单词 | 中爪哇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中爪哇—central Javathe province of JogyakartaSee also:爪哇n—Javan 爪哇—Java (island of Indonesia) Java (programming language) 哇—Wow! sound of child's crying sound of vomiting 哇哇—sound of crying
第三 起涉及 Simad [...] Tarab, 1965 年被军队和警方逮捕并送至中爪哇的一家工厂,最后一 次被见到是在 [...]1966 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third concerned Simad Tarab, arrested in 1965 by the Military and Police and taken to a [...] factory in Central Java andlast seen in 1966. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年,西爪哇井里汶的一个警察清真寺和中爪哇梭罗的一个福音教堂遭到自杀式炸弹袭击。 crisisgroup.org | The 2011 suicide bombings of a police mosque in [...] Cirebon, West Java and an evangelical church [...] in Solo, CentralJava were carried out [...]by men who moved from using sticks and stones [...]in the name of upholding morality and curbing “deviance” to using bombs and guns. crisisgroup.org |
日惹位于爪哇中部地区,是殖民前爪哇的两大皇家城市之一,同时也是爪哇文化的中心。 wdl.org | Located incentral Java, Yogyakarta was one of two main pre-colonial royal cities in Java and a center ofJavanese culture. wdl.org |
报告还将详细研究 2009 至 2010 年间出现的四个小型组织;它们分别出现在 西爪哇的万隆、中爪哇的克拉登、 北苏门答腊的棉 兰及苏门答腊的楠榜,楠榜的组织最终与棉兰组织结 盟。 crisisgroup.org | It also examines in detail four small groups that emerged in 2009-2010 – in Bandung, West Java; in Klaten, Central Java; in Medan, North Sumatra; and in Lampung, Sumatra, that ended up in alliance with the Medan group. crisisgroup.org |
内务委员会主席以立法会代表团首席 成员的身份汇报,立法会代表团於2011年 9 [...] 月 27日至29日前往印度尼西亚共和国中爪哇省梭罗市,以印尼人民代表会议嘉宾代表团的身份, [...]出席亚洲议会大会亚洲友好合作原则会议及有 关保障亚洲外来工人权益的专责委员会会议(下 [...]称 "专责委员会会议")。 legco.gov.hk | The Chairman, in her capacity as the leading member of the delegation, [...] reported that the LegCo delegation [...] visited Solo, Central JavaProvince,the Republic [...]of Indonesia from 27 to 29 September [...]2011 to attend as guest of the Indonesian House of Representatives the Asian Parliamentary Assembly Conference on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia and the Ad Hoc Committee Meeting on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers in Asia ("Ad Hoc Committee Meeting"). legco.gov.hk |
亿印尼盾,2011 年提高至702 亿印尼盾,此外,雅加达、西爪 哇、中爪哇和邦加-勿里洞等地方政府为增进和保护残疾人的权利制定了法规, 内容包括为残疾人提供工作机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, specific local government [...] regulations, among others in [...] Jakarta, West Java, Central Javaand Bangka Belitung, have been enacted in order to promote and [...]protect the rights [...]of persons with disabilities, including by providing acces to work for them. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次地震影响了日惹省 的五个地区和邻近的中部爪哇省的六个地区,并直接影响了 270 万人,导致 [...] 150 万人 无家可归。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It impacted five districts within [...] Yogyakarta Province and six districts within [...] neighbouring Central JavaProvince, and directly [...]affected 2.7 million people, rendering 1.5 million of them homeless. unesdoc.unesco.org |
吸食鸦片最初主要是爪哇上层阶级社交生活的一部分,但是 19 世纪吸食鸦片渐渐蔓延到不断扩张的殖民经济中的广大劳动者身上。 wdl.org | Opium smoking was at first mainly a part of social life amongJavanese upper classes, but in the 19th century it increasingly spread to the laborers [...] who served the expanding colonial economy. wdl.org |
Pendopo 使用一种建立在柱子上的大型露天亭阁,是爪哇建筑中的一种重要组成部分。 wdl.org | The pendopo, a large open-air pavilion built on columns, is [...] a crucial element of Javanesearchitecture. wdl.org |
Augur Resources於爪哇中部的Wonogiri合营公司项目不断进行资源量探边钻探,持续增加低品位(~1克/吨金) 大量可开采金矿床的潜力。 mmg.com | Continued resource delineation drilling by Augur Resources at theWonogiri JVproject in centralJava continued to build the potential for a low-grade (~1g/t gold) bulk-mineable gold deposit. mmg.com |
活动第一 次超出爪哇和巴厘岛的范围,达到苏门答腊、廖内和南、北苏拉威西。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the first time, the campaign reached beyond [...] the islandsof Java andBali to Sumatra, [...]Riau and North and South Sulawesi. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们原本希望,澳大利亚代表团将向我们谈论伊 拉克妇女和儿童在移徙过程中的遭遇,谈论她们在爪 哇海在澳大利亚船员众目睽睽之下活活被鲨鱼吞噬。 daccess-ods.un.org | We would have hoped that the Australian delegation would talk to us about the Iraqi women and [...] children who emigrated and whose bodies were devoured [...] by sharks, in full view of Australian ship crewsin the JavaSea. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种传统的身体护理源自于印尼爪哇岛,已有了几个世纪的历史,主要是皇室新娘在婚前进行的一项活动。 horizonsanya.com | This complete traditional body treatment driven [...] originallyfromJava Island,Indonesia, [...]has been used for centuries especially [...]for future brides among the Royal families to indulge themselves before the wedding. horizonsanya.com |
博物馆中设有金银饰物室、青铜器室、货币室、古物展览室、史前展览室、木器展览室、民俗展览室、东印度公司陈列室等,其中包括30万年前爪哇猿人头骨化石、三四千年前中国青铜时代的鼎和鬲、中国古代的陶瓷器和古币、爪哇岛上的象首人身佛像、苏门答腊岛独特的房屋模型以及皮影戏、木偶戏道具等。 shangri-la.com | Its broad and fascinating collections covers all of Indonesia's territory and almost all of its history. shangri-la.com |
他们的身体虽 然与你同在一个房间,但是他们的心已经跑到爪哇国了。 sallee.info | Their bodies may be present with you in the room, but their minds are far away. sallee.info |
在该地区的主王国马塔兰王国分崩离析后,1757 年 Mangkunegara 王朝在苏腊卡尔塔中心地区成立,这是一个采用世袭制的小公国,是荷兰在爪哇分而治之政策的产物。 wdl.org | Mangkunegara was established as a small principality with a hereditary ruler in the center of [...] Surakarta in 1757, following the breakup [...] of the area’s main kingdom, Mataram, as part of the divide-and-conquer policy practiced by the Dutch inJava. wdl.org |
该报告将对 2009 至 2010 年间在苏门答腊岛的棉 兰和楠榜及爪哇岛的万隆和克拉登涌现的小型暴 力组织做详细的案例分析。 crisisgroup.org | The report looks at detailed case studies of small violent groups that have emerged in Indonesia in 2009 and 2010 in Medan and Lampung, on Sumatra, and in Bandung and Klaten, on Java. crisisgroup.org |
远藤社长充满自信地说:“还因为TJB的设备性能高,截至2011年末,在爪哇岛、巴厘岛的煤炭火力发电厂中以发电成本最低而赢得好评。 sumitomocorp.co.jp | CJP President Director Endo proudly remarked, “TJB is recognized as the most cost-efficient coal-fired power station in Javaand Bali islands as of the end of 2011, thanks to this business scheme and to the high performance of the facilities installed. sumitomocorp.co.jp |
种:长臂猿共有11种,它们是敏捷,凤头,红颊,白眉,克洛斯',白色手,白颊,爪哇,婆罗洲,Pileated,合趾猿和长臂猿。 zh.northrup.org | Species: There are 11 species of Gibbon, they are the [...] Agile, Crested, Red-cheeked, Hoolock, Kloss', white-handed, [...] white-cheeked,Javan,Bornean, Pileated, [...]and the Siamang Gibbon. northrup.org |
2010-2011 年发生了一系列自然灾害:海地地震(2010 年 1 月)破坏了海地社 会的文化结构和社会结构;巴基斯坦洪灾(2010 年 8 月)使世界遗址摩亨佐达 罗考古遗迹和塔塔城遭受影响;印尼爪哇岛默拉皮火山的大喷发(2010 年 10 月)破坏了婆罗浮屠寺庙群和普兰巴南寺庙群。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The years 2010-2011 witnessed a series of natural disasters: the earthquake in Haiti (January 2010) destroying the cultural and social fabric of Haitian society; flooding in Pakistan (August 2010) affecting the Moenjodaro and Thatta World Heritage properties; and a major volcanic eruption of Mt. unesdoc.unesco.org |
丸红因完成了对YTL爪哇电力的部分股权的购股工作,已间接地持有了 PTJP 的 15%的股份,今后将参与 PTJP 的经营和派顿 2 燃煤火力发电厂的运营。 marubeni.com.cn | YTL JawaPower owns a 35% stake in PT. Jawa Power (hereafter “PTJP”), which owns and operates the 1,220MW Paiton 2 coal-fired power station in Java, Indonesia. marubeni.com |
他的制鞋厂是指的是那些在为美国和欧洲的品牌,包括阿迪达斯,MBT和健乐士已在印尼也开始生产使用马克穆尔维皮革布迪在东和西爪哇的鞋子,而不是在该岛中部,那里制革厂的。 indonesialeatherfactory.com | The shoe factories he is referring to are ones making shoes in east and west Java for the US and European brands, including adidas, MBT and Geox which has also begun production in Indonesia using Budi Makmur leather, rather than the central part of the island where the tannery is. indonesialeatherfactory.com |
安息香源於「泰国和苏门答腊岛」、「生长於爪哇」的树上而(TISSERAND的安息香精油正是来自苏门答腊岛)。 tisserand.com.hk | BENZOIN (RESINOID 50%) Benzoin is derived from the trees that grow in Java, Thailand and Sumatra (TISSERAND comes from the latter). tisserand.com.hk |
对齐凸边 12.检查弹簧 (42b) [...] 是否正常工作和密封件 (42c) 是否可在密封盖 (42a) 棘爪中稍稍转动。 graco.com | Check for proper spring (42b) operation, and that the seal (42c) rotates slightly [...] in the seal housing(42a) detents. graco.com |
小组织的第二个典型是中爪洼省克拉登市的秘密暗杀 队。 crisisgroup.org | The second example of a small group is Tim Ightiyalat from Klaten, Central Java. crisisgroup.org |
该组织参与了关于暴力侵害妇女行为的吹风会,在反恐中注意增进与保护人 权和基本自由问题特别报告员前往亚马逊地区访问期间, 该组织参加了 2009 年 在秘鲁巴古哇省举办的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization participated in briefings on violence against women and the events in 2009 in Bagua Province, Peru, during the visit to the Amazon region of the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
池塘,沼泽,稻田,潮湿地方沿着溪; [...] 低于1900米安徽, [不丹,印度,印度尼西亚(爪哇),日本,朝鲜,马来西亚,缅甸,尼泊尔,锡金,斯里兰卡,越南 ]. flora.ac.cn | Ponds, swamps, rice fields, wet places along streams; below 1900 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, [...] Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, [...] India, Indonesia (Java), Japan, Korea, [...]Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Vietnam]. flora.ac.cn |
热带和亚热带的低的高度疏林,路旁,山坡; 500-900米福建,广东,广西,贵州,四川,台湾,云南 [...] [不丹,柬埔寨,印度,印度尼西亚(爪哇,苏门答腊),老挝,马来西亚,缅甸,尼泊尔,菲律宾,泰国,越南 ]. flora.ac.cn | Tropical and subtropical low altitude open forests, roadsides, slopes; 500-900 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, [...] Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Bhutan, Cambodia, [...] India, Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Laos, [...]Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam]. flora.ac.cn |