单词 | 争吵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 争吵 noun —altercation nless common: hassle n • argument n 争吵 noun, plural —quarrels pl争吵 —dispute • strife 争吵 verb —bicker v吵吵 verb —quarrel v吵吵 —make a racketSee also:争—vie for • strive for • argue or debate • deficient or lacking (dialect) • how or what (literary) 吵—noisy • make a noise • disturb by making a noise 吵 v—quarrel v
随之而来的一场争吵后,侮辱她,当他们试图逃跑,宾克爬起来旋转门的入口在他的书中还设有一个百货(),并被迫向内的势头。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | An altercation ensues after they insult [...] her, and while they attempt their escape, Bink crawls up to a revolving door at [...]the entrance to a department store (also featured in his book) and is forced inwards by its momentum. seekcartoon.com |
一次偶然的机会,他们都来到同一地点,领导人又开 始 争吵。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | By chance, they all came to the same spot, and the [...] leaders started bickering again. seekcartoon.com |
但教皇不能预见,毫无疑问希望Photius,达到他的野心的高度,将下降 的 争吵。 mb-soft.com | But the pope could not foresee that, and no doubt hoped that Photius, having reached the height of his [...] ambition, would drop the quarrel. mb-soft.com |
有一次,因为在一家便利店与人争 吵,她被拘留了三天。 daccess-ods.un.org | On one occasion, she was detained for three days after a dispute in a convenience store. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 60 年代早中期,披头士还在第二录音室获得了巨大的成功,披头士与 Cliff 和 Shadows 几乎成为录音室的共有者,为录制时间发生善意 的 争吵。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The Beatles also found great success in Studio Two, and during the early-to-mid-'60s, The Beatles and Cliff and The Shadows became almost like joint owners of the studio, with friendly battles for recording time. bowers-wilkins.com |
南朝鲜和北朝鲜 [...] 以不同的名牌出现在联合国即令人痛心,然而更加 令人痛心的是两个兄弟国家还在国际论坛 中 争吵不 休。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was heartbreaking that the North and the South were represented in the Organization behind [...] different nameplates and still more heartbreaking that the two brother [...] nations continued to quarrel in international forums. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,伊格的死了,请参阅君士坦丁堡现在真的空置;神职人员一个不容置疑的权利选举他们自己的族长;拒绝到承认将有挑起一个与东方新鲜违反Photius,会不会有阻止他的职业见,并会给予他的政党(包括皇帝),只是一 个 争吵 的 原 因。 mb-soft.com | On the other hand, by Ignatius's death the See of Constantinople was now really vacant; the clergy had an undoubted right to elect their own patriarch; to refuse to acknowledge Photius would have provoked a fresh breach with the East, would not [...] have prevented his occupation of the see, and would have given his party (including the [...] emperor) just reason for a quarrel. mb-soft.com |
在多样性高度政治化和工具化的社会里,日常的问题,如学校董事会、储蓄 和信贷社、甚至运动队的组成问题,都由于因基于族裔、种族、宗教和地方主义 的代表或缺乏代表发生的激烈争吵, 而 停滞不前。 daccess-ods.un.org | In societies with a high degree of politicization and instrumentalization of diversity, day-to-day issues, such as the composition of school boards, savings and credit associations, or even sports teams become paralysed by acrimonious debates over representation or lack thereof on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion and regionalism. daccess-ods.un.org |
3 月 19 日,营内的科特迪瓦难民在同邻近 Dougee [...] 镇上的一名利比里亚居民买卖手机时 发生争执,进行了激烈争吵。 daccess-ods.un.org | Four of those individuals had been involved previously in the New York gold mine case — of which three had also crossed into Liberia with the Youbor convoy in May 2011. The 19 March confrontation erupted over a mobile phone transaction [...] between Ivorian refugees in the camp and a Liberian resident of neighbouring Dougee Town and resulted [...] in a bitter altercation. daccess-ods.un.org |
游戏渗透于不对称关系中,而且儿童不断试图将自己放置于游戏之中的方式是 游戏过程的关键部分;质疑和争吵经 常 具有情感意义和价值。 ipaworld.org | Play is imbued with asymmetrical relationships, and the ways in which children continually seek to position themselves in play is a vital part of playing; the contests and arguments often add to the emotional tenor and value. ipaworld.org |
这些妇 女 在丈夫醉酒回家或者双方争吵时遭 到毒打。 daccess-ods.un.org | They were beaten when their husbands come home drunk or when they have some argument in their family. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们 需要 [...] 建立新的世 界政治和经济秩序,在这种秩序中,对话将代替冲突 和争吵,民主将被用来让弱者发表意见,援助和声援 将被适当用来缓解人民的痛苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need a new world order that is also [...] political and economic, where conflicts [...] and discord are replaced by dialogue, where democracy is [...]used to give voice to the weak [...]and vulnerable and where aid and solidarity are used appropriately to mitigate the suffering of the people. daccess-ods.un.org |
我认为,现在到了主要大国停 止其政治争吵,从 而使安全理事会保护平民的努力 得以向前推进的时候了。 daccess-ods.un.org | I believe it is time for the major Powers to stop [...] their political bickering in order to allow [...]the efforts of the Security Council to [...]protect civilians to go forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
9 月 2 日,约 10 名科索沃阿族 Strpce 市政雇员进入市政大楼,企图罢免一 名科索沃塞族人担任的土地、物业及房地产局局长职位,随后,科索沃阿族人和 科索沃塞族人爆发了激烈争吵。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 2 September, a violent quarrel broke out between Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs, after approximately 10 Kosovo Albanian municipal employees entered the municipal building in Strpce and attempted to remove a Kosovo Serb from the position of Head of the Directorate of Land, Property and Real Estate. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们回到阿布萨利姆监狱后,其中一 些囚犯开始抗议,随后发生了争吵。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon their return to the Abu Salim prison, some of the prisoners started to [...] protest and an altercation ensued. daccess-ods.un.org |
雅各Wimpheling(草1528),德国的民族情绪和冠军,塞巴斯蒂安勃兰特是运动的主要代表,并取得与Murner,谁曾发表反对Wimpheling的“日耳曼尼亚一纸宽的声誉由于他们 的 争吵 “ , 并由于争议有关圣母无原罪。 mb-soft.com | Jacob Wimpheling (d. 1528), a champion of German sentiment and nationality, and Sebastian Brant were the chief representatives of the movement, and [...] attained a wide reputation [...] owing to their quarrel with Murner, who had published a paper in opposition to Wimpheling's "Germania", and owing to the controversy concerning [...]the Immaculate Conception. mb-soft.com |
我们认为,争吵不休 的日子属于过去,在 金伯利进程今后的工作中没有它的位置。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe [...] that the days of bickering belong to the [...]past and have no place in the future work of the Kimberley Process. daccess-ods.un.org |
一切的开始就好比是不重要的争吵, 而 现在曼奇尼似乎准备让文森特•孔帕尼离开。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | IT all started with what looked like a petty spat and now Roberto Mancini seems to be ready to let Vincent Kompany go. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
他是在与苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派支持 者 争吵 后 被 打死 的。由于营地领导人不让当地安全部门进入营地开展调查,州长 Yousif Tibin Musa Adam 便威胁要命令安全部队强行进入营地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the camp leaders’ refusal to allow local security authorities into the camp to carry out an investigation, the State Wali, Yousif Tibin Musa Adam, threatened to order security forces to enter the camp by force. daccess-ods.un.org |
这事发生在这个明智的:在519,文学,西徐亚僧侣约翰内斯马克森提下在谁是精通拉丁美洲出现在君士坦丁堡打算与有第插入德的象征理事会的卡尔西(451)的基督公式“,联合国大学Trinitate在卡恩crucifixus预测“,在Theopaschite鉴 于 争吵 , 这 是当时肆虐。 mb-soft.com | It happened in this wise: In 519, Scythian monks under Johannes Maxentius who was versed in Latin literature, appeared at Constantinople with the intention of having inserted in the symbol of the Council of Chalcedon (451) the [...] Christological formula, "Unus de s. Trinitate in carne crucifixus est", in [...] view of the Theopaschite quarrel, which was then raging. mb-soft.com |
今天上午,我和我的妻子了长时间的讨论,关于我们的儿子玩,他抓住索尼PS3的2009年聚醚砜,然后吃早餐; the争吵热量为我的懒惰良好的起动,每周两次早期慢跑是:得到能量。 technologeeko.com | This morning me and my wife had a long discussion, about our son caught playing PES 2009 on his Sony PS3, before having breakfast; the argy-bargy heat was a good starter for my lazy-twice-weekly early-jogging: got energy from that. technologeeko.com |
这是不容易说什么Melchite始祖想到在这个时刻 的 争吵。 mb-soft.com | It is not easy to say what the Melchite patriarchs [...] thought of the quarrel at this juncture. mb-soft.com |
就算数百年controversialists [...] theologicum充满了憎恨可能彼此误解和文 字 争吵 虽 然 同意以基础理论,但它仍然是人的话,本质,特性,性质(prosopon,本质,特性,physis之)已收到了一定的意义下半年的第四个世纪一个完美的,至于其中之一是在整个教会。 mb-soft.com | Granted that [...] for centuries controversialists full of odium [...]theologicum might misunderstand one another and fight about words [...]while agreeing as to the underlying doctrines, yet it remains that the words person, hypostasis, nature (prosopon, hypostasis, physis) had received in the second half of the fourth century a perfectly definite meaning, as to which the whole Church was at one. mb-soft.com |
如果不停止相互猜疑和争吵,我 无法确信将能够 真正实现持久和可行的政治解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without an end to mutual suspicion and discord, I am not sure that a durable and viable political settlement could actually take place. daccess-ods.un.org |
他致命的争吵与罗 马,但最有名的,只有一个结果,他的多方面的活动。 mb-soft.com | His fatal quarrel with Rome, though [...] the most famous, was only one result of his many-sided activity. mb-soft.com |
由他的兄弟阿卜杜拉阿布'Abbas作为Saffah,大扎卜河(750)上的决定性胜利后终于粉碎了倭马亚王朝宣告成立哈里发的名义,被带到 了 争吵。 mb-soft.com | The quarrel was taken up by his brother Abdallah, known by the name of Abu al-'Abbas as-Saffah, who after a decisive victory on the Greater Zab river (750) finally crushed the Umayyads and was proclaimed caliph. mb-soft.com |
教皇尼古拉一世写道,在炎热的争吵 皇 帝 迈克尔三:“非常仔细地考虑如何Photius立场,尽管他的伟大的美德和普遍的知识”(插曲xcviii“广告密歇根州”,PG,CXIX [...] 1030)。 mb-soft.com | Pope Nicholas I, in [...] the heat of the quarrel writes to the [...]Emperor Michael III: "Consider very carefully how Photius can [...]stand, in spite of his great virtues and universal knowledge" (Ep. xcviii "Ad Mich.", PG, CXIX, 1030). mb-soft.com |
但他确定了自己完全与他主要是已经形成了强烈的反罗马的党在东,,毫无疑问,他已经形成了如此巨大的仇恨罗马,现在他老 的 争吵 进 行 尽可能多的辛酸永远更大的影响力。 mb-soft.com | But he had identified himself so completely with that strong anti-Roman party in the East which he mainly had formed, and, doubtless, he had [...] formed so great a hatred of Rome, that now he [...] carried on the old quarrel with as much bitterness [...]as ever and more influence. mb-soft.com |
对西方来说,在这场民族主义敌对状态中还存在着一线希望:中日两国都不是流氓国家,只要两者的纠纷不动用到非常规武器,我们就可以将这场摩擦视为亚洲内部 的 争吵。 project-syndicate.org | For the West, there is a silver lining in this nationalist rivalry: neither China nor Japan is a rogue state, and, so long as their [...] quarrels do not lead to the use of unconventional weapons, we may treat the friction between them as [...] an internal Asian quarrel. project-syndicate.org |