单词 | 仗 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 仗—rely onless common: depend on weaponry hold (a weapon) wield 仗noun—battlenwarnExamples:口水仗—shouting match 仗腰—back sb.up support (from the rear) 仰仗—rely on depend on
我还要仰仗安全理事会的 支持,以鼓励各方在宣布或实施该领域的任何战略或政策之前,致力于对话和保 [...] 持透明度。 daccess-ods.un.org | I also count on [...] the support of the Security Council [...]in encouraging the sides to commit to dialogue and transparency before [...]any strategies or policies are announced or implemented in the area. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员建议缅甸政府在全国选举方面尊重言论和意见自由以及集会和 结社自由;释放所有政治犯;解决声张仗义和 追究责任问题;落实他在上次报告 中详细阐述的四项核心人权要素;为获得人道主义援助提供便利;继续发展与国 际人权体系的合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur recommends that the Government of Myanmar respect freedom of expression and opinion and freedom of assembly and association in the context of the national elections; release all prisoners of conscience; address justice and accountability; implement the four core human rights elements, as detailed in his previous reports; and facilitate access for humanitarian assistance and continue developing cooperation with the international human rights system. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有人想要同任何人打仗,并且我认为这是一 个很好的积极发展,因为我们说的是巴尔干六、七百 [...] 年的历史。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nobody is [...] trying to goto warwith anybody, [...]and I think this is a great, positive development, because we are talking about [...]600 or 700 years of Balkan history. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府公开表示将倾听南部的不满,但其安全部队却武力镇压大体上和 平的抗议,攻击独立媒体和仗义直言的南部学术界人士和学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Government publicly claimed to listen to southern grievances, its security forces had responded to largely peaceful protests with a crackdown and attacked independent media and outspoken southern academics and students. daccess-ods.un.org |
森林为消除贫困做出了重要贡献,全 世界有 16 亿多人仰仗森林资源维持生计。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forests contribute intensively to poverty eradication, as over 1.6 billion people worldwide depend on forest resources for their livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
在发展方面,我们目睹了伊拉克安全状况大为改 观的变迁,然而,我们仍然仰仗伊拉 克政府 2010 年 4 月 4 日宣布的 2010-2014 年五年计划和伊拉克与主要 石油和天然气投资公司举行的许可证谈判回合来改 善我们的石油产业。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to development, having witnessed the big improvement in security in Iraq, we are still relying on the five-year plan for the years 2010-2014 announced by theIraqi Government on 4 April 2010 and on the licensing rounds held between Iraq and major companies on oil and natural gas investments to improve our oil industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
他忠诚仗义,他14岁加入俱乐部,时至今日,他依然为该俱乐部效力。 audemarspiguet.com | Loyal: he still wears the colours of the club he joined at the age of 14. audemarspiguet.com |
尽管国际社会通过条约缔约国 1995 年审 议和延期大会的中东问题决议、联合国大会、国际原子能机构(原子能机构)大会 和伊斯兰会议组织的相关决议,一再发出呼吁,犹太复国主义政权仍然依仗美利坚合众国的政治和军事支持,仍然既不加入《条约》,也不将其不该有的核设施 置于原子能机构的全面保障监督之下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite repeated calls by the international community, demonstrated in the resolution on the Middle East adopted at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty and in related resolutions of the General Assembly, the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Zionist regime, confident of the political and military support of the United States of America, has neither acceded to the Treaty nor placed its unwarranted nuclear facilities under IAEA full-scope safeguards. daccess-ods.un.org |
本项目将仰仗各国对口政府主管机构的支持,包括国家知识产权局的支持。 wipo.int | The project will count upon the support of the appropriate government authorities, in each country, including the national IP Offices. wipo.int |
鉴于科索沃安全部队在 3 月 5 日作为穿制服的武装仪仗队参加了科索沃解放 军一个纪念活动,驻科部队军民咨询司从 3 月 5 日至 10 日撤回对科索沃安全部 队的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the participation of the Kosovo Security Force as an armed honour guard in uniform, at a Kosovo Liberation Army commemoration on 5 March, the Military Civil Advisory Division of the Kosovo Force withdrew its support to the Kosovo Security Force from 5 to 10 March. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们所开展的一切工作均仰仗私有和机构捐助者持续的资金支持。 worldfuturecouncil.org | Our work is not possible without continuous [...] financial support fromprivate and institutional donors. worldfuturecouncil.org |
我愿借此机会要求大韩民国不要与正在实施其 [...] 控制整个东北亚野心的美国同流合污或沆瀣一气,牢 记依仗外国力量是自我毁灭之举,将给朝鲜民族带来 [...]灾难性后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to take this opportunity to call for the delegation of the Republic of Korea not to collaborate or stand with the United States, which is pursuing its ambition to control [...] North-East Asia as a whole, bearing in mind [...] that reliance onforeign forces [...]is a self-destructive move that will have catastrophic [...]results for the Korean nation. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要 受到移民问题的影响( 同时还有伊拉克问题 和经济问题),共和党 人在2006年国会选举 中的总得票率下降到28%,吃了个大败仗。 americancorner.org.tw | As a result of mainly the immigration issue (along with Iraq and the economy), the Republican share of the total vote in the 2006 congressional elections went down to 28 percent. americancorner.org.tw |
南非世界杯正式进入倒计时,国内的“彩电世界杯”也已经进入“压哨时间”.彩电功能呈现“四强争霸”局面:趁着世界杯播出3D信号契机,3D电视声势最大;互联网电视凭互动体验,粉丝最多;LED仗着运动画质、色彩显示优势,志在必得;觉得没有什么比高清数字一体机看球赛更适合的了,所以这个原本一直小众的产品也在蠢蠢欲动。 ch-led.com | TV time" function shows "four World Cup ii" situation: while broadcast 3D, 3D TV signal floored opportunity is greatest; Internet TV fans by interactive experience, most; LED by motion graphics, color display advantage, the bag; Think nothing at the game than hd all-in-one PC more suitable, so this was always in the product also little fidgety. ch-led.com |
後备军官训练计划(ROTC)提供鼓乐团和仪仗队的 训练。 sfusd.edu | Two thirds of the faculty sponsor student clubs and our ROTC program offers drum corp and drill teams. sfusd.edu |
在HRO世界高峰会欧洲大会的发言中,Avery Dennison展示了公司是如何依仗与值得信赖的HRO服务提供商ADP的十多年的关系,将公司的多元本地化薪酬外包改造成全球统一规范的。 tipschina.gov.cn | In a presentation at the HRO World Europe Conference, Avery Dennison demonstrated how the company was able to leverage its 10+ year relationship with trusted HRO service-provider ADP to move the company from multi-local payroll outsourcing to a global model. tipschina.gov.cn |
合作为双方在赛道上带来一系列令人瞩目的胜利,包括在1998年911 GT1在勒芒24小时大赛夺得的两场胜仗。 carreracupasia.com | The relationship has culminated in a number of impressive wins on the racetrack with the ultimate victory – a double win in the 1998 24 hours Le Mans with the 911 GT1. carreracupasia.com |
毛 奇 (Moltke)认 为 ﹐这场仗是一早 预 见 的 ﹐花 了 很 多 心 思 准 备 ﹐ 而 且 是 内 阁 认 为 必 要 的 ﹔ 开 战 的 目 的 不 是 扩 张 领 土 ﹐ 而 是 在 德 意 志 中 确 立 普 鲁 士 的 霸 权 。 hkahe.com | To Moltke, “it wasawar even long foreseen, prepared with deliberation, and recognized as necessary by the cabinet, not in order to obtain territorial aggrandizement but in order to secure the establishment of Prussian hegemony in Germany. hkahe.com |
向日葵的茎部依仗生长素和植物细胞制造的物质,使之有足够抗力和灵活性转至太阳方向。 clarinsusa.com | It is auxins, substances produced by the plant's cells, which give the sunflower stem the resistance and flexibility to move in this way. clarinsusa.com |
由于保留方原则上没有权利对反对作出反应,容许扩大反对范围等同于让 保留国仰仗反对方的善意,反对方任何时候均有可能修正双方之间的条约关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | (3) Since in principle the reserving party does not have the right to respond to an objection, there is a risk that allowing such a widening of the scope of an objection might amount to making the reserving State dependent on the goodwill of the author of the objection, who could decide to change the treaty relations between the two parties at any time. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国政府在现有景气振兴方案之外,应提高各项基础建设投资,做为未来IT产业仰仗的根 基,本报告部分受访者指出,IT产业正经历翻天覆地的变化,许多应用皆从单一位址 走向「云端」,效能改善将使整体经济受惠,但各国与IT产业若缺乏这些服务所需的 宽频建设,很快将会落於人後。 portal.bsa.org | The efficiency gains that will result from this development could benefit entire economies, but countries—and national IT sectors—that lack the broadband infrastructure needed to access these services will be left behind. portal.bsa.org |
正式的行走将于2012年秋在香港的商业街发生,这次艺术家穿戴装置只身一人同街道发生互动并求取记录素材,背包后提供印有文字的纸质红蓝眼镜的方式传达信息:"此装置行为的影像记录完全仰仗陌路人和你,艺术家会从LookThroughMe@qq.com这个邮箱收集的素材进行编辑,感激所有参与并上传了的即时自愿摄像师和摄影师,列入人名表并回复通知。ACTION! xuzhifeng.com | The real walk due to carry out on mall street of Hong Kong in Autumn 2012, this time the artist will go with the installation all by himself, get interaction and documentation material both from the passersby audience, who can get information on red cyan paper glasses from the backpack [...] with text: "Documentation of this [...] performance relies only on strangers and [...]U, the artist will collect all materials (video/photo) [...]from LookThroughMe@qq.com, all instant-voluntary filmmakers and photographers will be appreciated, credited and notified. xuzhifeng.com |
抓好四支队伍建设。一是建设一支敢管理、会管理的管理人员队伍;二是建设一支能打硬仗、 善打硬仗的营销队伍;三是建设一支技术水平高,具有较强的创新能力,研发能力,能够加快企业科技进步、增强核心竞争力的研发人才队伍;四是建设一支技能过硬、爱岗敬业、专业素质高的一线员工队伍。 emerson.org.cn | Paying special attention to the four teams construction: one is building a dare and with the ability of management team; The second is to build a really good marketing team; The third is to build a technology level is high, has the strong innovation ability, research and development ability, to speed up the progress of science and technology enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness research talents team; The fourth is to build a perfect skill likes the hillock being professional high professional quality staff team a line emerson.org.cn |
我真 诚希望你以联合国人权事务高级专员的身份,在理事会本届会议上为以色列人民仗义执言并公开谴责滥杀无辜的袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | I sincerely hope that you, in your capacity as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, speak up for the people of Israel and publicly condemn these indiscriminate attacks at the current session of the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |