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每台 Mac 皆预装了世界上最先进的操作系统 Leopard®,包括:Time Machine™ - 自动备份 Mac 上一切内容的一种毫不费力的方法;重新设计的 Finder™ - 能让用户在多台 Mac [...] 之间快速浏览和共享文件;Quick Look - 无需打开软件就能即时观看文件的最佳方法;Spaces® - [...] 用于创建应用软件组和在它们之间即时切换的一种直观功能;Mail - 设置简便,可制作典雅的个性化信笺;以及最先进的视频聊天工具iChat®。apple.com.cn | Every Mac includes Leopard®, the world’s most advanced operating system which features Time Machine™, an effortless way to automatically back up everything on a Mac; a redesigned Finder™ that lets users quickly browse and share files between multiple Macs; Quick Look, the best way to instantly see files without opening an application; Spaces®, an intuitive feature used to create groups of applications and instantly [...] switch between them; Mail with easy setup and elegant, [...] personalized stationery; andiChat®, themostadvanced [...]video chat. apple.com |