






warning sign
sign (that sth.is about happen)


future events always have an omen [idiom.]



External sources (not reviewed)

其他会员国建议加入额外,例如情况改变、无法执行条 约,以及对条约的实质性违反。
Other Member States had suggested the addition of further indications, such as the change of circumstances, the impossibility of implementing the treaty, and the material breach thereof.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、大华银行有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
压力比为 90:1 的型号的最大空气输入 压力为 0.55(5.5 巴,80 磅 / 平方英)。
Models with a 90:1 pressure ratio have a maximum air input pressure of 80 psi (0.55 MPa, 5.5 bar).
一种观点认为,通过适用新的方法可以改进地球静止轨道频率资源的分 配,该拟议新方法将能允许未登记申请 21.4-22 围内的无线电广播卫星 系统的国家享有国际电联无线电电信局的特别登记保障程序,并且由于适用该 方法,在上述范围内兼容系统中所占份额将从 9.3%上升至 76.7%。
The view was expressed that the allocation of frequency resources in the geostationary orbit could be improved by applying a new method, that the proposed new method would allow a State that did not have registered applications for radiobroadcasting satellite systems in the range of 21.4-22 GHz to enjoy a special registration-guaranteed procedure with the Radiocommunications Bureau of ITU and that, as a result of the application of that method, the share of compatible systems in the above-mentioned range would increase from 9.3 per cent to 76.7 per cent.
现行的西班牙皇家法令,提倡500聚光式太阳能电力(CSP),在很大程度上带来了自 2008 年以来西班牙 CSP 开发活动的快速增长。
The current Spanish Royal Decree, which calls for 500 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP), has been largely responsible for a dramatic increase in CSP development activity in Spain since 2008.
这些建议旨在向有关的 利益攸关方提供一些手段,用于检测种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容 忍现象的早期应的反应,包括采取措施防止冲突,对冲突局势予以补救 或在冲突后适当处理与种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍现象有关的 问题。
The recommendations are aimed at providing relevant stakeholders with a number of tools for detecting early warning signs of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and reacting accordingly, including by taking measures to prevent conflict, to remedy situations of conflict or to adequately address issues relating to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in post-conflict situations.
邝先生亦出任多间香港上市公司之独立非执行董事,包括:中远国际控股有限公司、天津发 展控股有限公司、北京首都国际机场股份有限公司、星狮地产(中国)有限公司、新创建集团有限公司、中海油田 服务股份有限公司、正奇投资有限公司、中国诚通发展集团有限公司、中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司、华富 国际控股有限公司、中国电力国际发展有限公司、恒 产有限公司、恒展有限公司、雅居乐地产 控股有限公司及中信1616集团有限公司。
Mr. Kwong also serves as an independent non-executive director of a number of Hong Kong listed companies, including COSCO International Holdings Limited, Tianjin Development Holdings Limited, Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited, Frasers Property (China) Limited, NWS Holdings Limited, China Oilfield Services Limited, Concepta Investments Limited, China Chengtong Development Group Limited, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Limited, Quam Limited, China Power International Development Limited, Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Henderson Investment Limited, Agile Property Holdings Limited and CITIC 1616 Holdings Limited.
它将于今年下半年开始投入商业运营,届时,240 联合循环电站将为它附近的电网提供电力,以及为 Engro 化学有限公司的化肥厂提供蒸汽,该公司是巴基斯坦最大的尿素肥料生产商之一。
When it begins commercial operation later this year, the 240-MW combined-cycle plant will provide electricity to the grid and steam for a nearby fertilizer plant owned by Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited, one of the largest producers of urea fertilizer in Pakistan.
目前,在缅甸还有几处大坝正在修建,主要由中国公司出资,包括缅甸中部的装机 容量为790耶涯 (Yeywa) 大坝和280邦朗 (Paunglaung) 大坝。
Several dams in Burma are currently underway with major support from Chinese companies, including the 790 MWYeywa Dam in central Burma and the 280 MW Paunglaung Dam.
(c) 到 2020 年,二氧化碳排放量减少 6.9%(2.4 ),相当于目前法国、 德国、意大利、西班牙和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国排放量的总和。
(c) A carbon dioxide emissions reduction of 6.9 percent (2.4 gigatonnes) by 2020 — equivalent to the current emissions of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland combined.
KSZ9692PB是高度集成的10/100/100Base-T 系统(SoC),其功能组件包括ARM [...]
922T 32比特处理器、IP安全引擎以及一整套外围设备,可满足各种网络和通信应用对低成本、高性能的需求,这些应用包括增强型住宅网关、高端打印服务器、VoIP系统、基于IP的多媒体系统、无线接入点/网状网节点、USB设备服务器、工业控制、视频监控系统以及包括VPN路由器在内的SMB/SME网络安全。
The KSZ9692PB is a highly integrated
[...] 10/100/100Base-T Gigabit System-on-a-Chip [...]
(SoC) featuring an ARM 922T 32-bit processor,
IP security engine and a comprehensive set of peripherals that address the cost-sensitive, high-performance needs of a wide variety of networking and communications applications including enhanced residential gateways high-end printer servers, VOIP systems, IP-based multimedia systems, wireless Access Points/Mesh Nodes, USB device servers, Industrial Control, video surveillance systems and SMB/SME network security, including VPN routers.
它具有CPU、集成的全高清1080p编码和解码功能、集成的支持ISP的16MP图像采集功能以及集成的音频处理引擎,可实现极低功耗音频播放和极高质量的声音,并且它还具有集成的EPD显示器控制器和高级3D图形。ARMADA [...]
Featuring a gigahertz-class CPU, integrated [...]
full HD 1080p encode and decode, an integrated ISP capable of 16MP image captures,
an integrated audio processing engine for extremely low power audio playback and exceptional high quality sound, an integrated EPD display controller and advanced 3D graphics, the ARMADA 610 delivers the best combination of fast, PC-caliber processing, an uncompromised Internet experience — all in the lightweight form factors with extended battery life consumers are looking for.
根据核能政策,为了保障波兰的能源需求,波兰应在 2030
[...] 年之前建造三座 核电厂,总发电能力大约为 10000
According to the Polish energy policy, in order to secure its
energy demand, Poland should construct three nuclear power plants, with a total capacity of
[...] approximately 10,000 MWs by2030.
The result of these accusations was a struggle in which the emperor and the pope acted as judges, the advocate of the Jews being Johann Reuchlin, who was opposed by the obscurantists and the humanists; and
this controversy, which was carried on for the most part by means of pamphlets, became
[...] the precursorof the Reformation.
如果接地总电阻超过25应马上更换 软管。
If total resistance to ground
[...] exceeds25 megohms, replace hose [...]
这一重大资本开支项目将增加21,000公顷自有甘蔗种植园及租赁土地,使粉碎能力由1百万吨提高至2.6百万吨,增加一个产能 260,000吨的VHP糖厂,将无水乙醇产能增加最多80,000立方米,并建造一个能向电网供应20 0,000电力的热电厂。
This major capex project will add 21,000 hectares of own sugar cane plantations and leased land, increased crush capacity from 1 million to 2.6 million tonnes, a VHP sugar plant with a capacity of 260,000 tonnes, the addition of anhydrous ethanol capability up to 80,000 cubic metres, and the construction of a cogeneration plant capable of supplying 200,000 MW hours of electricity to the grid.
1上的风 力涡轮机都是在国内制造的。
At present, wind turbines of 1 MW and above are being manufactured in India.
中国自加入世贸组织以来已成为世界上最开放 的经济体之一,其平均关税水平已降至 9.8%,并进 口了价值4的货物,以自身经济增长推动了 全球贸易发展。
Since joining WTO, China had become one of the most open economies in the world, reduced its average tariff rate to 9.8 per cent and imported $4 trillion worth of goods, promoting the development of global trade on the strength of its own growth.
LNB会放大已接收之讯号(C波段:3.6 - 4.2Ku波段:12.25 - 12.75),并将其转换成介乎950至和 2150间的低频率,然後经由电缆输往卫星接收器。
The LNB amplifies the received signals (3.6 - 4.2 GHz for C-band or 12.25 - 12.75 GHz for Ku-band) and converts them to lower frequency in the range between 950 and 2150 MHz, and are then sent down a cable to the satellite receiver.
虽然国家公用事业公司(几比水电)2008 年第四季度
[...] 在世界银行基础设施方案下得到了两台新的1.5电机,但供电情况并未改 [...]
Although the national utilities company, EAGB, had received
[...] two new1.5 megawatt generators [...]
under the World Bank infrastructures programme
in the last quarter of 2008, power supplies have not improved because EAGB faces serious cash flow problems which have also impacted on water supplies in the capital.
於二零一五年项目完成时,第一期废热发电厂最终能向电网供应20 0,000剩余电力,并将於二零一 [...]
三 年 下 半 年 开 始 营 运。
The first phase of the cogeneration plant, eventually capable of
[...] supplying 200,000 megawatt hoursper annum [...]
of surplus electricity to the power grid
at maturity of the project in 2015, will become operational during H2 2013.
本集团亦与中信之附属公司中信国安信息产业股份有限公司及共同控制实体之附属 公司公司就提供转发器容量订立协议。
The Group has also entered into agreements for the provision of satellite transponder capacity to CITIC Guoan Information Industry Company Limited, a subsidiary of CITIC, and Power Star Limited, a subsidiary of the jointly controlled entity.
改善措施包括:将电 子邮件容量增加到 1 (GB);扩大纽约总部用户和各小组的网络存储空间; 安装垃圾邮件过滤器;自动监测全球信息的传送,从而进一步提高了检测非正常 流量模式的能力。
Improvements include an increase of email capacity to 1GB, expansion of network storage space for users and groups in New York headquarters, the installation of SPAM filters, and automated monitoring of global messaging, which has further enhanced capacity to detect unusual traffic patterns.
The origin and development of many types of migraine are unclear, but one possible starting point for migraine aura and pain is spreading depression, a slow wave of neuron activation and a rush of charged ions into neurons.
梅德韦杰夫总统指出,最近的积极事态发 展对于本届审议大会应对以下这些紧迫关切事项 ——即全面加强核不扩散制度;危险的核材料落入 恐怖分子之手;出现秘密核扩散网络;核材料黑市 的发展;以及有必要建立和平利用核能,防止敏感 技术扩散,同时也满足各缔约国合法能源需求的国 际合作架构——的能力而言是个
The recent positive developments noted by President Medvedev augured well for the ability of the Review Conference to address such pressing concerns as the need to comprehensively strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime; the danger of nuclear material falling into the hands of terrorists; the emergence of clandestine proliferation networks and the growth of black markets in nuclear materials; and the need to build an international architecture for cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy that would prevent the spread of sensitive technologies while also meeting States parties’ legitimate energy needs.
Up to now, the 200 and 400 MHz Separable Shielded Antennas have only been included in the MALÅ MIRA solutions, but after popular demand, MALÅ Geoscience is now releasing all MALÅ Separable Shielded Antennas as separate products.
把握自己的健康,对自己的生活负责:坚信可以康复会帮助人们把他们的注意焦点从疾病 转向健康,从强调疾病的注全身心的健康,从专注于诊断、药物、治疗到追求个人生 活品质。
Taking control and responsibility for health and choices in one’s life: Believing in recovery helps people change their focus from illness to wellness, from emphasis on symptoms of illness to holistic health, and from preoccupation with their diagnosis, medication or therapy to pursuing other life experiences.
最后,我们谨指出,参加今天辩论会的绝大多数 国家重申,根据平等、政治独立和领土完整的原则, 只有主权国家能够起草和执行有关其边界安全的措 施,这是好的
In conclusion, we would like to state that it is auspicious that the vast majority of countries participating in today’s debate have reaffirmed that, under the principles of equality, political independence and territorial integrity, only sovereign States are competent to draft and implement measures on the security of their borders.




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