

单词 交通大学



Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)


Southwest Jiaotong University

See also:


be connected


University of Communications
Jiaotong University

大学 n

universities pl
college n

External sources (not reviewed)

Ms. Jin graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.
我特别高兴能够在中国举办历史性的第29届夏季奥运会期间,来到北 交通大学。
It is a special delight to be here
[...] at Beijing Jiao Da University during China’s [...]
historic hosting of the 29th Summer Olympic Games.
吴教授1940年在上交通大学毕业 , 1949年法国国家科学院研究中心获法国国家博士。
He graduated from the Shanghai Jiaotong University, China in 1940 and attained his PhD at the National Centre of Scientific Research [...]
of France in 1949.
交通大学以强 大的工程学科为基础,以雄厚的科研实力为支撑,以学生创新精 神和实践能力的培养为抓手,对机械工程人才培养的理念和教学模式进行重大改革,机 [...]
械与动力工程学院以增强工程意识,拓展学习能力,培养创新意识为指导思想,以迅速 发展的上海制造业为依托,将工程教育、工程实践和工程研究有机地结合起来,全方位
On the basis of powerful engineering
[...] disciplines, under the support of solid scientific research strength, [...]
starting with cultivation
for students’ innovation spirit and practical capacity, SJTU greatly reformed the concept of cultivating mechanical engineering talents and teaching mode; the aims of mechanical engineering school of SJTU are to build up engineering senses, develop capacity of study and cultivate innovative senses; in addition, depending on the quick development of manufacturing of Shanghai, the said school will organically combine with engineering education, engineering practice and engineering research to improve comprehensive engineering capacity of students in all aspects.
峰会的历史成果包括:一个由澳大利亚昆士兰州政府和上海市政府合作开展的电子健康项目,一个由 CSIRO ICT中心和上交通大学合作开展的无线通信项目,以及由上海无线通信研究中心、CSIRO和悉尼麦格理大学(Macquarie [...]
Outcomes from the summits include: a collaborative project in e-health between the Australian state of Queensland and the
Shanghai government, one
[...] in wireless communications between CSIRO ICT Centre and Shanghai Jiaotong University, and two [...]
in networking science
between the Shanghai Research Centre for Wireless Communications, CSIRO and Macquarie University in Sydney.
最近更新时间: 2011/11/29 //
[...] [...] 2011年11月14至17日,来自挪威科技大学(NTNU)、挪威科学和工业研究基金会(SINTEF)的研究人员以及挪威太阳能产业的代表,在上海同他们的中国同行举行了与太阳能相关的科研研讨会,并参观了一个较大规模的中国太阳能电池企业和上 交通大学。
Last updated: 29/11/2011 // A Norwegian delegation of scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Norwegian research foundation SINTEF and the solar energy
industries of Norway met their colleagues
[...] in Shanghai on 14-17 November 2011 for a joint scientific workshop on solar energy.
会上,上交通大学的王 如竹教授做了关于“中国能源的前景”的主题报告;国际交流处郭亮副处长介绍了上 交通大学 对 外交流合作和未来发展的情况;挪威研究理事会(Research Council of Norway)的Rune Volla博士做了关于“挪威能源领域研究与国际合作战略”的主题报告。
Prof. Wang Ruzhu talked about the future development of China’s energy sector;  Ms. Guo Liang, Deputy Chief of the International Exchange Office, briefed on SJTU's international cooperation and exchange; and  Dr. Rune Volla with [...]
the Research Council
of Norway (RCN) introduced the energy research and international cooperation strategy in Norway.
方先生持有中国注册会计师(CPA)证书,1999年本科毕业于江西财经大学,2011年8月考入上 交通大学 高 级 管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)在读。
Prior to Midea, Mr. Fang worked in a state-owned enterprise and an accounting firm for more than two years in cost accounting and auditing.
2008年因发现艾滋病毒获诺贝尔医学奖的Luc Montagnier教授已被证实任命为上 交通大学 全 职 教授,他的研究团队也将一并入驻上 交通大学 医 学 院。
Dr. Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV and 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureat, has officially joined Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJU), bringing his team of researchers with him.
User Friendly 2012大会工作坊再度发布,有来自美国Bentley大学设计与可用性研究中心的执行主任Bill Albert,来自中国第一批以眼动为专业的西 交通大学 的 张 昀博士,也有流动电讯网络的资深策划总监刘伟东,国内最早研究和实践用户体验机制流程和策略建设的唐硕咨询的夏方昱和黄峰。
Among the speakers are Bill Albert, Executive Director of the Design and Usability Center at Bentley University, Dr. Zhang Yun, one of the first PhDs in eye tracking techniques in China, LIU Weidong, veteran Planning Director of Mobile Telecom Network and XIA Fangyu & HUANG Feng from Tang Consulting, the first domestic company researching and practicing user experience mechanism and strategy development.
2013年3月14日,西交通大学和北 欧国际管理学院(NIMI)就双方的战略合作进行了会谈。
Mar 14th 2013, Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) and NIMI had a meeting to discuss their strategic cooperation.
周先生是中国台湾科技大学管理博士候选人,也取得中国台 交通大学 资 讯 工程硕士学位,有着近三十年的经营管理、全球营销、生产制造管理和产品研发经验, [...]
Mr. Chou is the Doctor candidate of business
[...] administration of Taiwan University of Technology.
82 2003 年,上交通大学对全球 500 家学术院校的排名 引起了全世界的广泛关注。
While not
[...] limited to graduate schools per se, the heavy [...]
emphasis in the methodology towards significant research and publishing
means the rankings tend to favor large-scale research institutions more than smaller undergraduate institutions.
其他协议还包括成立一家联合研究中心( 格里菲斯大学与上海巴斯德研究所)
[...] 以及开展创伤愈合与控制协作项目( 昆士兰理工大学与上交通大学附属 瑞金医院)。
Other agreements established a joint research centre (Griffith University and Institut Pasteur Shanghai) and a collaboration on
wound healing and management (Queensland University of Technology and Ruijin
[...] Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University).
世界大学学术排名”(Academic Ranking of World Universities,简称ARWU)是由上 交通大学 高 等 教育研究院(前身为高等教育研究所)世界一流大学研究中心的研究人员独立研究完成的,于2003年通过网站首次公布,随后每年更新。
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is first published in June 2003 by the Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU), Graduate School of Education (formerly the Institute of Higher Education) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and updated on an annual basis.
Chen 先生持有上交通大学英语及国际金融学士学位、耶鲁大学国际关系学硕士学位以及西北大学法学院法学博士学位。
Mr. Chen received a Bachelor’s degree in English and International Finance from Shanghai Jiaotong University, a Master’s degree in International Relations from Yale University, and a J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law.
银则拥有自主研究能力,其中包括与中欧国际工商学院(中国)、韩国高丽 大学商学院(韩国)和上交通大学 ( 中 国)等学术界的合作,发表有关CSR和可持续发展的理论和实践方面的研究成果。
Among our independent research capabilities, InnoCSR works with academics, including China Europe International Business School
(China), Korea University Business School
[...] (Korea) and Shanghai Jiaotong University (China), [...]
to publish theoretical and practical
research on CSR and Sustainability related issues.
报告列出了2011年中国十大科研机构的排名:中国科学院、中国科学技术大学、北 京大学、清华大学、香港科技大学、厦门 学 、 上 海 交通大学 、 香港大学、南京大学和深圳华大基 因。
The top ten Chinese institutions of 2011 are: the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Peking University, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology (HKUST), Xiamen
[...] University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Nanjing University and [...]
BGI Shenzhen.
上海交大慧谷信息产业股份有限公司是一家在中华人民共和国上海市注册成立的股份制有限责任公司,公司成立于1998年5月,是上海市第一批按照现代企业制 度组建的发起式股份有限公司,是以上 交通大学 雄 厚 的技术实力为依托,由上海科技投资公司、新徐汇(集团)有限公司等多家单位共同投资组建。经过多年努 [...]
Shanghai Jiaoda Withub Information Industrial Company limited, registered in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, established in May 1998, is one of the first limited companies formed according to the modern enterprises’ system and based on the
abundant technological
[...] power of Shanghai Communication University, which is formed [...]
by several enterprises with joint investment, such as Shanghai Scientific & Technological Investment Corporation
and New Xuhui Company Limited, etc. Through years of efforts, it was listed in Hongkong Growth Enterprise Market in July, 2002 with the stock code of 8205.
学交流将加强该地区现有的合作 通 过 拟 定互利的研究和开发项目促进建立新的伙 伴关系。
Scientific exchange will reinforce existing collaboration in the region and promote new partnerships through the development [...]
of mutually beneficial
research and development programmes.
大会同一份决议欢迎理事会在其第 2010/2 号决议中决定,邀请学和技 术 促进发展委员会主席成立一个工作组,征求、汇编和审查各方对改进因特网治理 论坛的意见,并酌情向委员会第十四届会议提出建议,这份报告将作为委员会的 投通过经济及社会理事会交大会。
In the same resolution, the General Assembly welcomed the decision of the Council, in its resolution 2010/2, to
invite the Chair of the
[...] Commission on Science and Technology for Development to establish a working group that would seek, compile and review inputs on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum and would make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Commission at its fourteenth session, in a report that would constitute an input from the Commission to the General Assembly, through the Council.
一大批具体的建议已交给对 话的协调员,如建 大学 的 对 话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 [...]
学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the
coordinators of the Dialogue, such
[...] as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, [...]
involving UNESCO
chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
[...] 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一交通走廊 ;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan
multi-modal project that
[...] will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial [...]
estate and modern deep-sea
port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
大会第六十四届会通过了 关于享有饮水和卫生设施的人权的决议,其中大 会欢迎人权理事会决定请与享有安全饮用水和卫生设施有关的人权义务问题独 立专家大会提交年度 报告,鼓励独立专家继续按照其任务全面开展工作,并与 联合国所有相关机构、基金和方案协商,在其 交大 会 第 六十六届会议的报告中 介绍在实现享有安全清洁饮水和卫生设施的人权方面存在的主要挑战以及这些 挑战对实现千年发展目标努力的影响(第 64/292 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the
[...] General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human right to water and sanitation in which it welcomed the decision of the Human Rights Council to request that the independent expert on human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation submit an annual report to the Assembly and encouraged her to continue working on all aspects of her mandate and, in consultation with all relevant United Nations agencies, [...]
funds and programmes,
to include in her report to the Assembly, at its sixty-sixth session, the principal challenges related to the realization of the human right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation and their impact on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (resolution 64/292).
若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:大公共交通运输 、实行绿色建筑、采用 3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
鑒於香港經濟持續低迷,失業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑,通縮日益惡化,而本港各類公 交通 服 務 的收費依 然高企交通費佔 了市民生活開支一個 大 的 比例,本會促請政 府與各公交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費或提供優惠給乘客,以減輕市民負擔。
That, as Hong Kong's economy remains in the doldrums with the unemployment rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer Price Index falling for three consecutive years, and the worsening deflationary situation,
while the fares of
[...] various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and [...]
encourage them to take
account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or offer concessions to passengers, thereby alleviating the burden on the public.
除了对大计划 II 和 III 的主要优先事项及重视海洋和社会变革的优先事项表示支持之外,发 言者还提到了值得特别关注的下列问题:科技方面的能力培养、联合国可持续发展教育十年 (UNDESD)、女青少年和妇女学习学 、 通 过 国际基础科学计划和制定科学政策来促进基础科学 和工程科学方面的国际合作、为小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)制定可持续发展战略,以及宣传和管理 可再生能源和环境教育。
In addition to the support expressed for the principal priorities for Major Programmes II and III and for a priority focus on oceans and social transformations, speakers mentioned the following issues deserving particular attention: capacity-building in science and technology, the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD), the access of young girls and women to science, the promotion of international cooperation in basic and engineering sciences through IBSP, science policy formulation, the elaboration of sustainable development strategies for the small island developing States (SIDS), and the promotion and management of renewable sources of energy and environmental education.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长按照第 63/128 号决议第 5 段的规定,注意到 其报告(A/64/298)第 97 段的内容,提交其关于联合国法治活动的下一年度报告; 邀请国际法院、联合国国际贸易法委员会和国际法委员会在各自 交大 会 的 报告 中对其目前促进法治的作用发表评论;邀请法治协调和资源小组和法治股继续定 期与会员国互动,特别是举行非正 通 报 会 ;邀请各会员国在第六委员会于大会 第六十五届会议期间的辩论中重点就“会员国实施国际法的法律和实践”这一分 专题作出评论(第 64/116 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit his next annual report on United Nations rule of law activities pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 63/128, taking note of paragraph 97 of his report contained in document A/64/298; invited the
International Court of
[...] Justice, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the International Law Commission to continue to comment, in their respective reports to the Assembly, on their current roles in promoting the rule of law; invited the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group and the Rule of Law Unit to continue to interact with Member States on a regular basis, in particular in informal briefings; and invited Member [...]
States to focus their
comments in the Sixth Committee debate at the sixty-fifth session on the sub-topic “Laws and practices of Member States in implementing international law” (resolution 64/116).
秘书长交大会第六十五届会议的关于海洋和海洋法的报告(A/65/69)为讨 论小组关于“包括海洋学在内 的海洋事务和海洋法方面的能力建设”的讨论提 供了背景资料。
The report of the Secretary-General on oceans and the law of the sea to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (A/65/69) provides background information for the discussion panel on “Capacity-building in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, including marine science”.




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