单词 | 良多 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 良多adverb—muchadv良多—considerably quite a bit See also:良adj—veryadj virtuousadj 良—very much
发达 地区中那些能利用扩大的宽带接入潜力以及发展中国家中那些能利用蜂窝移动网 络潜力来推动联合国发展议程的国家,将在今后获益良多。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those who are able to harness the potential of expanded broadband access in developed regions and mobile [...] cellular networks in developing countries to advance the United Nations [...] development agenda have muchtogaingoing [...]forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
有赖香港电台及各同业的信任,笔者有幸在1997年参与策划新一代电视欣赏指数调查的工作,并於1998年起负责执行有关调查,获益良多。 hkupop.hku.hk | Thanks to the trust of RTHK and members of my own profession, I had the honour of [...] participating in the planning of the new [...] generation ofAI studies in 1997, and [...]then took up the responsibility of conducting such surveys since 1998. hkupop.hku.hk |
最后,该代表团强调,新西兰参与普遍定期审议,加强了与广大人权团体 的联系,深化了对新西兰本国人权状况的理解,从中受益良多。 daccess-ods.un.org | To conclude, the delegation stressed that New Zealand had learned from its involvement in the universal periodic review, with a reinforcement [...] of contacts with the wide human rights [...] constituencyand agreater understanding [...]of New Zealand’s own human rights situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
从火药的闪光到电力灯光,从印刷页到网页,从航行世界水域到航行于互联网,我们两个国家对今天的世界贡献良多。 embassyusa.cn | From the flash of gunpowder to the light of electricity, from the printed page to a webpage, from [...] navigating the waters of the globe to navigating the Internet, our two nations [...] have contributedsomuch to the world of today. eng.embassyusa.cn |
工作组还一致认为,《示范法》不只是“助益良多的”而已,因素第 3A 段 末尾处应使用一个更有力的词语。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was further agreed that the Model Law was more than simply “useful” and that a stronger word should be used at the end of paragraph 3A. daccess-ods.un.org |
在任何一间水果厂工作,最获益良多的是认识水果的种类。 4tern.com | The best part of working in a fruit factory is getting to know the fruit’s types. 4tern.com |
麾下拥有七家商场 经过一番深思熟虑之后,Heiß 公司认为,唯一可行的方案是通 过安装基于服务器的计算解决方案来集中 IT 系统,从而改进 整个流程,使所有零售网点和公司总部均可从中获益良多。 igel.com | Seven stores After due consideration, Heiß decided the only viable option was to centralise its IT systems by installing a server-based computing solution that would improve the entire process and deliver major benefits to all the retailoutlets aswell as the head office. igel.com |
由赛车跑道之中磨练和发展出来的创新灵感与技术,均令平治AMG的驾驶者得益良多。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Innovations and know-how developed and tested on the racetrack benefit anybody who drives a Mercedes-Benz AMG. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
部分缔约国的第5 条执行情况又一次表明,特别是如一些国家提交的第5条 延期请求所示,缔约国从联合国国际排雷行动标准获益良多。 daccess-ods.un.org | The implementation of Article 5 by some States Parties, particularly as evidenced in the Article 5 extension requests submitted by some, has again highlighted the value that States Parties derive from the United Nations International Mine Action Standards (IMAS). daccess-ods.un.org |
身为一个专业技术员,接受这些变化让我获益良多,我认为所有人都应该好好拥抱这变化,否则它将超越我们。 mammals.org | As a tech professional, I’ve benefited from embracing these changes, and I think everyone needs to embrace this one. mammals.org |
在企业及桌上型电脑硬碟机这个市场区块,Seagate 不断以其实力证明该公司产品的速度、运用灵活度及效率,让该公司从新的机会中获益良多。 seagate.com | Within the enterprise and desktop hard drive segments, Seagate has proven over and over how its speed, flexibility, and efficiency allows the company to benefit from new opportunities," said Dave Reinsel, research manager at market research firm IDC. seagate.com |
过去多年来,Fullerton先生经常由多伦多远道 来港出席公司会议,贡献良多。 asiasat.com | During these years, Mr. Fullerton has travelled frequently from Toronto to Hong Kong to attend meetings, and his [...] contribution hasbeen much appreciated. asiasat.com |
来自投资领域、个人与公共领域的国内外利益相关者都认为加大采掘业披露对政府 所付款项的力度好处良多,若上交所能认真考虑这一点,制定相关的法规,自身也能从 [...] 中获益。 eisourcebook.org | With Chinese and international stakeholders from the investment, private and public sectors clearly siding with the overall benefits of increased reporting of extractive industry payments to [...] governments, it is in the SSE’s interest to [...] seriously consider the many benefitswhich [...]would come from enacting such regulations. eisourcebook.org |
那些经常 来并且贡献良多的志愿者可以在以后的某个志愿者项目中成为领导,或者得到特别培 [...] 训或旅游的机会。 asiacatalyst.org | Someone who comes often and [...] contributes a lot couldbecome the [...]head of a volunteer project later, or could have the opportunity [...]for special training or travel. asiacatalyst.org |
鱼类增加了,耕地的灌溉也获益良多。 voith.com | The fish stocks have increased, whilst the arable land is now also irrigated using a system that was constructed. voith.com |
空气动力学於CLS Shooting Brake 的燃油效益中亦贡献良多,风阻系数更低至0.29。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The aerodynamics also makes a significant contribution to the efficiency of the Mercedes-Benz CLS Shooting Brake. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
那些要求表决的会员国再一次证 明:它们更关心在政治上得分,而不是本可以从农业 技术中受益良多的本国公民的福祉。 daccess-ods.un.org | By calling for a vote, those Member States had shown again that they were more concerned with scoring political points than with the well-being of their own citizens, whocould benefit tremendously from agricultural technology. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列和巴勒斯坦可以从和平共处和相互尊重 的共同未来中获益良多。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel and [...] Palestinehad muchto gain from [...]a shared future of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这个发展过程中,我们能够受益良多主要是因为我们的整体方案,通过整体方案我们在福伊特内部系统应用协同效应,为我们的客户争取利益 voith.com | What benefits us significantly in this development is our holistic approach, with which we systematically use the synergies within Voith to the advantage of our customers voith.com |
在实施八个“统一行动”试点项目一年多后,联合国国家工作队和政府的首批评估活 [...] 动产生了全面的、积极的影响,表现在扩大了国家所有权,联合国行动与国家的优先事项更 [...] 加一致,成功实施了联合计划,某些国家的主管部参与程度提高,更具广泛性的方法使一些 联合国组织参与进来,非驻地机构更加积极地参与,从而使这些国家从整个联合国系统所提 供的知识范围内受益良多。unesdoc.unesco.org | After more than a year of implementing eight “Delivering as One” pilots, first stock-taking exercises by United Nations country teams and governments yielded an overall positive impact pointing to increased national ownership, a better alignment of the United Nations action with national priorities, the successful implementation of joint programmes, an increased engagement of line ministries in some countries, a more inclusive approach involving a number of United Nations organizations and an enhanced participation of [...] non-resident agencies that allowed countries [...] to benefit fromtherange of expertiseoffered by the entire [...]United Nations system. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据预测,到2020 年中国将成为澳大利亚最大的入境游客来源国,中国的快速发展及两国更紧密的双边贸易投资关系,将让澳大利亚旅游业获益良多。 australiachina.com.au | With forecasts tipping China will become the largest source country of inbound tourists by 2020, the Australian tourism industry has much to gain from increased Chinese growth and stronger bilateral trade and investment ties. australiachina.com.au |
(b) 自2002 年以来,各缔约国已获益良多,因会议主要侧重于各国国情, 但仍有可能进一步深化这一重心。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) While the States Parties have gained a lot since 2002 by seeing that meetings primarily focus on national contexts, there is a potential to deepen this focus daccess-ods.un.org |
无论您选择的是哪一种,您都可以从这些顶尖的培训和认证课程中获益良多。 acronis.com.tw | Whichever you choose, you’ll benefit from top-quality training and certification. acronis.eu |
在中国拥有强大业务的公司从更深入地了解中国市场以及人们对其品牌与产品的评价中获益良多。 tipschina.gov.cn | Companies with a strong presence in China have a lot to gain from having a better understanding of the Chinese market andhow people are talking abouttheir brands and products. tipschina.gov.cn |
一个参与此课程的学生自豪地说:「我们非常感谢有机会能在课堂上接触到Moldex3D这套软体,并帮助我们进行学术研究,特别是在最先进的三维实体网格生成技术和优化解决方案这部分,对我们的研究贡献受益良多」。 moldex3d.com | We really appreciate that we could have this chance to access Moldex3D injection molding simulation software during the class, which greatly helped us, especially the complete and state-of-the-art modules and 3D mesh analysis solutions certainly had contributed to our academic research and projects,” one of the ME 419 students proudly says. moldex3d.com |
除了此管理解决方案的高性能和瘦客 户机本身的高稳定性以外,IGEL 解决方案的面向未来的特点 也让 Basler Insurance 受益良多。 igel.com | In addition to the better performance of this management solution and the high stability of the thin clients themselves, Basler Insurance is also benefitingfrom the future-readyaspects ofthe IGEL solution. igel.com |
那些目前须处理许多跨国界破产案件的法域和那些希望为跨国界破产案件 有可能日益增多做好充分准备的法域,都会发现示范法是助益良多的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Jurisdictions that currently have to deal with numerous cases of cross-border insolvency as well as jurisdictions that wish to be well prepared for the increasing likelihood of cases of cross-border insolvency will find the Model Law useful. daccess-ods.un.org |
中兴通讯无疑能在中国蓬勃发展的CDMA市场中获益良多,而对亚洲和非洲的其他地区的重视使得中兴通讯的业务得到了进一步的发展。 zte.com.cn | As CDMA service providers have noted to IDC, ZTE is one of the most, if not the most, cost-competitive suppliers (this is especially true in emerging markets and also self-evident from the sheer volume of ZTE’s base station shipments). wwwen.zte.com.cn |