单词 | 失魂落魄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 失魂落魄—lit. lost soul, dropped spirit (idiom); driven distractionscared out of one's witsSee also:失魂n—panicn 失落—loss lose (sth) disappointment drop (sth) frustrated feel a sense of loss 魂魄n—souln 落魄—down and out unrestrained unconventional in dire straits
诚 信和操 守 有 如 眼 睛 ,是高 官 的灵魂之窗, “莫失莫忘"。 legco.gov.hk | Integrity and probity are just like the eyes, which are [...] the windows opening up thesouls ofsenior officials, and [...]we should not forget about that. legco.gov.hk |
虽然宇航员是极其强健的体魄,他们失去的限制在零重力力。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Although astronauts are extremely [...] physically fit, they loselonger stints in zero [...]gravity to force. en.developmentscout.com |
28 同样,在第 29 段令人遗憾的文字中,令 人多少感到不安的是,东卡雷里亚问题的魂魄似乎如不死鸟一般从死灰中复 燃……。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Opinion would provide the General Assembly with “elements of a legal character relevant to its further treatment” of the subject-matter at issue (para. 32). daccess-ods.un.org |
我坚信,正义与真理的光芒必将照耀我们这个国度的每个角落,而我所能做的也只能是倔强的坚持,不为别的,仅仅是为我自己 良心与灵魂的安稳,以及为了我们的後代们能生活在一个具有优良品 质的社会里,更为了我们这个民族,我们这个国度能以健康的体魄继续存在於世界。 legco.gov.hk | I firmly believe that justice and [...] truth will [...] shine in every corner of our country. What I can do now is to hang on persistently, not for any special cause, but for peace of my own conscienceand soul, as well asfor a quality society where our children will live; and, more importantly, for our nation, so that our country can continue to exist in [...]this world in good health. legco.gov.hk |
因为它侍奉 权贵、劫贫济富,所以便魂魄不齐、行屍走肉。 legco.gov.hk | Since it is serving the bigwigs and robbing the poor for the wealthy, its spirit has been taken apart and it acts like a zombie. legco.gov.hk |
经过数天落魄之后,(…) 算了吧,将它忘掉,重新振作起来!(…) 今天提交了三台机器的报价。 voith.com | (…) Well, forget about it and cheer up! voith.com |
这是一个我们非洲十分关切的问题,非洲一直是 有极具挑战性的经济、社会和政治局势的大陆,然而 [...] 是现在准备升到一个新水平的大陆:从绝望到希望,从失落的几十年到充满机遇的几十年。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is a matter of great concern to us in Africa, a continent that has experienced extremely challenging economic, social and political situations, but a continent [...] that is now poised to go to the next level: from [...] despair to hope andfromlost decades todecades [...]full of opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
落魄之中,他遇见了一匹桀骜不羁、无人能够驯服的赛马,一人一马在相处的过程中渐渐培养出惊人的默契,再创奇蹟。 dddhouse.com | Against all odds, Seung-ho and Woo-bak finishes first in the preliminaries but when Seung-ho’s blindness is discovered by the officials, they’re disqualified from the finals. dddhouse.com |
除了要确保西九 文化区拥有世界级设施外,他亦要协助当局在政策层面上作出配合, 使其具备文化艺术灵魂,不会落得空泛和内容贫乏。 legco.gov.hk | Besides ensuring that the WKCD has world-class facilities, the CEO should assist and support the authorities at the policy level to give the WKCD the essence of culture and arts, so that it would not be vague and devoid of substance. legco.gov.hk |
我不明白民建联既然反对成立基 金,却竟然不是乾脆反对议案,而是搞出一个这样的修正案,把整项议案的 精神打得魂飞魄散,扭曲了整项议案的意义。 legco.gov.hk | Since the DAB opposes the establishment of a fund, I fail to understand why it should still propose such an amendment that distorts the intent of the whole motion and tear its spirit apart, instead of opposing the motion altogether. legco.gov.hk |
他们的灵魂已 失丧,信奉 的 单单是权力在不受任何宪法约 制下的残酷不仁。 legco.gov.hk | They are the soullessmen who believe in [...] nothing except the brutality of power alone without constitutional restraint. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 动画片“小铃铛和失落的宝藏”的全球首映是在总部放映的,在哥本哈 根联合国气候变化会议之前向青年观众着重介绍了环境问题 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The world premiere of the animated film [...] “TinkerBell and theLost Treasure”was screened [...]at Headquarters to highlight environmental [...]issues for young audiences in the lead up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference held at Copenhagen daccess-ods.un.org |
她在 2007 年访问巴勒斯坦被占领土 [...] 后提出的一份报告中指出,目前这场冲突造成了“一 种可以感觉到的失落感和绝望情绪,使西岸和加沙的 儿童有别于所有其他局势”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a 2007 report after her visit to the occupied Palestinian territory, she noted [...] that this ongoing conflict has created “a [...] palpablesense of lossand a feeling of [...]hopelessness that places the children of [...]the West Bank and Gaza apart from all other situations”. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于在强迫失踪方面了解真相的权利系指了解调查的进展和结果,失 踪人员的命运或下落,失踪情况和查明肇事者的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1. The right to the truth in relation to enforced disappearances means the right to know about the progress and results [...] of an investigation, [...] the fateor thewhereabouts of the disappeared persons, and the circumstances of thedisappearances,and the [...]identity of the perpetrator(s). daccess-ods.un.org |
既然政府认同渔农业 [...] 有需要转型,以配合都市化的发展,它便有责任制订具前瞻性的政策及配套 措施,协助渔农业从业员转做一些与自己的老本行有关的新行业,令他们走 上更先进、更专业的发展,而不是任由他们自然被淘汰,把他们推落失业大军之中。 legco.gov.hk | Since the Government agrees that it is necessary for the agriculture and fisheries industries to undergo transformation to tie in with urbanization, it has the responsibility to formulate forward-looking policies and support measures to assist workers in these industries to switch to industries related to their former ones, so that they can embark on a course of more advanced and professional [...] development, instead of [...] leaving themto lose outin competition, thus pushing them to join theranks of the unemployed. legco.gov.hk |
为了最好地向周围失丧的灵魂传福音,教会应该成长并且适应环境。 sallee.info | It should grow and adapt [...] in order to bestreach thelost around it. sallee.info |
主耶稣,求你使我们不要离开了你,因为我们作为枝子, [...] 不与你亲近相连,就得不生命的滋润、喂养而枯乾失败,迷 失在世界中,受迷惑、失落在魔鬼的手中。 nimenqu.net | Lord Jesus, help us not to go astray from you, for we as your branches not to abide and unite with you, then our life will receive no nourishment and life from you, we [...] as your branches will wither, dry up and [...] will be defeated, lost intheworld, [...]being deceived and bounded in the hands of the devil. nimenqu.net |
自仙台开府以来,持续不断的继承着伊达文化以及其魅力,也为能将伊达魂魄再次的传达至全国而结合,秉承政宗公之意而再次的重现于现代的”漆黑的政宗”,还有那支持着政宗公的成实、小十郎、纲元的伊达三杰、渡奥州的支仓常长等武将以及家臣们,在全国各地活跃着。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | The group representing traditional cultures and samurai spirit descended from the Date family since its establishment of Sendai and its members consisting of “pitch-black Masamune”, a messenger of the lord Masamune as well as his warriors and liegemen including Kojuro, Sanketsu (three outstanding people in warlike period) of Date, and Tsunenaga Hasekura who was dispatched to Europe, travels throughout Japan to demonstrate their original performance. en.tohokukanko.jp |
我呼吁双方展现领导气魄、勇气和责任,以实现双方人民 的愿望,我还鼓励美国在这方面作出努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | I called upon both sides to show leadership, courage and responsibility to realize the aspirations of both peoples, and encouraged the efforts of the United States in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
台湾民进党创党成员林浊水,在2008年总统大选後的座谈会, 对一众香港民主派人士说过这样的一番话:‘如果台湾民主真的已因 [...] 政权二次和平轮替而确立,民主已是台湾的日常生活而不是追求的目 标,那麽,追求民主的神圣性旅程亦告一段落,政治将归於平淡,但 香港的朋友却不必担心以後再看不到令人兴奋的选举热闹,因为香港 [...] 社会仍处於追求民主的过程中,所以在台湾失落的神圣性注定会在香 港重生,你们注定会是个神圣过程的参与者或领导者。 legco.gov.hk | A founding member of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan, LIN Cho-shui, said to the democratic camp in Hong Kong at a seminar held after the President Election in 2008, that, 'If democracy has really been established in Taiwan through the twice peaceful [...] handover of political powers, democracy has become the daily life of [...] people in Taiwan but notan aspiration [...]to be pursued. legco.gov.hk |
中国,请你放慢速度的脚步,走的太快,不要把人们的灵魂落在後面! amccsm.org | If you are too fast, [...] you mayleave thesouls of your people [...]behind," Qiu Qiming, a CCTV news anchor, said live on air (The Telegraph). amccsm.org |
时间一长,教会就会变得更多地关注自己、更少地关注失丧的灵魂,从而变得与它所处的社会不相关。 sallee.info | Over time, the church becomes more concerned about itself and less [...] concernedabout thelost,becoming irrelevant [...]to the society in which it exists. sallee.info |
他目前正研究有关种族灭绝和失落的城市的问题。 shanghaibiennale.org | Presently he is [...] working on genocide and onlost cities. shanghaibiennale.org |
第二天早上,亚历山大导致党的失落之城亚特兰蒂斯通常被淹没在大海里,和他已经计算出,岛上沉一次140的的年。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The next morning, Alexander leads [...] the partyto the lostcity ofAtlantis [...]which is usually submerged into the ocean, and [...]he had calculated that the island sinks once every 140 years. seekcartoon.com |
在失落的日子里,幸好还有这两位威灵顿好朋友的相伴。 4tern.com | I was lucky to have two great Wellington friends, they fed me very well with the delicious Malaysian cuisines. 4tern.com |
最後。我们会采用各种方法,动员社会㆟士协助个㆟和家庭培养 健康的生活方式,以便本港㆟口纵使老化,仍可拥有强健的体魄。 legco.gov.hk | Last but not least, we will motivate the community in different ways to help the individual and his family adopt a healthy lifestyle so that the community, as it grows old together, will do so in good health. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,我国代表团现在热切希望通过您所奠定的基础,并且在您一贯有魄力的领导下,本机构将打破停滞状况,一个新时代――一个能够权衡所有成员 的安全需要的谈判时代――将能够在今年届会结束时在裁军谈判会议的报告中得 到反映。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. President, and with your customary leadership and courage, this body will break out of its stagnation, and that a new era — an era of negotiations able to weigh the security needs of all members — will be able to be reflected in the report of the Conference on Disarmament at the end of this year’s session. daccess-ods.un.org |
这件作品是贾列的「会说话的玻璃」、封入了法国・罗马派的诗人戴波瓦摩(1786-1859)的「我的灵魂在黑暗的角落」。 est-ouest.co.jp | Speaking glass” is a work of Galle which confined the world of poetry from a poet of French romantic school Marceline Valmore, brilliantly resonating with the poem “BEni soit le coin sombre où s'isolent nos coeurs”. est-ouest.co.jp |
最后,许多国家对教科文组织将文化与发展 的理念联系在一起表示满意,但它们认为,与世 界文化与发展委员会提出的大量建议和斯德哥尔 摩会议的行动纲领相比,文件31 C/4在这一问题 上的魄力略显不足。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Lastly, while many countries were satisfied at the fact that UNESCO had linked the notions of culture and development, they thought that that theme had lost something of its force in document 31 C/4, bearing in mind the great number of recommendations made by the World Commission on Culture and Development and the Action Plan of the Stockholm Conference. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一天,跟随耶稣的人、就是那些税吏和罪人围在他身边听他讲道:“你们中间,谁有一百只羊失去一只,……或是一个妇人有十块钱,若失落一块,……。 conversation.lausanne.org | One day Jesus’ companions, the tax collectors and sinners, crowd around him to listen: [...] “Suppose one of you has a [...] hundred sheepand loses one of them… Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and losesone…”(Luke 15). conversation.lausanne.org |