Minerals division heavy duty pumps. weirminerals.com |
如果没有最大限度地压平远端,或者充气罩囊 内有空气,则应对充气罩囊再次进行部分充气 [...] 并重复相关步骤。 vitaid.com | If the distal end is not maximally [...] flattened or there is evidence of air in the cuff, partially re-inflate the cuff and repeat the procedure. vitaid.com |
胞 质中分泌颗粒分为四种,细胞基部的颗粒电子密度很高,中部有巨大颗粒,近 细 胞 游 离 端 的 大、中、小分泌颗粒可连同胞质一起排放入腺管腔。 actazool.org | There were four kinds of secretory granules in the cytoplasma granules high electron density in the base of cell, macro granules in the middle, large and small granules which could release into [...] glandulous tube together with cytoplasma near [...] by the free end; skein cells were simillar [...]to triangle and there are blood cells [...]and capillary cave seen in the hepatical interstice. actazool.org |
浆细胞由B淋 巴细胞分化形成,转录因子Blimp-1促 进 浆 细 胞 的 分 化。 tohoku.ac.jp | Plasma cells differentiate from B-lymphocytes promoted by Blimp-1, a master regulatory factor. tohoku.ac.jp |
离腺皮层远的腺细胞体电子密度高并含有与腺皮层相应的典型分泌颗粒,而靠近腺皮层的腺细胞体电子密度低,所含分泌颗粒较少。 actazool.org | Glandular cell bodies which are distant from the glandular tegument are much more electron-dense and contain typical secretory granules of the tegument proper, while the cell bodies near the glandular tegument are less electron-dense and contain fewer secretory granules. actazool.org |
核前端几乎无细胞质存 在,核膜紧密靠近 细 胞 质 膜 ,而在核的 后 端 有 少量 细 胞 质 存 在。 actazool.org | At the caudal-lateral end of the nucleus there is a shallow nuclear fossa, which partly holds the centriolar complex. actazool.org |
隨著網絡功能的相機,無線聯網設備,如固定連接的擴散F我點,房間溫度控制器,火災報警系統報警和Zugangscontrollsystemen 提供終端 永久 安裝牆壁安裝智能替代堵塞RJ45解決方案的。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With the proliferation of networked devices such as fixed connection in network-enabled cameras, WiFi-spots, room temperature controllers, fire alarm [...] systems or alarm and Zugangscontrollsystemen [...] provides the terminal for permanently [...]installed wall mounted an intelligent alternative to plug RJ45 solution. en.developmentscout.com |