释义 |
formal adjective—正式 adj (often used) 非正式 adj 文 adj Examples:take off formal dress and ornaments (traditional)—formal kowtow as part of traditional wedding ceremony—formal obeisance or kowtow—harakiri (formal Japanese: seppuku), a samurai's suicide by disemboweling—formal wailing while offering sacrifice the departed—ethnic township (formal village level subdivision of PRC county)—imperial censor (formal title of a dynastic official)—district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)—formal betrothal (in which the boy's family sends presents the girl's family)—(according an old system of nomenclature) on entering school life, a formal personal name given to new students—kneel three times and kowtow nine times (formal etiquette on meeting the emperor)—formal ceremonial music of each succeeding Chinese dynasty starting with the Zhou—formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan—formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony—formal wife of a Xiongnu chief during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)—stamp the feet (formal writing)— |