

单词 一举



every movement
each and every move


every single movement
every little move


one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone

External sources (not reviewed)

Of course, this is all assuming we could get past the creepy, big-brotherly quality of the
[...] government trackingour every move.
家中安装了 Panasonic 网络摄像机连接宽频服务,便可以透过互联网看到小朋友一举一
Connecting Panasonic IP Camera with broadband line of your home, the camera can be viewed and controlled fromadistant PC, smartphone and tablet.
一举: 生产一平方米的环保地砖,便等於循环再用了20公斤的废玻璃樽和50公斤的建筑废料。
Waste reduction: 
[...] Producingjustone square metre [...]
of eco-paver requires 20kg of waste glass and 50kg of construction waste.
Not only attendant timing no longer looking at his watch every move of a horse on the finish line, but also the running time of each horse and the time differences between the participants in the race are recorded reliably.
Get it all – desktop speed and capacity.
[...] Rubio回应奥巴马总统的国情咨文,他在发言途中突然停下拿起水樽喝水, 一举时令他成为网络红人,由此而起的笑话蜂拥而出。
Marco Rubio’s Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union
[...] address included an impromptu water [...]
break to quench his thirst.
The author would like to illustrate this with Table 1, while assuming that N is extremely large.
平治AMG凭车手Bernd Schneider夺得史上第三个德国巡回汽车锦标赛冠军,同年他为平治AMG 一举国际巡回汽车锦标赛冠军。
Mercedes-AMG wins the German Touring Championship for the third time in the history of the event and the ITC title in its first year.
PQI Nano 随身碟,首创业界最大容量一举至 128GB,可储存高画质影片约 160 小时、 20,000 张精彩张照片以及 32,000 首动人歌曲,在传输速度上则拥有绝佳的效能表现,最高可达读入 195 MB/Sec,写入 100 MB/Sec,复制一部 HD 电影不用一分钟,水库般大容量,传输仅需一眨眼。
PQI Nano Thumb Drive leads the industry with the largest capacity of up to 128GB (up to 160 hrs of HD movie, 20,000 photos, and 32,000 songs) and extreme performance at 195 MB/Sec read and 100 MB/Sec write (transfer a whole HD movie within one minute), even PQI Nano's large capacity can be filled up in a blink of an eye.
一些回应者认为一举令消费者产生混淆,因为许多消费者都不能 完全理解现有的计划(3)。
Some respondents held the viewthat extending the coverage of MEELS to other electrical [...]
appliances would cause further confusion
among consumers since they did not completely understand the existing scheme (TU=3).
2011 年公布营收金额持续成长 9.7% ,达到 152 亿欧元,沿续 2010 年成长态势,加上集团中期年成长率6%一举为 14%,反映拉丁美洲成长力道强劲,欧洲小幅成长的局面。
Sustained 9.7% growth in issue volume in 2011 to €15.2 billion, continuing the trend established in 2010 and in line with the Group’s medium-term annual growth target of 6% to 14%, reflecting strong momentum in Latin America and modest growth in Europe.
然而,8%的回应者(2,080 位回应者中有 166 位)不认为有将更多电力产品引入 该计划的必要,因为他们并不认为 一举 以有效节省能源(10),而 14%的回应者 (2,080 位回应者中有 286 位)没有表示同意与否或是提出意見。
However, 8% (166 out of 2,080) of respondents disagreed there was a need to introduce more electrical appliances under MEELS since they perceived it was not effective in terms of saving energy (TU=10) while 14% (286 out of 2,080) of the respondents neither agreed nor disagreed or did not make any comment at all.
[...] 电竞滑鼠】以卓越的设计思维,搭配优越的技术面,搭配画龙点睛之效果在多逹58个国家的众多竞争对手最佳姿态赢得所有陪审团成员的青莱脱颖而出 一举欧洲最具声望的德国设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 所设立的红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards一举『2012红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards』,这代表着曜越Tt eSPORTS把优越的电竞设计理念清楚地传达至所有电竞领域。
In 2012 THERON is the only gaming mouse
[...] that has won the red dot Design Award (click here for more information), the chosen oneto receive such prestigious recognition by the institute of The Design Zentrum – the [...]
organizer of red dot.
为了配合海外大环境的需求,教材虽以正体字与注音符号为主轴编制,但同时也提供汉拼及简化字,以吸引更多学习者愿意采用这套全方位教材,藉此鼓励简化字背景的学生,也有机会学会正体字,而正体字背景学生更方便同时认读两种字体 一举
In order to meet the needs of the environment overseas, teaching material that would normally be in traditional characters and phonetic symbols have also been prepared in the simple characters and han-yu form as to attract and encourage more willing learners  of the simplified characters background, as wellas give them the opportunity of learn traditional characters.
根据日期为二零一一年六月三十日之本公司公布,内容有关截至二零一一年三月三十 一日止年度之本公司及其附属公司之年度业绩,股东周年大会原定於二零一一年八月十五 日(星
Pursuant to the announcement of the Company dated 30 June 2011 in relation to the annual resultsof the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 March 2011, the AGMwasoriginallyscheduledtobeheldonMonday,15August2011.
无需将过多的时间放在确认设定是否正确或重复性的工作上,管理人员能将注意力全心放在监控摄影机范围内一举一 及其他主动式的工作上,加强巩固整体的安全,并让人力成本更有其价值。
Surveillance quality can be greatly improved when personnel focuses more on monitoring and performing other value-added tasks.
由於本公司需要额外时间澄清一些涉及前度聯席核數师,丁何关陈会计师行及张、萧 会计师事务所的事项,原定於二零零八年十一月十七日(星期一)下午二时三十分举 行之董事会会议已重订於二零零八年十一月二十四日(星
Owning to the requirement of more time for the Company to clarify certain issues with its previous joint auditors, Messrs.
使用内置的5W立体声喇叭,可以充份播放影片和音乐内容,令你有意想不到的多媒体享受,同时可以减少外置喇叭的占用空间,令电脑周围更加整洁 一举
This monitor is a complete audio-video solution, with a 5 Watt 2 channel Speaker delivering high-quality stereo sound to give you all you need for a richer and more enhanced multimedia experience.
(x) 公司细则第122条之内容犹如「董事会於每一次股东周年大会举行之後须尽快从 其成员当中举一 本公司总裁及另一人任副总裁,及」等字词已由「董事 会可从其成员当中举一裁及╱或一位副总裁,及」取代。
(x) Bye-law 122 shall read as if the words "Board shall as soon as practicable following
each annual general
[...] meeting elect oneof its body to the office of President of the Company and another to be Vice-President of the Company, and" were replaced by the words "Board may electfrom their number [...]
a President and/or Vice-President, and".
在其缺席时,将由出席会议 者中委任或举一任主席。
In his absence a chairman shall be appointed or elected by those present atthe meeting.
董事会於每一次股东周年大会举行之後须尽快从其成员当中 举一本公司总裁 及另一人任副总裁,及董事会亦可按照其认为适当之任期及条款及根据公司细则第106 [...]
条决定之薪酬条款,不时委任其任何一名或多名成员担任董事总经理、联席董事总经 理、副董事总经理或其他执行董事及╱或有关本公司业务管理之其他职位。
122. * The Board shall as soon
as practicable following each annual
[...] general meeting elect oneof its body to [...]
the office of President of the Company and
another to be Vice-President of the Company, and the Board may also from time to time appoint any one or more of its body to the office of Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director or other Executive Director and/or such other office in the management of the business of the Company as it may decide for such period and upon such terms as it thinks fit and upon such terms as to remuneration as it may decide in accordance with Bye-law 106.
举一单的事例:假如一个孩子晚上說牙痛,但早上却 不痛了,孩子会觉得 事情已过,但家长则有理由坚持要孩子往牙医诊所找出牙痛的成因。
However, a parent may reasonably insist on the child's attendance at a dental clinic to discover the cause.
倘无上述主席,或於任何 股东大会上,主席於股东大会指定举行时间後十五分钟内未克出席或不愿担任主席,则出席股东 须举一事担任,或倘没有董事出席或倘所有出席的董事皆拒绝担任主席,则须 举一席的股东担任该股东大会主席。
The chairman (if any) of the Directors shall preside at every general meeting but if there be no such chairman or if at any meeting he shall not be present within fifteen
minutes after the time
[...] appointed for holdingthe same or shall be unwilling to actas chairman the members present shall choose a Director or if no Director be present or if all the Directors present decline to take the chair they shall choose a member present to be chairman of themeeting.
董事会可举一 议主席,并厘定其任期(不得 延至超过该主席根据本细则第 112 条輪值退任之股 东周年大会日期之期限),惟倘并无选出有关会议 主席,或倘於任何会议上,主席在会议指定举行时 间後 15 分钟内仍未出席,则出席会议的董事可在彼 等当中举一事担任会议主席。
The Board may elect a Chairman of its
meetings and determine the period (not being a period extending beyond the date
[...] of the annual general meeting at which such Chairman is due to retire by rotation under Article 112) for which he is to hold office; but if no such Chairman is elected, or if at any meeting the Chairman is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointedfor holding the same, the Directors presentmay choose oneof their number to be Chairman of the meeting.
30.2 董事之选举应依投票制度采行累积投票制,每一股东得行使之投票权數为其所持之股
[...] 份乘以应选出董事人數之數目(以下称「特别投票权」),任一股东行使之特别投票 权总數得由该股东集中举一事候选人,或分配选举數董事候选人。
30.2 Directors shall be elected pursuant to a cumulative voting mechanism pursuant to a poll vote, where the number of votes exercisable by any Member shall be the same as the product of the number of shares held by such Member and the number of Directors to be elected (“Special Ballot Votes”), and the total number of Special Ballot
Votes cast by any Member may be consolidated
[...] forelection of one Directorcandidate [...]
or may be split for election amongst
multiple Director candidates, as specified by the Member pursuant to the poll vote ballot.
20.4 董事会可举一议主席,并厘定其任期,惟倘并无选出有关会议主 席,或倘於任何会议上,主席在会议指定举行时间後 15 分钟内仍未出席, 则出席会议的董事可在彼等当中举一 事担任会议主席。
20.4 The Board may elect a Chairman of its
meetings and
[...] determine the period for which he is to hold office; but if no such Chairman is elected, or if at any meeting the Chairman is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointedfor holding the same, the Directors presentmay choose one of their number to be Chairman [...]
of the meeting.
(2) 於委任或选举董事後,董事会应尽快 举一裁及副总裁或一名主席及 副主席;倘超过一(1)名董事拟竞选该等职位,该等职位之选举应按董事会决定之方式 进行。
(2) The Directors shall, as soon asmay be after each appointment or election of Directors, elect amongstthe Directors a president and a vice-president or a chairman and a deputy chairman; and if more than one (1) Director is proposed for either of these offices, the election to such office shall take place in such manner as the Directors may determine.
(b) 指定规格之代表委任表格连同经签署之授权书或其他授权文件(如有)或经由签署证明 之该等授权书或授权文件副本,最迟须於大会或其任何续会指间48小时回本公司在香港之股份过户登记分处香港中央证券登记有限公司,地址为香港湾 仔皇后大道东183号合和中心17楼1712至1716室,方为有效。
(b) To be valid, a form of proxy in the prescribed form together with the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power or authority, must be depositedat the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for holding the meeting (or any adjourned meeting).




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