

单词 兵种



special forces soldier

See also:

a force

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会还欣见中部非洲预警机制继续开展信息收集和分析工作,定于 2010 年 5
[...] 月在安哥拉举行的“宽札河 2010”多国兵种演习也正在筹备之中。
The Committee also commended the ongoing data collection and analysis work carried out by the Central African Early Warning Mechanism (MARAC), as well as the work
being done to prepare for the Kwanza 2010 multinational,
[...] multidimensional exercise to be conducted [...]
in Angola in May 2010.
解放军今年演习频密规模大 多兵种军演成常规》, 《暸望东方周刊》,2010 年 12 月 13 日。
解放军今年演习频密规模大 多军兵种军演成常规” [“PLA conducted frequent large-scale exercises with various militaries this year”], Oriental Outlook, 13 December 2010.
在维和问题上,国防 部负责兵种与外 交政策之间的协调工作,并非 真正的决策机构。
In peacekeeping matters, the MND is responsible for coordination between the military branch and the foreign policy circle, rather than being the actual decision-maker.
在处理关于违反《武装冲突法》行为的指控方面,美国授予国防部和各兵 种多个部门下令进行调查的独立权力。
Formal and informal investigations can be independent of the chain of the command but are conducted within the military.
2006 年至 2007 年上半年,法制(包括军官犯罪)和军纪问题分别在第二次全 军部队级军官会议、俄联邦国防部部务委员会会议、俄联邦武装力量领导成员集 训、中央军事指挥机关工作总结、俄联邦武装力量军种、军区(舰队 ) 、 兵种 军事 会议、军事指挥机关各类人员会议和集训上进行了讨论。
In 2006 and the first half of 2007, problems relating to the maintenance of legality (including delinquency among officers) and military discipline were discussed at the Second All-Army Meeting of Combat Arm Officers of the Russian Armed Forces, at a meeting of the Central Administrative Board of the Ministry of Defence, at a training event for the leadership of the Russian armed forces, at a review of the work of the central military
administrative bodies, at
[...] military councils of various branches of the Russian armed forces, military (navy and air force) commands and combat arms of the Russian armed forces, and at meetings [...]
and training events
for various categories of officials of military administrative bodies.
参加兵的特种部队配备了新型卡拉什尼科夫式轻机枪,与乌克兰所更 新的枪型相同。
Special forces marching at the parade were armed with a new model of “Kalashnikov” submachine guns, which are identical to the gun type modernized by Ukraine.
步伐一致的行军兵按这种方式 行进可能会造成桥梁倒塌。
Soldiers marching in step can actually cause [...]
a bridge to collapse in this way.
意大利还提供资料说明 2008 年 4 月至 2009 年 11 月期间意大利兵 团进行的种活动
Italy also provided information on various operations conducted by the Italian Carabinieri Corps between April 2008 and November 2009.
预计 2011/12 预算周期,在实现核心安全基准方面,还将取得进一步进展, 包括独立运作的 344
[...] 名警务人员构成的利比里亚国家警察应急部队、一个 1 000 人的警察支助股,在全国各地部署有装备的国家警务人员,以及建立警察基础设 施,完成和实施国家安全战略和架构,并继续培训辅导利比里亚武装部队 兵和 特种部队,包括建立海岸警卫队。
Further progress is also expected during the 2011/12 budget cycle in meeting core security benchmarks, including an independently operational Liberia National Police Emergency Response Unit with a strength of 344 police personnel, a 1,000member-strong Police Support Unit and the deployment of equipped national police personnel throughout the country, as well as the building of police infrastructure, the finalization and implementation of the national security strategy and architecture, and the
continued training and
[...] mentoring of the troops and specialized units of the Armed Forces of Liberia, including the development of the [...]
coast guard.
[...] 面,联合国同非国家武装团体达成行动计划以结束 在武装冲突中招募和使用儿兵,是 这 种 接 触可以 成功地导致非国家行为体更多遵守国际人道主义法 [...]
In the context of the Council’s engagement on children and armed conflict, the conclusion of action plans with non-State armed groups by the United Nations to end
the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict is a
[...] good example on how such engagement can successfully [...]
lead to improved
compliance with international humanitarian law by non-State actors.
它共有约 500 张床位,并已开始治疗和照顾受 伤的过渡联邦政府兵以及患各种伤 病 的平民。
It has a total capacity of around 500
beds and is already starting to treat and
[...] care for injured TFG soldiers and civilians with [...]
a range of illnesses and injuries.
该报告第 12 段指出,联利特派团在该期间将继续支
[...] 持建设警察基础设施,完成和落实国家安全战略和架构,并继续定点训练和辅导 利比里亚武装部队兵和特种部队 ,包括发展壮大海岸警卫队。
During that period, as indicated in paragraph 12 of the report, UNMIL will also continue to support the building of police infrastructure, the finalization and implementation of the national security
strategy and architecture and targeted
[...] training and mentoring of the troops and specialized [...]
units of the Armed Forces of Liberia,
including the development of the coastguard.
我们希望安理会多听 取广大会员国的意见和建议,也希望广大会员国充分 利用公开会、兵国会议等种渠道畅所欲言,向安 理会表达真知灼见。
We also hope that the latter will make the best use of such occasions as open meetings and meetings with TCCs to air their views so that the Council can be informed of their valuable opinions.
令专家组关切的是,在南部,有些仍受前区指挥官的指挥和控制的 兵对 各种运输工具进行勒索和非法征税。
The Group is concerned by the appearance in the south of racketeering and illegal taxation of all kinds of transport, carried out by elements that remain under the command and control of the former zone commanders.
黎巴嫩武装部队加强了兵力,在西区临时部署两个 种兵 连,这对在敏感区与联黎部队联合活动和立即执行应急任务至关重要。
The Lebanese Armed Forces reinforced their troops by temporarily deploying two
[...] specialized companies in Sector West, [...]
which were critical in carrying out combined
activities with UNIFIL in sensitive areas and immediate response tasks.
特派团由于获得了其先前缺乏的额外航空资产和新部署的后 兵 员 以及 特种 部队 ,在行动上有更大的灵活性,这对正在进行部队缩编的联刚特派团来说是极 为重要的,使特派团能够继续保护平民和应对诸如赤道省栋戈事件期间刚果(金) 武装力量请求支助等紧急情况。
The enhanced operational flexibility provided by the additional air assets and the newly deployed reserve force which the Mission previously lacked, as well as the special forces, will be critical as MONUC forces draw down to enable the Mission to continue to protect civilians and respond to contingencies, such as the request of FARDC for support during the events in Dongo, Equateur Province.
上述退伍 军人有权领取身 体能力丧失退休金 ,凡符合上文(a)项规 定的条 件者 ,其退 休 金为退 休 前 薪 金 的 50%,在条件艰 苦、 风险 大 或对 身体健康不利地 区服役 10 年的兵和在这种地区服役 8 年的兵也享有同样的补贴。
The veterans stated above shall be entitled to obtain pension for lack of physical capability 50 per cent of the salary at the last rank, as stated under the condition “a” above and the veterans who serve difficult work, hazardous work or health affected and risky work in duration of 10 years for men and 8 years for women.
(c) 《特遣队所属装备手册》的主要装备清单中加入一个新的车辆类别,包
[...] 含这两种类型的车辆(通用公平市价和干/湿租赁标准取自二级非武装装甲兵 车和作为种装备使用的类似车辆)。
(c) A new category of vehicle containing the two types of vehicles is included in the major equipment list in the COE Manual (the generic fair
market value and dry/wet lease rates are taken from the unarmed APC
[...] class II and similar vehicles used as special case).
因此,缔约国有权利 和义务,以种免服兵役不 会捣乱公共安全和公共秩序的方式来评估依良心拒服 [...]
Thus, States parties have the right and responsibility to
appreciate limits of the right of
[...] conscientious objection in such a way that exemption [...]
from military service does not perturb public safety and order.
他们解释说,例如在犯人企图逃跑时由 兵 采 取 这 种 程 序,或由主管囚犯采 取种程序,它们握有兵交给 的禁闭室钥匙。
They explained that the procedure was
[...] adopted by the gendarmes, for example in respect of prisoners attempting to escape, or by the chief prisoner, who was given the key to the disciplinary cell by the gendarmes.
缔约国争辩说,如果起草人打算在第十八条之下制定一项“依良心拒服兵 役”的独特和绝对的权利,以便根据这样的理解,义务兵役制将被视为“违反这 项权利,”那么我们就不会在第八条下见到这种矛盾的提法,即明确接受在不承 认依良心拒兵役的采取种做法
The State party contends that if the drafters intended to create a distinct and absolute ―right to conscientious objection‖ under article 18 so that based on this understanding, compulsory military service would be regarded as ―a violation of this right,‖ then one would not expect such a contradictory reference in article 8 of the Covenant that clearly accepts the practice in countries where conscientious objection is not recognized.
1 月底,完成了上文所述三 个黎巴嫩武装部队种兵连在行动区外的重新部署。
At the end of January, the three Lebanese Armed Forces specialized companies were redeployed outside of the area of operations.
在儿童的解除武装、复员和重返社会, 兵 的 复员,培训前儿 兵, 加 强和平和撤销辅助警力等领域也采取了其他积极措施。
Other positive measures had been taken in the areas of disarmament, demobilization and the reintegration of
children, the
[...] demobilization of women soldiers, the training of former child-soldiers, the strengthening [...]
of peace and the
elimination of supplementary police forces.
委员会建议应在《亚太 灾害报告》中继续刊登从经济和社会角度对各种灾害的冲击力进行分
析的文章、介绍开展区域合作的情况以及对空间应用及信息和通信技 术(信通技术)在减少灾害风险方面的作用所进行的分析;同时亦增 列以下各项新内容:(a)
[...] 介绍那些致力于减少灾害风险工作的领军人 物的信息资料;(b) 社会和心理分析文章;(c) 报道种社区做法与全 球视角之间的比照;(d) 分析兵库行 动框架》与各项千年发展目标 之间可能存在的关联;(e) 与《全球减少灾害风险评估报告》之间的 [...]
The Committee recommends that the Report continue to feature such elements as economic and social analysis of the impacts of disasters, descriptions of regional cooperation and analysis of the role of space applications and information and communications technology (ICT) in disaster risk reduction, in addition to new elements, such as (a) information on champions for disaster risk reduction, (b) social and
psychological analysis, (c) coverage of community practices vis-à-vis global perspectives, (d)
[...] analysis of a possible linkage between the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development [...]
Goals and (e) linkage to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.
[...] 生战争将被充当人肉盾牌的人,以及重新启动和重新装备的 种 民 兵 组 织的报道 表明,科特迪瓦人权状况极有可能进一步恶化,尽管国际社会、非洲联盟和西非 [...]
Reports of the recruitment and arming of youths, the forced recruitment of other people to be used as human shields in the
event of war, and the reactivation and
[...] rearmament of various militia groups indicate [...]
a strong possibility that the human rights
situation in Côte d’Ivoire will worsen, despite the mediation efforts made by the international community, the African Union and ECOWAS to put an end to the crisis.
刚果(金)武装部队司令部从加丹加和马涅马调来受过专门训练的两个种兵营, 加强戈马和布卡武两个省会的安全,对付兵变分子。
The FARDC command brought in two battalions of specially trained commando troops from Katanga and Maniema to reinforce security in the provincial capitals of Goma and Bukavu, and to be used in the operations against the mutineers.
随着国家防范机制的建立,小组委员会希望制定一个独立查访警察和宪兵 设施的主动和经常方案,以确保防范虐待的保障措施在实践中良好运作; 种对 警察和兵的定 期查访,包含暗访,应包括与被拘留者的私下访谈以及与工作人 员的讨论。
With the advent of the NPM, the SPT expects the development of a proactive and regular programme of independent visits to police and gendarme facilities to ensure that the safeguards against
ill-treatment are functioning
[...] well in practice; such regular visits, including unannounced visits, to police and gendarmeries should include [...]
interviews in private
with detainees as well as discussions with staff.
在审查具体行动时,委员会收到了可靠一致的证据,证明武装部队高、中级 成员曾命令下属向手无寸铁的抗议者射击,杀死拒绝服从 种 命 令的 士 兵 , 无故 逮捕人,虐待被拘留人员,以坦克和机枪向平民居住区肆意开火攻击。
In examining specific operations, the commission received credible and consistent evidence identifying high- and mid-ranking members of the armed forces who ordered their
subordinates to shoot at unarmed
[...] protestors, kill soldiers who refused to obey such orders, arrest persons [...]
without cause, mistreat
detained persons and attack civilian neighbourhoods with indiscriminate tank and machine-gun fire.
自 1991 年春
[...] 天以来的近一年时间里,阿塞拜疆的 种 民 兵 分 队 正是从该阵地经常用“阿拉 赞”、“水晶”和“格拉德”火箭系统袭击附近的亚美尼亚居住区。
It is from this location that the Azerbaijani OMON
[...] (special-purpose militia detachments) had [...]
periodically attacked nearby Armenian settlements
by utilizing the Alazan, Crystal and Grad rocket systems for nearly a year, since the spring of 1991.
在这方面, 我确认,在联黎部队行动区紧张局势加剧期间,包括 种兵 在 内 的黎巴嫩武装部 队兵力在南部迅速扩充;与联黎部队的共同行动大幅增多,而且从那时起一直维 持到现在。
In this regard, I acknowledge the quick augmentation of Lebanese Armed Forces troops, including specialized units, in the south during the period of heightened tensions in the UNIFIL area of operations, as well as the significant increase in common operational activities with UNIFIL which has been sustained since that time.




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