

单词 交易日

交易日 ()

working day (in banking, share trading)

日交易 noun ()

day trading n

See also:

交易 n

trading n
transaction n
trade n
transactions pl
deal n
bargain n

交易 pl

deals pl
dealings pl

交易 v

trade v
deal v


(business) transaction
business deal

External sources (not reviewed)

所持各股份佔總資產淨值的價值是 交易日 的 價 值計算。
The value of each holding as a percentage of the total net asset
[...] value is accounted for on the trade day.
按照一般市場規定或慣例須在一定期間內交付資產之財務資產買賣(常規買賣),須 交易日 (即子基金承諾購買或出售該財務資產之日期)確認。
Purchases or sales of financial assets that require delivery of assets within the time frame generally established by regulation or
convention in the marketplace (regular way trades) are
[...] recognised on the trade date, i.e., the [...]
date that the Sub-Fund commits
to purchase or sell the financial asset.
潛 在 標 的 股 票 的 授 予 價 格 為 屆 時 授 予 激 勵 對 象 預 留 標 的 股 票 的 相 關 董 事 會 會 議 召 開 之 日 前 一交 易 日,本 公 司A 股 股 票 在 深 圳 證 券 交 易 所 的 收 市 價。
The subscription price for the Potential Awarded Shares will be calculated on the same basis of the Awarded Shares as described above.
收 購 成 本 按 所 支 付 的 資 產、發 行 的 權 益 工 具 以 及
[...] 發 生 或 所 承 擔 的 負 債交 易 日 的 公 允 價 值 總 值,再 加 [...]
上 直 接 歸 屬 於 收 購 活 動 的 成 本 計 量。
The cost of the acquisition is measured at the aggregate of the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments
issued and liabilities incurred or
[...] assumed at the date of exchange, plus costs directly [...]
attributable to the acquisition.
大唐認購價較(i)股份於二零一零年八月十三日(即緊接大唐認購協議簽立前最 後一個完交易日)在 聯交所所報收市價每股0.55港元折讓約5.77%;(ii)股份截至 二零一零年八月十三日(包括該日)止五個連 交易日 在 聯 交所所報平均收市價每 股約0.558港元折讓約7.31%;及(iii)股份截至二零一零年八月十三日(包括該日) 止十個連交易日在聯交所所報平均收市價每股約0.55港元折讓約5.77%。
The Datang Subscription Price represents (i) a discount of approximately 5.77% to the closing price of HK$0.55
per Share as quoted
[...] on the Stock Exchange on 13 August, 2010, being the last full trading day immediately before the execution of the Datang Subscription Agreement; (ii) a discount of approximately 7.31% to the average closing prices of approximately HK$0.558 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the last five consecutive trading days up to and including 13 August, 2010; and (iii) a discount of approximately 5.77% to the average closing prices of approximately HK$0.55 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the last ten consecutive trading days up to and including [...]
13 August, 2010.
在规制交易市场(例如证券交易所)内,收 购上市公司股票导致投票权的改变,应交 易日起的六个交易日内按 上述要求发出的通 知。
In the case of a change resulting from the acquisition of shares of a public company in a transaction on a
regulated market (e.g. a stock exchange), the above mentioned requirement is due no
[...] later than within six trading days from the transaction date.
購股權之行使價由董事釐定,惟不可低於 (i) 本公司股份於授出購股權日期(該日必須 交易日) 在 聯交所每日報價表上所報之收市價;(ii) 本公司股份於緊接授出購股權日期前五 交易日 在 聯交 所每日報價表上所報之平均收市價;及 (iii) 本公司股份之面值(以最高者為準)。
The exercise price of the share options is determinable by the directors, but may not be less than the higher of (i) the closing price of the
Company's shares as stated
[...] in the Stock Exchange's daily quotations sheet on the date of grant of the share options, which must be a trading day; (ii) the average closing price of the Company’s shares as stated in the Stock Exchange's daily quotations sheets for the five trading days immediately preceding [...]
the date of grant
of the share options; and (iii) the nominal value of the Company's shares.
交易日和付 款日往往不一样,因此,在每一种方法下,它们 的会计处理也是不一样的。
Transaction and payment dates often do not [...]
agree and their accounting treatment is therefore different under each method.
按照於二零一一年九月二十八日(亦即股份在聯交所暫停買賣前最後一 交易日 ) 的 股 份收市價每股0.161港元(相當於新股份每股16.1港元),假設股本重組已經生效而股份亦已 於聯交所恢復買賣,新股份每手5,000股的價值將為80,500港元。
Based on the closing price of HK$0.161 per Share (equivalent to HK$16.1 per New Share) as at
28 September 2011,
[...] being the last trading day before suspension of trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange, the value of [...]
each board lot of 5,000
New Shares, assuming the Capital Reorganisation had already been effective and the trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange had been resumed, would be HK$80,500.
購 股 權 可 以 由 董 事 會 釐 定 之 行 使 價 予以行 使 , 並 知 會 合 資 格 人 士( 可 按 新 購 股 權 計 劃 之 規 則 及 上 市 規 則 之任何修 改 作 出 調 整 ), 行 使 價 於 任 何 時 間 不 得 低 於 一 股股份之面 值 , 並 應 至 少 為 下 列 中之較 高 者 : (i) 股
份 於 授 出 日 期 在 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 列 之 官 方收市 價 ; 及 (ii)
[...] 於 緊 接授出 日 期 前 五交 易 日 在 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 [...]
列 股 份之官 方收市 價 之 平 均 值 。
Options may be granted at an initial payment of HK$1.00 for each acceptance of grant of Option(s) and can be exercised at an exercise price determined by the Board and notified to an Eligible Person (subject to adjustments as provided in the rules of the New Option Scheme and any amendments to the Listing Rules and shall at all times not be lower than the nominal value of a Share) and shall be at least the higher of (i) the official closing price of the Shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotations sheet on the Offer Date; and (ii) the average of the official
closing prices of the Shares as
[...] stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotations [...]
sheets for 5 Business Days immediately preceding the Offer Date.
由於土地文件會交易日後30 天內送交本處註冊,以上的註冊數字 一般顯示對上一個月的物業交易數字。
As deeds may not be lodged with the Land Registry
[...] until up to 30 days after the transaction, these statistics [...]
generally relate to land transactions in the previous month.
履行机构注意到秘书处关于国 交易日 志 预 算详情的说明,并请执行秘书 通过进一步澄清与合同和顾问有关的开支,以及在以后的概算中更详细地分列这 些费用,继续提高国交易日志方 案概算中所报告项目的透明度。
The SBI took note of the presentation by the
secretariat on the details of
[...] the budget for the ITL, and requested the Executive Secretary to continue to improve transparency for the items reported in the ITL programme budget proposal by further clarifying expenditures related to contracts and consultants [...]
and to further disaggregate
these costs in subsequent budget proposals.
管理費 基金經理有權向子基金按年收取管理費,該費用按子基金下每個類別可贖回基金單位的持有人應佔資產 淨值的 1.2%(A 類基金單位)及 0.8%(I 類基金單位)於每交易日計算 及累算(合共最高達總計每年 2.5%,須向基金單位持有人發出不少於一個月的事先通知),並每月支付上月應付費用。
The Manager is entitled to receive, on an annual basis, a management fee from the Sub-Fund, at a rate of 1.2% for Class A units and 0.8% for Class I units (up to maximum of 2.5% per annum in total on giving not less than one month’s prior notice to the unitholders) per annum with respect to the net assets attributable to holders of redeemable units of each class of the Sub-Fund calculated and accrued on each dealing day and are paid monthly in arrears.
背景:在第 12/CMP.1 号决定中,《议定书》/ 《公约》缔约方会议请履行
[...] 机构在未来届会上审议《京都议定书》之下国 交易日 志 管 理人的年度报告,以 期提请《议定书》/ [...]
《公约》缔约方会议就登记册系统的运作提供必要的指导意 见。
Background: The CMP, by decision 12/CMP.1, requested the SBI to consider, at its future sessions, the
annual reports of the administrator of the
[...] international transaction log (ITL), with [...]
a view to requesting the CMP to provide
guidance, as necessary, in relation to the operation of registry systems.
購買或出 售金融資產時,採交易日會計處理。
The purchase or sale of the financial instruments is recognized and
[...] derecognized using trade date accounting.
关于互联网上的文化财交易日益明 显的问题,教科文组织正在与国际刑警组织和国际博物馆 理事会积极开展合作,并参加了一个专家小组,该小组正在起草一封致相关会员国“关于与在互联 [...]
UNESCO was actively cooperating with Interpol and ICOM on
[...] the increasingly visible problem of the trade of cultural property [...]
on the Internet and,
among others, participates in an expert group currently elaborating a draft “Letter on Basic Actions concerning the Sale of Cultural Objects on the Internet”, to be addressed to respective Member States.
行使價由董事局決定,惟不得少於授出日之收市價或授出日前五交易日的平 均收市價或本公司股票面值,以較高者為準。
The exercise price is determined by the Board of Directors and will not be less than the higher of the closing price of the Company’s shares on the date of grant,
or the average closing price of the
[...] shares for the five trading days immediately preceding [...]
the date of grant, or the nominal
value of a share of the Company.
L 為認可商人銀行或本公司當時的核數師真誠釐 定的一股普通股應佔資本分派部份於有關公佈 日期或(視乎情況而定)緊接資本分派記錄日期交易日的公平市值。
L is the fair market value on the date of such announcement or (as the ease may require) the Dealing Day immediately preceding the Record Date for the Capital Distribution, as determined in good faith by an approved merchant bank or the auditors for the time being of the Company of the portion of the Capital Distribution which is attributable to one Ordinary Share.
除美元外的其他货币的所有支出均 交易日 联 合 国实行的汇率换算成美元。
All expenditure in currencies other than US Dollars is translated at the UN Operational Rate of exchange in
[...] effect at the date of the transaction.
此類情況下,公平值測量 乃基於對相交易日期或 報告期結束時可能交易的資產及負債的金 [...]
In such instances, fair value measurements are estimated based on the amounts for which the assets and
[...] liabilities could be exchanged at the relevant [...]
transaction date or reporting
period end, and are therefore not necessarily reflective of the likely cashflow upon actual settlements.
(i) 由採取該等措施交易日期起,本公司須按照本章程細則條文設置及於其後 (在本章程細則規定規限下)維持儲備(「認購權儲備」),金額於任何時間不 [...]
得低於當時須撥充資本及用以繳足根據本(a)段第(iii)分段於所有尚未行使認 購權獲全面行使時須按入賬列作繳足方式將予發行及配發之額外股份面值之
(i) as from the date of such act or transaction the Company shall [...]
establish and thereafter (subject as provided in this
Article) maintain in accordance with the provisions of this Article a reserve (the "Subscription Rights Reserve") the amount of which shall at no time be less than the sum which for the time being would be required to be capitalised and applied in paying up in full the nominal amount of the additional shares required to be issued and allotted credited as fully paid pursuant to sub-paragraph (iii) of this paragraph (a) on the exercise in full of all the subscription rights outstanding and shall apply the Subscription Rights Reserve in paying up such additional shares in full as and when the same are allotted
就於聯交所買賣的本地股份而發行的牛熊證而言,到期時結算價乃按掛鈎股份於牛熊證到期前 的一交易日的收市價計算。
For CBBCs issued on a local stock traded on the Exchange, the settlement price
at expiry is calculated based on the closing price of the
[...] underlying stock on the trading day before expiry [...]
of the CBBCs.
根據合約(有關條款規定須於相關市場制訂之時限內交付該項投資 )購買或出售金融資產時,金融資產會 交易日 確 認 或終止確認。
Financial assets are recognised and derecognised on trade date where the purchase or sale of a financial asset is under a contract whose terms require delivery of the investment within the timeframe established by the market concerned.
金融資產最初交易日期的 公平值確認,包括(如為 並非以公平值計量且其變動計入損益的金融工具)直接計入交易成 本。
Financial assets are initially recognised at
[...] fair value on the trade date, including, in [...]
the case of instruments not recorded
at fair value through profit or loss, directly attributable transaction costs.
關於美元兌人民幣(香港)期貨合約,證監會建議所有合 約月合計的持倉限額訂為8
[...] 000份好倉或淡倉的淨額合約,但現 貨月合約在最後5個交易日的限額則訂為2 000份未平倉合約;此 外,大額未平倉合約申報水平訂為任何一個合約月500份未平倉 [...]
SFC proposes to set a position limit of 8 000 net long or short contracts for all contract months combined except that
the limit for the spot month
[...] contract during the last 5 trading days is set at 2 000 [...]
open contracts, and the LOP reporting
level at 500 open contracts for any one contract month for the USD/CNH futures contract.
(iv) 股份於截至最後實際可行日期(包括該日)止最後五 交易日 在 聯 交所所報之平均收市 價每股股份0.287港元折讓約7.67%。
(iv) a discount of approximately 7.67% to the average closing price of
HK$0.287 per Share as quoted
[...] on the Stock Exchange for the last five trading days ended on and [...]
including the Latest Practicable Date.
由董事會釐定,惟該價格必須至少為下列各項的較高者:(i) 股份於授出購股權日期(須交易日 ) 於 香港聯交 所每日報價表所報普通股的收市價;(ii) [...]
緊接授出日期前五個營業日股份於香港聯交所每日報價表所報普通股 的收市價平均數;及 (iii) 一股普通股的面值。
Determined by the Board but shall not be less than the highest of (i) the closing price of the ordinary shares as stated in the HKSE daily quotation
sheets on the date of grant of
[...] options, which must be a trading day; (ii) the average [...]
closing price of the ordinary shares
as stated in the HKSE daily quotation sheets for the five business days immediately preceding the date of grant of options; and (iii) the nominal value of an ordinary share.
平 均 每 日 成 交 量 乃 根 據 月 ╱ 期 內 總 成 交 量 除 以 月 ╱ 期 內 股交易 日數( 不 包 括 股 份 於 完交 易 日 在 聯 交 所 暫 停 買賣之任交 易 日 )計 算 。
Average daily trading volume is
calculated by
[...] dividing the total trading volume for the month/period by the number of trading days of Shares during the month/period which exclude any trading day on which trading of the Shares on the Stock Exchange was suspended for the whole trading day.
市 場 或 會 有 特 定 的 市 場 莊 家 以
提 升 ETF 基 金 單 位 於 證 券 交 易 所 之 流 通 量 , 而 傳 統 開 放 式 投 資 基 金 的 投 資 者
[...] 則 可 於 有 關 基 金交 易 日 內 認 購 、 贖 回 及 / 或 [...]
轉 換 基 金 單 位 。
Market makers may be designated to promote the liquidity of ETF units on the stock exchange on which they are traded while investors of a
traditional open-ended investment fund can subscribe for, redeem and/or switch their fund
[...] units on any dealing day of that fund.
非單位化投資選擇﹝匯豐人壽儲蓄基金﹞的資產將根據其投資目標分配至指定之金融工具,並於每 交易日 根 據 減除於投資選擇收取的管理費後的由匯豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)公佈之淨值回報計算。
For the non-unitised investment choice (HSBC Life Deposit Fund), the assets are allocated into financial instruments as specified in its investment objectives and the return net of charge on the investment choice will be declared by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("the Company") to the balance of the investment choice on every transaction date.




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