

单词 交换虚电路

See also:

交换 v

switch v
swap v
trade v


commutative (math)
switch (telecom)

电路 n

circuits pl

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,在本报告所述期间,作为建立信任措施方案主要内容的 路交换 探亲 和免电话服务,遇到重大挫折。
However, the exchange of family visits by air and the free telephone services, which are the main components of the programme, experienced significant setbacks during the reporting period.
这些产品采用先进交换、路由和 分类引擎,可以全面支持单播路由、组播路由以及云计算所需 虚 拟 化 技术。
Incorporating advanced switching, routing and classification engines they provide comprehensive support for unicast and multicast routing, as well as virtualization support for [...]
Cloud computing.
城域网结合各种下一代技术,如基于DWDM或CWDM(粗WDM)环的光传输、传统 电路交换 传 输协议(SONET/SDH/PDH)以及以太网、IP和光纤通道等数据协议。
They combine various next-generation technologies such
[...] as optical transport over DWDM or coarse WDM (CWDM) rings, traditional circuit-switched transport protocols [...]
(SONET/SDH/PDH) and data
protocols like Ethernet, IP and Fibre Channel.
这些集成了PHY的Marvell SOHO交换机采 用了经实践验证的Marvell物理层(PHY)技术,并融入了许多先进的功能,例如智能电源管理(可在功耗上实现超过50%的大幅缩减) 虚 拟 电 缆 测 试仪(VCT™)技术(用于执行电缆诊断以降低总的网络支持成本)。
The Marvell SOHO switches with integrated PHYs build upon proven Marvell physical layer (PHY) technology, incorporate the advanced features such as smart power management, which dramatically reduces power consumption by more than 50% and Virtual Cable Tester [...]
(VCT™) technology, which
performs cable diagnostics to reduce overall network support costs.
好像这一报告还不算太糟糕,另一媒体报告披露,在中兴为伊朗政府建造了复杂 电 信 网络之后,美国网络设备巨头思科(Nasdaq: CSCO)也切断了向中兴供应路由器和 交换 机 的长期合作关系。
As if the report wasn’t bad enough, another media report disclosed that US networking equipment giant Cisco
[...] [...] (Nasdaq: CSCO) has also severed a long-standing relationship to supply its routers and switches to ZTE after the Chinese company constructed a sophisticated [...]
telecoms network for the Iranian government.
此外,我们还与运输公交换电子数 据,以便他们设计最佳的行 路 程 , 并做到车辆满载运行。
We exchange electronic data with our shipping agents so that they can plan their trips [...]
as efficiently as possible and ensure
their vehicles are always fully loaded.
中兴通讯 T8000 100G集群路由器是业内容量最大的集 路 由 系 统,采 虚 拟 集 群控制、基于云计算的控制平面等特殊技术,具备自主知识产权的高性能芯片,最大支持16+64集群, 2 0 0 T 交换 能 力 ,高集成低功耗40G、100G芯片组,在网络中提供端到端高速承载管道,降低比特传送成本。
By using the virtual cluster control technique, a cloud computing-based control plane, and high-performance chips, ZXR10 T8000 can support a maximum of a 16+64 multi-chassis system and 200T switching.
支持定制化的全方位解决方案:支持完善的以太网、MPLS(多协议标签交换)、组播业务,部署先进的城域承载平台;支持IEEE 1588v2和同步以太网,助力面向未来的融合承载;支持先进的深度报文识别和安全防控,支持多维的园区核心汇聚平台;支持虚拟化、FCoE(光纤通道以太网协议) 虚 拟 交换 集 群 等,体现未来的“云端”承载平台。
It supports IEEE 1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet (for future convergence of bearers), advanced deep packet inspection and security control, and multidimensional core convergence platform.
可选配的传感器电路包括一个上止点 (TDC) 传感器和一 个压力换器 (PT) 以电路板, 前者辅助软件测量发 动机速度,后者测量泵出口处的流体压力。
The optional sensor circuit includes a top dead center (TDC) sensor which assists software in
measuring motor speed, and a
[...] pressure transducer (PT) with circuit board, which measures [...]
fluid pressure at the pump outlet.
水/油交换器 公路和越 野应用 我们为挖掘机、推土机、采矿及探钻机、林业设备、农业设 备、压碎及处理机器、物料输送、卡车及公共汽车、施工设 备、道路施工设备、列车、应用于冷却柴油机的特殊压缩 机、液压及传动油、电机以 及压缩机等提供合适的冷却 解决方案,并且同样为独立运作的应用作业提供简单的机 油冷却方案。
We offer cooling solutions for excavators, dozers, mining and drilling rigs, forestry equipment, agricultural equipment, crushing and processing, material handling, trucks and buses, construction equipment, road construction equipment, trains, special compressors applied for cooling of diesel engines, hydraulic and transmission oil, generators and compressors [...]
as well as simple oil
cooling for stand-alone applications.
在此基础上,中兴通路由器、交换 机 、 IPTN、OTN/WDM等产品将全面支持100GE接口,长途设备支持100G线路接口和大容 电 交 叉
ZTE’s long-distance transmission equipment supports a 100G line interface and large-capacity electric cross-connecting.
此类风险和不确定性因素包括但不局限于立迪思公司的电容式触摸控制器集 电路 产 品 或触摸技术缺乏市场应用,推迟这些新产品的量产计划,延迟把我们的产品整合到消费电子产品中,我们对第三方制造商的依赖,整个便携电子及半导体业的发展趋势,以及其他立迪思公司经常在 交 给 美 国证 交 易 委员会的报告中详细描述的风险,这些报告包括截至2007年12月31日的10-K表年报以及截至2008年9月30日的10-Q表季报。
Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, lack of market adoption for Leadis' capacitive touch controller ICs or the haptics technology, delays in ramping these new products into production, delays in the integration of our products into
consumer electronic devices, our reliance
[...] on third-party manufacturers, general portable electronics and semiconductor industry trends, and other risks detailed from time to time in Leadis' reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission including its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 and Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2008.
与典型的路由器主用/备用永续性协议( 虚 拟 路 由 器 冗余 协议(VRRP))相反的是,如果发生故障 换 , 全 部动态流和会 话信息都会丢失,必须重建。
In contrast to the typical router active/standby resiliency protocols such as Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol [...]
(VRRP), all dynamic flow and session
information is lost and must be reestablished in the event of a failover.
该项目的主旨是在地区合作框架内,建立非洲和亚 虚 拟 校园 , 交 流 远程教育内容、 专门技术和开展培训,以评估有关教育的需求;编写远程教育材料和发 电 子 校园并加以传 播宣传、评估并在可能的情况下加以扩大。
379. The project aims at setting up virtual campuses in Africa and Asia within a regional cooperation framework for the exchange of contents, expertise and training, consisting [...]
of needs assessments in distance
education; development of distance education materials and e-Campus and dissemination, evaluation and possible extension.
将任何不受保护的虚拟机放置在受 vShield 保护的交换机中,或通过安装 vShield 来保护虚拟机所在虚拟交 换机。
Place any unprotected virtual machines onto
[...] a vShield-protected switch or protect the vSwitch that the virtual machine [...]
is on by installing a vShield.
厄瓜多尔政府重申了巴勒斯坦与以色列之间缔 结的各项协议的充分有效性,其中包括那些基于马 德里会议职权范围订立的协议,这些协议曾经基于 并必须继续基于“土换和平 ”原则,不允许施压、 威胁或使用武力,但注重巴勒斯坦人民和以色列和 平共处的权利,以及两国尊重联合国 1967 年所确立 的边界的义务,这不应被单方面或 虚 假 的 现实为 基础或以因宗教所产生神话的名义所改变。
His Government reaffirmed the full validity of the agreements concluded between Palestine and Israel, including those based on the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, which had been and must continue to be based on the principle of land for peace, without allowing for pressure, threats or use of force, but focusing on the right of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together in peace and the obligation of both States to respect the borders established by the United Nations in 1967, which could not be modified unilaterally or on the basis of false realities or in the name of myths inspired by religion.
教育信息技术研究所的全部研究、培训 交 流 中 心活动的结果,均 可在教育信息技术研究所网站查询,其中有万维网、数据库、集体工作 电 子 教 育设 虚拟 环境。
All results
[...] of IITE research, training and clearing-house activities are accessible at the IITE web portal, consisting of the website, database, virtual environments for group working and e-learning [...]
拟议编列 152 000 美元差旅费,用于参加与维和有关的研讨会、会议、讲 习班、与世界银行官员进行的协调会议(以 便 交 流 有 关解除武装、复员和重返社 会的经验)、解除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组年度会议(目的是协调 和统一联合国在解除武装、复员和重返社会方面的所有行动者的努力)以及与非 洲联盟官员在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的协调会议(29 400 美元);秘书长的年度虚会 以 及在阿克拉的科菲·安南培训中心举行的讲习班(22 700 美元);关于警察参 与维和的不同方面以及有关支持国家当局和国际维持治安的研讨会和讲习班 (92 300 美元);关于少年司法的年度会议(7 600 美元)。
An amount of $152,000 is proposed for travel to participate in: peacekeepingrelated seminars, conferences, workshops and coordination
meetings with World Bank
[...] officials in order to exchange on lessons learned on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the annual Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, which seeks to coordinate and harmonize the efforts of all United Nations actors on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and coordination meetings with African Union officials in Addis Ababa ($29,400); the Secretary-General’s annual retreat and a workshop [...]
at the Kofi Annan Training
Centre in Accra ($22,700); seminar and workshops related to the different aspects of the police involvement in peacekeeping, support to national authorities and international policing ($92,300); and the annual meeting on juvenile justice ($7,600).
(c) 信息技术(2 221 600 美元),主要原因是网交换机和网络 路 由 器 实际 价格较低,以及所需网络路由器数量较少,因为新购置的卫星调制解调器具有必 [...]
(c) Information technology ($2,221,600), due mainly to lower actual prices
[...] of network switches and network routers and lower [...]
quantities of network routers acquired
as the result of the fact that new satellite modems procured had the requisite routing capability.
[...] 以 1967 年界线为基础的边界并商定领交换 ; 耶路 撒冷作为两国未来的首都;商定难民问题的公正、公 [...]
平和现实的解决方法;以及作出确保以色列和巴勒斯 坦人民的集体和个人安全的安排。
There is also broad international consensus about the key parameters of
the solution: borders based on the 1967 lines, with
[...] agreed territorial swaps; Jerusalem as the [...]
future capital of two States;
an agreed, just, fair and realistic solution to the refugee question; and arrangements that ensure the security, both collective and individual, of the Israeli and Palestinian people.
该传感器的电容值变化已经由处理电容信号 的集电路转换成电压信号了。
This shows the transfer
[...] characteristic of a pressure sensing element where the capacitive signal has been both converted and amplified.
如 果路,则修理或换故障电线。
If shorted, repair or replace faulty wire.
[...] 项目战略,与远程学习机构(西班牙巴塞罗纳的管理虚拟学校/国际管理研究所)建立合作 伙伴关系框架,以便制订一项拉丁美洲市政官 电 子 管 理 虚 拟 培 训计划。
Efforts were made to assure intersectoral and Headquarters-field cooperation through coordinating a two day meeting to agree collectively on the project strategy and to set up the terms of the partnership with a distance learning institution (Virtual School of Governance/International Institute for Governance, in
Barcelona, Spain) with a
[...] view to developing a virtual training programme [...]
on e-governance for municipal officials in Latin America.
正如 vSphere
[...] 将计算容量从服务器硬件中抽象出来以创建能够作为服务使用的虚拟资源池一样 虚 拟 分布 式 交换机 ( VDS) 和 VXLAN 将网络抽象成一般化的网络容量池,并使这些服务的使用从底层物理基础架构中分离出来。
Just as vSphere abstracted compute capacity from
the server hardware to create virtual pools of resources that can be consumed as a
[...] service, Virtual Distributed Switch (VDS) and VXLAN [...]
abstract the network
into a generalized pool of network capacity and separate the consumption of these services from the underlying physical infrastructure.
对人权的影响并非都是正面的,灾后恢复工 作有时受到所谓的“土地最佳使用原则”的指导,这 一原则忽视了贫困社区的权利,将他们驱逐出土地, 从而为商业和旅游设施路,或以虚 无 的 公共安全或 灾害风险缓解问题为掩护。
The implications for human rights were not all positive, as disaster recovery efforts were sometimes guided by the so-called principle of “optimal use of land”, which disregarded the rights of poor communities, evicting them to make way for business and tourism facilities or under the guise of groundless public safety or disaster risk mitigation concerns.
特别提出了下述方面有关的建议:总部外项目退出战略、明智的沿海标准、指导方针、程序和适当 的核准机制、地区和全球良虚拟 论坛 、 交 流 活 动、预算外筹资和地方及土生知识系统以及 SIV 对沿海地 [...]
Specifically, recommendations pertaining to field project exit strategy, wise coastal standards, guidelines, procedures and possible accreditation
mechanisms, regional and global
[...] wise practices virtual forums, communications activities, [...]
extrabudgetary funding and the
impact of LINKS and SIV on SCI activities were made.
(e) 通信和信息技术,办法是:采用每人一台计算机的做法;进一步合并数 据中心;落虚拟台式电脑基 础设施;在各区域落实思科公司智能网合同和威瑞 [...]
信公司许可证;再使用购置用于选举进程的手提计算机、超高频电台和卫星电话 (1 498 100 美元);延长现有通信设备的使用(2
929 000 美元);延长现有信息 技术设备的使用(2 306 000 美元)以及减少备件和用品(723 000 美元)。
(e) Communications and information technology, through the introduction of the practice of one computing device per person, the further
consolidation of data centres, the
[...] implementation of the virtual desktop infrastructure, [...]
the regional implementation of the
Cisco SMARTnet contract and Verisign licences, and the reuse of laptops, ultra high-frequency radios and satellite phones that were purchased and utilized for the electoral process ($1,498,100), as well as the extension of utilization of existing communications equipment ($2,929,000), the extension of utilization of existing information technology equipment ($2,306,000) and reduction in spare parts and supplies ($723,000).
[...] 手段、光学手段或类似手段——包括但不限于电子数 交换 、 电 子 邮 件、 传真、短信服务(SMS)、网络会议、在线聊天、互联网论坛或微博——生 [...]
电子装置直接处理而转换或转变为数字格式的文件对象、图像、文本和声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar
means including, but not limited to,
[...] electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic [...]
mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS),
web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, or microblogging and includes any information in analogue form such as document objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to be directly processed by a computer or other electronic devices.
欧洲目前正在进行Telematic的全面开发,计划在全欧洲建立专门的交通(以 路交 通 为主)无线数据通信网,并开发先进的出行信息服务系统(ATIS),车辆控制系统(AVCS),商业车辆运行系统(ACV O) , 电 子 收 费系统等,主要解决道理安全和替代性交通工具的问题。
Europe is currently undertaking comprehensive development of Telematic plan across Europe to
create a dedicated
[...] traffic (mainly for road traffic) wireless data communications networks, and developing advanced travel information service system (ATIS), vehicle control systems (AVCS) commercial vehicle operation system (ACVO), electronic [...]
toll collection systems,
mainly addressing the issue of traffic safety and the alternative transportation means.




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