

单词 安格尔

See also:


erg (physics) (loanword)

External sources (not reviewed)

这些店铺 与国王所规定的风格一致,即所谓的马克西米利安风格: 该风格的基础安 格尔萨克 森式的新哥特风格,集各历史时期的精华,与现代建筑融为一体。
In their work, the architects had to adhere to a style dictated by the King, the so-called Maximilian style: based on the Anglo-Saxon neoGothic style, the best aspects from all historic art eras were to be combined with modern construction techniques.
安格拉•默克尔 (Angela Merkel)  已放弃核能,扼杀了形成欧洲能源政策的可能性。
Chancellor Angela Merkel has given up on nuclear energy, killing the possibility of a European energy policy.
特别是,德国总安格拉·默克尔提议 成立俄罗斯-欧洲联盟外交政策和安全问题委员会, 这将使莫斯科与布鲁塞尔的合作提升到一个全新水 平。
In particular, German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed the establishment [...]
of a Russia-European Union committee on foreign
policy and security issues that would raise cooperation between Moscow and Brussels to a completely new level.
在德国总安格拉·默克尔女士 (Angela Merkel)和普京总统(Wladimir Putin)以及经济部长罗斯勒(Rösler)之外共有11名德国企业家以及11名俄罗斯企业家参加了这次于克林姆林宫亚历山大大厅举行的座谈活动。
Besides the Federal Chancellor Merkel, President Vladimir Putin and Minister of Economic Affairs Rösler, 11 German and 11 Russian entrepreneurs took part in the talks held in the Alexander Hall of the Kremlin.
西门子、大众汽车等德国大型Dax上市企业代表以及宝华集团等大中型家族企业代表于2012年11月16日应德国总 安格 拉 ·默 克 尔 女 士 (Angela Merkel)之邀请参加了在德国—俄罗斯政府协商会议框架内举行的企业家座谈活动。
Besides the representatives of major DAX-listed companies such as Siemens and Volkswagen, on 16 November 2012, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel had also invited representatives of leading medium-sized family businesses such as BAUER to the business talks held within the scope of the German-Russian government consultations.
此外,塞尔维亚共和 国负责战争罪行的检察官办公室、内务部揭露战争罪行办公室、国家安全委员 会、外交部、司法部安全信息局、 尔格 莱 德 地方法院负责战争罪行的委员会 及证人保护股在与国际法庭合作上发挥重要作用,证人保护股设立在内务部揭露 战争罪行办公室内。
Furthermore, the Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes of the Republic of Serbia, the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Disclosing War Crimes, the National Security Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Security-Information Agency, the War Crimes Council of the District Court of Belgrade and the Witness Protection Unit have an important role relating to the cooperation with the Tribunal, which was established within the Office for Disclosing War Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
安全理事会通过了一项主席声明 S/PRST/2008/44,对秘书长的报告表示欢 迎,并指出,考虑到尔格莱德 和普里什蒂纳双方在各自声明中表明的对该报告 的立场,对“它们打算与国际社会合作”表示欢迎。
The Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2008/44), in which it welcomed the report and stated that, taking into account the positions of Belgrade and [...]
Pristina on the report
which were reflected in their respective statements, it welcomed their intentions to cooperate with the international community.
另一方面,安理会虽然未能就 2007 年
3 月提交的阿赫蒂萨里报告达成决定,
[...] 但鼓励努力对各方进行调解,尤其是当时安理会决定于 2007 年 4 月派遣一个安理会 成员组成、由比利时代表约翰·韦贝克率领的代表团前往 尔格 莱 德和普 里什蒂纳(2007 年 4 月 20 日,S/2007/220),并支持由联络小组建立的“三驾马 [...]
2007 年 7 月至 12 月以来)。
On the other hand, although unable to reach a decision on the Ahtisaari report, referred to it in March 2007, the Council nevertheless encouraged attempts at mediation between the Parties, in particular when it
decided to send a
[...] mission, made up of members of the Council and led by Johan C. Verbeke, representative of Belgium, to Belgrade and Pristina, [...]
in April 2007 (S/2007/220
of 20 April 2007), and when it supported the attempts by the troika (made up of the European Union, United States and Russia) created by the Contact Group to reconcile the two Parties (from July to December 2007).
[...] 继续为联索政治处提供支助服务,包括提供安全无线电室,签发索马里 身份证,进安保和安全培 训,提供联合国在摩加迪沙、 尔格 萨 和加 罗韦的医疗诊所的服务,提供与东道国事项有关的服务以及在东道国当 局进行车辆登记(A/64/349/Add.3,第 [...]
87 段)。
The country offices of UNDP for Somalia and Kenya would continue to provide support services to
UNPOS with respect to security radio rooms, the issuance of identification cards for Somalia,
[...] security and safety training, access to United Nations dispensaries in Mogadishu, Hargeisa and Garowe, [...]
the servicing of host
country matters and the registration of motor vehicles with the host countries (A/64/349/Add.3, para. 87).
还向 秘书长特别代表兼联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)团长埃德蒙德·穆莱特先 生、秘书长副特别代表兼联合国系统在海地的驻地协调员和人道主义协调员格 尔·费希 尔先生、他们的干练团队以及整个联合国国家工作队在此次访问期间给 予的大力支持以及他们在为小安排 的 多次会议中提供的宝贵资料和分析,表示 诚挚感谢。
Sincere thanks go also to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Edmond Mulet; the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for the
United Nations system in Haiti, Nigel Fisher; and their able team, as well as the whole United Nations country team, for their excellent support during the visit and for the valuable information and analysis provided during the numerous meetings organized for the Group.
尽管反对国 际干预科索沃,而且中国驻尔格莱 德 大使馆遭 到轰炸,中国仍然支持安理会在科索沃的各项 行动,包括强制实现和平行动(见第四部分 B 小 节)。
Despite its opposition to intervention in Kosovo and damage to its embassy in Belgrade, China has supported every operation in Kosovo since, including peace enforcement operations (see Section IV.B).
后来又安道尔、安哥拉、安提瓜和巴布达、 孟加拉国、玻利维亚、巴西、布基纳法索、布隆迪、柬埔寨、加拿大、中非共和 国、刚果、多米尼克、厄瓜多尔、厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比亚、斐济 格 鲁 吉格林纳 达、圭亚那、冰岛、列支敦士登、马拉维、尼加拉瓜、菲律宾、卢旺达、 圣马力诺、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、斯威士兰、多哥、土耳其和赞比亚加入为该 决议草案提案国。
Subsequently, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, the Central African Republic, the Congo, Dominica, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Grenada, Guyana, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Rwanda, San Marino, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland, Togo, Turkey and Zambia joined in sponsoring the draft resolution.
委员会在5月17日第1 次会议上获悉副主席格尔·安赫尔 ·阿尔科恩先 生( 萨尔瓦多) [...]
16. At its 1st meeting, on 17 May, the Commission was informed that the
[...] Vice-Chair, Mr. Miguel Angel Alcaine (El [...]
Salvador) was unable to carry out his duties.
2009 年 8 月 15 日至 2011 年 7 月 1 日,秘书长收到以下缔约国的报告(其中 很多是合并报告):安道尔、安哥拉、奥地利、孟加拉国、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑 塞哥维那、巴西、保加利亚、柬埔寨、佛得角、乍得、智利、刚果、哥斯达黎加、 科特迪瓦(初次报告)、古巴、塞浦路斯、吉布提(初次报告)、赤道几内亚、希腊格林纳 达(初次报告)、圭亚那、印度尼西亚、意大利、牙买加、约旦、科威特、 莱索托、毛里求斯、墨西哥、黑山(初次报告)、尼泊尔、新西兰、挪威、阿曼(初 次报告)、巴基斯坦、巴拉圭、秘鲁、大韩民国、萨摩亚、塞尔维亚、斯里兰卡、 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、土耳其、土库曼斯坦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰 联合王国、赞比亚和津巴布韦。
Between 15 August 2009 and 1 July 2011, the Secretary-General received the reports (many of which
are combined
[...] reports) from the following States parties: Andorra, Angola, Austria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire (initial report), Cuba, Cyprus, Djibouti (initial report), Equatorial Guinea, Greece, Grenada (initial report), Guyana, Indonesia, Italy, [...]
Jamaica, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mexico, Montenegro (initial report), Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Oman (initial report), Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Serbia, Sri Lanka, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
主席(以法语发言):我现在请萨尔瓦多全国青年 理事会执行主任格尔·安赫尔 ·佩雷拉先生发言。
The President( spoke in French
): I now give the
[...] floor to Mr. Miguel Angel Pereira, Executive Director of the National Council of Youth of El Salvador.
后来又安道尔、安提瓜 和巴布达、伯利兹、巴西、克罗地 亚、丹麦、多米尼克、希腊格林纳 达、圭亚那、意大利、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉 斯斯坦、蒙古、莫桑比克、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共 和国和多哥加入为该决议草案提案国。
Subsequently, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Dominica, Greece, Grenada, Guyana, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, [...]
Mongolia, Mozambique,
Romania, Serbia, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Togo joined in sponsoring the draft resolution.
秘书长在其报告(S/2009/149)中认为安全局势 稳定,当地未发生重安全事件,并且他适当地认为 普里什蒂纳和尔格莱德 以及所有国际利益攸关者 均应为此受到赞扬。
In his report (S/2009/149), the
[...] describes the security situation as stable and without major security incidents, and he appropriate lists both Pristina and Belgrade, together [...]
with all international
stakeholders, as deserving praise for this.
在教科文组织、国际刑警组织和法语国家政府间机构的帮助下,埃及的 格尔 大 学 于 2001 年 12 月出版了《非洲的权利与财产》一书和光盘,该书收录了下列国家部分现行文化 遗产法规汇编:阿尔及利亚安哥拉 、博茨瓦纳、布基纳法索、布隆迪、喀麦隆、乍得、科 摩罗、刚果、科特迪瓦、民主刚果共和国、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、冈比亚、加纳、几内 亚、肯尼亚、莱索托、利比里亚、利比亚、马达加斯加、马拉维、马里、摩洛哥、毛里斯、 毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔、尼日利亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、塞舌尔、南非、苏丹、斯威士兰、坦 桑尼亚、多哥、突尼斯、乌干达、赞比亚和津巴布韦。
The University of Senghor in Egypt, with assistance from UNESCO, UNIDROIT and the Agence intergouvernmentale de la francophonie, published in December 2001 a book and CD-Rom “droit et Patrimoine en Afrique” which is a compilation of selected, current cultural heritage legislation of the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Burkina [...]
Faso, Burundi, Cameroon,
Chad, Comores, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Maurice, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
此外 ,将在尔格拉和贝沙尔安装印 刷机,改善阿尔及利亚南部报纸的分发。
In addition, printing presses will be installed in Ouargla and Bechar to improve distribution of the press in southern Algeria.
如备忘录第 3 段及有关发言所述,截至全权证书委员会开会之时,备忘录第 1 和第 2 段未提及的下列 46 个国家尚未将本国代表的任何资料送交会议秘书长安道尔、安哥拉 、阿塞拜疆、不丹、玻利维亚、布隆迪、佛得角、中非共和国、 乍得、科摩罗、库克群岛、古巴、多米尼克、赤道几内亚、厄立特里亚、斐济格鲁吉 亚、几内亚、几内亚比绍、海地、基里巴斯、科威特、吉尔吉斯斯坦、利 比里亚、马拉维、马尔代夫、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚、摩纳哥、莫桑比克、 缅甸、瑙鲁、尼加拉瓜、纽埃、帕劳、卡塔尔、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣多美和普林 西比、塞舌尔、索马里、苏里南、东帝汶、突尼斯、图瓦卢、乌兹别克斯坦、瓦 努阿图。
As indicated in paragraph 3 of the memorandum, of the States not already mentioned in paragraphs 1 or 2 of the memorandum, the following 46 States had not, as of the time of the meeting of the Credentials Committee, communicated to the Secretary-General of the Conference any information regarding their representatives: Andorra, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cook Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Fiji, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Monaco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, Nicaragua, Niue, Palau, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Somalia, Suriname, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan and Vanuatu.
应主席邀请,温克尔女士 (奥地利)、托瓦先生 (巴西)、安格洛夫 先生(保加利亚)、普伦基特先 生(加拿大)、亚特米科先生(印度尼西亚)和安索 拉·帕德龙女士(委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国)担任 计票人。
At the invitation of the President, Ms. Winkler (Austria), Mr. Toba (Brazil), Mr. Angelov (Bulgaria), Mr. Plunkett (Canada), Mr. Jatmiko (Indonesia) and Ms. Anzola Padrón (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) acted as tellers.
我也关切她的健康,以及西班牙外交部长 格尔 · 安 赫 尔·莫拉蒂诺斯·库亚乌 百和摩洛哥外交部长法西·费赫里之间日益紧张的关系,我曾会晤摩洛哥外交部 [...]
I shared my concern about her health and the rising
tensions with the Minister for Foreign
[...] Affairs of Spain, Miguel Ángel Moratinos [...]
Cuyaubé, and with the Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Morocco, Mr. Fassi-Fihri, with whom I met to urge Morocco to resolve this situation.
在这 方面,我要赞赏并感谢墨西哥国家青年研究所所长格尔·安赫尔 ·卡雷昂·桑切斯先生同我一道主持讨 论。
In this regard, I would like to
[...] acknowledge and thank Mr. Miguel Ángel Carreón Sánchez, [...]
Director of the National Institute
of Youth of Mexico, for co-facilitating the discussion with me.
在辩论过程中,安理会成员认为,就联苏特派团和 尔 富 尔 混 合 行动而言, 在南苏丹宣布独立之前必须紧迫解决一些关键问题,包括公民 格 、 安 全 、 财富 和资产共享安排和资格。
During the debates, Council members were of the view that, in the case of
[...] several crucial issues, including citizenship, security, wealth- and asset-sharing arrangements and eligibility, must be resolved on an urgent basis before [...]
South Sudan proclaimed its independence.
委员会现任成员如下:亚历山大·塔戈雷·梅德罗斯·德阿尔布克尔克(巴 西);奥斯瓦尔多·佩德罗·阿斯蒂斯(阿根廷);劳伦斯·福拉吉米·阿沃西卡(尼 日利亚);哈拉尔·布雷克(挪威);加洛·卡雷拉·乌尔塔多(墨西哥);弗朗西 斯·查尔斯(特立尼达和多巴哥);彼得·克罗克(爱尔兰);因杜拉尔·法古尼(毛 里求斯);米哈伊·西尔维乌·格尔曼 (罗 马尼亚);阿布·巴卡尔·贝希里(马来 西亚);乔治·焦什维利(格鲁吉亚);埃马纽埃尔·卡尔恩吉(喀麦隆);尤里·鲍 里索维奇·卡兹明(俄罗斯联邦);吕文正(中国);伊萨克·奥乌苏·奥杜罗(加 纳);朴永安(大韩民国);费尔南多·曼弗雷多(葡萄牙);西瓦拉马克里什南·拉 詹(印度);迈尔·安塞尔姆·马 克·罗塞特(塞舌尔);菲利普·亚历山大·西 蒙兹(澳大利亚);卜部哲郎(日本)。
The current members of the Commission are as follows: Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de Albuquerque (Brazil); Osvaldo Pedro Astiz (Argentina); Lawrence Folajimi Awosika (Nigeria); Harald Brekke (Norway); Galo Carrera Hurtado (Mexico); Francis L. Charles (Trinidad and Tobago); Peter F. Croker (Ireland); Indurlall Fagoonee (Mauritius); Mihai Silviu German (Romania); Abu Bakar Jaafar (Malaysia); George Jaoshvili (Georgia); Emmanuel Kalngui (Cameroon); Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin (Russian Federation); Wenzheng Lu (China); Isaac Owusu Oduro (Ghana); Yong-ahn Park (Republic of Korea); Fernando Manuel Maia Pimentel (Portugal); Sivaramakrishnan Rajan (India); Michael Anselme Marc Rosette (Seychelles); Philip Alexander Symonds (Australia); and Tetsuro Urabe (Japan).
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米 [...]
尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔
多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国、土耳其、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, [...]
Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China,
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.
[...] 卜杜拉齐兹(美利坚合众国)、尼尔斯· 霍 尔格 · 安 德 斯(德国)、托马斯·比夫沃 利(肯尼亚)和巴拉科亚纳·谢利莱(莱索托)。
The Secretary-General initially appointed the following four experts to serve during the current mandate on the Panel:
Abdelaziz Abdelaziz (United States of
[...] America), Nils Holger Anders (Germany), Thomas [...]
W. Bifwoli (Kenya) and Bahlakoana Shelile (Lesotho).




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